• Record Label: Hyperdub
  • Release Date: Dec 17, 2013
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 72 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 66 out of 72
  2. Negative: 3 out of 72

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  1. Jan 8, 2014
    This is what you call a masterpiece of music, seriously. The song "Come Down To Us" actually moved me like no other song ever has moved me before. The best thing about Burials music if you ask me? It get's better each time you hear it. Just be sure to hear it with the best music system you got, because you'll want to hear every little aspect and bass, because only then it reaches itsThis is what you call a masterpiece of music, seriously. The song "Come Down To Us" actually moved me like no other song ever has moved me before. The best thing about Burials music if you ask me? It get's better each time you hear it. Just be sure to hear it with the best music system you got, because you'll want to hear every little aspect and bass, because only then it reaches its perfection it is intended to have. Expand
  2. Dec 17, 2013
    This EP was much better then the last one. It will make you swoon. It creates the most amazing imagery in my head. I can't believe they keep doing what they do so well.
  3. Dec 17, 2013
    A masterpiece. I'm a huge Burial fan, ever since discovering Untrue in 2007. While I've loved everything he's done, this one has blown my expectations up, and re-set everything I thought I could expect him. Simply a mind-blowing EP. Who even knows where he'll go from here. I for one can't wait to find out.
  4. Jan 5, 2014
    An absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absoluteAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute MasterpieceAn absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece An absolute Masterpiece Expand
  5. May 15, 2015
    Short and sweet, "Rival Dealer EP" is three tracks of pulsing, ambient and electronic heaven. Evocative, energising and deep, another great example of the musical flexibility of William Emmanuel Bevan, a.k.a Burial.
  6. Dec 17, 2013
    Burial's production has never been heard and the abstract element he inducts is unmatched. This is risky because he has used the same style for a while. However Rival Dealer just switches up every EP/LP and with another stellar sound created, this is by far his most ambitious work since the criticially acclaimed Untrue. He has given us an amazing Christmas gift and will be remember inBurial's production has never been heard and the abstract element he inducts is unmatched. This is risky because he has used the same style for a while. However Rival Dealer just switches up every EP/LP and with another stellar sound created, this is by far his most ambitious work since the criticially acclaimed Untrue. He has given us an amazing Christmas gift and will be remember in years to come. Definitely a sleeper album. 9/10 Expand
  7. Dec 17, 2013
    Burial continues giving us epic mini masterpieces, in Rival Dealer he expands his sound through landscapes of honesty, human rights and life problems 'You are not alone'. He now has a message for our ears and that message is to believe in ourselves.
  8. Jan 7, 2014
    Burial's newest EP "Rival Dealer" is yet another cataclysmic entry to the electronic music world. With haunting vocal samples and eerie melodic leads, Rival Dealer brings a melodramatic escape to the EP's atmosphere. With a running time of just about 28 minutes, we hear some old sounds used in some of his previous work that make a nostalgic return. A standout in Rival Dealer, or in most ofBurial's newest EP "Rival Dealer" is yet another cataclysmic entry to the electronic music world. With haunting vocal samples and eerie melodic leads, Rival Dealer brings a melodramatic escape to the EP's atmosphere. With a running time of just about 28 minutes, we hear some old sounds used in some of his previous work that make a nostalgic return. A standout in Rival Dealer, or in most of Burial's recent work, is his masterful transitioning within his 10+ minute songs. The switch up's from heavy bass to soothing pieces work in a way that keeps you attached and interested the entire time. Which makes it some of Burial's most endeavoring work released to date. Expand
  9. Dec 25, 2013
    Burial does it again. With his usual busy, noisy and minimalistic productions, added on with what is his full emotions, making this his most meaningful EP. Downfall for me is that most of the samples are too soaked up and swallowes by cold, wet, reverb, causing a distraction to my ears. But overall, it is a good album to close the year! SO GET IT NOW!!!
  10. Dec 21, 2013
    Some very interesting music in here. 'Come Down To Us' is particularly beautiful. Very emotional and dreamy. This is far better than their last EP. Highly recommended for fans of Burial and electronic music in general.
  11. Dec 17, 2013
    As a huge fan of Burial previous works, I was very impatient in waiting for the new release. As everytime, I didn't even liked it when i first heard it.

    After few listens I found it a good record, but not as rich and musically original as Untrue for example. What I also don't like comparing to his previous works, is too much sentimentality and too less fun, not enough groove or
    As a huge fan of Burial previous works, I was very impatient in waiting for the new release. As everytime, I didn't even liked it when i first heard it.

    After few listens I found it a good record, but not as rich and musically original as Untrue for example. What I also don't like comparing to his previous works, is too much sentimentality and too less fun, not enough groove or anything to contrast the melancholic style and elongate vocals. It may be called "style" but it's something, that make me feel a bit emotionally manipulated and I don't want to feel that way.

    Changes that I actually like the most is that more specific topic of songs has been chosen, he didn't just focused on emotions or most common topic love. He not only knows how to produce music and say a message but also connects those things. There are moments, when He don't use words to push a story forward but instead a composition of sounds. It makes me not to hear a story but imagine one. I'm not a big fan of more "light" sound of this release. I think it's much harder to make a very good record like that, because where is more light everything is more flattened, there is less depth, it makes music more commercial, even when it's Burial.

    It's a good EP, but not as good as most of His previous releases.

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. The Wire
    Jan 30, 2014
    Rival Dealer constitutes Burial's boldest statement to date. [Feb 2014, p.44]
  2. Jan 15, 2014
    This more cerebral music is interesting and challenging, but it is missing some of immediacy of his earlier work.
  3. 80
    It’s the sound of something--or someone--rumbling to the surface, about to erupt.