• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jul 29, 2022
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  1. Jul 29, 2022
    o álbum do milênio vindo da artista do milênio e não opiniões contrárias não serão aceitas!
  2. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé é sempre uma rainha. Sempre faz o seu melhor. Amo cada detalhe que ela entrega. Faz tudo impecávelmente e sem se preocupar muito. As transições são muito perfeitas e bem precisas. Não faz confusão mental quando as troca de música. Sempre tudo bem pensado e bem feito. Ansioso pra ver as performances que devem ssr muito fodas e sem falar nas coreografias e ainda mais de Won't breakBeyoncé é sempre uma rainha. Sempre faz o seu melhor. Amo cada detalhe que ela entrega. Faz tudo impecávelmente e sem se preocupar muito. As transições são muito perfeitas e bem precisas. Não faz confusão mental quando as troca de música. Sempre tudo bem pensado e bem feito. Ansioso pra ver as performances que devem ssr muito fodas e sem falar nas coreografias e ainda mais de Won't break my Soul. Lendariaaaaa Expand
  3. Aug 3, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This may be her crown of all crown albums. The arrangements of some of these songs are top-notch. For example, PURE/HONEY goes from ballroom to a Prince song, back to the ballroom, and finishing with a Michael Jackson song. Chef's kiss. Renaissance is precisely that, a renaissance of music. she combines her own Hip-Hop and Pop sounds and blends them with old-school disco and early 90s House music. With other great albums out, like Lizzo's, Beyonce truly takes the crown of all crowns. Expand
  4. Jul 29, 2022
    Nobody knew what Beyoncé's new era was going to sound like before she released "BREAK MY SOUL." But we were still NOT KNEW, because "RENAISSANCE" is a completely new sound for Beyoncé -- and yet, somehow one that is very much #BEYONCE. The sound quality is perfect and clear, her vocals are loose and joyful, cocky even. The whole album sounds like she had so much fun recording this albumNobody knew what Beyoncé's new era was going to sound like before she released "BREAK MY SOUL." But we were still NOT KNEW, because "RENAISSANCE" is a completely new sound for Beyoncé -- and yet, somehow one that is very much #BEYONCE. The sound quality is perfect and clear, her vocals are loose and joyful, cocky even. The whole album sounds like she had so much fun recording this album for not only her fans, but also for herself. She put her whole love and soul into "RENAISSANCE," and delivered a super masterpiece. Expand
  5. Aug 1, 2022
    E ela conseguiu se reinventar mais uma vez, conseguindo se manter relevante por 25 anos de carreira. As transições são tão boas que você nem sente que passou de uma música pra outra. Incrível.
  6. Jul 29, 2022
    This is so good. Congratulations Bey, you did it again. All makes sense together, such a good time listening to this.
  7. Oct 22, 2022
    Beyoncé once again has proven to the world her power in switching genres so effortlessly. You can tell drake was influenced by this album and created his own version of a house. You can also tell who had done it correctly and who falls flat. Beyoncé released the album of the year, with absolutely no skips present. Until this day, I have not been able to choose my top 5 favourite songs,Beyoncé once again has proven to the world her power in switching genres so effortlessly. You can tell drake was influenced by this album and created his own version of a house. You can also tell who had done it correctly and who falls flat. Beyoncé released the album of the year, with absolutely no skips present. Until this day, I have not been able to choose my top 5 favourite songs, which says something. Expand
  8. Jul 29, 2022
    beyoncé’s RENAISSANCE has finally emerged! her most sonically cohesive body of work to date is an unapologetic celebration of historically queer black music, and offers a brazen homage to the fallen angels who came before us. she seamlessly weaves elements of house, ballroom, disco, garage, soul, gospel, r&b, edm, and rap together to create a project only she and her team could’ve pulledbeyoncé’s RENAISSANCE has finally emerged! her most sonically cohesive body of work to date is an unapologetic celebration of historically queer black music, and offers a brazen homage to the fallen angels who came before us. she seamlessly weaves elements of house, ballroom, disco, garage, soul, gospel, r&b, edm, and rap together to create a project only she and her team could’ve pulled off. from dreamy synths and haunting guitars, to explosive drums and soaring vocals, this album is a feast for the ears. somehow even break my soul has been given a new lease of life within the context of the album. the transitions are impeccable, the references are witty and heartfelt, the stacked harmonies are gorgeous. your ear picks up on something new every time! it never gets dull or feels bloated. i’m blown away! 10/10. album of the year. Expand
  9. Jul 29, 2022
    Between divine vocals and dancing beats, Beyoncé captures again what belongs to her. She carries with her the soul of being impeccable in what she sets out to do. Beyoncé shows again that she is the greatest artist this world has ever had and will ever have. Alien superstar!
  10. Aug 1, 2022
    Renaissance is an amazimg dedication to decades of music. A fun, liberating, sexual, and self-caring album. Beyoncé is an amazimg artist and even with 25 years in the music industry she continues to reinvent herself.
  11. Jul 29, 2022
    What a unique experience! I was so proud to know that this album was recorded with such great intention. My personal album of the year, if not the decade. Wow! It is a very adult and mature album and Beyoncé’s fanbase has grown with her. Love this
  12. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Magnific, iconic. Beyonce is Back Expand
  13. Jul 30, 2022
    She did it again.... she’s really not scared of trying new things and evolving, that’s what makes her a great artist. Her albums are always ART!! The transitions??? Wow!!!! The vocals? Wow!! There’s really nothing she can’t do at this point. I’m really proud of the artist she is. Even after 25 years of her career.
  14. Jul 29, 2022
    From track 1 to 16, all bangers!! Straight fire. Can’t wait to hear this in the club tonight
  15. Jul 31, 2022
    The BEST Album since Lemonade! A seamless body of work that flows so well spectacularly and is sonically so pleasant to the ears interpolating different samples in a beautiful mix of past, present and futuristic production, layering and vocal stylings.
  16. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé só mostra que é a maior artista da história ! Ela nunca erra e não dá ponto sem nó. Haters BOW DOWN !
  17. Jul 31, 2022
    EU ESTOU TRANSCENDENDO COM A QUALIDADE DESSE ÁLBUM. Ao mesmo tempo que possui faixas com misturas de afrobeat, bounce, dance, house e disco, possui inúmeras frases de duplo sentido e críticas sociais. É icônico, e consegue ser atual, dançante não sendo superficial. Beyoncé se arrisca novamente e recebe o devido valor por isso.
  18. Jul 29, 2022
    She took her sound in a direction that nobody could have predicted. A beautiful tribute to gay, black, ballroom culture. She continues to push the art of the album!
  19. Jul 29, 2022
    AMAZING mixing and vocal performance, Beyoncé is a wonder and master of musical catharsis.
  20. Jul 30, 2022
    This album is healing. As someone who has been a fan since the very beginning, I am immensely proud of this album.
  21. Jul 29, 2022
    Perfect music to jump, dance and feel good to. She is so extremely bold and unapologetically confident on this album, she transfers that energy in MP3/Wav format into ears of the listeners that makes you bust a move and feel absolutely no shame about it. Also i want to point out that this album is a really nice revision of classics and samples from artists appreciated a lot in queerPerfect music to jump, dance and feel good to. She is so extremely bold and unapologetically confident on this album, she transfers that energy in MP3/Wav format into ears of the listeners that makes you bust a move and feel absolutely no shame about it. Also i want to point out that this album is a really nice revision of classics and samples from artists appreciated a lot in queer especially black queer community. House, disco, funk, bounce, hip-hop, pop... She knows how to make any genres sound cohesive, cause that is HER album. Loved this music so much. Expand
  22. Jul 29, 2022
    Um trabalho impecável, sem defeitos! Uma musicalidade como outra que nunca ouviu. Trazendo a era do house para tempos atuais, com transições que encaixam perfeitamente que você pensa que ainda está na primeira música.
    Beyoncé mais uma vez mostrando excelência! IT’S ABOUT TO GO DOWN
  23. Aug 3, 2022
    Beyoncé se supera a cada era lançada.
    Sua musicalidade nesse álbum, os acordes, melodias, batidas são o resultado de uma obra prima. Ela faz com quem escutam as músicas queiram estar numa pista de dança, esquecer os problemas e se divertir.
    Além de uma grande ressalva para sua voz que amadurece e nos encanta a cada nota cantada, sustentando seu título de rainha seja do pop, R&B, disco
    Beyoncé se supera a cada era lançada.
    Sua musicalidade nesse álbum, os acordes, melodias, batidas são o resultado de uma obra prima. Ela faz com quem escutam as músicas queiram estar numa pista de dança, esquecer os problemas e se divertir.
    Além de uma grande ressalva para sua voz que amadurece e nos encanta a cada nota cantada, sustentando seu título de rainha seja do pop, R&B, disco entre outros. Temos sorte em viver na mesma época de Beyoncé e presenciar grandes feitos pela música.

    Meu muito obrigada, QueenB.
  24. Jul 30, 2022
    I didn’t know this album is what I needed, but I did! My God, this album is absolutely incredible! Zero skips!!!
  25. Aug 21, 2022
    You gotta giver her 10 when it's needed. Glad she experimented with this new sound and sampled so many amazing other artist.
  26. Jul 29, 2022
    Mindblowing. I only heard the album once yet because i’m still at work but this might be her best work ever. Eclectic, experimental, soft, sexy, adventurous and dreamy this album truly has it all. A genre bending experience and the productional value is just WOW. Bravo Beyoncé, bravo!
  27. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé surpreendentemente se reinventou e superou a si mesma mais uma vez, provando mais uma vez que é a maior da indústria e mostrando o porquê. Ela demonstra perfeitamente como se cria um ÁLBUM, um trabalho realmente coeso e coerente. Todas as músicas são 100% únicas, originais, inovadoras, revolucionárias e conectadas umas a outras. A produção desse álbum é simplesmente fenomenal, asBeyoncé surpreendentemente se reinventou e superou a si mesma mais uma vez, provando mais uma vez que é a maior da indústria e mostrando o porquê. Ela demonstra perfeitamente como se cria um ÁLBUM, um trabalho realmente coeso e coerente. Todas as músicas são 100% únicas, originais, inovadoras, revolucionárias e conectadas umas a outras. A produção desse álbum é simplesmente fenomenal, as transições são suaves e muito bem arquitetadas. É um álbum riquíssimo em elementos musicais, harmonias, originalidade e criatividade. Beyoncé não apenas visita o House, ela o reinventa, ela o faz renascer! Beyoncé apresenta o suprassumo da produção musical, a pedra de Roseta para todos os outros artistas na indústria. Ela se firma como uma das maiores artistas da humanidade mais uma vez.

    O álbum da década! 10/10.
  28. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This Album is a masterpiece from the first sound to Summer Renaissance. A stand-out song with a Donna Summer sample btw. Alien Superstar + Heated are my personal Favs. Expand
  29. Aug 1, 2022
    Perfeito, mágico, dançante. Nunca vi um álbum tão completo, as transições entre as músicas que formam um baladinha, quando você se dá conta o álbum já acabou, as referências utilizadas são sensacionais. Sem dúvidas o melhor álbum que já ouvi
  30. Jul 29, 2022
    OBRA PRIMA. Simplesmente inovador e revolucionário e nos leva em direçao aquilo que deveria
  31. Jul 29, 2022
    great album, great production, great music, feel good music that's what we need she did THAT and the vocals?? yesss Beyoncé yes!
  32. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé has proved once again that she will always find a way to make something different, moving, soulful and creative. Truly a one of a kind artist
  33. Jul 29, 2022
    What a masterpiece of art! Bringing us the best of the 80’s and 90’s to make us have fun at the dancefloor again! Beyoncé have an invaluable talent. Thanks for exist, queen B!
  34. Jul 29, 2022
    SHE IS HER ONLY COMPETITION! How can anyone be able to do that after 28 years of career? Like, she waited till now and after a Lemonade to deliver the best thing she had! What’s coming next? Alien Superstar and Move the most expensive and fancy tracks of the century.
  35. Aug 1, 2022
    No words would do justice on this album Literally album of the year…no the decade the moment it got released I haven’t listened to any other song besides it
  36. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé mais uma vez mostrando que ela é a maior, se reinventou mais uma vez e alcançou a excelência
  37. Oct 21, 2022
    The way she can reinvent herself it’s flabbergasting, after lemonade I thought she couldn’t do anything as good, then she comes and drop perfection again
  38. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé did it again! With "RENAISSANCE" she brings back a lot of things, from history to joy, she also brings old ball room vibes to a modern world that has recent scars. I can`t compare to the previous album, "LEMONADE", they tell different stories, but in this new one, she not only gave you a history class but she did that with happiness, voice, identity, that is a thing that anyoneBeyoncé did it again! With "RENAISSANCE" she brings back a lot of things, from history to joy, she also brings old ball room vibes to a modern world that has recent scars. I can`t compare to the previous album, "LEMONADE", they tell different stories, but in this new one, she not only gave you a history class but she did that with happiness, voice, identity, that is a thing that anyone else do better than she does. Expand
  39. Oct 21, 2022
    album of the year, beyoncé y rosalía son lo maximo, ella no decepciona, sin miedo al exito como a otras
  40. Oct 17, 2022
    This is actually the second time I write a review for this album because i have entirely changed my mind about it. At first, I enjoyed just a few tracks, but when you listen to it several times you get to discover Beyoncé's mastery once again. She is indeed an albums' artist. It's really comforting how every song transitions into the next one, and even though they all keep the same danceThis is actually the second time I write a review for this album because i have entirely changed my mind about it. At first, I enjoyed just a few tracks, but when you listen to it several times you get to discover Beyoncé's mastery once again. She is indeed an albums' artist. It's really comforting how every song transitions into the next one, and even though they all keep the same dance vibes, each one is special on its own. Maybe not a masterpiece as previous albums, but Renaissance has definitely changed the game in a short period of time. Expand
  41. Jul 29, 2022
    Uma verdadeira obra de arte!!! Todas as músicas perfeitamente conectada e em harmonia num ritmo contagiante. De longe o melhor álbum do ano. Beyoncé de fato é a maior ARTISTA de todos os tempos.
  42. Jul 29, 2022
    She never disappoints! Beyoncé created an excellent body of work whilst giving light to those people created these type of music & style. Her vocals are as always 10/10! The sound is fresh and different from anything she has done in the past.
  43. Jul 29, 2022
    Renaissance is a truly reborn on Beyoncé's music and art, it's a place where she could explore the house music like she never did before and bring her own essence to all of the songs. The album is very well produced, all songs are full of layers and details well thought out and executed. Renaissance is an album to be heard completely, one song after another, which will bring an immersiveRenaissance is a truly reborn on Beyoncé's music and art, it's a place where she could explore the house music like she never did before and bring her own essence to all of the songs. The album is very well produced, all songs are full of layers and details well thought out and executed. Renaissance is an album to be heard completely, one song after another, which will bring an immersive experience at Beyoncé's Ball with clean and well-made transitions that make you not realize the music changed. With this album, the sequence of solo works like Beyoncé and Lemonade and collaborations like Everything is Love and The Gift (Black is King), Beyoncé finds herself in a position that she can do whatever she wants to, showing all her versatility in her work, and we can trust that we'll be graced with an amazing project just like the Renaissance is. Expand
  44. Jul 29, 2022
    Uma Beyoncé leve e descontraída, se jogando na pista e abrindo as portas da sua alma.

    Um álbum elegante e versátil, como sempre entregando um trabalho de qualidade porque tudo que se propõe a fazer, faz bem feito e com maestria.
  45. Jul 29, 2022
    This is brilliant in so many levels!!! One of her biggest albuns ever! Beyoncé proves one more time that she can sing anything
  46. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Transcendental, uma qualidade impecável, transições incríveis, muito feliz em ser fã da maior artista viva. Expand
  47. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best álbum of Beyoncé, she really innovated in everything she proposed to deliver on this album Expand
  48. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé no seu ápice, extremamente segura de si às transições do álbum (Cuff it para Energy, exemplo) mostra o quão profissional e talentosa ela é.
  49. Jul 29, 2022
    The queen is back and she's evolving. Love the album and can't wait for what's next.
  50. Jul 29, 2022
    10/10, this is honestly her best and most experimental work yet! 6 years was worth the wait.
  51. Jul 29, 2022
    One of the best of Beyonce! Showing the concept of non-stoping, she’s just demonstrating the glamour of joy! JUST AMAZING
  52. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Beyoncé keeps on setting the bar high for herself. Who would've thought shed top Lemonade with ease. Renaissance is a body of work, the album is fun, genius and easy on the ears. I love it so much. Expand
  53. Jul 29, 2022
    Arguably Beyoncé’s best album yet. The production. The transitions. The harmonies. Home run for sure!
  54. Jul 29, 2022
  55. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.
  56. Jul 31, 2022
    Beyoncé is back and she did that!
    This album is a celebration of music
    I just keep listening and dancing in my living room
  57. Jul 31, 2022
    Beyoncé showed why she is the greatest living artist, Renaissance proved to be another Queen B masterpiece, which shows she hasn't rusted since Lemonade
  58. Jul 31, 2022
    The way Beyoncé reinvents herself every single album and pays homage to those before her is amazing and admirable. On top of the music being good and timeless. Renaissance is a rebirth of the underground LGBTQIA+ icons and queens that have shaped the sounds of house music with sprinkles of trap and gospel that give the album another dimension. The transitions and ample samples,The way Beyoncé reinvents herself every single album and pays homage to those before her is amazing and admirable. On top of the music being good and timeless. Renaissance is a rebirth of the underground LGBTQIA+ icons and queens that have shaped the sounds of house music with sprinkles of trap and gospel that give the album another dimension. The transitions and ample samples, interpolations, and excerpts directly shine the light to the queer icons that inspired her. She says this album is dedicated to them and her late godmother Uncle Johnny who helped make gowns for her and helped raise her and her sister and exposed them to this kind of music. Johnny lost his life after battling AIDS early in Beyoncé & Solange’s life. May they rest in Heaven. Expand
  59. Oct 21, 2022
    Is it innovative and revolutionary? YEA. Beyonce delivers one of her greatest works, bringing house music and ballroon glory back to its heyday. With dancing beats and lyrics full of horny and self-esteem, this album is, without a doubt, my favorite this year so far.
  60. Aug 21, 2022
    One of the best albums in this present decade , it’s Her most cohesive and happiest albums . Glad to see the growth
  61. Aug 21, 2022
    It’s very corny that people are review bombing this masterpiece. It’s an incredible album from start to finish, and neck to neck with self-titled as her best album. It tells a story of self love, specifically in the lgbtq community, and makes references to great songs of the past. Beyoncé is the queen, and I can’t wait to see the visuals as well as the other acts.
  62. Oct 17, 2022
    This album is for the girls and the gays. I love the house vibe Beyoncé gives us. I can’t wait for the visuals!
  63. Oct 18, 2022
    Good even though I'm not into Beyonce at all, alien superstar such a bop, cuff it too
  64. Oct 20, 2022
    This album is a celebration of life and love, and is arriving at a time when we need it most. That's perhaps the most astonishing quality about Beyoncé. Her ability to constantly transform into what the world needs most while never losing her artistic integrity and the essence of who she is. She's shown us she can do everything from Pop to R&B to Soul to Funk to Blues, Jazz, Rock & Roll,This album is a celebration of life and love, and is arriving at a time when we need it most. That's perhaps the most astonishing quality about Beyoncé. Her ability to constantly transform into what the world needs most while never losing her artistic integrity and the essence of who she is. She's shown us she can do everything from Pop to R&B to Soul to Funk to Blues, Jazz, Rock & Roll, Country, and the list goes on. But with Renaissance, she brings us on a journey into the glamorous and fabulously gritty world of Studio 54, Ballrooms, and dance music. She jumps from decade to decade, and genre to genre, mastering them all with deceiving ease, while never failing to leave every song with the Beyoncé stamp (and please don't get me started on the vocals in 'VIRGOS GROOVE'). Feeling that vibrating bass line smash into your face and lift you off your feet in 'IM THAT GIRL' is exactly what we all needed after the isolation and anxiety of the past 2 years. I don't want sad songs, I want to yell about being 'COZY' in my skin, the "dimples on my hips" and "stretch marks on my **** I want to DANCE and leave my sorrows behind (if only just for the 62 minute duration of Renaissance). Beyoncé continues to uplift people with her music and use her voice for good. She's in a category of her own and she's proven that she's truly THAT GIRL once again.

  65. Jul 29, 2022
    This project is classy, glamorous, elegant, versatile, melodic, majestic, Bey doesn't need to prove anything else, the creative freedom she has to explore her voice and create something phenomenal and majestic and distinct between each project is admirable and unique in the music industry
  66. Jul 29, 2022
    1. I’M THAT GIRL - 10 Perfection
    2. COZY - 8 Great
    3. ALIEN SUPERSTAR - 10 Perfection 4. CUFF IT - 9 Amazing 5. ENERGY - 7 Great 6. BREAK MY SOUL - 10 Perfection 7. CHURCH GIRL - 10 Perfection 8. PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA - 9 Amazing 9. VIRGO’S GROOVE - 10 Perfection 10. MOVE - 7 Great 11. HEATED - 8 Great 12. THIQUE - 10 Perfection 13. ALL UP IN YOUR MIND - 10 Perfection 14.
    1. I’M THAT GIRL - 10 Perfection
    2. COZY - 8 Great
    3. ALIEN SUPERSTAR - 10 Perfection
    4. CUFF IT - 9 Amazing
    5. ENERGY - 7 Great
    6. BREAK MY SOUL - 10 Perfection
    7. CHURCH GIRL - 10 Perfection
    8. PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA - 9 Amazing
    9. VIRGO’S GROOVE - 10 Perfection
    10. MOVE - 7 Great
    11. HEATED - 8 Great
    12. THIQUE - 10 Perfection
    13. ALL UP IN YOUR MIND - 10 Perfection
    14. PURE/HONEY - 10 Perfection
    15. SUMMER RENAISSANCE - 10 Perfection
  67. Jul 29, 2022
    4 was Beyoncé taking the Janet route,gaining full control of her career and music.
    Self titled confronted her maternity, marital bliss and success whilst Lemonade stood as a monument to her marriage. Tackling the infidelity, rage,insecurities and eventually forgiveness but this album not that, it's her least personal. Renaissance feels like a communal project. Like it's made for
    4 was Beyoncé taking the Janet route,gaining full control of her career and music.
    Self titled confronted her maternity, marital bliss and success whilst Lemonade stood as a monument to her marriage. Tackling the infidelity, rage,insecurities and eventually forgiveness but this album not that, it's her least personal. Renaissance feels like a communal project. Like it's made for someone other than Beyoncé from her more vulgar lyrics to the queer indept language that anchors her club masterpiece. Throughout the record samples or narrators that provide hype most common in vogue ballroom culture.

    The single "break my soul" dropped with few spectal from Bey as a mere bio update on her profile and it would be received as the complete opposite. People were overjoyed and disappointed in equal measure but she had done it again,taken a left turn towards a new sound, evolving. This evolution is what allows for Renaissance to be such a powerful record,it's adventurous in a way musicians rarely have been since Yeezus. It's a light hearted celebration of love,queerness ,liberation and joy.

    The opener "I'm that girl" is a cool edged flex of her influence and power as she basks in her success. "Cozy" returns to the house "BMS" hinted and delivers with lines encouraging body positivity and security. And based on the ballroom confidence of "Alien superstar " that confidence can be a performance too. The dance instructional bop would fit perfectly on an 80's club dance floor. "Cuff it" is a lush potential hit and higlight with an infectious beat,thumping horns & versatile production bleeding into the Kelis sampling "Energy " . Megan thee stallion must have been in the studio when "church girl " was made. A twerk ready banger that revels in sexual freedom before the monogamy serenade "plastic of the sofa" which drowns in the best things about her partner,the rose colored reply to "Rocket ". The longest song is also the most transcendental song here "virgo groove" 6 min of harmonies and blushing, some parts feel like a chlöe song. "Move" has the disco icon Grace jones guiding the groove but "Heated" is where I obesse! A fun afro beat as she indulges in her excess." Thique" is a fun rave that focuses on the fun release of letting go of your inhibitions . "AHAP" is a misleading titlefor a song about how addictive a partner can be and doesn't resonate to the extent other songs had."Pure /honey" is a Janet Jackson inspired disco higlight. I love it so much,the production, lyrics and delivery.

    Overall Renaissance is a dance pop club masterpiece. It's sure is a bit uneven at some points or on the nose but it always makes up for some lyrical misgivings with unparalleled production. This album is her least narrative as it follows a vibe more than a concept but it's an audacious left turn that shows that even this far into her career she has the ability to surprise. I really enjoyed this,you van hear the effort invested in this project. AOTY contender fr
  68. Jul 29, 2022
    Amazing work! Beyoncé’s done it again and as she always does, did it while celebrating and liberating and shifting the culture in the music industry
  69. Jul 29, 2022
    Easily one of my favorite albums of all time. The album theme and sound are cohesive. It makes you feel good!
  70. Jul 29, 2022
    This album is incredible. It features authentically black influence, authentically 90s influence, authentically dance influence, authentically gay influence, and authentically influences the listener to be more confident in themselves. This album is what Special by Lizzo tried to do, with the genre of Honestly, Nevermind. Spoiler alert: Beyonce does it better. Like way better. It soundsThis album is incredible. It features authentically black influence, authentically 90s influence, authentically dance influence, authentically gay influence, and authentically influences the listener to be more confident in themselves. This album is what Special by Lizzo tried to do, with the genre of Honestly, Nevermind. Spoiler alert: Beyonce does it better. Like way better. It sounds GOOD, that’s the thing. Nobody can say this is bad music, the most they could reasonably say is that it’s ‘not their type’ or that it’s ‘too experimental’ when in reality, those people are holding themselves back from the wide range of music available. The only thing this album possibly could have done better are a few of the transitions, (even though they’re done VERY well I feel like they ALL could’ve lead into each other), and the repetitive samples. Some songs could be more catchy, but at that point, I’m nitpicking because I have only heard the album twice. I started to listen to MOVE after completing the analysis and I’m on THIQUE right now, without any idea or urge to turn it off. This is a modern renaissance of the house and dance genre, and I’m here for it. I want more artists like Lizzo and Ariana Grande to hop on this sound. But of course, Beyonce will always do it better. RENAISSANCE shows the budget, riskiness, passion, vocal ability, confidence, and taste of Beyonce. This album is crack, y’all. Expand
  71. Jul 29, 2022
    honestly got me hyped for the next 2 albums, the queen is back and served. best songs: alien superstar, break my soul, summer renaissance, and cozy
  72. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé wanted to evolve the house/disco genre in a different way and I can see that she accomplished exactly that. She’s delivered her most experimental, left field, exploratory, body of work ever and did it masterfully at 40.

    Best songs: Virgo's Groove, Heated, I'm That Girl, Summer Renaissance, Pure/Honey, Cozy
  73. WVZ
    Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A very different Beyoncé album yet very familiar at the same time. Funkyoncé in her final form. 10/10. Expand
  74. Jul 29, 2022
    This wasn’t just a simple dance album, it had more complex sounds than I anticipated.
  75. Jul 29, 2022
    Wow! Quel album! J'ai adoré du début à la fin. Elle a fait une énorme prise de risque et on peut on dire que ça lui a totalement réussi. Elle s'est vraiment surpassée. Elle ne nous déçoit jamais. Un très grand bravo à elle.
  76. Jul 29, 2022
    uma lenda da msc, nada fora do normal, Beyoncé mais uma vez trás um trabalho maravilhoso
  77. Jul 29, 2022
    It's a masterpiece. It's giving Prince vibes and I love it. Impossible to elect a favourite one, they all surprise me.
  78. Jul 29, 2022
    THIS IS BY FAR HER BEST ALBUM. Beyoncé did it again. The musical transitions from song to song are insane. The different sounds and unique style is different to what’s she’s done in the past but somehow very Beyoncé!! She’s the queen for a reason
  79. Jul 29, 2022
    This album is filled with hits after hits after hits, not to mention their timeless sound that you cannot get tired of. The lyrics, The production, The harmonies, The pure energy this album gives alone is enough to make it go down as one of the most iconic dance pop albums in history.
  80. Jul 29, 2022
    She brings influences from house, disco, funk, afrobeat, groove, among other musical genres to celebrate black culture in the party atmosphere of the 90's dance floors. What it lacks to be perfect is just a little instrumental richness. To match this thematic richness, and don't get me wrong, because good ideas to exist, from the delicious drop in tone that marks the entrance of the sampleShe brings influences from house, disco, funk, afrobeat, groove, among other musical genres to celebrate black culture in the party atmosphere of the 90's dance floors. What it lacks to be perfect is just a little instrumental richness. To match this thematic richness, and don't get me wrong, because good ideas to exist, from the delicious drop in tone that marks the entrance of the sample in “Summer Renaissance” to the divine mix of new wave and 1990s hip hop that forms the best track from the album, “America Has a Problem”. The inconsistency of these ideas is what bothers me, especially on a 16-track record that is over 1 hour long. The impression that remains is that it lacked a good self-editing, a more judicious selection of songs. Expand
  81. Jul 29, 2022
    This is such a different album for Beyoncé, but it's so incredibly eclectic and amazing to listen to. It's pure joy and an absolute triumph. I love it!
  82. Jul 29, 2022
    Whatever she does turns out to be GOLD and she shows us again that she's the Greatest Entertainer of All Time. This album is about to celebrate and we're dancing to her music! ❤️
  83. Jul 29, 2022
    The songs are great on their own and some flow very well into one another. However, the issue with the album is that at some point, the songs start to sound samey and indistinguishable. Halfway through the album, it becomes clear that there will be no ballad(to give some reprieve) and that it's banger after banger. As a result the discerning listener is overwhelmed but not in a good way.The songs are great on their own and some flow very well into one another. However, the issue with the album is that at some point, the songs start to sound samey and indistinguishable. Halfway through the album, it becomes clear that there will be no ballad(to give some reprieve) and that it's banger after banger. As a result the discerning listener is overwhelmed but not in a good way. Although most great albums require more than one listen for the listener to get into them, I find I will have to listen to the album several times simply to figure out which song is which.

    I gave most of the songs a 10 out of 10. But as an album, I give it 8 out of 10 due to the aforementioned issues.
  84. Jul 29, 2022
    Possibly her best work yet. Uplifting, joyful, sexy. There is no other artist quite like Beyoncé.
  85. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé yielded an ageless club masterpiece. To call Beyoncé a titan and icon in the music industry is a complete understatement of who she truly is. She always brings something new whilst elevating and celebrating her past. Like she states in ALIEN SUPERSTAR, she is one of one, she is number one.
  86. Jul 29, 2022
  87. Jul 29, 2022
    An impeccable sonic masterpiece, the perfect transitions, the instrumentals, the insane vocals. It's a perfect masterpiece, deserves the AOTY. My favorites Alien Superstar, Church Girl, Cuff It, Tique, Pure/Honey and Summer Renaissance.
  88. Jul 29, 2022
    Absolutely stunning album. Great transitions between tracks. Vocals are amazing, as expected form Queen B. Overall amazing cohesive album.
  89. Jul 29, 2022
    Whatever sound Beyonce tries makes it hers. This album is a masterpiece. It is experimental but on the same time very unique. The transitions are amazing! Beyonce did that again!
  90. Jul 29, 2022
    Sensacional demais..........................................................
  91. Jul 29, 2022
    Que álbum incrível! É diferente de tudo que ela já fez, as músicas se conectam, te contagia. Só quero ouvir e ouvir mais, que voz! Beyoncé é uma artista que sempre vai te surpreender e sempre tá em evolução.
  92. Jul 29, 2022
    The queen has done it again... It's unbelievable that this woman who came out 25 years ago can still sound so fresh and excellent!!! Bravo Bey, Bravo!!!!!
  93. Jul 29, 2022
    O álbum é maravilhoso , dançante com uma produção maravilhosa ! Beyoncé nunca deixa a desejar.
  94. Jul 29, 2022
    Easily one of Beyoncé's best albuns. Once again she's able to deliver an extremely cohesive body of work.
  95. Jul 29, 2022
  96. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ela fez novamente, Beyoncé se superou, ou melhor, se aperfeiçoou como sempre faz. Dessa vez Yoncé mergulhou no Ball e isso foi a melhor coisa que aconteceu nos últimos anos no mundo da música Expand
  97. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé mais comercial e genial do que nunca. Quem imaginou que um dia ela cantaria musicas como Cuff it, Virgo’s groove e Thique???
  98. Jul 29, 2022
    You can see the effort Beyoncé put into this album. Despite being unlike anything she has ever done, she makes a House album with mastery and a lot of respect for the origins of the genre.
  99. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Slay Queen, no one does like Beyonce, changing game all the time, so fresh and new and sexy, and for the culture!! enjoy every second of the album !!!! its real Renaissance !!! let's dance Expand
  100. Jul 29, 2022
    I was honestly surprised by the experimentalism of it all. The freshness of it all even though a clear homage to the 80s. Never heard anything like this. The most outstanding songs for me currently are Alien Superstar, Cuff It, Plastic off the Sofa and Summer Renaissance.

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Mojo
    Sep 21, 2022
    A continuous mix of hedonism, virtuosity, scholarship and, as one of her disco antecedents would have it, Good Times. [Nov 2022, p.84]
  2. Uncut
    Aug 31, 2022
    Beyoncé's seventh solo album is a flawlessly structured feast. [Oct 2022, p.25]
  3. Aug 9, 2022
    Renaissance derives its meaning through its diverse soundscape, which, due to Beyoncé’s astute curation, becomes a statement about letting the music speak for itself.