• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Aug 11, 2017
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Universal acclaim- based on 651 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 43 out of 651
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  1. Aug 12, 2017
    This album is very boring and generic, no good songs here.
    I like meaningful and inspiring songs like the ones from Lana Del Rey's Lust for Life, sorry Kesha.
  2. Aug 11, 2017
    parabéns, menina mulher, que álbum maravilhoso, transmitiu sua mensagem muito bem!Orgulhoso estou, só não digo que é o melhor do ano pois Melodrama já está ai...
  3. Aug 11, 2017
    Let me say as someone that never loved but never had anything against Kesha back when she was a huge pop star back in 2009 and 2010, that I wanted to really love this album, or at least like it. There is a lot of potential here. The choice to go for a more rock and country direction is for the best. The instrumentation is fantastic and the composition adds a lot of energy, which isLet me say as someone that never loved but never had anything against Kesha back when she was a huge pop star back in 2009 and 2010, that I wanted to really love this album, or at least like it. There is a lot of potential here. The choice to go for a more rock and country direction is for the best. The instrumentation is fantastic and the composition adds a lot of energy, which is something that is super welcome considering how dower and dull mainstream top 40 pop music has gotten. And Kesha sounds amazing. Audotune isn't completely gone, but Kesha sounds so amazing, radiating energy and passion! It sounds so lovely! But unfortunately this has a lot of bad problems that has plague a lot of pop music. Namely lyrically which goes for vague sloganeering that tries to be cool and badass but also appeal to everyone. It's mostly a female aimed record, which is nothing wrong, but considering how shallow a lot of the lyrics on these songs (for instance Woman, which is probably the worst offender of this and really ruins the bouncy horns and composition) that are just "I don't need no man" or "I don't need these haters dragging me down" or **** you I'm awesome!" And there are a lot of F bombs that tries to be hip and edgy but just comes off as trying too hard. What is supposed to be a powerful, personal record, ends up being a shallow attempt at trying to make people feel good. Kind of this nightmarish Frankenstein monster of Lady Gaga's Jolene record with an attempt at more old school rock, country, and pop, and Born This Way, that tries to be inclusive and empowering but is just super shallow and trying too hard to please everyone. Not to mention the production can come off being electronically produced and kneecaps any of the rawer and natural songs here (unless it is obnoxious like Boogie Feet, which has the worst composition here being so grading and having a baffling awful Pepsi line drop (as well as the sound of a fresh can being opened UGH) that just makes me wonder if Pepsi payed to have her mention their soda in the song). Learn to Let Go is the worst offender here because it sounds like the awful over-produced dance-pop that this record is supposed to be the antithesis to (as well as bring up bad memories of Dr. Luke). That's not to say everything on this record is awful. Praying is still breathtaking and powerful, Hunt You Down is corny but still fun and sweet, Rainbow is a great song and shows what this record could truly be as a personal album, and despite my grievances with the lyrics, I just can't help but love Let 'Em Talk for it's addictive melody.

    Again I wanted to like this album and I get the appeal and I wish Kesha the best in the future, but there is just SO MUCH that really ruin this record for me! There's a lot of potential that is being wasted here, and that's the biggest shame here.
  4. Aug 11, 2017
    Rainbow, es un album que nos sorprende con muchos generos musicales (pop, country, rock n roll, entre otros), que nos hace pensar que esta es una nueva kesha, que nos trae un album maravilloso para disfrutarlo todo este 2017 y saber quien se va a coronar como la reina del pop.
  5. Aug 11, 2017
    Este álbum es perfecto. Una mezcla entre rock clásico de los 80', una influencia del country maravillosa y del folk, sin duda alguna, demasiado buena. Un álbum lleno de emociones con letras profundas y con una producción muy bien hecha. Además, cada canción te llena de emociones. Las mejores canciones del álbum es Let 'Em Talk, Praying, Hunt You Down y Godzilla. Sin duda las mejores delEste álbum es perfecto. Una mezcla entre rock clásico de los 80', una influencia del country maravillosa y del folk, sin duda alguna, demasiado buena. Un álbum lleno de emociones con letras profundas y con una producción muy bien hecha. Además, cada canción te llena de emociones. Las mejores canciones del álbum es Let 'Em Talk, Praying, Hunt You Down y Godzilla. Sin duda las mejores del álbum. Felicitaciones Kesha. Expand
  6. Aug 11, 2017
    I love how she turned into a true artist out of the generic popstar she used to be. Of course her work isn't perfect yet, but we're here to support her in this era that represents her revival.
  7. Aug 11, 2017
    El disco sin duda cuenta toda una historia que te hace transportarte por diversas emociones, con letras realmente honestas, sonidos agradables que te pueden hacer cambiar de una emoción a otra con cada canción, Kesha sin duda ha evolucionado en su música y fue para bien, es su álbum mas personal hasta la fecha y un excelente trabajo que compensa tanto tiempo fuera de la música.
  8. Aug 11, 2017
    É nítido que a Kesha deu o melhor de si nesse álbum, profundo e marcante.
    Seus álbuns anteriores são excelentes mas Rainbow tem uma sonoridade diferente de tudo.
    5 anos de luta e espera valeram a pena, afinal não esperava menos da Glitter Queen
  9. Aug 11, 2017
    Eu amo esse álbum. Está muito bom...Eu amo esse álbum. Está muito bom...Eu amo esse álbum. Está muito bom...Eu amo esse álbum. Está muito bom...Eu amo esse álbum. Está muito bom...
  10. Aug 11, 2017
    Kesha brought to us new possibilities to see our problems and overcome with brave. Rainbow
    is miscellaneous in rythm, and is so good to destroy the "mainstream" image of pop music. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to fall down in unlabored questions as in "Woman", uneccessary statements about
    women empowerment, alluding that "old internet-feminist speeches", but music is good and there
    Kesha brought to us new possibilities to see our problems and overcome with brave. Rainbow
    is miscellaneous in rythm, and is so good to destroy the "mainstream" image of pop music. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to fall down in unlabored questions as in "Woman", uneccessary statements about
    women empowerment, alluding that "old internet-feminist speeches", but music is good and there is a good appeal and intentions as well. In "Bastards", literally an hymn, Kesha punch our faces with hands full of self love, broken barriers and a message to haters, OMG, well-written and deep. Lastly, a highlight on "Praying" and Kesha's vocals, (I don't have expertise to discuss voice in music), but it's clearly impressive and amazing the voice power increseament of Kesha vocals through the music, for sure, is the best things of 2017 in pop music of course.

    The album in most of tracks still stay in a "pop music status" beside of shallow compositions and "empty melodies" that does not contrast neither the lyrics nor the album storytelling.

    Kesha's Rainbow, personally, is a new attempt to do pop music go in another ways, with a more "visceral" and sicere work
  11. Aug 11, 2017
    What is actually Kesha’s best album doesn’t just come from having great songs with meaningful lyrics. It comes from experience, and feeling the emotion and the truth from Kesha herself when singing about the subjects that she does, because you know she’s been through them, and overcome them. It makes the album so much more enjoyable. It’s like a mini story about the troubles that Kesha hasWhat is actually Kesha’s best album doesn’t just come from having great songs with meaningful lyrics. It comes from experience, and feeling the emotion and the truth from Kesha herself when singing about the subjects that she does, because you know she’s been through them, and overcome them. It makes the album so much more enjoyable. It’s like a mini story about the troubles that Kesha has overcome in her life, and you’re completely hooked, but also you learn some life morals along with it. By the end of the album, your spirits and your outlook are completely optimistic, and that is how music works. Music is a universal language, and Kesha took advantage of that to create such an amazing album. It’s diversity in sound, the lyrics and the collaborations take a step aside from the trend music that is charting globally right now and puts the music first rather than creating noise and pointless lyrics just to sell.

    What with the such high positive outlook on this album becomes even more welcoming as it’s the first album since the legal battle between Dr. Luke and Kesha herself, and not only is it a huge **** you to everyone who has doubted her, but is a huge **** you to him and it waves flags to prove that she got through is probably the lowest point she’s ever had in her life. She is strong, and courageous, and he could not take away the colourful, fun, rebellious wild child that we know and love. It’s incredible, and this album is truly something. Kesha has done incredible with this album, and I feel proud. What a woman.
  12. Aug 11, 2017
    Una Kesha più matura e finalmente chiaramente a suo perfetto agio con ciò che canta.
    Una musica sempre pop ma di alta qualità, originale. Il suo migliore album, e uno dei migliori dell'anno.
  13. Aug 11, 2017
    im in love with this, is a powerful album and i think that Kesha is the best artist of the world, a strong album and in this she demostrate that she is so strong.
  14. Aug 11, 2017
    Cuando tienes una historia real que contar, la música cobra vida por si sola. El disco es honesto, algo de cliché en la lírica pero sin caer en el drama excesivo y con una muy buena producción de la mano de Kesha. Las baladas son su fuerte pero no deja de lado su vieja escuela sin que esta robe protagonismo (Digamos que es un buen relleno). Un regreso impecable después de tanto tiempo y unCuando tienes una historia real que contar, la música cobra vida por si sola. El disco es honesto, algo de cliché en la lírica pero sin caer en el drama excesivo y con una muy buena producción de la mano de Kesha. Las baladas son su fuerte pero no deja de lado su vieja escuela sin que esta robe protagonismo (Digamos que es un buen relleno). Un regreso impecable después de tanto tiempo y un desempeño bajo con Warrior. Merece sin duda la pena. Expand
  15. Aug 11, 2017
    i'M COMPLETLY snatched!i'M COMPLETLY snatched!i'M COMPLETLY snatched!i'M COMPLETLY snatched!i'M COMPLETLY snatched!i'M COMPLETLY snatched!i'M COMPLETLY snatched!i'M COMPLETLY snatched!
  16. Aug 11, 2017
    well this a brilliantly masterminded comeback!
    well done kesha!
  17. Aug 11, 2017
    Melhor album do ano, um lançamento perfeito após 5 anos, depois de tudo que ela pessoa ainda nos apresenta essa obra de arte! Musicas bem elaboradas, mostrando o que queria e não podia!
  18. Aug 11, 2017
    I am genuinely impressed by this album, which could very well (and should) end up being one of the best mainstream pop releases of 2017. On 'Rainbow,' Kesha has rediscovered her liberation in the wake of personal and professional crises, and if I had to describe this release in one word it'd be "fun". The record extends across multiple genres, from pop to rock to country, and despite itsI am genuinely impressed by this album, which could very well (and should) end up being one of the best mainstream pop releases of 2017. On 'Rainbow,' Kesha has rediscovered her liberation in the wake of personal and professional crises, and if I had to describe this release in one word it'd be "fun". The record extends across multiple genres, from pop to rock to country, and despite its genre-hopping and fusions, 'Rainbow' manages to remain cohesive throughout. There are of course some missteps - namely the curse-laden, lyrically shallow 'Bastards' and the bizarre extended metaphor that inspired 'Godzilla' - but these faults prove minor amidst otherwise solid, enjoyable songs. And might I mention that this record is BY FAR her strongest vocally?! All in all, this album truly floored me, and it is a body of work that reveals Kesha at her most outspoken, empowered, and glorious!

    Highlights include 'Woman,' 'Praying,' 'Boogie Feet,' and 'Spaceship'.
  19. Aug 11, 2017
    Uma grande evolução artística, de fato um dos melhores álbuns do ano, letras poderosas e faixas diversificadas, viajamos pelo Pop, Rock, Country e até Jazz, com vocais impecáveis Kesha nos mostra que com toda dificuldade ao longo desses anos ela finalmente conseguiu encontrar um verdadeiro recomeço.
  20. Aug 11, 2017
    This album express who really kesha is,you just got to listen the vocals and the lyrics to see,this is one of her best albums. it's a fresh new star for kesha, she came fearless and more powerfull than ever. THIS ALBUM DERSERVES EVERYTHING
  21. Aug 11, 2017
    Not her best album (or pop-dancing as warrior or Animal/Cannibal), but definitely her most personal, well produced and lyric-intimate project.
    Best: Let Em Talk, Hymn, Praying, LTLG, Boots, Spaceship
    Worst: Bastards, Godzilla
  22. Aug 11, 2017
    Not a hard thing to give a Ten to this amazing record. Every single track gives me that "first listening Praying feeling". Kesha really proved she could make something beautiful and magical out of her pain and everything she has been through. A deconstructed masterpiece, with a very cohesive sctructure that can lead you into her steps from darkness to glory.

    Thank you, Kesha!
  23. Aug 11, 2017
    Maravilhoso, uma obra tocante e sincera. Rainbow mostra uma faceta mais honesta de Kesha para si mesma, onde ela abandona o som de balada e preza por algo mais introspectivo e simples. Pontos para a faixa de abertura "Bastards" (com uma pegada acústica maravilhosa), "Woman" (um country envolvente, com um toque jazz), "Hymn" e "Praying" (ambas, talvez, as mais emotivas do trabalho). Mas,Maravilhoso, uma obra tocante e sincera. Rainbow mostra uma faceta mais honesta de Kesha para si mesma, onde ela abandona o som de balada e preza por algo mais introspectivo e simples. Pontos para a faixa de abertura "Bastards" (com uma pegada acústica maravilhosa), "Woman" (um country envolvente, com um toque jazz), "Hymn" e "Praying" (ambas, talvez, as mais emotivas do trabalho). Mas, enfim, há vários outros pontos altos do álbum, como a faixa-título "Rainbow", "Learn to Let Go" e "Let 'Em Talk", com participação de Eagles Of Death Metal (a banda que se apresentava na casa de shows Bataclan, em Paris, no dia dos atentados terroristas). Sem dúvidas, Rainbow é um dos melhores discos de 2017 até agora! Expand
  24. Aug 11, 2017
    Álbunzão da porra, Kesha de deus como eu te amo e como eu esperei! Agora posso sentir a essência dessa artista maravilhosa, produção ótima, letras ótimas. AMÉM KESHA.
  25. Aug 11, 2017
    Album of the year, congratulations girl woman this moment is just yours, congratulations beautiful lyrics, incredible melody, wonderful vocals, congratulations icon you deserve everything and more
  26. Aug 11, 2017
    O álbum marca o amadurecimento de uma artista, ao mesmo tempo que não deixa de soar como Kesha em cada verso de cada faixa. ''Bastards'' foi a melhor escolha para abrir o CD, e passando por faixas como ''Let 'Em Talk'', ''Finding You'', ''Boots'' e ''Spaceship'', podemos além de perceber as influências musicais de Kesha, contemplar sua capacidade de explorar diversos estilos musicaisO álbum marca o amadurecimento de uma artista, ao mesmo tempo que não deixa de soar como Kesha em cada verso de cada faixa. ''Bastards'' foi a melhor escolha para abrir o CD, e passando por faixas como ''Let 'Em Talk'', ''Finding You'', ''Boots'' e ''Spaceship'', podemos além de perceber as influências musicais de Kesha, contemplar sua capacidade de explorar diversos estilos musicais sempre deixando sua marca única. A leveza de ''Rainbow'' e os vocais de ''Praying'' são um dos pontos altos do disco e mostram uma Kesha que ficou reclusa por 5 anos em um processo contra abuso físico e psicológico. Não merece nada a menos do que um 10. Melhor álbum da carreira e de 2017 com certeza. Expand
  27. Aug 11, 2017
    kesha, menina, mulher! você foi muito forte mediante tudo que você passou, aproveitaaaaaa esse momento que esse momento é SÓ SEU!!!!!! p.s. hunt you down melhor música do álbum
  28. Aug 11, 2017
    New album, New Kesha, new style! Every track has something very special behind it if you know kesha's life history. One of the best albums of the year, for sure. Kesha and her "Spaceship" will leave all of us out of this planet. Nice to see this kesha coming out. If you like the old style kesha, thats not for you, sorry. But give it a chance, let the Spaceship take you.
  29. Aug 11, 2017
    A beautiful masterpiece ,so many emotions on the album with new beats that show you a new kesha who wants wants to have fun and also wanna say about her new re born as a human being
  30. Aug 11, 2017
    a versatile album that captures Kesha's incredible vocals and writing skills. From Pop to Rock and Country, kesha celebrates Life with all its ups and drawbacks with definitely one of the best album of 2017 "Rainbow".
  31. Aug 11, 2017
    A new and versatile album, Rainbow spaces from country to rock to folk to piano pop to soul-jazz. This album is the most personal of Kesha and shows greatly her fierce and her re-born as a person and as an artist. Incredible comeback!
  32. Aug 11, 2017
    Some people said, Rainbow is a metaphor used by Kesha for this album, a multi-genre spanning from rock, folk, even country. There are some campfire, to sing aloud, to healed, and swear words songs.
  33. Aug 11, 2017
    Wow. This album is a serious comeback. After all these years, Kesha proves that she is a force to be reckoned with. It's fun, yet raw and powerful. Rock, country, folk, pop; This album contains such a wide variety of genres, it's never never boring. I wish the album was longer. The meanings behind many of the songs are amazing, and the fun songs are still fresh & serve truly strong vocals.Wow. This album is a serious comeback. After all these years, Kesha proves that she is a force to be reckoned with. It's fun, yet raw and powerful. Rock, country, folk, pop; This album contains such a wide variety of genres, it's never never boring. I wish the album was longer. The meanings behind many of the songs are amazing, and the fun songs are still fresh & serve truly strong vocals. I don't mind listening to this album for months to come. Thank you Kesha, we've missed you. Expand
  34. Aug 11, 2017
    It's such an excellent album,it has fun party songs,it has some sad songs,excellent lyrics,excellent melodies. I think it's her best album to date,honestly. My fave songs are Praying,Boots,Hunt You Down,Finding You,Starship.. basically all of them haha
  35. Aug 11, 2017
    Oh! My! God!
    It's not just an album. It's everything. You got a great story, gorgeous vocals, damn good lyric. It makes you feel so many emotions. You have to listen to it. IT IS ONE OF THE BEST RELEASE OF THE YEAR
  36. Aug 11, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El mejor álbum de toda la carrera de Kesha.
    Puedes encontrar cualquier ritmo; ya sea pop, rock, country, no se queda solo en uno. Colaboraciones excelentes con Dolly Parton y E.O.D.M, 10/10
  37. Aug 11, 2017
    Un disco que no se queda estancado en un solo género, puedes encontrar country, pop, rock, colaboraciones estupendas y hermosas canciones acústicas. Me ha encantado en su totalidad.

Universal acclaim - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. 75
    The album captures a mixture of genres that come together to create a really vulnerable and organic sound. Kesha uses Rainbow to let her listeners into her struggles, thoughts and true personality, something missing from her previous releases.
  2. Aug 21, 2017
    Rainbow is a muddled hotch-potch that offers little beyond the fact it heralds her return. It's great to have Kesha back--it really is--but let's hope the quality improves in future.
  3. Aug 17, 2017
    Throughout, on both killers and filler, the singer sounds like she’s having so much fun.