• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: May 15, 2007
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 76 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 61 out of 76
  2. Negative: 3 out of 76

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  1. NatalieH
    Jun 4, 2007
    Rufus Wainwright is by far the most incredible musician that has EVER graced this earth. He's phenomenal!
  2. MargaretS
    Jun 5, 2007
    We have just seen him at the Old Vic-he is just fantastically talented. The depth of his music, the intracacies of the melodies and rythms just knock you back. His voice soars,his musicality sills the theatre- and this album.
  3. ericd
    Jun 6, 2007
    This album is very strong at the start to middle. It does however have a drop off point!? Rufus makes original sounds and I think the industry sometimes doesn't know what exactly to write about him. Some of the critics are harsh and ignorant but ironically in there poor reviews of him they don't really make solid points why the music is bad. Then the positive reviews always have This album is very strong at the start to middle. It does however have a drop off point!? Rufus makes original sounds and I think the industry sometimes doesn't know what exactly to write about him. Some of the critics are harsh and ignorant but ironically in there poor reviews of him they don't really make solid points why the music is bad. Then the positive reviews always have this twist of evil...I dunno this album is very good, in fact it's great! Just have a listen yourself. If you get it, it's beautiful! Key Tracks: Going To A Town, Between My Legs, Do I Disappoint You, Nobody's Off The Hook. Expand
  4. StaciaM
    Jun 7, 2007
    Finally, something to stand up to his debut album.
  5. GioSCerbo
    May 14, 2007
    Rufus proves once again, his musical genius! Fabulous album! BUY IT! DOWNLOAD IT! NOW!
  6. PaulC
    May 15, 2007
    As Want One/Two is my favourite all time album, I was anxious that this follow up would fail to live up to expectations. Its early days still (I have only heard it through three times) but early signs are that Release The Stars is every bit as good as I could have hoped for, with Rufus' trademark ecstatic songwriting and production in full flight. Nay-sayers who scoff at the As Want One/Two is my favourite all time album, I was anxious that this follow up would fail to live up to expectations. Its early days still (I have only heard it through three times) but early signs are that Release The Stars is every bit as good as I could have hoped for, with Rufus' trademark ecstatic songwriting and production in full flight. Nay-sayers who scoff at the overblown dramatics are completely missing the point of Rufus, possibly the closest thing modern pop has to a contemporary classical composer. There are highlights aplenty on the album, growers too, and in I Disappoint You and Slideshow, two best ever tracks to rank alongside I Don't Know What It Is, Go or Go Ahead and, oh, so many others. The man's a genius. Expand
  7. HelenB
    May 16, 2007
    An amazing artistic album. Something that would make any money-making artist (britney etc) feel bad on selling out just for people's money. Rufus never ever disappoints :]
  8. amber
    May 16, 2007
    Less is more as they say but in this instance Rufus has opted for MORE, its just too much for me I'm afraid. His songs are individually beautiful and touching, but as an album, its just too much to take in. I
  9. joser.r
    May 22, 2007
    It´s very absurd the ratings in your web....This records belongs to more than 80 category. You posh people of the press !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It our new Mozart but you don´t notice. So keep listening Panda Bear and go insane men!!!!
  10. wander
    May 3, 2007
    best album from rufus - great job
  11. EdwardR
    May 30, 2007
    As a long-time Rufus fan, this is by far his best CD to date. All 12 tracks are stunning, it has a cohesive whole, and the melodies and hooks are impossible to get out of your head. A fantastic release.
  12. PhilippeD.
    Jun 22, 2007
    Been a Rufus fan for some time now. He is an amazing artist. Release The Stars is not his best work but still pretty good. Listen to # 2,8,9,10,11 and 12. I've been waiting a while for new stuff from Rufus and I must say that I am very happy with his lastest work. Good job Rufus.
  13. AdamW
    Nov 17, 2007
    Exce[tional - a real grower of an album - sounded like a bit of an albatross on first play but now I just can't get enough of it. The grandiose "Slideshow" and the exuberant "Do I Disappoint You" are standout tracks, but the tender and vulnerable "Not Ready To Love" is also exceptional. Production-wise, a shower of an album. Musically, a definite grower. Give it a chance.
  14. Michelle
    May 14, 2007
  15. Jonnym
    May 14, 2007
    Ranges from the sublime to the innocuous..which brings me to TJWells comment...LCDSoundsystem is the best album of the year so far, just ahead of Modest Mouse.
  16. ChrisS.
    May 14, 2007
    it's amazing how allmusic has really not understood rufus' music ever. i think this is a great great album
  17. Corey
    May 14, 2007
    The only reason I give this a 9 is because it just doesn't match the Want albums which are amazing. Still this is a terrific set of songs from a musical prodigy. Some people just don't "get" Rufus. It is so rare to find an artist that produces such intelligent, thought provoking and goosebump inducing music with such consistancy. Wonderful album.
  18. pimpap
    May 15, 2007
    A MASTERPIECE! An emotional rollercoaster that shatters you, makes you happy, sad, in love and in doubt.
  19. ElizabethA
    May 15, 2007
    Simply amazing. Rufus has definitely done it again.
  20. Carrie
    May 15, 2007
    He just keep getting better.
  21. DavidD
    May 15, 2007
    What a ride! This will definately carry me through the summer (and fall and winter)
  22. [Anonymous]
    May 15, 2007
    Gorgeous, huge, and absolutely wonderful. Best ever from Rufus.
  23. rufusi.
    May 17, 2007
    beauteous, glorious, delicious. He doesn't do it for his mother's approval, when he gets that, it's because he's gifting her. He's brilliant!
  24. LisaL
    May 21, 2007
    He is a genius, plain and simple. Those happen to be two words I would never use to describe his music. It is rich and layered and I hear something new everytime I listen. Love it!
  25. Oliver
    May 20, 2007
    Er, don't you think you should update the reviews for this album. Where are the glowing reviews from Uncut, Mojo, Q magazine and most UK publications?? This is a great idea for a website but it's biased towards the US reviews.
  26. MattD.
    May 22, 2007
    The production is just too much after a while, but his mind is very active, leading to quite a few thrilling moments.
  27. TJWells
    May 8, 2007
    I STRONGLY recommend everyone checks this out. I haven't listened to it enough to decide if it's better than LCD Soundsystem (my favorite album of the year), but it is definitely in the top two. Haunting, beautiful, melodic, and catchy all at the same time...this man is a genius.
  28. melindak
    Jun 11, 2007
    Rufus is back with maybe one of the greatest albums he ever did. The more i listen it the more i adore it!
  29. PeterB
    Jun 16, 2007
    I don't get why so many of the critics dislike this album. I contains nothing but amazing songs! Highlights are first-single, "Going To A Town", the beautiful "Tiergarten" and the hilarious "Between My Legs".
  30. SteveW.
    Jun 20, 2007
    One of his most brilliant works yet. Rufus is easy for many to overlook - melodies that seem simplistic at first take on layers and dimensions one doesn't always sense at first. I also believe many miss the opera that is inherent in nearly all of his works. Opera is over-the-top, dramatic, and intense (if you love opera this is exactly what it's supposed to do). Graded by this One of his most brilliant works yet. Rufus is easy for many to overlook - melodies that seem simplistic at first take on layers and dimensions one doesn't always sense at first. I also believe many miss the opera that is inherent in nearly all of his works. Opera is over-the-top, dramatic, and intense (if you love opera this is exactly what it's supposed to do). Graded by this standard this album is pure genius. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. It's an ornate, dizzying affair, where all his interests and talents collide in one brazen gesture. It's impressive in scope, but where does that leave the listener? Possibly with a headache.
  2. Such frequent attempts to elevate the banal into the meaningful ultimately keep Release the Stars from achieving any significant momentum and only add weight to the notion that Wainwright's shaky aim-- rather than his lack of talent-- might be his biggest downfall.
  3. This is so rich, so intelligent, so feeling, that most of us will throw our hands limply in the air and join voices with mum Kate McGarrigle who, according to the dedication on the back, "still whispers in my ear that I'm great".