
Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
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  1. If you just want another batch of Torche tracks, some of which stand up to the best in their discography, then Restarter will prove to be a worthy addition to the Torche catalog.
  2. Feb 24, 2015
    The anthemic title cut, an epic, near-wordless, eight-and-a-half-minute midnight highway drive of a closer that, like everything on the outstanding Restarter, repeatedly beats you senseless, but leaves no bruises.
  3. Alternative Press
    Feb 18, 2015
    It's a tight little package of anthemic hook and heft that moves with even more purpose than 2012's Harmonicraft. [Mar 2015, p.94]
  4. Feb 23, 2015
    Torche perfects its volatile mix, a work that at least matches the potent Meanderthal (2008) as a career peak.
  5. Feb 19, 2015
    Restarter has an unwavering groove. What it lacks in immediacy it makes up for in lasting appeal.
  6. Feb 20, 2015
    Their newest full-length isn’t by any means leaps and bounds from what they’ve done before, but when they’ve got their brand of metallic pop so well-honed, why would we hope for anything else?
  7. Feb 18, 2015
    Restarter is a severely underwhelming return from one of the foremost breakthrough guitar bands of recent years.
  8. Mar 2, 2015
    Torche’s strongest effort since 2008’s breakthrough Meanderthal.
  9. Feb 20, 2015
    Restarter is remarkably composed and perfectly balanced, demonstrating Torche's ability to continually refine their doom-pop/melodic hard rock approach.
  10. Kerrang!
    Feb 18, 2015
    It's a deceptively simple formula, but one that Torche continue to twist into intriguing and utterly addictive shapes. [31 Jan 2015, p.54]
  11. Feb 23, 2015
    Restarter is not the sound of a band starting with a blank slate it is more akin to an artist simply darkening their palette briefly.
  12. Feb 27, 2015
    Restarter is still quite a strong sludge-metal album that can stand strong with many of their peers, but it’s sad to see them sacrifice much of what made them stand out so strongly from them in the process to merely become one of them.
  13. Feb 25, 2015
    While it doesn't mine new territory, Restarter is the sound of Torche getting comfortable and digging in their heels.
  14. Feb 23, 2015
    On Restarter, that precept again takes the lead, and Torche have made their most compelling record since Meanderthal.
  15. Feb 25, 2015
    Restarter, for all its excellence, is still overcast by the monolithic shadow of Harmonicraft. But Restarter’s finale and title track confirm that Torche are brimming with ambition and unafraid of new directions.
  16. 80
    Restarter continues to push the NOS button and races off into the band's new era. Perfect build on the foundation they laid with a few tracks in 2013 as well.
  17. Feb 23, 2015
    Torche's sound is touched by many of these bands, but not beholden to any of them: In fact, the band sounds more singular than ever on Restarter, becoming less sonically limited as their aesthetic grows more defined.
  18. 65
    In a live arena the sinister power that Restarter wields will thrill, but as a static piece it's dense beyond reason.
  19. Feb 18, 2015
    Restarter, the band's fourth full-length, sees a return to form for Torche that even in its unabashed nods to frontman Steve Brooks's other musical endeavors, retains the pop sensibilities that have continually been the point of distinction between the two.
  20. Feb 24, 2015
    Torche goes deeper on Restarter, but they also round off some of the weird edges that make them such an interesting band.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 2 out of 13
  1. Mar 16, 2015
    This album absolutely RIPS. Torche do an incredible job of blending a pop rock sound with sludge metal. What they create is their own,This album absolutely RIPS. Torche do an incredible job of blending a pop rock sound with sludge metal. What they create is their own, unmistakable sound. I bought this album on vinyl and blare it through my house quite frequently. This is an early pick for album of the year for me.

    Favorite tracks: Annihilation Affair, Undone, Barrier Hammer
    Full Review »
  2. Mar 2, 2015
    i'm not a someone who could describe itself as a heavy rock fan, but this record right there, well crave my playlist on repeat for a few daysi'm not a someone who could describe itself as a heavy rock fan, but this record right there, well crave my playlist on repeat for a few days !! and i dont see the end of its trail from where i stand. Full Review »
  3. Feb 26, 2015
    Torche followed up Harmonicraft by getting heavier & sludgier, while still keeping some of that pop sensibility that made them stand out withTorche followed up Harmonicraft by getting heavier & sludgier, while still keeping some of that pop sensibility that made them stand out with that last album. While the album's still good, the problem for me is that it's also more fleshed out with fewer tracks, leading to some being longer than they should be, and a very front-loaded track list.

    (If you wanna see me elaborate on this more, look up "Spin It Reviews" on YouTube.)
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