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  1. Jan 2, 2016
    Pure Heroine é um dos melhores álbuns de 2013. Ele é espetacular. Quase todas as músicas desse álbum são perfeitas, só tendo algumas bem "mais ou menos".

    Pontos altos: A World Alone, Glory And Glore, Tennis Court
    Pontos baixos: Biting Down, Swingin Party, White Teeth Teens
  2. Oct 29, 2015
    'Pure Heroine' is by far one of the best albums of the decade. This album shows the dark side of Lorde and what she has been through. Heavy bass, great lyrics and amazing production is the outcome of time well taken and a true music artist.
  3. Oct 16, 2015
    A juventude poética. Esse é o semblante do "Pure Heroine". Refrescante, porém obscuro na medida. Um som diferente, um álbum sólido do começo ao fim, onde mostra a sua proposta e não tem medo de concretiza-la.
  4. Sep 30, 2015
    simplesmente divino. "Pure Heroine" é um dos melhores albuns que eu já ouvi na minha vida, o album fala sobre problemas sócias. é um cd com composições incríveis, no qual lorde teve envolvimento em todas. um album forte e de personalidade, você consegue sentir sinceridade em cada composição. parabéns Lorde.
  5. Sep 7, 2015
    This album is pure heroine but a little bit boring too. I think that after hearing 4 or 5 songs of the album I'll feel exhausted and bored.I like Royals and Tenis Court but i think that this album is overrated.
  6. Aug 25, 2015
    If you like Lana Del Rey, Sky Ferreira, Kate Bush or Grimes, you will instantly love this album. This is a mature piece of work that will stand until the test of time. This album was written back in 2013, when Lorde was only 16. Sixteen! Rarely anybody can write such smart lyrics at a young age like that. Lorde is an artist who has managed to create and raise the bar for a new sound of artIf you like Lana Del Rey, Sky Ferreira, Kate Bush or Grimes, you will instantly love this album. This is a mature piece of work that will stand until the test of time. This album was written back in 2013, when Lorde was only 16. Sixteen! Rarely anybody can write such smart lyrics at a young age like that. Lorde is an artist who has managed to create and raise the bar for a new sound of art pop. Every single track tells a different story and stands out on its own. Her alto (though mezzo-soprano on Royals) voice is really rare, and she can easily calm and amaze the listener.

    One thing that greatly annoys me are a few critics giving this album a 6/10 (or 3/5) because I would think they are jealous of a talented 16 year old. I am however not. It's too bad this album didn't receive an 81 or higher, because if it were up to me, I would surely give it a very high rating.

    It could also be the best album of New Zealand by far.
  7. Jul 21, 2015
    Dragged out, repetitive, self important, and void for the most part of any musical finesse. It does however have one or two catchy tunes, but it doesn't make the whole album worth purchasing.
  8. Jun 23, 2015
    Best album of 2013. So young, but so smart! Lorde explores things that most part of the actual teenage-singers don't care, and things that some "super artists" (by fans) seems to can't talk about, because they're too busy with their own selfishness. Lorde is mature, with beautiful and intelligent songs. The future of music is here, it's name is Lorde.
  9. Jun 10, 2015
    amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing
  10. Jun 1, 2015
    No está nada mal para ser su primer álbum, en especial por sus letras, que me han parecido lo mejor del álbum. El disco puede llegar a sonar en monótono en algunas ocasiones, pero tiene varias canciones que lo redimen.
  11. May 4, 2015
    ocalists in popular music, but Lorde is easily the most vocally striking and lyrically thought-provoking. Pure Heroine is honest and addictive. amoooooo
  12. Mar 19, 2015
    Pure Heroine is by far a perfect mix of sounds, not only for Royals, which is just a demonstration of what she could do. It's incredible how a 16 year-old girl could have such a vision about things and life. Masterpiece.
  13. Feb 9, 2015
    Lorde's music is really boring. I heard Royals at the cottage on the radio and it felt like forever. Royals was the most boring song I ever heard! Lorde has bad music and avoid it unless you want to fall asleep. Still not as bad as Justin Bieber, Mariah Carey, or Rebecca Black though.
  14. Feb 6, 2015
    Lorde é um gênio. O fato é que ela escreveu essas músicas com 15/16, e mostrou mais maturidade que muitos compositores 10 ou 15 anos mais velhos que ela. As metáforas, o jeito nada meloso ou clichê de retratar o amor, mostra o quão madura ela é. Tudo isso faz desse disco uma obra prima. Joel Little como produtor se mostrou magnífico e espero que eles continuem trabalhando juntos. E umaLorde é um gênio. O fato é que ela escreveu essas músicas com 15/16, e mostrou mais maturidade que muitos compositores 10 ou 15 anos mais velhos que ela. As metáforas, o jeito nada meloso ou clichê de retratar o amor, mostra o quão madura ela é. Tudo isso faz desse disco uma obra prima. Joel Little como produtor se mostrou magnífico e espero que eles continuem trabalhando juntos. E uma coisa que poucos percebem é que o disco começa com a frase "Você não acha chato o jeito que essas pessoas falam?" e a última frase dita, na última canção, é: "Deixe que falem." É tudo muito inteligente. Um trabalho impecável! Expand
  15. Dec 17, 2014
    BEST ALBUM EVER. Lorde could show us what is really music. I loved this album since 2013 and until today I never feel tired listenin it. Simplely incredible. Everybody needs more albuns like that. Everybody should make Lorde a mirror for yourselfs.
  16. Dec 16, 2014
    Best indie album for me, Lord is a great artist and still has much to show us, and this debut album was a great start, is not a tedious album and all the songs have quality.
    Highlights: Tennis Court and Bravado
    Lows: Bitind Down and Swigin Party
  17. Dec 15, 2014
    Lorde, Lorde, Lorde... Hay Lorde... eres sorprendente, sacas tu primer album y ¡WOW! nos demuestras lo madura y profesional que puede ser una chica de 18 años como cantante... Letras profundas y un pegadizo ritmo pop minimalistico, excelente trabajo!
  18. Dec 3, 2014
    It's amazing to know that she was only 16 years old when she wrote this album, he's wonderful. Melodies that enchant, songs that could never be discarded. Album of the Decade, that's all.
  19. Oct 27, 2014
    Lorde made her debut with the critically-acclaimed number one hit "Royals" and had impacted, and simultaneously challenged the pop mainstream culture with her work that is not only amazing sonically, but also lyrically, at a very young age. This platinum-selling and Grammy-award winning record depicts Lorde and her friends's life in New Zealand, her criticism, and thoughts of pop culture,Lorde made her debut with the critically-acclaimed number one hit "Royals" and had impacted, and simultaneously challenged the pop mainstream culture with her work that is not only amazing sonically, but also lyrically, at a very young age. This platinum-selling and Grammy-award winning record depicts Lorde and her friends's life in New Zealand, her criticism, and thoughts of pop culture, which shows honesty rarely seen before in this era, and therefore, is reaching a new plateau for the pop world.
  20. Oct 5, 2014
    Listening to this album, I noticed how nowadays people often create music that attempts to dictate how young people should be living their lives. Partying, socializing, and having fun. But the reality is that none of it is true. Lorde talks about the truth behind teenhood. Boredom, friendship, and fear. For some, this album may be hard to relate to. If you cant, the only you'll find hereListening to this album, I noticed how nowadays people often create music that attempts to dictate how young people should be living their lives. Partying, socializing, and having fun. But the reality is that none of it is true. Lorde talks about the truth behind teenhood. Boredom, friendship, and fear. For some, this album may be hard to relate to. If you cant, the only you'll find here is a nice voice with minimalist instrumentals. But there is so much more here than that. If you are very young, hold this off for a little while before listening to it. But for people who spent (or still spending) their teen years being bored, working, or worrying about the future, this is something that everyone should listen to. Expand
  21. Oct 4, 2014
    Amazing album! Deep and dark songs! I absolutely love her voice! It's so hard to imagine how a 17 year old made this! So excited for her next album! One of the best albums I've ever heard.
  22. Sep 8, 2014
    Lorde is an amazing artist. She will a have a great and big future. She is THE new voice of the new generation. It's crazy how much she is intelligent and mature in her creations.
  23. Aug 26, 2014
    This is so good, i can't believe she's so young. She deserves all the success of the world. I can't stop listening to her. Pure heroine equals to pure and obviously amazing music.
  24. Aug 4, 2014
    It's not necessarily that I hate this album, because there are definitely some good things going for it. I just thing Lorde has a long way to go to become a mature songwriter.
  25. Jun 30, 2014
    This album is great. All (except two) songs on this album are flawless. Lorde has explored a new side of pop music and I'm a fan. I could listen to this all day - and I do.
    The best songs are : Ribs, White Teeth Teens, Buzzcut Season, Bravado and Royals.
    I love Lorde :)
  26. Jun 20, 2014
    I have only just managed to ween myself off from listening to Pure Heroine on repeat since it was released late September 2013. Became a fan of Lorde and her music after hearing her Love Club EP over a year ago. It boggles my mind to think this teen wrote the lyrics to all the songs on Pure Heroine bar Swinging Party when she was only 15. Over the last 8 or so months I keep changing myI have only just managed to ween myself off from listening to Pure Heroine on repeat since it was released late September 2013. Became a fan of Lorde and her music after hearing her Love Club EP over a year ago. It boggles my mind to think this teen wrote the lyrics to all the songs on Pure Heroine bar Swinging Party when she was only 15. Over the last 8 or so months I keep changing my favorite song from the album...songs I liked the least slowly made their way to the top of my fav list the more I listened to each track. I've since discovered other crazy talented new artists since however, Pure Heroine is still my No.1 album for 2013/204 - no doubt will go on to become a classic. Expand
  27. Jun 20, 2014
    Esse album é maravilhoso,o segundo melhor de 2013(só perde pra ARTPOP) que o sucessor de Pure Heroine seja igualmente maravilhoso e Lorde/Ella não me descepcione.
  28. Jun 16, 2014
    A suburban teenagers dream. Perfectly written, incomparable melodies and amazing fluidity.

    Ella Marija Lani Yellich O'Connor's (Lorde) debut album is amazing. There isn't a weak song in the 10 superb ones on the record. Her and Joel Little create magic!
  29. May 31, 2014
    "Pure Heroine" by Lorde is just a fantastic album. Every song on this album is very relatable and songs that you can sing-along to, and Lorde's voice is just captivating.
  30. May 18, 2014
    It's the album that the music industry as required for a long time...while it's musically not all that impressive, it's definitely the image and views of Lorde which put the majority of the music industry to shame with the lack of talent and creativity which has been spread like wildfire for the last fifteen to twenty years. Lorde is the Marilyn Manson of the new age, just not with theIt's the album that the music industry as required for a long time...while it's musically not all that impressive, it's definitely the image and views of Lorde which put the majority of the music industry to shame with the lack of talent and creativity which has been spread like wildfire for the last fifteen to twenty years. Lorde is the Marilyn Manson of the new age, just not with the attempts of offensiveness. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Feb 4, 2014
    It’s the music here, not the sharp-toothed lyricism, which sets the record so far apart from the rest of the field.
  2. Q Magazine
    Nov 22, 2013
    It isn't perfect but it adds up to an intimidatingly assured opening shot from a major new talent. [Dec 2013, p.108]
  3. Nov 1, 2013
    Whilst Lorde’s world creates its own incredibly distinctive atmosphere, it feels accessible and open to maturing.