
Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Jun 14, 2018
    Carla Bozulich is a vital and fearless artist, and Quieter demonstrates that her muse can adapt to whatever fate throws her; this is fascinating music that merits your attention.
  2. Jun 14, 2018
    Every one of these seven tracks is like a J.G. Ballard car crash--the violence is beautiful and the beauty is ferocious.
  3. Jun 14, 2018
    A curious album that doesn't try so hard to stick to any ironclad mission statement of purpose. Carla Bozulich, of all people, understands that great things can still happen if you just sit back and let them.
  4. The Wire
    Jul 26, 2018
    Her voice is low and dragging, richly witch-like and wise. A selection of one-off recordings and “orphans”, Quieter is loose and beautiful, sludgy but solid. [Aug 2018, p.52]
  5. Jun 14, 2018
    Although there is no absence of noise on this record, what is quieter about it gives space to hear what was always there: a fully embodied voice that, through pain as through love, ceaselessly gives only herself, an angel whose message becomes indistinguishable in grace from the messenger.

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