
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. The album's only weakness is its awful track sequence. At times it can be uncomfortable to listen to. The songs don't seem to fit together in the order they have been laid out for the listener.
  2. ATDI's latest album has its amps cranked to the hilt from start to finish. Far from being another in a long line of sanitised American punk rock albums, 'Relationship Of Command' sounds REAL.
  3. The music roars along, occasionally slowing to build tension, then letting loose with a corrosive guitar assault.
  4. 70
    They deliver breathless, urgent rifferama, elements of which can be traced to RATM, The Stooges and Placebo.
  5. While Relationship of Command doesn't quite compare to seeing this group live, you'll surely want to mosh-dance in your bedroom when you listen to this recording.
  6. On this 11-track masterpiece, so full of adrenaline and swarming moods, ATDI has created one of the most infecting and mind-blowing rock albums in a long time. While most of the tracks are of the more aggressive edge, this is undeniably the band's most focused and well put together and, therefore, best all-around album yet.
  7. In a bad time for young guitar bands, including many barely forgettable ones lumped under the trade name "emo," these ambitious yowlers are reason for hope.
  8. 70
    When a band amasses most of its fan base from constant touring, as ATDI has, creating an album that captures the rawness of live shows is paramount. This natural ingredient in its sound is captured beautifully on Relationship of Command.
  9. Producer Ross Robinson (Korn, Deftones, Slipknot, etc.) brings a degree of alt-rock punch to the proceedings, but there's more than enough garage grit left in the grooves to keep the indie kids smirking. There's certainly some downtime on Relationship of Command, but when it hits you'll be smarting, and smiling.
  10. The new album, Relationship of Command, is one of the most amazing collections of music I have ever heard.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 138 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 138
  1. Aug 21, 2012
    Arguably one of the most important post-hardcore albums in the history of the genre. What Bixler, Rodriguez and Co accomplished here is a trueArguably one of the most important post-hardcore albums in the history of the genre. What Bixler, Rodriguez and Co accomplished here is a true triumph. They managed to make an album that was accessible enough to bring people into the fold of post-hardcore, while still maintaining credibility among the stalwart fans of the genre through urgency, songwriting prowess and phenomenal instrumentation. Even Bixler's voice, that initially might take some getting used to, quickly becomes one of the best parts of this breathtaking album after a few listens. Full Review »
  2. Dec 15, 2010
    This is one of my favorite rock albums. It's utterly amazing. The vocals are some of the best I've ever heard and the musicianship isThis is one of my favorite rock albums. It's utterly amazing. The vocals are some of the best I've ever heard and the musicianship is incredible. "Pattern Against User" is one of my favorite songs of all time. All In All, One of my favorite albums. A Full Review »
  3. Jan 31, 2023
    A very dynamic album that has some truly well executed ideas. Probably one of the bands that tests the limits of how to sing and using theA very dynamic album that has some truly well executed ideas. Probably one of the bands that tests the limits of how to sing and using the voice as an instrument. Overall The album doesn't really speak to me and The Mars Volta don't really try to capture and refine this sound, but they instead decided to move on it seems. Which I can completely respect as an artist, but I'm a little disappointed as a fan. Full Review »