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  1. Jan 10, 2020
    A surprisely cohesive album, soft and honest songs that sounds really good when put together. A notable evolution in her career, a clear win for Gomez
  2. Jan 10, 2020
    Uma versão madura do Revival, letras marcantes, sinceras e pessoais, batidas impressionantes e vocais perfeitos, um álbum completamente coeso, seu melhor trabalho até então.
    A mature version of Revival, striking, heartfelt lyrics, stunning beats and perfect vocals, a completely cohesive album, his best work so far.
  3. Jan 11, 2020
    A really cohesive album. The lyrics are just wow. Her best album by far. Congrats.
  4. Jan 10, 2020
    This album, like one of the tracks says, is fun! While being fun and having interesting offbeat production, the lyrical content is strong, and makes you feel empowered and rare (pun intended)!
  5. Jan 10, 2020
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  6. Jan 11, 2020
    This album shows a new side to this artist, revealing a more mature side to her. It's a great album that talks a lot about loving yourself and overcoming a broken heart and leaving bad relationships in the past!
  7. Jan 11, 2020
    Selena show your vulnerable side in one of the best algum of 2020. After 4 years, she show her mature and emotions in a special way, in a soft and rare voice. A brilliant talent artist!
  8. Jan 10, 2020
    It's fascinating how Gomez developed her music over the years. Her previous album, Revival, was a turning point in her career, presenting a more mature image to the general public, but with Rare she reaches a whole new level with a cohesive yet diverse album.
  9. Jan 10, 2020
    It's her best album ever, it's so mature and we'll produced. I'm very proud of Selena's work and wish the best from the commercial perspective
  10. Jan 11, 2020
    Amazing, wonderful, powerful, fantastic, put it in a blender, wow, life changing, gender-bending
  11. Jan 13, 2020
    Álbum da carreira com 100% de amadurecimento em suas letras e melodias totalmente coesas, um dos melhores lançamentos do ano, sem sombra de dúvidas!
  12. Jan 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Selena Gomez ha dado un álbum único. Ha presentado un álbum diverso con canciones que nos hablan de amor propio y de empoderamiento. Desde Vulnerable, que es de lejos una de las mejores del álbum, de Selena, del pop, de lo que va del año y de los últimos tiempos, con un sonido un poco alegre pero con una letra que nos deja pensando en cómo se siente Selena y nos identifica, canciones como Let Me Get Me o Dance Again que nos hacen bailar con sonidos impresionantes o Cut You Off, Rare o Fun que por medio de sonidos y palabras susurradas nos dan una nueva forma de escuchar música y entretenerse. Selena ha descubierto y ha dejado claro su estilo propio musical, con susurros de calidad y siendo uno de los formatos de música que todos quieren hacer. Increíble álbum que ha dado Selena. El mejor álbum de Selena y uno de los mejores de los últimos tiempos Expand
  13. Jan 10, 2020
    Album of the year, Selena did THAT, we stan. Beautiful lyrics and great production.
  14. Jan 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best pop album i’ve heard in a while. Not a throwaway trap produced go with whats hot right now album !! EXCELLENT Expand
  15. Jan 10, 2020
    Her best work so far. Very unique from everything else she's done. Many bops on it too
  16. Jan 10, 2020
    the album shows selena’s brilliant perspective of life problems, with lifting up bangers, beautiful lyrics, great production and smooth vocals.
  17. Jan 10, 2020
    Pop perfection. Selena Gomez not only shows how much she has grown and matured as an artist with this masterful, cohesive collection of songs; she also shows that she is on top of the pop music game. While most of her contemporaries try to jump on trip-hop and trap trends to make their version of "pop" more commercial, albeit generic and uninspired, Gomez is not afraid to stray away fromPop perfection. Selena Gomez not only shows how much she has grown and matured as an artist with this masterful, cohesive collection of songs; she also shows that she is on top of the pop music game. While most of her contemporaries try to jump on trip-hop and trap trends to make their version of "pop" more commercial, albeit generic and uninspired, Gomez is not afraid to stray away from following trends and instead opts for creating shimmery sleek, fresh pop music with confident personal lyrics, hypnotising synths and beautiful melodies. Expand
  18. Jan 10, 2020
    Amazing album... Always doing her best. Magical. Cut you off is a masterpiece.
  19. Jan 14, 2020
    Best album of Selena’s career! Rare tem a identidade da Selena, com composições maduras, arranjos interessantes, um pop contemporâneo.
  20. Jan 10, 2020
    Selena has been able to improve her vocal work since Revival (2015). The sound that Rare brings us is beautiful! Powerful songs that show a woman stabilized and well with her past.
  21. Jan 10, 2020
    Eu não esperava essa vibe desse album, eu me surpreendi bastante com ele, assim como amei ele demais.
  22. Jan 10, 2020
    Legendary album. The wait is over! A Sweeter Place is the best song I’ve heard in a while!
  23. Jan 10, 2020
    perfect and fresh album! my top 3 1. dance again 2. crowded room
    3. people you know
  24. Jan 10, 2020
    Este álbum es una completa muestra de la mejoría de Selena en estos 4 años, confiada, divertida, vulnerable, y con mucho amor para dar, la producción es lo mejor del álbum, sus letras cortas pero muy buenas.
  25. Nov 15, 2020
    Honestly? Her best work and one of the best pop albums in a very long time. It's so cohesive, the lyrics are really good and relatable, production is amazing and her vocals are on point. It deserves all the success
  26. Jan 15, 2020
    It is his most personal, honest and creative work to date, personally I´m a huge fan and ´ve been waiting for this album almost 5 years. She actually killed it, this is full of bops, that tell where she is right now. So proud of her.
  27. Jan 10, 2020
    AMAZING, her best album for sure very cohesive, her most honest side who she REALLY IS
  28. Jan 10, 2020
    Talented, brilliant, intelligent, incredible, amazing, showstopping, spectacular, never same, completely unique, never been done before, honest, vulnerable, RARE
  29. Jan 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Rare. That's ALL. Gomez has been working on this album for years. She can convey all her emotion and feelings in each of the tracks. Vulnerable, Rare e Ring are one of the best songs on the album. Expand
  30. Jan 10, 2020
    Growth. Strength. Vulnerability. Honesty. Maturity. A beautifully constructed album. Sonically cohesive. Fresh, new sounds. Absolutely stunning.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2020
    Rare continually teases intriguing forays into leftfield pop, but so many of the album’s experiments come off as just that, without ever crystallizing with memorable hooks.
  2. Jan 14, 2020
    The record she has delivered to kickstart a new decade is a career defining release, and from a pop star who is firmly back on top of her game.
  3. Jan 14, 2020
    While none of these 13 songs attempt the subtle weirdness of “Bad Liar” and the emotional thesis—self-love!—can be a bit one-note, Rare is the 27-year-old’s most cohesive record to date. ... But it’s difficult to come away from Rare with any real perspective on who Gomez is other than that she doesn’t want to be the person she was, whoever that similarly mysterious shadow was.