• Record Label: Rimas
  • Release Date: May 10, 2020
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 43
  2. Negative: 15 out of 43
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  1. Sep 11, 2020
    It’s quite interesting to see songs weren’t meant to be released somehow work well and weird at the same time.
  2. Oct 16, 2020
    Este es un álbum lleno de buenas canciones para bailar, sin duda lo mejor.
  3. Jul 11, 2020
    Bad Bunny es un artista urbano que ha cambiado mucho a lo largo de su corta pero muy exitosa carrera, este albúm demuestra que a pesar de ser un Mix-tape suena realmente bien y sigue siendo muy escuchado a día de hoy. El genero latino urbano tiene un montón de artistas diversos y algunos peores que otro pero Bad Bunny ha sabido adaptarse, destacar y dar profundidad a sus canciones a pesarBad Bunny es un artista urbano que ha cambiado mucho a lo largo de su corta pero muy exitosa carrera, este albúm demuestra que a pesar de ser un Mix-tape suena realmente bien y sigue siendo muy escuchado a día de hoy. El genero latino urbano tiene un montón de artistas diversos y algunos peores que otro pero Bad Bunny ha sabido adaptarse, destacar y dar profundidad a sus canciones a pesar de tener una letra simple ya que siempre tienen un mensaje que dar al que este escuchando cualquier albúm en concreto y esto demuestra de que si tienes talento puedes crear cosas sencillas pero maravillosas, enhorabuena Benito. Expand
  4. Jun 30, 2020
    ( 77/100 )

    Bad Bunny, el Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio, regresa después de unos pocos meses para presentar un Mixtape decente y a la altura de sus producciones previas. Su estilo y la hipersexualización siguen intactas, sin embargo el giro romántico y algo religioso le da cierta novedad y crea una fácil empatía con las masas. Por parte de la producción, regresan Dimelo Ninow, Gaby
    ( 77/100 )

    Bad Bunny, el Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio, regresa después de unos pocos meses para presentar un Mixtape decente y a la altura de sus producciones previas. Su estilo y la hipersexualización siguen intactas, sin embargo el giro romántico y algo religioso le da cierta novedad y crea una fácil empatía con las masas. Por parte de la producción, regresan Dimelo Ninow, Gaby Music y Chris Jeday que estuvieron en "YHLQMDLG" con la canción "La Zona" (una de las mejores); también Tainy, entre otros que no innovan demasiado. La música es el mismo Regueton que caracteriza a Bad Bunny con ritmos diversos y creativos que juegan entre baladas y bailes que atraerá a mucho público. Aunque no es grandioso, definitivamente será un momento de apreciación que, aunque no lo enaltezca, solidificará la fuerza que tiene Bad Bunny en la industria.
    Bad Bunny, Benito Antonio Matínez Ocasio, comes back after some few months to present a decent Mixtape that lives up to his previous productions. His style and hypersexualization are still there, nevertheless, the romatic and kind of religious spin gives some novelty and creates an easy emphaty in the masses. In the production, Dímelo Ninow, Gaby Music and Chri Jeday comes back after producing one of the best songs of "YHLQMDLG" called "La Zona"; also Tainy and others that doesn't innovate enough. The music is the same Reggaeton that charaterize Bad Bunny with diverse and creative rhytms that plays in between ballads and dance that will atract a lot of public. Even if it's not great, it will definitively be an apreciation moment that, even if it doesn't makes him high, will solidify the strenght that Bad Bunny has in the industry.
  5. Jul 1, 2020
    Bad Bunny has decided to "experiment" with the most common radio-friendly pop melodies. This is something new in his repertoire for real. This change and lack of agressiveness and dirtyness is due to the most natural and beautiful thing there exists: love. Bad Bunny is in love people. He is in love with a non-eccentric, unknown girl, something very strange in the music industry whereBad Bunny has decided to "experiment" with the most common radio-friendly pop melodies. This is something new in his repertoire for real. This change and lack of agressiveness and dirtyness is due to the most natural and beautiful thing there exists: love. Bad Bunny is in love people. He is in love with a non-eccentric, unknown girl, something very strange in the music industry where celebrities are used to date supermodels, A-list singers, well-known artists etc. This shows the naturality the Puerto Rican has. Bad Bunny is slowly transforming into Soft Bunny which I don't really know if it will be accepted by the general public.
    The rapper has tons of unreleased enjoyable songs that should see light soon. He showed some of them to his beloved fans through an Instagram live video and they absolutely loved them. See so, while in this hard-to-deal with quarantine, he decided to make every single reggeaton person happy by realeasing the bops they wanted to hear so bad. That simple; with liberty, decision and freedom. The lack of constraints, promotion plans and commercial stategies is what makes this album so cute and special. The music, as usually, isn't much diverse but very funny, dancy and enjoyable. However, Bad Bunny has taken note of his past mistakes and has released a shorter album than his predecessor YHLQMDLG and has put out a way shorter record, which makes it much better since it does not feel as eternal as the last one and has used a much cuter, poppy sound that fits very well with his personality.
  6. Nov 26, 2020
    Bad bunny really gave us two decent albums this year. Although I do think YHLQMDLG is better, this is NOT a bad album. There were multiple songs that I really enjoyed, bye me fui was the first song that was on repeat. The production is okay, but y'know theres not much to complain about, the man gave us an album back to back.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jun 10, 2020
    It plays out like the Instagram Live DJ sets and password-protected Zoom parties occurring nightly all over the world, something intimately comforting and oddly unifying when people so desperately need it.
  2. Jun 10, 2020
    The record plays quick and dirty, with uncharacteristically crunchy production value and lo-fi aesthetics. ... Lyrically, LAS QUE NO IBAN A SALIR mostly sticks to Bad Bunny’s trademark sex flexes and party jams. But even in tossed-off mixtape verses, he retains a goofy charm.
  3. Jun 10, 2020
    Ultimately, Las Que No Iban a Salir is more a mixtape than a proper third album; and as such, it works. It offers snippets and full-scale portraits of Bad Bunny in process, all the while showcasing his curatorial skills and providing thoroughly enjoyable performances.