• Record Label: Caroline
  • Release Date: May 17, 2019

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. May 16, 2019
    Injecting their trademark sound with fresh flair, RAMMSTEIN is one of the band's best efforts, a potent distillation of all the elements that have endeared them to fans for two-and-a-half decades.
  2. May 22, 2019
    Rammstein have resurrected to bring us their seventh studio album. And boy is it the record we’ve all been waiting for.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 26, 2019
    Lacks the energy of old Rammstein, but makes up for it in controlled tensions and excellent material. [Summer 2019, p.87]
  4. May 16, 2019
    Rammstein’s untitled seventh studio album marks a triumphant return, and lives up to Kruspe’s desire to present the band beyond its reputation as a magnificent live act. There is a key focus on melody amid the grandeur and forcefulness of the music, along with thought-provoking lyrics (translated from German) that deal with pain, passion, controversy, and sensuality.
  5. May 16, 2019
    The album's 11 tracks are anthemic, rhythmically driven, and infectious, perfectly blending industrial and electronic elements with hard rock and heavy metal in a distinctly unique way.
  6. May 16, 2019
    This is a record made with care, craft, and nothing allowed in that isn’t just-so. It may seem an odd thing to praise a band as flamboyant as this for, but Rammstein know the value of quality rather than quantity. When they deliver, they still deliver the best.
  7. Jun 14, 2019
    This new, untitled beast is another step to Rammstein finally being acknowledged as being the best heavy metal band in the world, and one of the best hard rock acts of all time.
  8. 80
    Rammstein and their unshakable sound have remained tethered to their originality, fusing catchy lyrics with serious industrial power hooks. For that they should be applauded across the board, because this album is undoubtedly a resounding triumph.
  9. May 17, 2019
    “Deutschland” is the only song of any lyrical consequence on Rammstein--the rest piddle between the benign and letchy. But because it’s all in German, it’s not entirely clear which is which. Some of the record’s milder fare sounds seedier and filthier than they would if Lindemann weren’t crooning breathily and hooting and hollering.
  10. May 17, 2019
    This is a fantastic return that shows the artistic thrust we’ve come to expect from the band, but it’s done in a way that sheds their controversial desires for good, honest songwriting. It’s probably the most vastly experimental offering to date, next to Rosenrot, but it makes sure to add a trove of tasteful elements from previous sounds while it’s doing it.
  11. May 22, 2019
    While by no means a perfect album, Rammstein’s first since 2009’s “Liebe ist für alle da” is a scintillating and sensual (if not awkwardly sexual) reminder of the meat-and-steel-pounded power of industrial music at its catchiest, fleshiest and most inventive.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 228 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 228
  1. May 17, 2019
    10 years waiting for a new album, what we have in our hands is nothing but the result of a constant and dedicated work from the band, original10 years waiting for a new album, what we have in our hands is nothing but the result of a constant and dedicated work from the band, original but yet still loyal to the band´s style. Full Review »
  2. May 17, 2019
    For me this CD falls short, in terms of sound, there are songs that lose the essence of what Rammstein really is, a band of simple rhythm butFor me this CD falls short, in terms of sound, there are songs that lose the essence of what Rammstein really is, a band of simple rhythm but heavy, very heavy, and with very rhythmic and melodic keyboards, and not so .. To put it in a way ... Experimental. It is true that Flake increased its level in keyboards a lot, but I lacked that sound if I found it in the other CDs. While it is not a bad CD for me generally, I expected much more after 10 years. Because none of the songs on this album will go down in history or can be compared to "Keine Lust", "Mutter", "Sehnsucht", etc. Full Review »
  3. May 17, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. The all of album impressed me pretty much. Puppe is the best song. Till has become a god with this performance.
    They have lost nothing of their quality.
    Full Review »