• Record Label: Mercury
  • Release Date: Nov 6, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Nov 19, 2012
    Overall R.E.D. is concise and beautifully simple, making it one of this year's smoothest R&B albums.
  2. Nov 6, 2012
    Ultimately, it's the love songs that make the biggest impression on this nicely balanced disc.
  3. 80
    What's striking about R.E.D. are Ne-Yo's subtle but notable stylistic departures.
  4. 91
    The rawer lyrics showcase a man who's maturing without making a fuss about it.
  5. 63
    You get some of that [back to basics feel] from the first two songs on R.E.D., both of which Ne-Yo co-wrote with Shea Taylor, who also produced.... After that, though, R.E.D. doesn't really stick to the idea of less is more.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 28
  2. Negative: 8 out of 28
  1. Nov 7, 2012
    This album is an intriguing case but overall it's one I personally enjoy. For Ne-Yo it demonstrates two things. The first is his diversityThis album is an intriguing case but overall it's one I personally enjoy. For Ne-Yo it demonstrates two things. The first is his diversity as an artist. This album features various stylistic departures from his tried and true smooth RnB. From the dynamic upbeat pop tracks like Let Me Love You and Let's Go, to the RnB/country hybrid She Is ft Tim McGraw. This isn't to say that there aren't those classic RnB tracks and ballads us Ne-Yo loves have grown attached to. Tracks like Cracks in Mr Perfect, Lazy Love, Stress Reliever and Jealous are prime examples of that. The second is how he has matured as both an artist and a person. For example the first song, Cracks in Mr Perfect, is all about him acknowledging his personal flaws and as it winds down towards the end it becomes about self acceptance. As for the vocals, Ne-Yo sounds as silky smooth as ever. Particularly on the slower paced tracks. He makes it sound rather effortless at points. There is one critique I do have with the album though, and it's that it can feel a little inconsistent. He's tried so many things and shown off his diversity, but as a result the album doesn't quite define itself particularly well. This is something that will definitely both a good few people and may alienate them from considering buying the album, but I personally don't find it to be a big deal in the long term since there are definitely some excellent songs that offer a real sense of progression for Ne-Yo as an artist. I think the bottom line is, a fair few Ne-Yo fans may look at this album and think it's a back track from what Ne-Yo used to be. That the old Ne-Yo isn't really present but it's actually quite the opposite. It's a definite step forward for Ne-Yo. A new Ne-Yo that both acknowledges what he's done before and tries to do something new. Some may love it, some may not but I personally think this is a real great collection of songs. So do yourself a favour, and find the beauty in your cracks. Full Review »
  2. Nov 7, 2012
    I'm a big Ne-Yo fan but this actually is not my favorite Ne-Yo album. It got many good singles, but putting them at all I feel a kind ofI'm a big Ne-Yo fan but this actually is not my favorite Ne-Yo album. It got many good singles, but putting them at all I feel a kind of inconsistency, both among the singles and with its title. It would be better to call it a "collection" rather than an "album". Maybe I would give this a 5 or 6 if its not Ne-Yo's work. He was just over-concerned about returning to the edge and that unfortunately blinded his eyes. Hope he will truly "coming back" at next album. Full Review »
  3. Jan 7, 2016
    Ne-Yo loses his R&B style, but fortunately not his talent. This is a pop album, with some dance and R&B tracks, if the project was doNe-Yo loses his R&B style, but fortunately not his talent. This is a pop album, with some dance and R&B tracks, if the project was do something that can make happy pop-fans and R&B-fans, Ne-Yo failed, this album hasn't what he needs, scilicet chatchy songs. Full Review »