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Generally favorable reviews- based on 58 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 58
  2. Negative: 7 out of 58

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  1. acm
    Mar 15, 2006
    With this record, Jenny continues to show off her stunning vocal abilities as established in her RK work, but she now has demonstrated that she can write music and lyrics consistently well. In a record, albeit brief, full of fun and intelligent sounds, the songs "Happy" and "It wasn't me" really stand out. Both are stunningly original and point towards a songwriting direction I hope With this record, Jenny continues to show off her stunning vocal abilities as established in her RK work, but she now has demonstrated that she can write music and lyrics consistently well. In a record, albeit brief, full of fun and intelligent sounds, the songs "Happy" and "It wasn't me" really stand out. Both are stunningly original and point towards a songwriting direction I hope she'll continue to pursue. She's already the most appealing and charming singer/songwriter around - now she's on her way to becoming one of the best. Expand
  2. LHM
    Dec 20, 2006
    "oh good, another hipster who thinks she's a cowgirl." How ironic that the most arrogant and elitist statement in all these comments should come from someone who ISN'T a hipster. So only people who grew up poor in rural Wyoming can make country music, now? Jesus.
  3. [Anonymous]
    Jan 25, 2006
    Beautiful harmonies. Some great songwriting.
  4. WhitneyR
    Feb 3, 2006
    Jim J: You shut your mouth about Jenny Lewis! She is an angel! And has the voice of one. I love her.
  5. SeanL
    Feb 4, 2006
    I love Jenny Lewis, but the writing on this albulm didn't really do her justice. Don't get me wrong though, it's a great albulm and definately worth picking up.
  6. OliverK
    Apr 12, 2006
    A classic
  7. davem
    Apr 5, 2006
    a fabulous debut that demonstates a rare vocal talent.
  8. JeremyF
    Jun 24, 2007
    Jenny Lewis is best known for her widely loved indie band Rilo Kiley. We all know her as a sweet voiced woman with extremely incredible writing talents. Her first solo departure is just that - a departure. She gathers up a few of her friends, including sweet country gals the Watson Twins, and sits herself in a minute country envelope. It's not quite country, it's still got her Jenny Lewis is best known for her widely loved indie band Rilo Kiley. We all know her as a sweet voiced woman with extremely incredible writing talents. Her first solo departure is just that - a departure. She gathers up a few of her friends, including sweet country gals the Watson Twins, and sits herself in a minute country envelope. It's not quite country, it's still got her Lewis touch, an indie/alt-country, if you will. But it is countried up enough to be unlikeable. I hate country music. The only one, besides Lewis, that I enjoy is Neko Case, and she's alt-country as well. Lewis takes on multiple sad journeys but the lyrics are so compelling it's hard to dislike it. I like how God is mentioned a lot but each time it's kind of upsetting ("But what if God's not there? / But his name is on your dollar bill..." in The Charging Sky, or "He gives and takes... from me" in Born Secular.) I think this is a fine solo debut, with a few minimal falters. The best songs, Happy and It Wasn't Me, really stand out among the others, with their sad but I-can-feel-that lyrics. Another stand out is the title track with its "is it real or fake?" quality. I would much rather listen to Rilo Kiley, but this is a fine fine album and I think she is a beautiful musician with no reason to slow down any time soon. Magnificent woman, Lewis is. Expand
  9. BruceR
    Nov 1, 2006
    Jenny and the Twins in harmony heaven. If this isn't a contender for Record of the Year, demand a recount. Sublime!
  10. RJay
    Jan 25, 2006
    I love her voice and, of course, her look. The songs are, however way too hit & miss. Can't give the album on the whole better than a 7. "one of the best of 2006 so far!!" - saddy boy Talk about faint praise, it's Jan 24th! lol
  11. LeahC
    Jan 25, 2006
    Go buy this album right now....Go on GO!
  12. DavidH
    Jan 26, 2006
  13. MatthewC
    Jan 27, 2006
    Just a terrific album all around, with the only possible misstep being the cover version of "Handle With Care" (why?). Beautiful harmonies from the Watson twins, gorgeous production, smart songwriting. More consistent than any of Rilo Kiley's albums in my opinion and Jenny Lewis' voice on top of it all.
  14. KevinD
    Jan 30, 2006
    Jenny Lewis provides "like butter" vocals, and the Watson twins harmonize beautifully. Several tracks stand-out, epecially "The Big Guns", but there is nothing otherwise particularly remarkable about the album.
  15. RobertA
    Feb 15, 2006
    I have to say I really enjoy this album. Most of the songs are beautifully written and performed. Very original lyrics. Jenny Lewis is one talented lady. I actually would give this album an 8.3. It has variety and a tranquil heart. I really enjoy it. Good Day!
  16. LatishaB
    Feb 2, 2006
    This cd is almost perfect, I think it's Jenny Lewis at her purest, as raw as emotionally possible. Her songwriting just gets better and better, and she out does herself in this album with sheer honesty and wit. It's absolutely lovely.
  17. JasonS
    Mar 24, 2006
    Pleasant and mellow with some clever lyrics.
  18. saddyboy
    Jan 24, 2006
    one of the best of 2006 so far!!
  19. MichaelW
    Jan 25, 2006
    Love the CD. Love Rilo Kiley. Love Jenny.
  20. RobertS
    Jan 25, 2006
    Wonderful voice; poignant songs with intelligent lyrics
  21. margov
    Jan 25, 2006
  22. matta
    Jan 25, 2006
    This is gorgeous stuff. The lyrics falter every once in a while, but for the most part, this is a great record, the best released in January thus far (although Catpower and The Kooks are right up there).
  23. GarretO
    Jan 27, 2006
    A classic of the stone cold variety.
  24. Matt
    Jan 31, 2006
    Expands on the alt-country side of Rilo Kiley very nicely. Great idea for a solo project.
  25. kendallh
    Feb 25, 2006
    This album has been the only thing to touch my CD player since January 24. Incredible.
  26. ChrisD
    Mar 12, 2006
    Jenny Lewis makes me smile. I was initially a tad underwhelmed by this album, but upon repeated listenings, I've grown more and more attached to it. Seeing her do these songs live only makes it better. At times rollicking, at times delicate and tender, but I had a smile on my face the whole time. And folks? Her unreleased tracks are something to behold. "Jack Killed Mom" absolutely Jenny Lewis makes me smile. I was initially a tad underwhelmed by this album, but upon repeated listenings, I've grown more and more attached to it. Seeing her do these songs live only makes it better. At times rollicking, at times delicate and tender, but I had a smile on my face the whole time. And folks? Her unreleased tracks are something to behold. "Jack Killed Mom" absolutely brings down the house. Expand
  27. MikeK
    Apr 24, 2006
    To mike: Yes they do. I'm a 26 year old man and find the album quite enjoyable. Tell me, what are you listening to?
  28. BlairS
    May 24, 2006
    Wow, Rilo Kiley is amazing, and sprung from that, an amazing solo record from Jenny Lewis. She has an amazing voice, and a very unique style. Love it.
  29. RobC
    Jul 19, 2006
    This must be one of the bests in this year. Just 10 tracks, 10 good songs.
  30. ChrisF
    Feb 27, 2007
    Really good, yes not happy songs but there's enough plastic ,smiley make beleive out there.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Uncut
    A dozen remarkable tracks. [Feb 2006, p.78]
  2. Billboard
    She is grappling with issues of faith, but she is charmingly skeptical. [28 Jan 2006]
  3. You know it's special from the first bars.