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Universal acclaim- based on 247 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 21 out of 247

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  1. TonyG.
    Dec 27, 2007
    I listened to this album and I thought was awful. It seemed as though it tried too hard to be non-commercial and not a single song stood out as interesting.
  2. MaxM.
    Oct 29, 2007
    Definitely the best album I've heard in a few years.
  3. Alex
    Jan 4, 2007
    Pure gold- definitely one of the best albums of 2006. And the genius who proclaims "Some of this sounds like 50s doo-wop", well, duh, it's supposed to be that way. It just shows who talented the band is, and able to integrate endless genres into a beautiful wall of sound, punctuated by amazing vocals. TV on the Radio is truly a great band.
  4. DoctorHate!
    Feb 2, 2007
    Wow. My friends listen to some really annoying crap.
  5. JamesS
    Feb 5, 2007
    The hype on this album was unquestionably immense, and I approached it halfway hoping that I'd be unimpressed. Its half a year later and this is still one of the albums I listen to most regularly. The sheer density of harmonies, hooks and hidden bits of musical epiphanies is stunning. The best album of 2006 in my humble opinion.
  6. alanl
    Mar 13, 2007
    When you thought you had heard everything, this guys show you there's more to be seen. This is the Manhattan´s Ok Computer
  7. MihaiV
    Mar 15, 2007
    There are some albums that you love for a week, then you like for another week and then you just stop listening to them. It's been a while now, and I have to say RTCM doesn't fall in that category. Like wine, TV on the Radio only gets better with time. A true classic.
  8. KevinG
    Apr 25, 2007
  9. alains
    Aug 3, 2007
    I don't like it as much as Desperate Youth, but it's still very decent.
  10. Jezz
    Feb 7, 2008
    Brilliant. Beautiful, dark and dense music. Let the Devil In is the only letdown on a great album.
  11. BenB.
    Mar 10, 2008
    I don't get it. I don't think I want to understand it. Downloaded it listened to it deleted it. Another Jesus Jones or something of that nature.
  12. David
    Apr 29, 2008
    Loved Wolf Like Me and I Was a Lover. And now getting into the album. This is great music - but don't expect to "get it" at first listen - if you want instant pleasure then look elsewhere. Dirtywhirl - what a great song. I'll give it an 8 now but I reckon it will improve with age like a fine wine.
  13. specialmike
    Oct 12, 2006
    didn't get it the first time around, didn't get it the second time around, went to see them play a free show in their native planet of Brooklyn and I decided that they weren't over my head, but rather, they were just not good, it was all the ridiculous hype that had confused me...even after realizing how mediocre these guys were, the third round of hype was too much to didn't get it the first time around, didn't get it the second time around, went to see them play a free show in their native planet of Brooklyn and I decided that they weren't over my head, but rather, they were just not good, it was all the ridiculous hype that had confused me...even after realizing how mediocre these guys were, the third round of hype was too much to handle, so I listened to some tracks and was not surprised in the least. Now I can finally rest assured that TVOTR is not one of those bands like modest mouse where one day I will be like, "whoa! that's the shit, i take back everything i said" ...personally, i attribute their success to the guitarist's huge beard, which incidentally does not help him out any when you're hearing them live and his falsetto harmonies sound even worse than they do on the album. Altogethernow, "OOOVER-RRRATED!" Expand
  14. sr
    Nov 22, 2006
    wow. i don't know why i like this album bbut something about the mood it sets is incredible
  15. kamil
    Nov 29, 2006
    Best rock album since de-loused in the comatorium. Mind blowing, weird, seductive, dense, hypnotic and sometimes sexy future classic.
  16. paul
    Nov 3, 2006
    there are two sides to this record. i really appreciate the artfulness involved in making this record - it truly does sound unique. and, there are a few tracks that absolutely blow me away - "wolf like me" being the clear standout. but, with that being said, this album isn't something i crave. sure, it's worth hearing but i don't think it deserves album of the year there are two sides to this record. i really appreciate the artfulness involved in making this record - it truly does sound unique. and, there are a few tracks that absolutely blow me away - "wolf like me" being the clear standout. but, with that being said, this album isn't something i crave. sure, it's worth hearing but i don't think it deserves album of the year alcolades. finally, i have to add that my opinion is slightly tainted because i saw them about a month or so ago in boulder and was completely underwhelmed. this is coming from someone who saw them right after their first EP and thought they were spellbinding. i think they have potential, but i think this album is overhyped and overrated. Expand
  17. VinceF
    Oct 21, 2006
    Have been listening to this album since it came out, in the car, in the shower, to sleep to, while eating, while exercising, while smoking the green demon.... and I keep waiting for it to gel and turn into something musical like most good albums do eventually. But it just hasn't, for me, turned into anything more than a dense mish-mash of semi-good ideas stretched out to ridiculous Have been listening to this album since it came out, in the car, in the shower, to sleep to, while eating, while exercising, while smoking the green demon.... and I keep waiting for it to gel and turn into something musical like most good albums do eventually. But it just hasn't, for me, turned into anything more than a dense mish-mash of semi-good ideas stretched out to ridiculous lengths. The first few songs peak my interest but then it turns boring and indistinguishable in the middle and never recovers. I really really wanted to like this album. I thought the Young Liars EP was incredible, and although I was incredibly disappointed with their debut LP I held out hope for this one. Well, I have listened to this album at least thirty times straight through and it just doesn't do it for me. It's hard to doubt the genuine honesty of these guys in trying to create something new in the pop landscape but they need to spend more time crafting songs than crafting their (awesome) production styles. Sorry TVotR! I'll never stop buying your albums but this one let me down. Expand
  18. DougS
    Dec 16, 2006
    Perhaps I'm at a point in my life where "difficult" as a modifier for music no longer holds as much appeal, but I'm not feeling this one. Perhaps this album will have a similar effect on me as Wolf Parade last year, which I came to embrace slowly. But this sounds like a bad implosion of Prince, Radiohead and Sonic Youth. Great atmospherics, but the vocals are cloying at best. Perhaps I'm at a point in my life where "difficult" as a modifier for music no longer holds as much appeal, but I'm not feeling this one. Perhaps this album will have a similar effect on me as Wolf Parade last year, which I came to embrace slowly. But this sounds like a bad implosion of Prince, Radiohead and Sonic Youth. Great atmospherics, but the vocals are cloying at best. Certainly credit must be given for venturing further out of the mainstream than most "alternative" rock! I just don't happen to like it a whole lot. Expand
  19. JasonH
    Dec 17, 2006
    Beautiful. Melodic. Startling. And a bit on the dark side. Haven't heard anything else like it this year.
  20. Joey
    Dec 5, 2006
    This album has blown me away with beauty and meaning. It seems as though most people who rated this cd just don't understand it, which makes it even more rewarding for me in the end. One of the best cds this year by far.
  21. umbertop
    Oct 26, 2006
    sonically confused. it gives me headache
  22. RichR
    Oct 29, 2006
    I've been hearing nothing but good stuff about these guys and this album, but now that I've heard it... Snore. This record is like seven versions of the same song with a few others thrown in for filler. It's dull, overated, and sexless. Completely D.O.A.
  23. NoahPoppnpopp
    Jul 11, 2006
    This album is insane. I must have listened it a few hundred times. You'd think I would be tired of it by now. You'd be wrong.
  24. JamalS.
    Jul 13, 2006
    I'd just like to point out to Max that black people played rock and roll before white people, so, besdies that comment being unnecessary, it was also wrong. TV on the Radio is an excellent band..
  25. TonyF
    Jul 13, 2006
    not as good as their previous stuff, but great none the less. I recommend the first lp over this if you haven't heard them yet.
  26. Chris
    Jul 14, 2006
    Can't get it. The high points are just ok, the lows excruciating. the Bowie backups distracting. EVERY song has the harmonized vocals. Ok, we get it, but do you gotta do it for every song? Gets old!
  27. AdamS
    Jul 16, 2006
    Wonderful album, full of songs just waiting to grow on you. TV on the radio have built majestically on the past sound to deliver an utterly emotional and fufilling album.
  28. Kas
    Jul 26, 2006
    Well, I read the reviews, thought hey WTF I'll try them out, well This band just didnt do it for me, I couldnt get into any of the songs, sounded to me like the instruments were tripping over each other. Take my advice, listen to their stuff before buying, they have a rather unique sound that will most likely put some people off if their not into this particular style.
  29. VitorS
    Jul 26, 2006
    First listen was kinda disappointing, but then.. the most addictive stuff since crack.
  30. SuperDonkey
    Aug 11, 2006
    Hoped for more. Still an exciting listen. I think I like Desperate Youth a lil more. Cant wait to see them shine on live.
  31. SchuylerL
    Sep 12, 2006
    This album blows me away; I'd consider it a strong contender for the year's best album. Both highly original and unquestionably palatable, its a huge step in the right direction from an already solid band.
  32. LeighG
    Sep 14, 2006
    Words fail this album, buy and listen often.
  33. less_success
    Sep 17, 2006
    This is a polarizing album. It's not a universal acclaim type release. I personally think it's pretty damn great, but make sure to listen before you buy.
  34. TimM
    Sep 26, 2006
    They are original I'll give them that, however, Wolf Like Me and I Was A Lover are the only tracks that stand out. not very flowing, laacking one important A 6.7.
  35. morgan
    Jan 27, 2007
    What's your favourite TV On The Radio song? Mines the one where the guy sings annoyingly... my favourite part? Where he goes "Ooo, Ooo" over, and over, and over, and over, and over...
  36. KEVIN
    Jan 31, 2007
    A wonderful musical, cultural, and global achievement. No wonder it's won so many Album Of the Year awards :)
  37. NabeelB
    Feb 22, 2007
    If you don't like this album you have bad taste in music.
  38. MichaelK
    Mar 14, 2007
    Best album of 2006. By a mile.
  39. ClaraE
    Nov 19, 2006
    They have a long way to go to live up to the praise of these lemming-like critics. I just don't get it - there is something so self-conscious about this music - you can really hear it in the vocal delivery which many times is drenched in affectation, ego, it's almost a pastiche of other singers' styles - if they could just stop TRYING to be cool and let something a bit more They have a long way to go to live up to the praise of these lemming-like critics. I just don't get it - there is something so self-conscious about this music - you can really hear it in the vocal delivery which many times is drenched in affectation, ego, it's almost a pastiche of other singers' styles - if they could just stop TRYING to be cool and let something a bit more pure flow through, they might catch it. And guys, PLEASE lay off all the "ooh-ooh-ooh's" - every other song is just bloody "oooh-oooh-oooh"'s all over the place. it gets boring. I want to like you, I really, really try -I go back to the album every once in a while and after a point I give up - sonically very interesting, and sure, some real standout tracks, but it is still too show-offy, it's not a classic - stopp telling they've made a bloody classic because then they will stop pushing themselves where they need to go - there's so much talent here, just try HARDER. Expand
  40. ReubenF
    Dec 18, 2006
    Their sound is cutting edge: an innovative mix of free jazz, a cappella/doo-wop, trip-hop and electro; avant-garde without being obscure or unnecessarily difficult to listen to; and a worthy winner for the meta-critic Best of 2006.
  41. AntonioR
    Dec 22, 2006
    great album
  42. DiabloP
    Dec 25, 2006
    This album is very good - it is almost perfect. It is one of those albums you should listen to before you buy it. I loved it ,but it might not be everyone's cup of tea. I provides a different sound than the mainstream rock on the radio. That in itself might be a reason to purchase it.
  43. NastyR
    Dec 27, 2006
    The most original rock album since god knows when. People who give it a low rating just don't have ears. It's not so difficult, just listen closer and you hear a great melodies. Apocalyptic art-rock in prime.
  44. Apr 28, 2011
    Heady, soulful, gritty, urgent, powerful, and beautiful. This is TV On The Radio's best album to date, and one of the best albums of the aughts. It takes some time to sink in, but it keeps growing with every listen, and it's one of the most rewarding, transportive albums I've heard in recent years. The first half is stunning, and the second half also fantastic, albeit less immediate.Heady, soulful, gritty, urgent, powerful, and beautiful. This is TV On The Radio's best album to date, and one of the best albums of the aughts. It takes some time to sink in, but it keeps growing with every listen, and it's one of the most rewarding, transportive albums I've heard in recent years. The first half is stunning, and the second half also fantastic, albeit less immediate. From the industrial haze of "I Was a Lover" to the fantastic closing duo of "Tonight" and "Wash the Day Away," this album is a unique, glorious listen. It deserves to grow into a classic. Expand
  45. Mar 27, 2011
    I really had to listen to this album to fully appreciate it but wow, this is a fantastic album. The opener "I Was A Lover" is fantastic. The moment that song ends, you know instantly what you're getting into. TV On The Radio is one of the most original bands I've ever had the pleasure to listen too and there skill as musicians and creativity really shows in this album. It's hard to swallowI really had to listen to this album to fully appreciate it but wow, this is a fantastic album. The opener "I Was A Lover" is fantastic. The moment that song ends, you know instantly what you're getting into. TV On The Radio is one of the most original bands I've ever had the pleasure to listen too and there skill as musicians and creativity really shows in this album. It's hard to swallow this album the first few times but you'll get really into it once you really start to pay attention to it. Every track tells a story and the lyrics are impeccable. All In All, TV On The Radio has crafted a unique blast of soul, psychedelic, jazz fusion, and a little bit of punk rock into Return To Cookie Mountain and it is definitely an adventure you have to listen too. A- Collapse
  46. May 15, 2011
    it was okay and good at the same time...................................................................................... they had some outstanding songs on here. Dear Science was an upgrade.
  47. Apr 21, 2012
    This is a prime example of why critics should be trusted more than users when it comes to music. Return to Cookie Mountain is one of my favorite albums of the past decade, hands down. Dear Science was excellent, but this will always be my favorite TV on the Radio album. The grainy static of this album creates the perfect atmosphere. The guitar work on this album is also incredible.This is a prime example of why critics should be trusted more than users when it comes to music. Return to Cookie Mountain is one of my favorite albums of the past decade, hands down. Dear Science was excellent, but this will always be my favorite TV on the Radio album. The grainy static of this album creates the perfect atmosphere. The guitar work on this album is also incredible. Some tracks are much slower than others, but when TVOTR decide to pick the pace up they really can shred their guitars like few bands can. All of this would mean nothing if it weren't for the emotional punch this album carries. If I had to pick one song that embodies the theme of this album it would be, "Province". On the chorus Kyp Malone bellows out that, "Love is the province of the brace", and that is certainly what this album is trying to get across. Love is pain, and TVOTR seem to understand that better than just about anybody else. To them though, love is worth the risk, and that only the brave seek it out. It's a powerful message that only grows the more you listen to this album. The opening track "I Was A Lover" instantly sucked me into the album. It's a fairly unorthodox rythm with stuttering drums, horns, and plenty of fuzzy guitars. Malone is also the vocalist on this song. Towards the end of the song he sings, "running on empty, bourbon, and god". As great as they are as a band, they may be even better songwriters, which is a bold statement I feel comfortable making. Malone proves on this album that he is an excellent vocalist. He shares roughly half of the vocal duties with Tunde Adebimpe, and they are a perfect balance. Adebimpe brings a powerful voice, and shows this in full force on "Wolf Like Me" which is one of the best songs TVOTR has in their entire catalog. The 2nd half of this song is an onslaught of guitars. "Playhouses" is another song where TVOTR flex their muscle and flat out jam. All of these songs I have mentioned are on the first half of the album, but amazingly the 2nd half of the album is every bit as strong as the 1st half. "Let the Devil In" and "Dirtywhirl" are both excellent tracks, as is "A Method". The two closing tracks "Tonight" and "Wash the Day Away" are the two most mellow songs on the album, particularly "Tonight" which is one of the more hypnotic songs I've ever heard. It's sad but beautiful at the same time. There really isn't any complaint I can make about this album. It's as close to flawless as you can get. Honestly, the only thing I didn't like were the bonus tracks. Not because they were bad, but because they were completely unneccesary. None of the 3 bonus tracks on the U.S. release are as good as ANY of the 11 songs on the album. Still, in rating this album I'm completely ignoring those tracks. After all, they are "bonus" tracks. Return to Cookie Mountain has held up very well, and it's been nearly 6 years since it's release. This album is the definition of a classic. Expand
  48. Apr 25, 2012
    I applaud the experiment, but like most such projects, the results are mixed at best. Download "Wolf Like Me", "A Method", and "Dirty Whirl" but don't buy the entire album.
  49. Apr 24, 2018
    Post-rock, art rock, indie rock, whatever you wanna call it, this is one of the best of its kind

Universal acclaim - based on 40 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. Blender
    On their lush major-label debut, the haunting Peter Gabriel-esque yawlps of singer Tunde Adebimpbe are punctuated by singer-guitarist Kyp Malone, whose raspy falsetto provides a sense of deadpan panic. [Jul 2006, p.103]
  2. A warmer, more linear record than their debut... Spellbinding, frustrating, wonderful.
  3. Spin
    Sitek's layered sonics have grown more immense... and almost none of these songs charts a predictable course. [Jun 2006, p.81]