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Universal acclaim- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14

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  1. Aug 5, 2011
    A very good album by Alternative Country and Pop-Rock band "The Jayhawks". In this album, the electric guitars, soundscapes and keyboards hardly ever appear and the acoustic guitar becomes the lead instrument. Some very good songs like "Angelyne", "Save it for a rainy day" or Tim O'Reagan's "Tailspin" (or should we say Bob Dylan's) and other incomplete and even boring songs like "All theA very good album by Alternative Country and Pop-Rock band "The Jayhawks". In this album, the electric guitars, soundscapes and keyboards hardly ever appear and the acoustic guitar becomes the lead instrument. Some very good songs like "Angelyne", "Save it for a rainy day" or Tim O'Reagan's "Tailspin" (or should we say Bob Dylan's) and other incomplete and even boring songs like "All the right reasons". Yes, it isn't as strong as the country-rock "Tomorrow the Green Grass" or the psychedelic "Sound of lies" but all Jayhawk, pop or acoustic rock fans should have a listen. ps: they have rejoined so I suggest you go and see them on their shows! Expand
  2. ricocc
    Aug 12, 2007
    An underrated album by all of the so called "music critics". While there may be other albums by the band with some better songs, this is definitely the Jayhawks' best from top to bottom. Very catchy, very melodic, very good harmonies and very addicting!
  3. pablor
    Oct 9, 2005
    superb album full of brillant songs. Ican´t stop listenning to it!
  4. MartínezS
    Feb 6, 2005
    I vote 10 for "all the right reasons"... well and "Angelyne".
  5. LoriJ
    Jul 21, 2003
    I am completely blown away by the beauty and honesty of this album. I can't stop listenning to it!
  6. IainT
    Jun 6, 2003
    It's good,you can tell gary Louris' honesty and hooks a mile off. It's not as satisfying as Smile however, after that anyhting may be a bit a bit anticlimatic.
  7. MikeH
    Apr 29, 2003
    When I first heard this album a week ago, i liked it. I thought it was a little on the mellow side. I cant stop listening to it! Each song holds a poetic or melodic treasure. It hit me the same way the first counting crows album did. I would like to see a second album released soon called "save it for a sunny day" and let Gary go crazy on that Gibson like everyone knows he can!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Despite the weak point of O'Reagan's songs, Rainy Day Music succeeds better than any Jayhawks release since the band's last masterpiece with Mark Olson, Tomorrow the Green Grass.
  2. The group envelops the different elements of music available to them-- from folk, to rock, to Gram Parsons-influenced pop-- in such a way that is alternately enjoyable and excessively off-putting.
  3. These are tunes that would've fit perfectly on Top 40 radio in the Seventies.