• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: Feb 28, 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Apr 28, 2020
    Absolutely astonishing work, and easily up there with Delay's early-2000s masterpieces Multila and Anima.
  2. Mar 6, 2020
    From end to end, Rakka thrives on instability and the fear it fosters. Its beats lock into a grid for only a minute or so at a time, allowing you just enough space to settle into a groove before dropping you into some cacophonous abyss.
  3. Mar 30, 2020
    With Rakka, Vladislav Delay has created an arresting album of sheer punishing density that encapsulates the ecological pressures of a land that is brutal and unforgiving at the best of times, but occasionally encompass moments of estranged beauty.
  4. The Wire
    Mar 11, 2020
    Unlike many electronic producers whose work echoes the chill of black metal, he retains a certain subtlety – each jolt of sound is unburdened by grand posturing. [Apr 2020, p.52]

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