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Mixed or average reviews- based on 159 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 57 out of 159
  2. Negative: 67 out of 159
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  1. Nov 25, 2021
    A very good album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Nov 25, 2021
    Maroon 5 is not as relevant as they use to be but they still manage to make a great album
  3. Nov 24, 2021
    People usually dislake this album and even though I don't think its better than their first ones, I still think its good
  4. Aug 30, 2021
    As a huge fan of Maroon 5's pre-"Moves Like Jagger" work, this has got to be the worst album I have ever forced myself to sit through in full. Their new album "Jordi" came out this year and I just couldn't even force myself to give it a listen. What a disgraceful fall from a band that once created a 10/10 album in Songs About Jane.
  5. Jun 22, 2021
    This album is definitely Maroon 5's most interesting album to review at the time I'm writing this. "Interesting" comes with a couple of connotations:

    Simply put, the instrumentals sound plastic and fake. Maroon 5 is sonically evolving in the wrong direction; they used to define the mainstream, and now they're conforming to it. However, as agents of the mainstream, they managed to
    This album is definitely Maroon 5's most interesting album to review at the time I'm writing this. "Interesting" comes with a couple of connotations:

    Simply put, the instrumentals sound plastic and fake. Maroon 5 is sonically evolving in the wrong direction; they used to define the mainstream, and now they're conforming to it. However, as agents of the mainstream, they managed to sound quite good. "What Lovers Do" is the perfect example of this; it's missing all of the energy that led me to fall in love with the band in the first place, but it captured my attention from start to finish.

    Lyrically, we get the full range from wholly uninspired to goosebumps-inducing. It's all too easy to write off the lyrics when you don't like the sound design, and in several cases, the lyrics truly are throwaway. However, you also get gold nuggets like "Lips on You" and "Whiskey" that actually do make me shiver.

    In the end, Red Pill Blues is far from my favorite Maroon 5 album, and I despise the direction they're taking the sound. Even so, I can appreciate and respect it for what it is.
  6. Jun 21, 2021
    My least favourite album, but still an amaizing one. The thing with this album is, they main singles are amaizing, but the attached songs are not that good, of course there are examples, such as Best 4 u, Visions, Denim jacket.
  7. Jun 12, 2021
    Literal garbage, Maroon 5 hit the bottom of the barrel. It's even worse than V, which at least had 1 great song, Maps, and a few ok ones, It Was Always You, Unkiss Me, and This Summer.
    But this album has no good songs. The first half is mostly boring filler like Lips On You and Bet My Heart. It does however feature the absolute worst Maroon 5 song ever: What Lovers Do. This song is so
    Literal garbage, Maroon 5 hit the bottom of the barrel. It's even worse than V, which at least had 1 great song, Maps, and a few ok ones, It Was Always You, Unkiss Me, and This Summer.
    But this album has no good songs. The first half is mostly boring filler like Lips On You and Bet My Heart. It does however feature the absolute worst Maroon 5 song ever: What Lovers Do. This song is so f*cking atrocious, with horrid production, and an abysmal excuse for lyrics that are repeated a million times.
    The second half of the album has a bunch of crap with featured artists. It starts with Help Me Out, which is so cringeworthy with the terrible vocals and dumb noises. Closure is the least worst on this album, and it kinda works as background music.
    Don't forget Girls Like You, no not the Crappy B, sorry I meant Cardi B version. This version is the boring version because my god, it is so f*cking lame.

    And then there's the deluxe version, which features the godawful Denim Jacket, the pathetic Visions, the dull Plastic Rose, the irritating Don't Wanna Know, and the monotonous Cold.
    It also has the Crappy B version of Girls Like You.

    So overall, worse than V, another disappointment.
  8. Jun 3, 2021
    Maroon 5 manages to descend from making extremely boring, alright music to making you want to fall asleep.

    FAV TRACK: Girls Like You
    LEAST FAV TRACK: Visions
  9. Aug 16, 2020
    Sorry, but this sucks. I've always been a massive Maroon 5 fan, and I love all of their previous albums very much, but this just isn't it. It's generic, boring, too long and just BAD.

    The only thing stopping it from getting a lower score are the singles which were all pretty good and enjoyable, but yeah overall this album is not good at all.
  10. Apr 6, 2020
    Red Pill Blues by Maroon 5: 3.60

    Best 4 U: 0.5 What Lovers Do (feat. SZA): 0.75 Wait: 0.25 Lips On You: 0.5 Bet My Heart: 0.25 Help Me Out (with Julia Michaels): 0.25 Who I Am (feat. LunchMoney Lewis): 0.5 Whisky (feat. A$AP Rocky): 0.75 Girls Like You (feat. Cardi B) (1 :))/regular version (1 :)): 1 :) Closure: 0.75 Denim Jacket: 1 Visions: 0.5 Plastic Rose: 0.5 Don’t
    Red Pill Blues by Maroon 5: 3.60

    Best 4 U: 0.5
    What Lovers Do (feat. SZA): 0.75
    Wait: 0.25
    Lips On You: 0.5
    Bet My Heart: 0.25
    Help Me Out (with Julia Michaels): 0.25
    Who I Am (feat. LunchMoney Lewis): 0.5
    Whisky (feat. A$AP Rocky): 0.75
    Girls Like You (feat. Cardi B) (1 :))/regular version (1 :)): 1 :)
    Closure: 0.75
    Denim Jacket: 1
    Visions: 0.5
    Plastic Rose: 0.5
    Don’t Wanna Know (feat. Kendrick Lamar): 0.75
    Cold (feat. Future): 0.75

    9/15 = .600 -> 3.60

    Red Pill Blues is Maroon 5’s most recent album. It’s also their worst. A lot of their music sounds the same, the use of generic electronic drum tracks is very annoying, and Adam Levine relies too much on autotune. Such a shame, since Levine has a great voice. There’s no need to try to “improve” it. Autotune only makes voices worse because we can’t understand what people who use autotune are saying. What happened to Maroon 5’s rock and roll music? That was so much better than the pop they’re producing now. I don’t hate pop, unless it sounds like this. That being said, a lot of the songs are still upbeat and fun. I hope that Red Pill Blues is just something Maroon 5 is trying out, just like Taylor Swift’s 2016 album “reputation”. Her next album, Lover, was a huge improvement and reminded me of her earlier stuff. Red Pill Blues is just the runt of the litter, and hopefully this means that Maroon 5’s new stuff (when they release it) will be a lot better than this. Of course, this album wasn’t horrible, as it could have been a lot worse. That doesn’t mean it’s a good album, though. Maroon 5, please go back to producing rock. Highlights: Girls Like You and Denim Jacket. (Whiskey was also a good song, but I didn’t like its somewhat extensive use of autotune).
  11. Mar 21, 2020
    Good pop album, I mean it didn't deserve the hate it get. I loved "Girls LIke You" at the moment, but nobody's talking about the song. Then boom, six months later, everybody loves the song. But no vocal delivery and what the hell is "Closure"?
  12. Dec 25, 2018
    Changes for the worse. Degradation. It seems that this is the beginning of the end of the once beautiful band. Where did the drive, corporate identity? I do not understand why they need 7 people. For such a "music" enough three.
  13. Jul 31, 2018
    Very cool and enjoyable album with great writing, melodies and production. The featured artists are good, but Maroon 5 has really hit their stride making songs that people want to hear again and again. I enjoy this album quite a lot
  14. May 11, 2018
    I wonder what the hell happened to Maroon 5? The album is not that horrible, some songs are great, but the whole work is below their talent. We need more Songs About Jane and less Red Pill Blues.
  15. May 11, 2018
    The worst album I've ever heard in the pop genre. It was awful.The sound of Adam is good on this album, but the lyrics and performance of other members of the band are catastrophic.
  16. May 3, 2018
    I think they did a great job mixing the sounds of R&B with pop, trying to stick to their roots with Songs About Jane.

    Red Pill Blues is the closest in terms of sound to their first album.
  17. Jan 14, 2018
    Red pill biues es el ultimo album de studio de maroon 5.

    La verdad es qe venia esperando muchisimo de este trabajo musical, las canciones promocionadas como sencillos desde el 2016, habian generado un impacto mas que decente en la industria, dont wanna know fue la que abrio el telo, cold sinceramente fue muy generica pero su ritmo fue lo suficientemente bueno para que sea una de las
    Red pill biues es el ultimo album de studio de maroon 5.

    La verdad es qe venia esperando muchisimo de este trabajo musical, las canciones promocionadas como sencillos desde el 2016, habian generado un impacto mas que decente en la industria, dont wanna know fue la que abrio el telo, cold sinceramente fue muy generica pero su ritmo fue lo suficientemente bueno para que sea una de las billboard hot 100, y finalmente what lovers do fue la estocada final, en ese momento te vendieron el album, una melodia buenisima que no te aburres, tiene un coro super contagioso para cantar, la voz de Adam Levine tiene un gran performance, sin embargo el resultado del album no puedo decir que es mediocre, si no eres fan de la banda, es probable que la musica este... bien, pero para alguien que los conocio y se enamoro con overexposed, que descubrio la obra de arte de wont be long before soon simplemente es mediocre, no digo que decepcione, pero no esta a la altura de trabajos anteriores.

    Ni siquiera V que fue lo mas comercial que sacaron y lo unico rescatable de ese album es son las canciones Feelings, sugar, new love y lost stars de la version deluxe. Debo decir que decepciono mis espectativas, como fan de la banda me ha dejado una sensacion agridulce, sin embargo no es un mal album del todo, se puede disfrutar, si te gusta la musica comercial claro esta.
  18. Jan 3, 2018
    I really wanted to give this album a chance, but it is just plain bad. Maroon 5 have been on a rapid decline over the past few years, and "Songs About Jane" is still their shining achievement.
  19. Jan 3, 2018
    This album is totally bland. The lyrics are the embodiment of repetition. for example "Don't wanna Know Know Know" and the melodies are completely uninteresting. This albums melodies doesn't even sound like a band, if there were actual drums and guitars and bass in this album, it would sound like there were more than just Adam Levine working on this stuff. Completely bland and kind ofThis album is totally bland. The lyrics are the embodiment of repetition. for example "Don't wanna Know Know Know" and the melodies are completely uninteresting. This albums melodies doesn't even sound like a band, if there were actual drums and guitars and bass in this album, it would sound like there were more than just Adam Levine working on this stuff. Completely bland and kind of annoying mixed with the music sounds like it had no heart poured into it gives it a 2.3/10. Expand
  20. Dec 24, 2017
    I used to wait for this album and think that it would be so unexpected... However, I overestimated it so much. It's like you're listening to the same song all the time. They're all so similar. Sad.
  21. Dec 3, 2017
    This album sounds more like a raw and experimental pop when it comes to Maroon 5 and their radiophonic songs. That's why there's such a notable difference between this one and their last two albums - they're always trying to reinvent their "own sound".
    "What Lovers Do" is an electropop song and a great choice as their official first single (once "Don't Wanna Know" and "Cold" were
    This album sounds more like a raw and experimental pop when it comes to Maroon 5 and their radiophonic songs. That's why there's such a notable difference between this one and their last two albums - they're always trying to reinvent their "own sound".
    "What Lovers Do" is an electropop song and a great choice as their official first single (once "Don't Wanna Know" and "Cold" were previously released as "stand-alone singles").
    Personal Top 5: "Wait", "Whiskey", "Girls Like You", "Denim Jacket" and "Visions Of You".
  22. Nov 28, 2017
    No diré mucho sobre este álbum, pues una mala continuación de V, con canciones que en realidad no llegan a nada y que es mas de lo mismo, tratando de mantener ritmo pero no con calidad.
  23. Nov 18, 2017
    This atrocious album shows the band’s complete ineptitude to listen to themselves, which is a basic task for a musician, with ungodly melodic repetitions that could be played in torture chambers, insanely tedious and bland harmonic progressions, and a disgusting, systematized weak timbre that couldn’t even be improved in a long apologetic jam at the end, all presented so innocently itThis atrocious album shows the band’s complete ineptitude to listen to themselves, which is a basic task for a musician, with ungodly melodic repetitions that could be played in torture chambers, insanely tedious and bland harmonic progressions, and a disgusting, systematized weak timbre that couldn’t even be improved in a long apologetic jam at the end, all presented so innocently it makes me want to burn all physical copies in existence. My Score: 48/180 (Trash) = 2.7/10 Expand
  24. Nov 17, 2017
    Maroon 5 settles for mediocrity on Red Pill Blues. They say don’t judge the music by its album cover, but looking at the horrible record art of Red Pill Blues (which also is a terrible record title) just can’t help any instinct but be skeptic; give it a listen and reality does hit like a truck: Maroon 5 struggles all over on their sixth record.

    A very unpassionate Levine croons for over
    Maroon 5 settles for mediocrity on Red Pill Blues. They say don’t judge the music by its album cover, but looking at the horrible record art of Red Pill Blues (which also is a terrible record title) just can’t help any instinct but be skeptic; give it a listen and reality does hit like a truck: Maroon 5 struggles all over on their sixth record.

    A very unpassionate Levine croons for over 50 minutes of uninteresting ideas and story lines with the band’s new take on production, injecting house, r&b, and funk. The production per track are identical, like listening for ten songs with different love problems but having same instrumentation, flow, and distastefulness.
  25. Nov 16, 2017
    Their best album since 2011. Taking some elements from their earlier songs and mixing it with their later tunes, they seem to hit their stride once again with this album.
  26. Nov 16, 2017
    Adam Levine’s band has yet released another album. The boring way that the previous sentence was written was done on purpose. Why? Well, because it has been a while since Adam Levine & Co. have actually put their hearts and souls into their music. It’s been awhile since Maroon 5 stopped caring about success and thought about upgrading their music style to something serious or meaningful.Adam Levine’s band has yet released another album. The boring way that the previous sentence was written was done on purpose. Why? Well, because it has been a while since Adam Levine & Co. have actually put their hearts and souls into their music. It’s been awhile since Maroon 5 stopped caring about success and thought about upgrading their music style to something serious or meaningful. Yes, we all love catchy choruses, nice Pop productions and the feel good vibes that most of their music gives but isn’t it enough? Where’s the Maroon 5 that once wrote “This Love”? “Sunday Morning”? “She Will Be Loved”? “Makes Me Wonder”? “Won’t Go Home Without You”? I don’t know, do you? I guess “Closure” - present in this record - was a nice attempt but turning what could have been a three minutes song into a 12 minutes song is not something you do, especially if you will have the same instrumental repeating over and over again.

    Well, the band released “Red Pills Blues” in the beginning of November. The album’s first single was the extremely catchy and radio-friendly “What Lovers Do”, a duet with SZA that I fell in love immediately. I have heard the song quite a few times - also on the radio - and it still sounds so fresh to me. I guess that has to do with the minimalistic production Maroon 5 adopted for this album. Besides “What Lovers Do”, the album’s opening track “Best For You”, “Plastic Rose” or “Help Me Out” follow this minimalistic and irresistible trend that does fit Adam’s characteristic tone.

    Besides this trend, there’s something common to every song. You guessed it, they are all so catchy. All it takes is one listen and you already know the rhythm and the chorus… Is this good? Depends on what you’re looking for. Besides this uninspired way Maroon 5 has been making music sonically, lyrically it isn’t much better. The amount of “oh yeah” in the songs (check “Who I Am” or “Girl Like You”) is... Not something they can really brag about. Let’s put it that way.

    All of this doesn’t take away the fact that they work with some of the best Pop producers out there and, therefore, release great Pop songs. “Wait”, “Bet My Heart” or the sexual “Lips On You” are some of the best examples and also some of my favorites off this record that is built off love songs in its various ways. Throughout the CD, Adam goes from singing songs where he is the one to blame for the relationship failure (“Best For You”, “Denim Jacket”) to songs where he is heartbroken (“Whiskey”, “Bet My Heart”)... Which kind of creates a certain concept to this record. The video for the single “Cold” was probably the motto to it and it kind of goes along with the title “Red Pill Blues” that can be related to illusions or “Visions”.

    Overall, Maroon 5’s sixth studio album isn’t something to die for but is something you can listen without getting bored and for fun. If they’re not taking their music and talent seriously, who are we to do so? Nonetheless, I will for sure keep a few of those in my playlist. Damn those catchy tunes!
  27. Nov 12, 2017
    Red Pill Blues extends on Maroon 5's mediocrity. Instead of going for the usual rock and sometimes pop crossovers this album goes full electropop and Adam Levine is not flattering with that sound. What Lovers Do is a catchy song but it still is just not as good as their old work. This album is for sure a skip.
  28. Nov 6, 2017
    really i cant believe Maroon 5 spent more than 2 yrs just to make a horrible album like that .... i can understand they took a new direction but its really not good at all , the best songs in the album which ones that released as main singles and WAIT is not bad too but generally very disappointed album
  29. Nov 6, 2017
    This album is sort of a departure from the norm for the band, which sometimes results in an expansion of sound and diversity. it falls short of other Maroon 5 works and its the first album that isnt a listen from front to back. The album flow wasnt thought out well and they have set a high bar for themselves. All together id give it a 5 out 10
  30. Nov 5, 2017
    I've always been a big fan of Maroon 5, and when I heard about this album, I was excited, and I really thought this album would be great. Now that's it out, I have a mixed response to it. The album, according to the band, is supposed to give out an R&B feeling. That is true for certain songs, including "Wait," "Best 4 U," and "Lips on You," while songs like "Help Me Out" are meant to soundI've always been a big fan of Maroon 5, and when I heard about this album, I was excited, and I really thought this album would be great. Now that's it out, I have a mixed response to it. The album, according to the band, is supposed to give out an R&B feeling. That is true for certain songs, including "Wait," "Best 4 U," and "Lips on You," while songs like "Help Me Out" are meant to sound like the Dance/EDM type of music. One big complaint I had was the 11-minute "Closure." Closure is the last track on the album, and it really kind of ends at the 4 minute mark lyric wise, but then it extends with 7 minutes worth of instrumental, ending with unnecessary dialogue at the end of it. This is also the Maroon 5 album with the most collaborators, including SZA, Julia Michaels, LunchMoney Lewis, and A$AP Rocky (You can count Kendrick Lamar and Future too, with the deluxe edition), and they actually do nail their part of the song that they're in, even if their parts are a little short (Ex: Who I Am w/LuchMoney Lewis). Then there's the deluxe tracks, "Denim Jacket," "Visions," "Plastic Rose," "Don't Wanna Know," and "Cold." Personally, I think Denim Jacket is good, even if that f bomb that Adam drops feels out of place and unnecessary, Don't Wanna Know is a big stand out since it was a big hit in 2016, but songs like "Cold" just really feel out of place, and doesn't really sound like a M5 song. Overall, with "Red Pill Blues," I don't think it's the best album out of the previous 3 from this decade, but it's still a feel good album that i'm sure you'll find a favorite song or songs from. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Nov 8, 2017
    Levine’s voice murmurs and glints in the corners of the arrangement, and the total effect is exactly as pleasingly immaculate and numbing as all soft rock should be.
  2. Nov 6, 2017
    Whether skating over house beats on "Plastic Rose" or cruising through a ballad like "Denim Jacket," Levine proves himself a pliant star of Jacksonian ease and Stingly self-assurance.
  3. Nov 6, 2017
    With Red Pill Blues Levine and co have managed to produce an album that is uninteresting and unexciting; at best this is background music, to be listened to on very, very low volume, or even better, not at all.