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Generally favorable reviews- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 49 out of 55
  2. Negative: 2 out of 55
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  1. Oct 22, 2019
    ROTD3 is quite honestly one of the best albums I’ve heard in a while. J. Coles vision as well as his influence on these young up and comers is incredibly visible. Songs like Down bad, Self Love, Ladies Ladies Ladies, and Sleep deprives are instant classics. This piece of art is not only one of the better albums to drop not only this year, but this decade.
  2. Jun 27, 2020
    This is an amazing album. Just 18 tracks of straight fire. Best album of 2019. Theirs flow, lyricism and good production.
  3. Nov 21, 2019
    The album overall is solid. The features were really superb and it was a great performance from all the Dreamville members.
  4. Dec 5, 2022
    A smokescreen of big-name artists may cloud the listener's view of this album, but as the dust clears it's easy to see a solid, high-energy group of songs which are easy on the ears. JID shines in many of his verses, but through the 18-track march, it's difficult to compile of list of other memorable features.
    That being said, I should highlight Guapdad 4000's contributions, which I still
    A smokescreen of big-name artists may cloud the listener's view of this album, but as the dust clears it's easy to see a solid, high-energy group of songs which are easy on the ears. JID shines in many of his verses, but through the 18-track march, it's difficult to compile of list of other memorable features.
    That being said, I should highlight Guapdad 4000's contributions, which I still find stuck in my head. With such a list of names, you should be able to expect a consistently enjoyable, varied listen, but ROTD3 struggles to keep me interested throughout. There are only a few songs worthy of a single, but the project does not waver in quality. What feels more like a mix-tape scrambled together quickly than an album, still was a positive listening experience containing many songs I revisit years after their release for their catchy choruses and unique sound. Dreamville is set on a path for success.
  5. Jan 22, 2020
    It's probably one of the best rap label albums ever. It reaches very high highs and includes every artist bringing their A-game. It's shortcomings is at times some super short verses trying to fit everybody in and an overlong playlist, but that happens in albums like this.
  6. Sep 29, 2019
    A strong project with many bangers like "Costa Rica" and "Oh Wow...Swerve" but has some tracks that personally underwhelm me like "Self Love" and I was annoyed by the inclusion of "MIDDLE CHILD." The last thing this project needed was more J. Cole.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Aug 2, 2019
    Few verses on the album are particularly memorable outside of spots from Maxo Kream, Vince Staples, a string of appearances from the consistently good J.I.D, and the standalone moments of introspection from J. Cole himself. But the comp works because it never feels forced or closed off to ideas.
  2. Aug 2, 2019
    Valiantly shaped into this 18-track hour-long set, it's unavoidably a bit of a pile-up, a nonstop procession of rappers and singers fighting for space and pushing one another with verses and hooks that occasionally relate to one another. Cole makes an effort to tie it together.
  3. Aug 2, 2019
    If Cole’s greater purpose was boosting the career of his prodigies, he succeeded. Revenge of the Dreamers III points out the obvious: the complete takeover of DaBaby, the undeniable powerhouse that is J.I.D., and the melodious and irresistibly genuine Ari Lennox.