• Record Label: Spitfire
  • Release Date: Nov 7, 2000
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 39
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 39
  3. Negative: 3 out of 39

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  1. Max
    Dec 4, 2009
    Pure is an outstanding electronic fest... As always melodic - but at the same time pent up and explosive power underlies the feel... Gary is obviously enjoying (?) himself making this music and pouring out his soul with his lyrics... I agree wholeheartedly with the other reviews - get this CD! Just saw Gazza in concert (Nov 09) and he was fantastic!
  2. JohnB
    Jan 17, 2008
    Quite simply one of the best albums ever , not just one of Gary Numan`s best. If this doesn't get inside you and do all sorts of things to your emotions then there is no hope for you ! But it does and it it will, you must listen to it to experience so much. I have been not just a Gary Numan fan since the seventies but also i am proud of a large and varied music collection built up Quite simply one of the best albums ever , not just one of Gary Numan`s best. If this doesn't get inside you and do all sorts of things to your emotions then there is no hope for you ! But it does and it it will, you must listen to it to experience so much. I have been not just a Gary Numan fan since the seventies but also i am proud of a large and varied music collection built up over that time. This is right up there with the very best. Collapse
  3. EsaG
    Sep 13, 2006
    I found Pure after Jagged, and man, am I just thrilled. This is best what has happened in the music world since NiN's Fragile.
  4. TimP
    Dec 16, 2005
    Numan's best CD in years. Exile was a good warm-up for PURE. I'm seriously pumped for what the next one will sound like....Gary is ever re-inventing.
  5. public
    Dec 8, 2005
    Now it's Numan, somethimes scarred, hard, heavy and beautiful. Screams and heavy guitars...
  6. AlanH
    Nov 6, 2005
    Dark, Deep and Haunting a brilliant piece of work that even his critics have praised
    Oct 30, 2005
    absolute beauty.
  8. ianr
    Aug 27, 2005
    best numan album to date.Deserves a lot of credit for not giving up.Roll on the next numan album as the music scene badly needs brill artists like numan in them.keep up the good work gary
  9. toma
    Mar 4, 2005
    excellent work. When is the next one - it's been 5 years!
  10. philc
    Feb 4, 2005
    just brilliant. the best
  11. jorgem
    Oct 14, 2004
    i think this CD is just great!numan goes way out into making it very "Danceable"!very refreshing Pure really is!with 11 track's on it,couldn't ask for more!"Fallen"being one of my favorite song's on it!
  12. StevieK.Farnaby(TheCompanyUK2001)
    Oct 9, 2004
    A phenominal album to say the least. Pure has a particularly ecclectic style. It goes from dark, atmospheric and brooding, through aggresive and angry, to emotional and heart-rending. A big-time recommend from me, Pure stands as a ground-breaking roller-coaster ride of an album.
  13. GrahamH
    Oct 9, 2004
    Numan goes all Trent Reznor on us, hurrah!!, not. From the moment I picked this CD up and glanced the cover art I thought to myself "this has to be a joke?" Adopting a ridiculous crucifix pose Numan sings about God and Jesus again and again and again. He doesn't believe in God or the Devil but devotes yet another album to both, Exile being the last Biblical bashing, and yet another Numan goes all Trent Reznor on us, hurrah!!, not. From the moment I picked this CD up and glanced the cover art I thought to myself "this has to be a joke?" Adopting a ridiculous crucifix pose Numan sings about God and Jesus again and again and again. He doesn't believe in God or the Devil but devotes yet another album to both, Exile being the last Biblical bashing, and yet another repetitive shoddily produced album. Pure defies belief the D-50 is all over this album as is the Korg M1, with a wall of distorted guitars, ironicaly Numan is regarded as some sort of synth or techno guru I find no evidence of that with Pure. A little known band called Sulphur provide at least some efficient production values even if the material doesn't quite justify having any kind of professional treatment. Rumour has it Numan sent DAT tapes to the band who would then apply their own ideas to which Numan could pick and choose those he preferred. He doesn't like working with other people allegedly, this would explain albums such as Sacrifice and Exile. The albums title track features Numan trying to sing like a genuine rock star, but as soon as the chorus lets rip I found myself cringing with embarrassment. I don't know who suggested to him he could actually sing, and sing with power, whoever it is shame on you!!! Suffice to say none of the other tracks offer anything you haven't heard before. Trent Reznor he aint. Gary Numan rose to fame in 1979, the most unlikely popstar one could imagine, Pure redefines his irrelevance. A laughing stock to many, a clown to most, this album is a poor attempt at reinvention, little wonder then why we don't see Gazza playing big arenas or sell out tours. It's true what they say, anyone can be a popstar or a pilot even. Expand
  14. NINuman50nNINuman50n
    Sep 9, 2004
    An absolute belter. Gary is so far ahead of his 'electronic contemporaries', stuck in thier 80's past. He is so much more than the bloke who wrote 'Cars' and indeed, even as a pioneer of electronica he is streets ahead in music terms of most other younger bands of today. Nine Inch Nails, Prodigy, Marilyn Manson, Smashing Pumpkins, FearFactory, Hole and many, many An absolute belter. Gary is so far ahead of his 'electronic contemporaries', stuck in thier 80's past. He is so much more than the bloke who wrote 'Cars' and indeed, even as a pioneer of electronica he is streets ahead in music terms of most other younger bands of today. Nine Inch Nails, Prodigy, Marilyn Manson, Smashing Pumpkins, FearFactory, Hole and many, many more all cited Numan as a huge inspiration. Its great to see him finally reap the rewards of his innovation. And boy does he earn it with this album! Cutting lose from the 'pop' chart constraints and the worry of trying to produce a chart topper he is free to explore what he does best. Innovative and emotive music that is 'pure' (excuse the pun) Numan. Heavy, dark, brooding and full of religious angst. In an age where the boy band is king at least an old master is still producing music for your brain. Expand
  15. AnthonyF
    Jul 24, 2004
    I love that cd I loved his concert to pure in san francisco
  16. Greg
    Mar 30, 2004
    This is awesome, beyond awesome. Just what makes this album so great is the its relevance to a disillusioned generation like ours. Powerful lyrics, genius use of synth and and Distortion guitars. From one musician to another - Numan you are a genius your creativity is an inspiration to everyone
  17. jenniferl
    Dec 23, 2003
    This is one of my all time favorite albums ever. It makes me feel. and that can be a hard thing to attain
  18. frank-edouardw
    Nov 25, 2003
    the best gary numan album ever
  19. MarcelW
    Mar 3, 2003
    A group of songs so sweepingly powerful and thoughtful. The fall from grace has never been so intimately explored. The focus is sharp and the writing is clear. Gary Numan has progressed and folded music many times as to be called master
  20. AngelaC.
    Aug 17, 2002
    absoulutley fan f**king tastic
  21. LozB.
    Jun 24, 2002
    Numan makes a great return to form, by adding Trent Reznor and Marilyn Manson to his dark techno to give us a glimpse of hell itself. A slightly faltering side 2, but an album of real character.
  22. DonH.
    Jun 1, 2002
    Forget anything you know about Gary Numan - this album stands on its own two feet. One of the darkest malevolent albums since Sabbath Bloody Sabbath - play it very very loud.
  23. PeterW.
    Mar 16, 2002
    Pure Genius. Pure Numan. How Gary has managed to pick himself up by his shoelaces since the dark days following "Outland" and "Machine and Soul" should really be the stuff for a Hollywood movie script. But pick himself up he did. This album is not only a work of art, it is contemporary. It sits well in the C.D. rack alongside Linkin Park, Nirvana, Manson, Nine Inch Nails etc etc. No Pure Genius. Pure Numan. How Gary has managed to pick himself up by his shoelaces since the dark days following "Outland" and "Machine and Soul" should really be the stuff for a Hollywood movie script. But pick himself up he did. This album is not only a work of art, it is contemporary. It sits well in the C.D. rack alongside Linkin Park, Nirvana, Manson, Nine Inch Nails etc etc. No wonder Gary has turned down countless offers to go those "Taste of the Eighties" tours when he is capable of producing music of such lasting quality. If you don't have the album, buy it. If you don't enjoy it, email me - I'll pay for it. Now, if only we could get the tv stations to stop asking him to play "Cars" whenever he appears ... Expand
  24. IngoW.
    Dec 6, 2001
  25. madd
    Nov 24, 2001
    once you have this album you will realize that gary numans disciples have nothing on the man himself . buy ,burn,steal this album if you have to . see him in concert its more than worth the price of the ticket.
  26. PhilL.
    Nov 8, 2001
  27. StuR.
    Nov 3, 2001
    An absolute classic, a masterpiece. This album clearly demostrates his talent as a songwriter and a performer. It's an emotional rollercoaster
  28. KeithP
    Sep 19, 2001
    Gary is totally underestimated. The public dont realise what riviting music he produces.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Pure is Gary Numan's richest, most powerful and most aggressive work in years.
  2. Select
    Numan is now crafting music that sounds identical to his disciples. [Nov 2000, p.118]
  3. One has to give credit to an '80s new wave musician who can adapt and create contemporary-sounding music.... The album can comfortably sit alongside Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails on store shelves. Pure doesn't drive like the industrialized adrenaline rush that is, say, Orgy, but the tracks' lingering and creepy pace leaves behind a different kind of impact -- it's more haunting than relentless