• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Mar 3, 2023
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 95 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 82 out of 95
  2. Negative: 8 out of 95
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  1. May 19, 2023
    Por favor, si no lees esta review hazme caso y ve directamente a encantar tus oídos con esta obra maestra.
  2. May 14, 2023
    JOYA JOYA JOYA JOYA JOYA this object out of this reality; because it is not in a museum or in a fine restaurant? It is grandiose and out of the ordinary, I was convinced by its aesthetics.
  3. May 3, 2023
    Some songs are not so memorable nonetheless still worth a complete lesson and has some great unique songs
  4. Apr 17, 2023
    This album is a gem. It encompasses the true spirit of Kali. It shows us its seductive side but also its most fragile side. A mix that you can certainly listen to anytime, anywhere. I loved the album and recommend it. I feel like Kali has finally found the balance of versatility. I want more of this.
  5. Apr 10, 2023
    Kali does not disappoint. Gorgeous album, probably my favorite of hers. Personal favorites are I Wish You Roses, Worth the Wait, Love Between, Hasta Cuando, Endlessly, Moral Conscience, Blue, Moonlight & Happy Now.
  6. Mar 23, 2023
    Hermoso album, gran exponente del genero R&b, orgullo latino, las canciones tienes el mismo tono se podria decir pero a la vez son diferentes
  7. Mar 10, 2023
    This album is art, she create a whole new world with this new album, a lot of new sounds here. You can see how she grew in her writing. Maybe is top in her discography with Isolation.
  8. Mar 9, 2023
    Ich kauf’ mir lieber einen Tirolerhut, ich glaub’, wir wissen, wovon wir sprechen, du brauchst die volle Manneskraft, um in diese Sphäre vorzudringen. Lass uns die Platte zu Ende singen, du kriegst ne Acht.
  9. Mar 8, 2023
    It's a good album, in its genre. I Wish You Roses and Moonlight are the best songs, for sure.
  10. Mar 7, 2023
    I love this album! The memoriam of sadness as lovely.
    En este álbum Kali Uchis nos lleva a un viaje por la lujuriosa idea del desamor, creo que también la subjetividad del mismo hace que uno se sienta identificado en alguna de la canciones del álbum, lo mejor que ha hecho Kali hasta el momento en cuestión de música y eso que ya ha tenido bastantes hits.
  11. Mar 6, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un album fantástico. Te lleva a Venus con su sonido. Todas las canciones son hermosas que te dejan con el mensaje de que el amor puede llegar hasta venus. El mejor sonido de Uchis. Expand
  12. Mar 6, 2023
    This album was definitely something different and explored things about self love, loving others and self worth. I think her message is clear on what she wanted this album to be and she did just that. I can’t can’t wait for phase 2 as well. She’s just so talented and gifted.
  13. Mar 6, 2023
    AMAZING album, her voice is surreal and I have this on replay non stop. Can’t wait to see her live and in person
  14. Mar 6, 2023
    I love kali so much and i cant wait for this era! kali,,, you really did your thing with this! so beautiful on multiple levels you truly are an inspiration
  15. Mar 6, 2023
    From start to finish this album is a 10. No misses, no boring moment, nothing like any other. It’s a perfect blend of her previous albums. Give her her 10s.
  16. Mar 5, 2023
    Colombian-American R&B icon Kali Uchis has returned with her new album 'Red Moon In Venus', following her critically acclaimed 2018 release 'Isolation' and 2020 release 'Sin Miedo'. This album further proves that Uchis is one of the most consistent artists in music today.

    Kicking off the album is "in My Garden...", a short vibe-setting intro with naturistic noises and what sounds like
    Colombian-American R&B icon Kali Uchis has returned with her new album 'Red Moon In Venus', following her critically acclaimed 2018 release 'Isolation' and 2020 release 'Sin Miedo'. This album further proves that Uchis is one of the most consistent artists in music today.

    Kicking off the album is "in My Garden...", a short vibe-setting intro with naturistic noises and what sounds like Kali sending a message to someone, reminding them that she loves them. This intro quickly and smoothly goes into "I Wish you Roses", the first single to release from this album. Luscious, airy, spacey, dreamy--this song is what you'd picture Kali Uchis to sound like. This track is like laying down on the softest pillow, surrounding you with subtle and pretty harmonies. "Worth the Wait" offers up a nice bass, groovy drum beat, and pretty strings. The harmonies are wonderful at the end, and Omar sounds solid. The ending, however, is a bit awkward as it ends mid-note, causing the transition into the next track to sound unclean. "Love Between" could offer up more lyrically, but at least it is vocally nice and has a soulful bassline and all-around lush production. "All Mine" is similar; nice vocal layers and beautiful keys, but nothing to stand out. "Fantasy" is a decent listen, containing dancey drums, a nice groove, and a solid performance from Don Toliver; I was a fan of the vocal production as well on this track. The track "Como Te Quiero Yo" gives us hints of 'Sin Miedo', with beautiful vocals and melody from Uchis, gorgeous harmonies, and dreamy synths hovering eerily in the background. "Hasta Cuando" wasn't as impressive, it's just a decently plushy shortcut, with good vocal mixing, but not really much to write home about.

    "Endlessly" is where the album began to pick up again, with a wonderful combination of drums and bass, and lovely buried synths, adding a bit of a synth-poppy feel to the track. "Moral Conscience" contains some of Kali's best vocals on the album, accompanied by punchier drums that still nurture that R&B feel to them. The synths at the end are the cherry on top. "Not Too Late" has a hard-hitting bassline, again with solid vocal production, and I thoroughly enjoyed the little switch to Spanish rapping. The lyrics are nothing too special, just classic lovesick songwriting (ex. “not too late to admit you love me”). The synths on this track give off a really satisfying spacey/dreamy feel. "Blue" is one of the stand-out tracks on the project, as it's instrumentally layered beautifully, with gorgeous horns in the background, a nice touch of what sounds like a maraca in the beginning, and a mysterious and enchanting melody from Kali. "Deserve Me" follows, one of the more underwhelming tracks, with good driving hip-hop-like drums, sounding like any other generic pop/R&B cut. "Moonlight" is another favorite of mine; it's such a plush and tranquilizing track. Kali's vocals and harmonies put you in a trance, the instrumental is gorgeous, the bass is funky, the drums are perfectly and subtly mixed, and that sparkly wind-chime-sounding synth is an amazing touch. The project closes with "Happy Now", which is a weird bubbly, and upbeat transition from "Moonlight", catching me off guard a bit. I enjoyed the last half of the track more than the first, and she displays solid vocals. It's an all-around ok closer.

    Although 'Red Moon In Venus' has its moments where the spotlight falls off of it, it's still a solid R&B project with moments of greatness and great production, proving that Uchis will continue to put out consistently solid music. However, I'd love to see her branch out and experiment more with her production sometime in the future, as she seems to be very comfortable with these textbook R&B sounds. (https://melidy.wixsite.com/melidy/post/kali-uchis-red-moon-in-venus-review)
  17. Mar 5, 2023
    KALI IS BACK! And with a MUST LISTEN record which has everything you could possibly look for in an album, i’m stunning visuals, incredible melodies, mesmerizing instrumentals and positive messages. Honestly can’t wait for my vinyl and signed CD to arrive!
  18. Mar 4, 2023
    this album is so amaizing. kali uchis know how work with music. she deserve all this good notes
  19. Mar 4, 2023
    Kali undoubtedly offers us a genre with better production and lyrics when it is done in English, it is an incredible album.
  20. Mar 4, 2023
    ......................................... ......hbbawjc aEBEbljBSHBHC AD aabhcbhd shdsxbhcvgcvshd has xabxaaoSUIBWEWDBBC................................
  21. Mar 4, 2023
    Literalmente es un álbum sin skip. Todas las canciones se unen haciendo que de principio a fin sea una historia que incluye todo el amor que uno puede dar y recibir. La voz de Kali es algo angelical y relajante que se puede escuchar durante horas, acompañado del ritmo de todas las canciones es algo muy bonito y digno de escuchar. Todas sus canciones tienen un significado de vida, lasLiteralmente es un álbum sin skip. Todas las canciones se unen haciendo que de principio a fin sea una historia que incluye todo el amor que uno puede dar y recibir. La voz de Kali es algo angelical y relajante que se puede escuchar durante horas, acompañado del ritmo de todas las canciones es algo muy bonito y digno de escuchar. Todas sus canciones tienen un significado de vida, las visuales son simplemente hermosas y por último, no puedo esperar a que saque su próximo álbum en español este año. Expand
  22. Mar 3, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. By far her best work sonically. The way she harmonizes the beat, the vocals and her voice all of it with beautiful and delicate little details is out of this world. Congratulations Kali, you managed to overcome Isolation. Expand
  23. Mar 3, 2023
    kali uchis is an amazing artist, she has a lot of things to do. lovr this continuation of isolation, her voice sounds even better
  24. Mar 3, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum mais perfeito que já ouvir, não teve uma faixa que não gostei, amei todas não existe música ruim nesse álbum a Kali como sempre provando que é a MAIOOOOOR é por isso que eu amo a mami! Expand
  25. Mar 3, 2023
    Kali Uchis once again shows she is mother. She is the queen of R&B. This album is ON REPEAT!!!!!

Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. 70
    Red Moon in Venus marks a consolidation of Kali Uchis's talents, a work that manages to experiment whilst distilling her artistic essence, and flexing just quite how good she is at it.
  2. Mar 3, 2023
    It’s a lush, lavish, luscious hot tub of an album, conjuring visions of plush feather beds, fluffy pillows and bubble baths, although the lyrics will occasionally jolt the listener out of their chill.
  3. Mar 3, 2023
    Though there's not much variation in volume or tempo, listening carefully to the record's subtle weather shifts is deeply satisfying; it's a dream state, enveloped by Uchis' inimitable voice.