• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Jun 2, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Lil Durk's first album is lacking in a lot of things, the first being songs. Now, ten tracks is not necessarily too little of a number, but when half of the album is filler, that's when that number starts to work against you.
  2. Jun 22, 2015
    Drenched in Auto-Tune and more frustrated than a ringtone rapper should be, Lil Durk turns in a surprisingly down effort with Remember My Name.
  3. Jun 9, 2015
    The album lacks the obvious potential hits to guarantee that, although the moody, Jeremih-featuring single "Like Me" is easy to get lost in. The album does, however, strike a graceful balance between gritty roots and big-budget sheen.
  4. Jun 5, 2015
    There's nothing new or challenging here. It bangs, though predictably.
  5. Jun 5, 2015
    Remember My Name sounds a lot like a lot of other things.
  6. Jun 11, 2015
    Regardless of whether his hands are tied creatively to coded lyrics, such as “500 Homicides,” the music undoubtedly suffers as a result. But there are ephemeral periods on Remember My Name where Durk is more illuminative of his world, like “Resume.”
  7. Jun 5, 2015
    Remember My Name as an album isn’t going to change lives.

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