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Mixed or average reviews- based on 77 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 77
  2. Negative: 21 out of 77
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  1. Aug 10, 2014
    Finally a good remix album from Linkin Park. It is way better than Reanimation (Remix album from Hybrid Theory). Nearly all tracks are fitting and enjoyable. I sing along a lot of tracks which is always a good sign for an album. If you liked the original this album is for you. If you want a remix album with mayor changes in style, composition, speed etc. this might not be good enough for you.
  2. Nov 30, 2013
    I must admit I'm biased, because I loved their first remix album so much ('Reanimation', a remix of their debut 'Hybrid Theory') and was expecting something along those lines. As Linkin Park generally leans more towards rock than hiphop, 'Reanimation' was a refreshing walk to the hiphop side, heavily relying on band members Shinoda and Hahn to keep true to the Linkin Park sound.I must admit I'm biased, because I loved their first remix album so much ('Reanimation', a remix of their debut 'Hybrid Theory') and was expecting something along those lines. As Linkin Park generally leans more towards rock than hiphop, 'Reanimation' was a refreshing walk to the hiphop side, heavily relying on band members Shinoda and Hahn to keep true to the Linkin Park sound.

    Comparing 'Reanimation' to 'Recharged' makes it very hard for the latter to stand out. 'Recharged' is a compilation of remixes of tracks from their last album 'Living Things'. The remixes are done by current electronic producers like Datsik, KillSonik and Tom Swoon, leaving as little as two tracks up to Shinoda himself. Hahn is nowhere to be found. Three tracks from 'Living Things' are even remixed twice, and apart from the lead single 'A Light That Never Comes', the album does not contain new (or previously unreleased) material. The result is an incohesive blend of different tastes and sounds, too pop for true dubstep/D&B fans and too bland for true LP fans looking for a revisit of existing material.

    Up to now all Linkin Park records were sure to get you hooked to their new sound after a couple of spins.
    Though the lead single and a few interesting features like Pusha T will have you revisiting 'Recharged' a couple of times, you'll find it ends up being your first LP record ever to start collecting dust.
  3. Dec 10, 2013
    I'm going to start off by saying this band, in it's earlier years, has been pretty good. However, just like a movie with it's 5th sequel, it has began repeating songs with different words thrown in. They appear to have run out of new material. Coming from someone who loves rock music and everything about it, this band has really died in my opinion. I gave this band a 5/10.
  4. Mar 28, 2018
    (Note: I consider a 4 to be a negative score, unlike Metacritic.) To be blunt, this is Linkin Park's worst album. It's so bad it actually makes me appreciate Reanimation more because it wasn't this. Speaking of Reanimation, while the remixes were done by different people, sometimes even from outside the band, Linkin Park still had an active in most (if not all) of the remixes. As far as(Note: I consider a 4 to be a negative score, unlike Metacritic.) To be blunt, this is Linkin Park's worst album. It's so bad it actually makes me appreciate Reanimation more because it wasn't this. Speaking of Reanimation, while the remixes were done by different people, sometimes even from outside the band, Linkin Park still had an active in most (if not all) of the remixes. As far as I'm aware, they only helped with 5 songs in Recharged, one of which wasn't even a remix. Otherwise, it feels like they compiled their favorite remixes by other people into an album. There're two songs that got remixed twice, two that didn't get remixed at all, and one of the remixes is of A Light That Never Comes, a song original to this album.

    As for the songs themselves, the majority are either obnoxious electronic garbage that goes on for way too long, or repetitive loops with too much filler and also go on for way too long. Not only that, but some are awful dance remixes of previously emotional songs. And yeah, there are a few tolerable ones in here, and even one good one, but over half the album sucks. Lost In The Echo (KillSonik Remix), Powerless (Enferno Remix), and Until It Breaks (Money Mark Headphone Remix) are especially bad.
  5. Jul 18, 2017
  6. Jul 28, 2016
    I hate linkin park and this is their worse album yet and for good reasons. Their songs are trash and the music and the singer is so high pitched it hurts my ears so bad!
  7. Jul 30, 2014
    Worst remix album from Linkin Park. Worst remix album i've ever heard.
    "I'll be gone(Vice remix)" is the only thing that's not bad about the album. Do not waste your time on this Sh**.
    Especially if you like Linkin Park original music.
  8. Sep 22, 2016
    Absolutely a disgusting Dub-Step remix garbage that im ashamed that LinkinPark published it under their name, it has no redeeming factor with the only bearable song being "A Light That Never Comes"

Mixed or average reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Kerrang!
    Nov 19, 2013
    Too many other songs fall victim to the eternal curse of the remix album: either going too far or not far enough. [26 Oct 2013, p.52]
  2. Nov 19, 2013
    This is the kind of album that appeals primarily to hardcore fans looking for a new spin on the familiar; in other words, this is unlikely to convert EDM listeners to the pleasures of Linkin Park.
  3. 50
    Rick Rubin’s final Primal Scream-gone-hip-hop remix of ‘A Light That Never Comes’ saves Recharged from disaster, but you might need resuscitating after this lot.