
Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 21
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 21
  3. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. May 9, 2012
    The majority of the album places Actress closer to the superbly creative, evocative, and mind-altering terrain inhabited by Oneohtrix Point Never, with detectable traces of early-'80s Roedelius and Moebius, as well as Autechre.
  2. Apr 26, 2012
    The innovation on R.I.P. is to put as much effort into making things clean as making them dirty, and the result is a sense of contrast: Fog gives way to clarity; fat, puffy synthesizer sounds play off pinprick-sharp ones. Like all good contrasts, it's simple and eureka-like.
  3. Jun 6, 2012
    R.I.P. is at its most basic a beautiful electronic album, as rewarding as it is challenging.
  4. 80
    Something about them is essentially alien--yet, very probably, that is the source of their strange, uncanny power.
  5. Jun 15, 2012
    It's the sound of a DJ just getting started after everyone's gone home.
  6. Apr 30, 2012
    Whilst R.I.P. certainly has some of the cold detachment that often characterises electronic music, it is also a remarkably thoughtful and creative work that has clearly benefited from a more personal and human compositional approach.
  7. Apr 25, 2012
    The seemingly strange power that Actress has is to disorient the listener (i.e., the visceral shock accompanying the tonally maximal "Shadow From Tartarus"), though this contrast mostly allows for R.I.P.'s intricate and detailed beauty to thrive just beneath the cracks.
  8. Apr 27, 2012
    To call it album of the year at this stage wouldn't so much be pre-emption as an actual understatement.
  9. May 18, 2012
    R.I.P. rewards background play just as much as concentrated listening, if not more so.
  10. May 9, 2012
    Now that the percussive elements are conspicuously absent, however, Actress requires a more thorough listen–and those that give it full attention will be rewarded with layers upon
  11. Apr 23, 2012
    'R.I.P.' is both an update on the bass explorations of restless Britain and perhaps a timeless thesaurus of blistered tones and ideas that younger producers will beg, borrow and steal from for years to come.
  12. Apr 24, 2012
    R.I.P is Actress continually shifting and exploring, growing and rippling, being himself in the only Statement-less way he knows how. Its 15 songs aren't for everyone and with few overt melodies, it's definitely not for everyone.
  13. May 18, 2012
    On his masterful third album, Actress perfects a thrilling sonic aletheia that simultaneously reveals and conceals, opens and closes, remembers and experiences anew, giving some insight into the truth of post-rave electronic music as it has developed over the past 20 years, into both frame and artwork, stage and actress.
  14. Apr 23, 2012
    What does set this apart from Actress' earlier pieces is the incredibly organic feel that this album seems to thrive on.
  15. Apr 19, 2012
    R.I.P practically begs to be handled, examined, shuffled and rotated in every direction, the better to identify each tiny grain of sand and dirt that's gone into its construction.
  16. May 18, 2012
    R.I.P. (Honest Jon's) is the most mysterious of the Actress records yet, and the one most suggestive of dream states.
  17. Apr 19, 2012
    It's an album that envelops even as it blurs and drifts, its hooks no less insistent for their subtlety.
  18. Apr 30, 2012
    Splazsh's followup simply doesn't hold the same tension or drive.
  19. Apr 19, 2012
    R.I.P. is the most enveloping and fully developed of his cultivated soundworlds yet.
  20. May 25, 2012
    He's gone several steps further away from standard dance structure and into abstraction and ambience here – and it's all the better for it.
  21. Apr 20, 2012
    R.I.P is a fantastical, fascinating album: as Actress intended, it feels not really of this world.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Apr 24, 2012
    Another example of Metacritic's odd weighted means. An album which is game changing for EDM and getting critically acclaimed andAnother example of Metacritic's odd weighted means. An album which is game changing for EDM and getting critically acclaimed and Metacritic's score is 72? I had to make an account to try to off balance that. This is an amazing diverse album that reveals it's layers in repeated listens. There is a narrative that runs through it and it's amazing to see how even minimal music can reveal complex design. It will be interesting to see how this score changes as more reviews come in Full Review »
  2. Nov 28, 2021
    both an update on the bass explorations of restless Britain and perhaps a timeless thesaurus of blistered tones and ideas that youngerboth an update on the bass explorations of restless Britain and perhaps a timeless thesaurus of blistered tones and ideas that younger producers will beg, borrow and steal from for years to come Full Review »
  3. Jul 7, 2013
    Darren Cunningham's music as Actress has been a microscope of increasing strength. Starting with a broad purview of dubstep/techno, he hasDarren Cunningham's music as Actress has been a microscope of increasing strength. Starting with a broad purview of dubstep/techno, he has zoomed in on the beats to the point where he is looking at single pixels R.I.P is inscrutably close, with only brief snatches of the familiar, leaving you adrift in space, connected to the music by the slightest gossamer strand. What is frustratingly out of reach at first becomes cherished the further you are willing to explore. Full Review »