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Generally favorable reviews- based on 131 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 22 out of 131

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  1. Paul
    Apr 26, 2006
    A unique album, worked out better than i expected it to be but overall their least best record.
  2. GlennD
    Jan 11, 2006
    It's all great fun, especially very funny on first listen, but musically it can be pretty trying. It just doesn't leave a lasting impression.
  3. SpencerM
    Dec 11, 2005
    Critics hated it for not being a pop record; a record they wanted. But it's not supposed to be, you idiots! Who would ever do a pop record with their 83 year-old grandmother?? Nobody has, and nither have the Furnaces. This album is more of a radio show, a theatrically-whimsy and changing-as-is-life collection of sounds that tell the story of Olga Sarantos, the Furnaces' grandma. Critics hated it for not being a pop record; a record they wanted. But it's not supposed to be, you idiots! Who would ever do a pop record with their 83 year-old grandmother?? Nobody has, and nither have the Furnaces. This album is more of a radio show, a theatrically-whimsy and changing-as-is-life collection of sounds that tell the story of Olga Sarantos, the Furnaces' grandma. It's brilliant and if you don't like it not because you don't like Furnaces' style, but because it's too "out there" or "too far", then you're missing out. Expand
  4. SeanT
    Dec 11, 2005
    it gets a 10 for ingenuity and a 6 for listenability but then again this music is not meant to really enjoy but more so to study and yes there is a place in music for study despite all the people who just like music for dancing.
  5. DrGoob
    Nov 14, 2005
    I was ready to hate this album - it sounds like a horrible concept. But I love it. I have no idea why it has been called 'horrific' 'a disaster' 'exhausting and fruitless' and so on by so many critics. It just isn't. There is so much to like here. Olga's rough voice contrasts wonderfully with Eleanor's sweat tones, and their exchanges are used I was ready to hate this album - it sounds like a horrible concept. But I love it. I have no idea why it has been called 'horrific' 'a disaster' 'exhausting and fruitless' and so on by so many critics. It just isn't. There is so much to like here. Olga's rough voice contrasts wonderfully with Eleanor's sweat tones, and their exchanges are used well in conveying a story (the best example being 'The Wayward Granddaughter'). The lyrics are often extremely rewarding - 'Seven Silver Curses' is an excellent example, as is 'Guns Under The Counter', which is brilliantly surreal. The music is admittedly difficult, but not unrewarding. I especially enjoy the sudden transitions - they often catch you by surprise, which I find incredibly compelling as you're never entirely sure where the song will go next. On the whole this is a very rewarding album. Expand
  6. JeffK
    Nov 10, 2005
    This is quite simply the best album of the year. Sure, it's a tad off-putting at first, but the Furnaces have always followed their muse, even into strange territory. But once you get past the initial strangeness of the music, you will be rewarded with one of the most complex and beautiful albums you've ever heard.
  7. Kristoffer
    Nov 6, 2005
    Strangely haunting and very off-limits as far as pop music is concerned. I like.
  8. RadCompanyDotNetDeath
    Nov 3, 2005
    My girlfriend went to their show at Town Hall right before this album came out and they tested some of this crap on the audience that night. It made her squirm in her seat. The Fiery Furnaces are just whack overall. They make nursery rhyme indie music for sheltered white kids in arrested development. I call them "The Seasame Streets". Would somebody please shove a pacifier in their mouths?
  9. harveyw
    Nov 1, 2005
    i bought this record after reading an article in the times and i have to say that it's really remarkable. i haven't heard anything like it. it's not the easiest thing to listen to--it's not jingle pop--but it's rich and is way easier than some reviews lead you to think. it's an album you can actually JUST listen to, sitting, absorbing, rather than websurfing i bought this record after reading an article in the times and i have to say that it's really remarkable. i haven't heard anything like it. it's not the easiest thing to listen to--it's not jingle pop--but it's rich and is way easier than some reviews lead you to think. it's an album you can actually JUST listen to, sitting, absorbing, rather than websurfing or chatting with it in the background. it clamors for your full attention. and deserves it. Expand
  10. LouisF
    Oct 31, 2005
    I love the Furnaces. You know why? Because I don't have to wonder why. I just get into this album and get caught in the whirlwind. There's like this strange smile across my mouth which tells me: ''Come on, man, cut this silly racket.'' Won't. Can't. Like the voices too much. Like the sound of the words. Like the dissonance, like the harmony, like I love the Furnaces. You know why? Because I don't have to wonder why. I just get into this album and get caught in the whirlwind. There's like this strange smile across my mouth which tells me: ''Come on, man, cut this silly racket.'' Won't. Can't. Like the voices too much. Like the sound of the words. Like the dissonance, like the harmony, like how they're ordered in weird sequences. Like that, as far as I consider, there is simply no ''attitude''. Just this focused execution of carefully composed segments, a bit like a chamber trio. This is really just one big piece, a piece that plays with me, laughs at me (''Listen!'') and downright spellminds me. Another fine trip. Expand
  11. Nicks
    Oct 31, 2005
    I agree almost completely with Gnarles. I think it is a failed experiment, but at the same time I am weirdly affected by it. I actually really like Olga's narration, but I wish the Friedbergers had given this album a greater sense of musical coherency. I'm glad that they have put it out, but it's not something that I could see myself listening to regularly. I think I agree almost completely with Gnarles. I think it is a failed experiment, but at the same time I am weirdly affected by it. I actually really like Olga's narration, but I wish the Friedbergers had given this album a greater sense of musical coherency. I'm glad that they have put it out, but it's not something that I could see myself listening to regularly. I think Pitchfork's assertion that "As a think piece, Rehearsing My Choir is enormously engaging, but as a pop record, it's exhausting and fruitless," is correct. RMC will probably remain, in my mind, an interesting, complex, sometimes moving, yet seriously flawed experiment. Expand
  12. EricD
    Oct 30, 2005
    "Rehearsing my Choir" will be debated by every overextended struggling writer and indie-slob-know-it-all who think they have a stake in the "fruitful landscape" of the contemporary indie scene. The fact of the matter is that this album is beyond any such debate. In fact, it is beyond the indie scene and with that, music in general. "Rehearsing my Choir" is more of a testament to life,: "Rehearsing my Choir" will be debated by every overextended struggling writer and indie-slob-know-it-all who think they have a stake in the "fruitful landscape" of the contemporary indie scene. The fact of the matter is that this album is beyond any such debate. In fact, it is beyond the indie scene and with that, music in general. "Rehearsing my Choir" is more of a testament to life,: with all of its drama and anti-climactic twists. For those who make the argument that it could have been done better or been less prententious, I remind you of two points, First, that is almost word for word what many grim-faced critics said about "Blueberry Boat", perhaps one of the greatest achievements any band has ever released. Second, I need only reference one word "Tommy" - the penultimate benchmark of ambitious, borderline "pretentious", rock operas, also one of the greatest albums ever released. "Rehearsing My Choir" might as well be a historical document written by an alzheimers patient with a great imagination. The twists and unexpected tone variances require the full attention of the listener in the same way a stage performance does. The Freidbergers are able to mix experimentation with sentimentality, avant-garde with nostalgia, expectation and desire. "Rehearsing My Choir" is a masterfully constructed album that should be seen for what it is, not the an exposition of musical literacy, but rather an expression of philosophical concern with life and the way in which memory constructs the past, not the other way around. Expand
  13. DrewR
    Oct 30, 2005
    The key to "Rehearsing my Choir" is not to approach the album expecting some dancable, friendly indie-pop music. This album is difficult, but considering the Furnaces' catalogue is it that surprising that they've dropped a heady, Joycean, operatic opus on us?
  14. AdamX
    Oct 29, 2005
    An album destined to split opinion straight down the middle. I personally find myself adoring this album for it's spirit, vitality and message. It is a perfect late night listen, and an album guaranteed to give a life affirming lesson to those who want to listen. Wonderful.
  15. human
    Oct 28, 2005
    I'm not a fan, but I liked this enough to recosider their previous output....
  16. John
    Oct 28, 2005
    And I thought Blueberry Boat sucked. Just an awful, awful album. If you claim to like this music, you are lying to yourself.
  17. BCW
    Oct 28, 2005
    Slavin' Away is one of the best songs they've ever done, and so is Garfield El, but unlike Blueberry Boat, each song lacks it's own energy that makes it great while simultaneously being unique. Most of the songs just "are".
  18. Gnarles
    Oct 28, 2005
    I'm a huge Fiery Furnaces fan, and Blueberry Boat was my favorite album of 2004, but sadly I am going to have to side with the critics on this one. After the first two tracks, which are admittedly brilliant, it begins to tire rapidly. I think the major problem is the music, which is often too baroque and tuneless and doesn't really fit Olga's vocals a lot of the time. I'm a huge Fiery Furnaces fan, and Blueberry Boat was my favorite album of 2004, but sadly I am going to have to side with the critics on this one. After the first two tracks, which are admittedly brilliant, it begins to tire rapidly. I think the major problem is the music, which is often too baroque and tuneless and doesn't really fit Olga's vocals a lot of the time. Sarantos is a terrific narrator and I warmed to her voice almost immediately. Unlike many people who hear this record, my beef is not with Olga - it's with her grandchildren. The music cries out for a more subtle, focused approach to stay in line with Olga's musings, but it just isn't there, and the result is often cacophony. It's just hard to get through this monster - twice as hard than it is to get through Blueberry Boat, at least to me. As challenging as Blueberry Boat was, most of the challenge was with sorting out the time changes and tone shifts, whereas here it's trying to sort out the tortuous sonic dissonce of Olga's narratives verses the spotty music. A pretty Sisyphean effort if you ask me. Rehearsing My Choir creates an interesting paradox for me - I admire them more than ever for putting this out at all, for hanging so much of themselves out there for possible ridicule like this, but at the same time, I think the album has to be ruled a failure for its execution. Olga Sarantos' interesting life and charismatic narratives deserve better than these mish-mash tunes. Maybe the upcoming Bitter Tea will make me appreciate Rehearsing My Choir more, but I have a feeling it'll make me - and the rest of you - forget about it altogether. Expand
  19. RonR
    Oct 27, 2005
    Man, people need to lighten up. Not only is this album incredibly fun (what's the point in life if it's not fun?), and tells a very good story. The music (as chaotic as it can get at times) plays it's role well in setting the mood. Concept albums should never be rated the same as "Pop Hits" albums. This one is very good.
  20. chrisk
    Oct 27, 2005
    to assign a number to rate this wonderfully creative work feels inappropriate. all facets of this unique musical statement are beyond reproach. from concept to execution, rehearsing my choir is genius. the disparate reviews only indicate that this will go down as one of the all-time misunderstood gems. well, i am glad i get it and happy the fiery furnaces had the foresight to commit their to assign a number to rate this wonderfully creative work feels inappropriate. all facets of this unique musical statement are beyond reproach. from concept to execution, rehearsing my choir is genius. the disparate reviews only indicate that this will go down as one of the all-time misunderstood gems. well, i am glad i get it and happy the fiery furnaces had the foresight to commit their grandmother's stories to recorded history. three cheers for the furnaces! Expand
  21. AndyH.
    Oct 27, 2005
    Rehearsing My Choir is not a pop album. Fans of the recent wave of indie-pop, including many casual FF fans, will be very frustrated listening to this. But the Friedburgers know what they're doing, and are doing it better than anyone out there right now. The torrent of bad reviews from the music critics seem to reflect a confusion about the execution of this project; what it's Rehearsing My Choir is not a pop album. Fans of the recent wave of indie-pop, including many casual FF fans, will be very frustrated listening to this. But the Friedburgers know what they're doing, and are doing it better than anyone out there right now. The torrent of bad reviews from the music critics seem to reflect a confusion about the execution of this project; what it's suppose to mean, etc... but in the end there's really nothing to "get". RMC should be thought of as a very large, colorful, convoluted mural, to be appreciated as a whole, and overanalyzing it is missing the point. The storied soundscape of this album is unique and brilliant, reminiscent of some of the best work of The Residents. FF have solidified their place as true artists with this one - but don't worry, if you're a fan and can't handle it, you can rest easy. Bitter Tea will be hear before you know it. Expand
  22. DavidG
    Oct 27, 2005
    Almost unlistenable
  23. kellym
    Oct 27, 2005
    i'm not saying that you have to like this album, but to discard it just because you don't get it is a foolish move--there is so much to get out of it. i love it, and to say it is unlistenable, at least to me, is a questionable take as well. this is one of the most engaging and listenable albums i've ever heard.
  24. RogerT
    Oct 27, 2005
    Enough of this artsy-fartsy stuff. Let's write some hits, kids.
  25. RB
    Oct 27, 2005
    An endlessly rewarding album.
  26. leek
    Oct 26, 2005
    Once again, the Fieries amaze us with something completely out there. Last time it was Blueberry Boat - notice the equally polarized reviews - now it's Rehearsing My Choir. Blueberry boat received more than it's fair share of critical scorn, but it was an unqualified success, RMC is receiving equally polarized reviews and it is equally amazing. The grandmother is amazing, does Once again, the Fieries amaze us with something completely out there. Last time it was Blueberry Boat - notice the equally polarized reviews - now it's Rehearsing My Choir. Blueberry boat received more than it's fair share of critical scorn, but it was an unqualified success, RMC is receiving equally polarized reviews and it is equally amazing. The grandmother is amazing, does anyone else hear how she sounds like Capt. Beefheart? Expand
  27. matta
    Oct 26, 2005
    Unlistenable. I gave them the benefit of the doubt with Blueberry Boat because although i wasn't crazy about it, I had to give them some points for their original and innovative sound. Not this time. Grandma making screeching sex noises would have more listenable than her vocals here. Yea sure it's an original idea but so is masturbating and then setting your penis on fire. Unlistenable. I gave them the benefit of the doubt with Blueberry Boat because although i wasn't crazy about it, I had to give them some points for their original and innovative sound. Not this time. Grandma making screeching sex noises would have more listenable than her vocals here. Yea sure it's an original idea but so is masturbating and then setting your penis on fire. Which actually would probably be more pleasant than having to listen to this album again, come to think of it. Now for all you fans out there, don't think I didn't give this album a chance. I've listened to it probably at least 7 or 8 times over the past few days, and it was torture. I'm huge into forward-thinking, creative, sometimes eclectic indie-rock, but the Fiery Furnaces are just plain dumb. One point for some decent piano lines and few clever lyrics. Expand
  28. hilariousbookbinder
    Oct 26, 2005
    Sublime. Much more indebted to Philip Glass/Robert Wilson, Harry Partch, and Charles Ives than anything rock or pop. I guess as an "indie rock" record it would rate a "42"--trouble is, it's not an "indie rock" record in any way shape or form--so don't be scared, it won't hurt you.
  29. melissaa
    Oct 26, 2005
    It was innovative and at times fantastic, but I don't think I'll listen to it exhaustively, the way I do the other three ff albums. Also, their grandmother's voice is nearly unlistenable, masculine and froglike.
  30. MaxK
    Oct 26, 2005
    I didn't particularly enjoy "Blueberry Boat" but listening to this album made my ears bleed, scab over, and bleed some more. It was an extremely painful experience, that i don't wish upon even the most qualified hipster. Those with pink shirts and popped collars do not apply. 2005 had so many quality albums slide under the radar like The New Lows "FREE EP". It's sad to see I didn't particularly enjoy "Blueberry Boat" but listening to this album made my ears bleed, scab over, and bleed some more. It was an extremely painful experience, that i don't wish upon even the most qualified hipster. Those with pink shirts and popped collars do not apply. 2005 had so many quality albums slide under the radar like The New Lows "FREE EP". It's sad to see an album so terrible, garner so much attention. I am sure this time next year The Fiery Furnaces will be back with an album even more awkward & less focused. And you will probably buy that one too. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 25
  2. Negative: 5 out of 25
  1. As a think piece, Rehearsing My Choir is enormously engaging, but as a pop record, it's exhausting and fruitless.
  2. The Fiery Furnaces have delivered another great American novel via guitars, drums, bells, and whistles.
  3. Billboard
    Think of a visit to Nana's house reimagined as alt-Broadway musical theater. [29 Oct 2005]