• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Aug 11, 2017
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 651 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 43 out of 651
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  1. Aug 23, 2017
    Everything about Kesha in the past made me want to hate this album and move on, yet I find it one of the most refreshing albums I've heard in years. I can listen from start to finish and not skip a song. Highlights for me are Bastards, Let 'Em Talk, Hunt You Down and Godzilla. I just can't help smile when I listen to them. It may not be for everyone, but if you give it an honestEverything about Kesha in the past made me want to hate this album and move on, yet I find it one of the most refreshing albums I've heard in years. I can listen from start to finish and not skip a song. Highlights for me are Bastards, Let 'Em Talk, Hunt You Down and Godzilla. I just can't help smile when I listen to them. It may not be for everyone, but if you give it an honest listen, I think you'll love it. Too bad the success of this just feeds Dr. Luke. Expand
  2. Jan 9, 2018
    Kesha supo reinventarse-renacer con este gran album que habla sobre como superar cosas que pasan en la vida combina su gran humanidad de saber perdonar, ritmos y letras profundas.
  3. Nov 28, 2017
    Sin duda Kesha regreso mas fresca que nunca, con un álbum magnifico, con canciones que sin duda te puedes identificar, con mensajes super positivos y con melodías que van desde gritar de alegría hasta estar en paz contigo mismo, sin duda un álbum muy emocional y el mejor de la cantante hasta el momento!
  4. Aug 14, 2019
    Simplemente este album hizo que mis horizontes se expandieran es magico amargo y dulce la combinacion perfecta
  5. Sep 1, 2020
    en definitiva el contraste entre sus anteriores trabajos y este álbum es lo que le hace especial. los mensajes, el sentimiento que kesha le dio a este trabajo discográfico es invaluable. todas las canciones tienen una razón de ser y es simplemente magnífico. un álbum hermoso. mis canciones favoritas son hunt you down, woman, rainbow y boots
  6. Aug 20, 2017
    Após logos anos brigando por sua liberdade com o ex-produtor Dr. Luke, Kesha retorna com o "Rainbow" seu mais novo trabalho trazendo raízes country, folk/rock, pop e soul. Kesha nos trouxe um trabalho de liberdade, e eu consegui compreender isto. O álbum passa toda a emoção e fragilidade que passou no inferno durante os últimos dois anos. Realmente me surpreendeu no álbum, canções tãoApós logos anos brigando por sua liberdade com o ex-produtor Dr. Luke, Kesha retorna com o "Rainbow" seu mais novo trabalho trazendo raízes country, folk/rock, pop e soul. Kesha nos trouxe um trabalho de liberdade, e eu consegui compreender isto. O álbum passa toda a emoção e fragilidade que passou no inferno durante os últimos dois anos. Realmente me surpreendeu no álbum, canções tão profundas e IMPECÁVEIS como "Old Flames, Godzilla, Finding You e Boots" mesmo sem se jogar no country em álbuns anteriores, Kesha nos provou que está pronta para tudo e que é muito mais do que uma máquina de hits passageiros sem importância na industria Fonográfica. Com este material profundo e exuberante, Kesha mostra que é possível passar sua dor em forma de música, Praying é a prova disso. Um ponto negativo foi a mistura em um único trabalho de pop e country, apenas cito como uma desvantagem prazerosa, Mas quem disse que não é possível fazer isso não é mesmo? Uma vez que o álbum começa pop e termina country. Kesha nos trouxe seu melhor trabalho, bonito e marcante não só para os amantes de música pop, mas para ela mesma. Expand
  7. Nov 10, 2017
    Rainbow shows how bold Kesha really is. Instead of the party/club music she usually puts out, she decided to give us a Pop/country/rock album and overall it's her best work yet. Is it perfect no... There are a few filler songs but overall the songs are good and the instrumentals can be nearly perfect. Kesha was always that one pop dance artist that you never really thought was a goodRainbow shows how bold Kesha really is. Instead of the party/club music she usually puts out, she decided to give us a Pop/country/rock album and overall it's her best work yet. Is it perfect no... There are a few filler songs but overall the songs are good and the instrumentals can be nearly perfect. Kesha was always that one pop dance artist that you never really thought was a good artist but anyone who said that was very wrong. Expand
  8. Jul 19, 2018
    With her new album, Kesha takes you on a ride in her "Spaceship" through a vulnerable state of mind. Very well constructed music mixed with truly emotional lyrics, are a recipe for an outstanding album. Some songs light a fire under your butt, others bring tears to your eyes. Kesha, finally breaking out of her shell and teaching us valuable life lessons, makes her a true role model notWith her new album, Kesha takes you on a ride in her "Spaceship" through a vulnerable state of mind. Very well constructed music mixed with truly emotional lyrics, are a recipe for an outstanding album. Some songs light a fire under your butt, others bring tears to your eyes. Kesha, finally breaking out of her shell and teaching us valuable life lessons, makes her a true role model not only to the younger generation but to everyone. It's good to see you back Kesha! Expand
  9. Sep 16, 2018
    Very good album written from the heart which has a meaning. The combination of country music with pop gave a wonderful overall effect. However, there is one drawback which is a little bit bad placing of the songs but it does not spoil the album so much.

    Best songs: Praying, Learn to Let Go, Bastards, Finding You, Old Flames (Can't Hold a Candle to You) (Ft. Dolly Parton) Worst
    Very good album written from the heart which has a meaning. The combination of country music with pop gave a wonderful overall effect. However, there is one drawback which is a little bit bad placing of the songs but it does not spoil the album so much.

    Best songs: Praying, Learn to Let Go, Bastards, Finding You, Old Flames (Can't Hold a Candle to You) (Ft. Dolly Parton)

    Worst songs: Woman (Ft. The Dap-Kings Horns), Boogie Feet (Ft. Eagles of Death Metal)

  10. Aug 11, 2017
    Kesha brought to us new possibilities to see our problems and overcome with brave. Rainbow
    is miscellaneous in rythm, and is so good to destroy the "mainstream" image of pop music. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to fall down in unlabored questions as in "Woman", uneccessary statements about
    women empowerment, alluding that "old internet-feminist speeches", but music is good and there
    Kesha brought to us new possibilities to see our problems and overcome with brave. Rainbow
    is miscellaneous in rythm, and is so good to destroy the "mainstream" image of pop music. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to fall down in unlabored questions as in "Woman", uneccessary statements about
    women empowerment, alluding that "old internet-feminist speeches", but music is good and there is a good appeal and intentions as well. In "Bastards", literally an hymn, Kesha punch our faces with hands full of self love, broken barriers and a message to haters, OMG, well-written and deep. Lastly, a highlight on "Praying" and Kesha's vocals, (I don't have expertise to discuss voice in music), but it's clearly impressive and amazing the voice power increseament of Kesha vocals through the music, for sure, is the best things of 2017 in pop music of course.

    The album in most of tracks still stay in a "pop music status" beside of shallow compositions and "empty melodies" that does not contrast neither the lyrics nor the album storytelling.

    Kesha's Rainbow, personally, is a new attempt to do pop music go in another ways, with a more "visceral" and sicere work
  11. Aug 11, 2017
    I love how she turned into a true artist out of the generic popstar she used to be. Of course her work isn't perfect yet, but we're here to support her in this era that represents her revival.
  12. Aug 11, 2017
    I am genuinely impressed by this album, which could very well (and should) end up being one of the best mainstream pop releases of 2017. On 'Rainbow,' Kesha has rediscovered her liberation in the wake of personal and professional crises, and if I had to describe this release in one word it'd be "fun". The record extends across multiple genres, from pop to rock to country, and despite itsI am genuinely impressed by this album, which could very well (and should) end up being one of the best mainstream pop releases of 2017. On 'Rainbow,' Kesha has rediscovered her liberation in the wake of personal and professional crises, and if I had to describe this release in one word it'd be "fun". The record extends across multiple genres, from pop to rock to country, and despite its genre-hopping and fusions, 'Rainbow' manages to remain cohesive throughout. There are of course some missteps - namely the curse-laden, lyrically shallow 'Bastards' and the bizarre extended metaphor that inspired 'Godzilla' - but these faults prove minor amidst otherwise solid, enjoyable songs. And might I mention that this record is BY FAR her strongest vocally?! All in all, this album truly floored me, and it is a body of work that reveals Kesha at her most outspoken, empowered, and glorious!

    Highlights include 'Woman,' 'Praying,' 'Boogie Feet,' and 'Spaceship'.
  13. Aug 19, 2017
    Bastards - 8
    Let 'Em Talk - 7
    Woman - 10
    Hymn - 8
    Praying - 10
    Learn to Let Go - 10
    Finding You - 9
    Rainbow - 10
    Hunt You Down - 7
    Boogie Feet - 6
    Boots - 10
    Old Flames (Can't Hold a Candle to You) - 6
    Godzilla - 7
    Spaceship - 8

    score: 8,2
  14. Aug 14, 2017
    Kesha vuelve después de cinco años de silencio. Canciones llenas de sentimientos, como praying o rainbow, y con canciones muy divertidas, como woman. Me ha gustado mucho las letras maduras y profundas pero la mezcla de estilo de las canciones no me termina de gustar. Aún así, es muy buen álbum y me ha sorprendido mucho su gran voz, nada que ver con sus anteriores trabajos.
  15. Aug 13, 2017
    Although there are some hit and misses most of the songs are beautiful and joyful pieces with a clear theme about empowerment, forgiveness and optimism with beautiful lyrics, something she doesn't get enough credit in her previous work. Praying, Learn to let go and Rainbow are the clear highlight of the album being songs that everybody can find something to relate to and learn from it, atAlthough there are some hit and misses most of the songs are beautiful and joyful pieces with a clear theme about empowerment, forgiveness and optimism with beautiful lyrics, something she doesn't get enough credit in her previous work. Praying, Learn to let go and Rainbow are the clear highlight of the album being songs that everybody can find something to relate to and learn from it, at least I know I did. Expand
  16. Aug 16, 2017
    Im not really someone whos enjoyed Kesha's past efforts, so I wasnt really looking forward to this but some friend's convinced me give it a listen. Im happy they did because it was actually good dare I say great, as many have already stated this is hands down Keshas most mature album. The writing is great actually it feels refreshing to hear some thought behind lyrics in a Kesha song. HerIm not really someone whos enjoyed Kesha's past efforts, so I wasnt really looking forward to this but some friend's convinced me give it a listen. Im happy they did because it was actually good dare I say great, as many have already stated this is hands down Keshas most mature album. The writing is great actually it feels refreshing to hear some thought behind lyrics in a Kesha song. Her vocals had me impressed many times through out the album, and the scale of the songs where shocking, a few of them starting with piano and ending with an almost massive orchestral scale's like "Praying" and "Rainbow". While my only problem with those two songs is they sound way too similar however it doesn't take you out of the spell the songs put you under, the track "Godzilla" is possibly one of the cutest songs I have ever heard. Now with me saying earlier that I'm not really a fan of Keshas older stuff there are a couple of songs that fit into that genre of old Kesha that wasnt really my thing. As of now Kesha is on my radar and I'm incredibly interested in where she will go from here. Expand
  17. Apr 25, 2018
    Kesha brought us this body of art from her own experiences. She let us know that her past abuses and oppression will not hinder her as an artist. I loved the album but there are some tracks that really felt like filler for me or maybe because it is country-ish vibe? Nonetheless, still great, personal album.
  18. Jun 16, 2019
    After going through an extremely troubled judicial mess with his former manager, Kesha shows himself strong enough and renewed through his songs, as well as exploring the mix of genres like rock and country
  19. Aug 28, 2020
    Devo ammetterlo, mi manca la vecchia Kesha ma con il tempo un vero artista deve evolversi e di certo Kesha non ha deluso nel suo intento. Ottimo album, ricco di brani che seguono le vecchie orme e propongono un nuovo sound. Nel complesso soddisfatto di questo prodotto.
  20. Aug 13, 2017
    I feel like this is an album that will really resonate with a certain crowd. As someone who isn't really a Kesha fan, per se, I found it to be good but not great. I really love the amount of studio chatter between tracks. It has the feel of a 90s alt rock album and it's a welcome contrast to the overproduced ultra-slick albums of the modern era. Kesha is dependable for fun, rollickingI feel like this is an album that will really resonate with a certain crowd. As someone who isn't really a Kesha fan, per se, I found it to be good but not great. I really love the amount of studio chatter between tracks. It has the feel of a 90s alt rock album and it's a welcome contrast to the overproduced ultra-slick albums of the modern era. Kesha is dependable for fun, rollicking tracks and this album doesn't disappoint. But the lyrical content is heavy in one direction that seems to speak to women who want feel empowered. I'm not that. I don't MIND that, but it's not going to speak to me quite like any of my favorite a-level albums. Ultimately the eye roll inducing "YOLO" philosophy of several tracks hurts the overall impression of the album, for me. "I'm perfect even though I'm f*d up." Yeah, sorry. I'm just too old for that line to work for me. Expand
  21. Aug 14, 2017
    A strong comeback from Kehsa. Improvement's from Animal and Warrior but some songs seem weaker than others.

    Best Song(s):
    Learn to Let Go
    Hunt You Down
    Let Em Talk

    Worst Song(s):
  22. Sep 8, 2017
    Overcoming the songwriting inconsistencies of finding intriguing melodies and interesting textures, which were highlights in only a few songs, was Kesha’s wonderful ability to communicate to her audience, both in blatancy and subtlety, with her obvious passion and intent turning a mere fun pop exploration into an important listen for new music and culture enthusiasts. My Score: 131/180Overcoming the songwriting inconsistencies of finding intriguing melodies and interesting textures, which were highlights in only a few songs, was Kesha’s wonderful ability to communicate to her audience, both in blatancy and subtlety, with her obvious passion and intent turning a mere fun pop exploration into an important listen for new music and culture enthusiasts. My Score: 131/180 (Solid) = 7.3/10 Expand
  23. Aug 11, 2017
    Some people said, Rainbow is a metaphor used by Kesha for this album, a multi-genre spanning from rock, folk, even country. There are some campfire, to sing aloud, to healed, and swear words songs.
  24. Aug 14, 2017
    rainbow - ke$ha
    mini review
    bastard: 5/10 ending is structurally bad but i like it let em talk: 7/10 umm... woman: 8/10 strong 8 hymn: 5/10 eh... praying: 6/10 strong 6 learn to let go: 7/10 simple in the best ways finding you: 6/10 rainbow: 6/10 light hunt you down: 6/10 boogie feet: 5/10 eh... boots: 7/10 cool old flames: 5/10 kesha + dolly parton is the craziest match up
    rainbow - ke$ha
    mini review

    bastard: 5/10 ending is structurally bad but i like it
    let em talk: 7/10 umm...
    woman: 8/10 strong 8
    hymn: 5/10 eh...
    praying: 6/10 strong 6
    learn to let go: 7/10 simple in the best ways
    finding you: 6/10
    rainbow: 6/10 light
    hunt you down: 6/10
    boogie feet: 5/10 eh...
    boots: 7/10 cool
    old flames: 5/10 kesha + dolly parton is the craziest match up that has ever worked. i'm sure my grandpa whould love this one
    godzilla: 7/10 nice also light
    spaceships: 5/10 eh...


    best: woman, learn to let it go, praying, boots, godzilla, hunt you down, let em talk, finding you, rainbow

    worst: boogie feet

    strong 7 extremely light 8
  25. Aug 11, 2017
    What is actually Kesha’s best album doesn’t just come from having great songs with meaningful lyrics. It comes from experience, and feeling the emotion and the truth from Kesha herself when singing about the subjects that she does, because you know she’s been through them, and overcome them. It makes the album so much more enjoyable. It’s like a mini story about the troubles that Kesha hasWhat is actually Kesha’s best album doesn’t just come from having great songs with meaningful lyrics. It comes from experience, and feeling the emotion and the truth from Kesha herself when singing about the subjects that she does, because you know she’s been through them, and overcome them. It makes the album so much more enjoyable. It’s like a mini story about the troubles that Kesha has overcome in her life, and you’re completely hooked, but also you learn some life morals along with it. By the end of the album, your spirits and your outlook are completely optimistic, and that is how music works. Music is a universal language, and Kesha took advantage of that to create such an amazing album. It’s diversity in sound, the lyrics and the collaborations take a step aside from the trend music that is charting globally right now and puts the music first rather than creating noise and pointless lyrics just to sell.

    What with the such high positive outlook on this album becomes even more welcoming as it’s the first album since the legal battle between Dr. Luke and Kesha herself, and not only is it a huge **** you to everyone who has doubted her, but is a huge **** you to him and it waves flags to prove that she got through is probably the lowest point she’s ever had in her life. She is strong, and courageous, and he could not take away the colourful, fun, rebellious wild child that we know and love. It’s incredible, and this album is truly something. Kesha has done incredible with this album, and I feel proud. What a woman.
  26. Aug 29, 2017
    Rainbow is personal and intimate. Though it feels to be not as believable amidst knowing the struggle she had to face in the making of this album, it somehow steers more on being persuasive and inauthentic. But compare to her previous works, this one is her best yet.
  27. May 2, 2018
    'Rainbow' is Kesha's most coherent album to date. 'Rainbow' consists of angelic songs such as "Praying", "Rainbow", and "Learn To Let Go", and also contains aggressive tracks such as "Let Em Talk" and "Woman", making the album reaches its perfection. 'Rainbow' is definitely one of the best albums in 2017.
    Strongest Tracks: "Let Em Talk", "Praying", "Learn To Let Go", "Finding You", "Hunt
    'Rainbow' is Kesha's most coherent album to date. 'Rainbow' consists of angelic songs such as "Praying", "Rainbow", and "Learn To Let Go", and also contains aggressive tracks such as "Let Em Talk" and "Woman", making the album reaches its perfection. 'Rainbow' is definitely one of the best albums in 2017.
    Strongest Tracks: "Let Em Talk", "Praying", "Learn To Let Go", "Finding You", "Hunt You Down", "Godzilla", "Hymn"
    Weakest Track(s): "Bastards"

Universal acclaim - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. 75
    The album captures a mixture of genres that come together to create a really vulnerable and organic sound. Kesha uses Rainbow to let her listeners into her struggles, thoughts and true personality, something missing from her previous releases.
  2. Aug 21, 2017
    Rainbow is a muddled hotch-potch that offers little beyond the fact it heralds her return. It's great to have Kesha back--it really is--but let's hope the quality improves in future.
  3. Aug 17, 2017
    Throughout, on both killers and filler, the singer sounds like she’s having so much fun.