• Record Label: Mute
  • Release Date: Mar 10, 2023
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 1 out of 20
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  1. Mar 14, 2023
    Absolute stunning album. It reveals more of itself over further listens. It’s noticeable to see Olof back onboard to help write and produce the first 4 tracks. He brings the rhythm to anything they work on and it's sublime, especially the song Kandy. Also Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross aka Nine Inch Nails are onboard to co-produce two tracks. They bring that slightly dissonant electronicAbsolute stunning album. It reveals more of itself over further listens. It’s noticeable to see Olof back onboard to help write and produce the first 4 tracks. He brings the rhythm to anything they work on and it's sublime, especially the song Kandy. Also Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross aka Nine Inch Nails are onboard to co-produce two tracks. They bring that slightly dissonant electronic programming and playing to the tracks. North is a gorgeously dark dirge thanks to them, that almost sounds like something by Depeche Mode. But, everything is tied together by Karin's vocals and you can hear how meticulous they are in putting them down. Karin is such a dynamic singer, with or without pitchshifting. Not to mention they are a brilliant songwriter and you can hear the experience of being a songwriter for over 20 years now. There is such an instinct for melody and mood evident in their work. Incredible piece of art! Expand
  2. Mar 10, 2023
    situated between the self titled debut and plunge, radical romantics sharp cuts using the best sounds of both worlds as its knife
  3. Aug 25, 2023
    Moody, seductive and spooky. Love it so much, best album in a long while. The concert was amazing too with its theatrics and atmosphere.
  4. Mar 29, 2023
    große Schwätzer sind Moralisten, weil sie das Privileg haben, ständig ihre Meinung zu ändern, imposant geschminkt. Klatsch, klatsch.

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Under The Radar
    Apr 25, 2023
    Scrupulous in its detail, Radical Romantics is both innovative and entertaining, showcasing an original and unique spin on nuanced electro rock with seductive grooves. [Apr - Jul 2023, p.80]
  2. The Wire
    Mar 28, 2023
    Pop hooks and club-ready rhythms warp with bubblegum plasticity from track to track, never repeating but luxuriating in the excess of their own ideas. [Apr 2023, p.66]
  3. Mar 17, 2023
    Compared to the preceding Plunge, this new album is more adventurous, perhaps, attempting to summon diverse and emotionally challenging experiences of a relationship. Depending on a listener’s experience and expectations, Radical Romantics can be found as uncomfortable as it is accommodating. The album tackles its subject with an attitude that exudes boldness and acceptance.