• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Sep 26, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 31
  2. Negative: 4 out of 31

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  1. A.D.Watson
    Dec 17, 2006
    Tha best and he is just getting started
  2. ANtonN
    Nov 23, 2006
    Ludacis does it again! Another masterpiece! Ludacris brings his usaul heat throuhout this album. Ludacris even displays some passionate storytellilng skills on Runaway Love. He spits it for the ladies on songs like End of the Night and Woozy. He also engulfs his adverseries in lyrical flames on songs like Tell it Like it is and War With God! While doing all this he still manages to supply Ludacis does it again! Another masterpiece! Ludacris brings his usaul heat throuhout this album. Ludacris even displays some passionate storytellilng skills on Runaway Love. He spits it for the ladies on songs like End of the Night and Woozy. He also engulfs his adverseries in lyrical flames on songs like Tell it Like it is and War With God! While doing all this he still manages to supply consistent club bangers like the lead single Money Maker. Nearly a perfect album!! Expand
  3. AshleyP
    Oct 21, 2006
    i love ludacris !!!!
  4. SJohnson
    Oct 15, 2006
    There isn't a good song on here. This is arguably the worst Ludacris album ever. As a huge fan of his for a long time I'm blown away by the crap that's on here. Grew up a Screw Up comes the closest to being a good song, but Young Jeezy doesn't even bother to rhyme any of his lines and just sounds awful. Not to mention the whole chopped and screwed thing is lame. If you There isn't a good song on here. This is arguably the worst Ludacris album ever. As a huge fan of his for a long time I'm blown away by the crap that's on here. Grew up a Screw Up comes the closest to being a good song, but Young Jeezy doesn't even bother to rhyme any of his lines and just sounds awful. Not to mention the whole chopped and screwed thing is lame. If you thought Money Maker was good clever or otherwise, you might enjoy this, but if you thought money maker was boring middle of the road trash like you should, this album is much worse than the single. swing an a miss Expand
  5. emmanuelt
    Oct 15, 2006
    In my opinion, this is his worst album...weak beats and annoying rhymes. The red light district was so much better
  6. christianf
    Oct 2, 2006
    this album is awesome its one of ludacris best works yet.He shows his lyrical talent and flow in songs like "ultimate satisfaction","slap","woozy" and grew up a screw up".Its a little different than his past albums but shows how hes evolved as an artist.
  7. Rich
    Oct 2, 2006
    I don't know why critics have been so hard on this album. how in the hell is reviewing the music. not just this site but other review sites as well. This is a HOT album. I don't think people are really listening to the lyrics and the whole flow mixed with the beat(the Music) damn. slow ass people. u can damn near play this cd from beginning to end. without skipping tracks.
  8. PeterM
    Sep 28, 2006
    Best lyrical album by far from ludacris. He upgrades from punchlines that make you say wow, to storytelling and concepts.
  9. PeerlessPrice
    Sep 27, 2006
    Best Lyrical album, by far from Ludacris. He upgrades from WOW punchlines, to actual concepts and storytelling.
  10. ToddW
    Sep 27, 2006
    Bless his mother for giving him an apt name. Because that's what the whole idea of spending one's hard-earned money on garbage like this is. When, oh when Sheep of America, will you pull your heads out and just purchase the Madvillain album already? That is all you need in this genre. Period. And, don't even get me started on R. Kelly...

Mixed or average reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. Offers enough fierce dis tracks and exuberant punchlines to all but ensure a top 10 debut.
  2. While the anatomical jokes are in somewhat shorter supply and the beats are a bit further stripped down, this is more or less a standard Ludacris album. That is, a pretty good one, especially once you edit out the misfires.
  3. Los Angeles Times
    This batch of songs is solid, but when Ludacris sticks to bombastic production and uses his inventive delivery styles, as on the boastful "Ultimate Satisfaction" and the thumping "Warning (Intro)" and "Grew Up a Screw Up," the results are gloriously enjoyable. [24 Sep 2006]