
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. The group's most consistently rewarding album since 1993's "Very."
  2. Release couldn't be more lovely if it tried.
  3. Blender
    Equal parts wit, heartbreak, cool... and potential commercial suicide. [Jun/Jul 2002, p.112]
  4. 80
    The Boys unleash some of their most sublime and accessible material in years.
  5. Mixer
    Release slowly unfolds with a sparse elegance, resonating as the detached dance-popsmiths' finest complete album in a decade. [June 2002, p.90]
  6. This is a long soft sigh of an album, suggesting not a sudden relief of pressure but just a pleasant exclamation of contentment.
  7. Q Magazine
    The new "proper band" architecture well suits these touching, often funny songs. [Apr 2002, p.119]
  8. Admirers of melodic craft and pointed poetry -- even those stricken with synth-pop allergies -- should consider Release.
  9. A plaintive 10-song set, and the group's most consistent album since 1993's classic Very.
  10. Release sounds at once like a last gasp and a reinvention, which makes it all the more moving.
  11. Eventually, the tunes fall into place. What never materialize in sufficient number are the billowing climaxes and cutting remarks that mark their best albums, meaning most of them.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. May 29, 2018
    The best album that Pet Shop Boys made in 21st century, yes!! better than Electric (2013) that is a good album but way overrated.

    Solid &
    The best album that Pet Shop Boys made in 21st century, yes!! better than Electric (2013) that is a good album but way overrated.

    Solid & beautiful melodies from beggining to the end of record.

    Highlight Tracks

    Birthday Boy
    Home And Dry
    I Get Along
    The Night i fell in Love
    The Samurai in autumn
    Full Review »
  2. Dec 14, 2017
    One of the best albums of 2002, and one of best albums in the career of Pet Shop Boys.

    Now, Pet Shop Boys left Electronica of side, and get
    One of the best albums of 2002, and one of best albums in the career of Pet Shop Boys.

    Now, Pet Shop Boys left Electronica of side, and get their focus in Ballad songs, Beautiful ballads for the sign, of course have a little bit of Electronica like in the amazing track "The Samurai in the Autumn", and a little bit in the beautiful opening track "Home and Dry".

    But in tracks like "I Get Along", "London" & You Choose" Pet Shop Boys surrender only to Ballad songs great ballads, is similar to what they do in "Behaviour" Album in 1990.

    An album so well construct, and beautiful with an beautiful equillibrium of tracks that make the best Pet Shop Boys album in eight years.
    Full Review »
  3. Oct 13, 2017
    Um excelente álbum, facilmente o melhor desde do épico Very (1993), Tranqulizante e belo essas duas palavras definem para mim "Release".Um excelente álbum, facilmente o melhor desde do épico Very (1993), Tranqulizante e belo essas duas palavras definem para mim "Release".

    Home and Dry, Here, I Get Along, The Night I Feel in Love, Birthday Boy são os pontos mais altos, pois as outras músicas também sem dúvidas são pontos altos do Álbum.

    Por isso pra mim é um grande 10.
    Full Review »