
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Feb 4, 2022
    The hit of serotonin for longtime fans is an absolute joy. Against the odds, Korn have done it again with Requiem, a quick and ferocious blast that finds the band still hungry and innovative nearly 30 years into the game.
  2. 70
    What remains is a solid, engaging late-period Korn album that doesn’t add an awful lot to their legacy, but certainly doesn’t disgrace it.
  3. Feb 3, 2022
    Korn are anew, and ‘Requiem’ sees them fearless, no longer managing a balancing act with imprudent collaborators and instead embracing what made them famous to begin with. Impressively, their 14th studio album is teeming with riveting hooks.
  4. Feb 3, 2022
    For fans of nu metal and heavy riffs, Requiem will not disappoint, but it lacks the sadness that Korn have long tapped into to differentiate themselves from the pack.
  5. Feb 3, 2022
    Musically, Requiem is heavy but not stodgy, fresh but familiar, and accessible without ever feeling forced. Its wisest creative decision, though, is keeping things lean and mean. At just nine tracks, there are few moments that feel anything less than essential.
  6. ‘Requiem’ has brought something new to a discography that, until now, has been an exploration of human suffering. It’s led to the band’s most nuanced record to date.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 44
  2. Negative: 3 out of 44
  1. Feb 5, 2022
    I grew up with Follow The Leader (1998) and Issues (1999), and while I wasn't really a Korn fan, the many catchy hit-singles on those albumsI grew up with Follow The Leader (1998) and Issues (1999), and while I wasn't really a Korn fan, the many catchy hit-singles on those albums were undeniably strong metal songs that appealed to me and a world-wide following that cemented Korn as the top metal band at the time. Anyone who saw their performance at Woodstock '99 knows what I mean. I moved on to other music after the nineties and lost track of Korn and metal as a whole.

    Requiem is nothing new, it's that signature Korn sound. This can go both ways: you've been-there-done-that and you would have preferred a different direction, or you love good old trip to the past. I'm in the latter camp. The opening song Forgotten especially could just as well been a song on one of their late-nineties albums and I absolutely love it: explosive aggressiveness, alternated by a softer, catchy and groovy melodic part. It's textbook Korn and remains that way throughout the (rather short) album.

    This album grabbed my attention and I'm enjoying it as a blasting nostalgia trip. Sometimes it doesn't have to be more than that.
    Full Review »
  2. Feb 4, 2022
    This is a fantastic album. Requiem feels heavy but groovy at the same time. It feels like you wanna get up and move and proper rock out to it.
  3. Mar 24, 2022
    So Many Riffs, can’t stop listening to it. Jon has so many unique vocals in him, this album has almost all of them on full display. It’s aSo Many Riffs, can’t stop listening to it. Jon has so many unique vocals in him, this album has almost all of them on full display. It’s a beautifully aural resonance to behold. Head & Munky absolutely and unequivocally crush it in the Extra Crunchy Riffs department, interlacing, combining, alternating and in perfect haunting rhythmic tones, really driving the direction of the album. Ray’s drums sound even more precise and intentional than he’s sounded, with less filler and more oomph and gusto, while Fieldy feels a little bit dialed back. Like, you can tell he’s there, but not as prominently as other KoЯn albums. Still a super sickky album from start to finish tho. 9 tracks in about 33 mins. Full Review »