• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Oct 28, 2003
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 330 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 11 out of 330

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  1. Apr 14, 2017
    Room on Fire is an amazing sequel album. It continues with the raw energy and beautiful melodies and lyrics that Is This It had, but expands them with a bigger kick. It's a great sounding album with tons of powerful tunes.
  2. Dec 17, 2011
    Full of great tracks this is a really excellent album that hasn't really received the credit it deserves. If you haven't listened to it for a while give it another shot as there as some great tracks on it and very little filler.
  3. PanchoV
    Oct 2, 2003
    Another quality release, go download it, then buy it
  4. Nov 5, 2010
    7 years out and I'm going to write a review, just to bump this albums rating up. It's solid all the way through, Meet Me In The Bathroom is the only weak song, but the other 10 are all perfect in my mind. Just let some of them grow on you and you'll have this album as one of your new favourites.
  5. OliverP
    Jun 3, 2005
    The idea is not a bad one, but the same idea is repeated over and over. On 12:51, Julian Casablancas must be the only singer I have ever heard who sounds just like another guitar. One of the most over-rated bands around.
  6. rachelz
    Aug 17, 2004
    yea, i know they're filthy rich kids who got their career moving through daddy's wallet, and, to make matters more annoying, flaunt their hypocritical bohemia more than their musical chops, this album is decent...but by no means great. if they just played the damn songs instead of trying ultra hard to make themselves sound low-fi and "cool", as if there really is some yea, i know they're filthy rich kids who got their career moving through daddy's wallet, and, to make matters more annoying, flaunt their hypocritical bohemia more than their musical chops, this album is decent...but by no means great. if they just played the damn songs instead of trying ultra hard to make themselves sound low-fi and "cool", as if there really is some desperation on the line (like these guys couldn't hang back out in their daddies' penthouses on the upper east side if their music didn't work out). the velvets did the low-budget, feedback thang almost 40 years ago--and did it much better and more provocatively. not to mention "psychocadndy" 20 years ago by the jamc. it's time to move on. basically, less thrift store "really, i'm not loaded" juvenile schtick and more production would probably equal more sincerity and honesty, which would help the songs out immensely. and i would probably listen to it again. Expand
  7. Rick
    Jan 29, 2004
    So this is what it takes bands nowadays to become legends, pretty faces, stealing almost everything(musically), and a bunch of screaming 12 year olds..These guys formed a band in Prep school, learned and played C5, D5, and F5 chords, got a drummer that sucks so much, meg white could kick his as# any day, and boom there bigger than anything...Wow , and oh yea, every thing about them is So this is what it takes bands nowadays to become legends, pretty faces, stealing almost everything(musically), and a bunch of screaming 12 year olds..These guys formed a band in Prep school, learned and played C5, D5, and F5 chords, got a drummer that sucks so much, meg white could kick his as# any day, and boom there bigger than anything...Wow , and oh yea, every thing about them is original right, lets see the guy uses enhancements on his voice, the guitars are so slow,boring and so f***ing repetitive,and the drums- i already mentioned the drum... I heard them live once and it was a joke the singer was going out of tune every 30 secounds, the drummer kept a steady boring beat, but the crowd(full of horny girls) was going crazy. The album is almost exactly the same as Is This It, its like the reanimation cd from linkin park..Rehashed s**t, songs like 12:51, under control , and between love and hate sound the same from the previous cd(but with crappier lyrics) the only song i did like was The way it is.. Maybe the guitarist and drummer and ah hell the whole band should take lessons, just to forward there playing ability, because this sounds like s**t...How many times can i listen to power chords played over enhancements voice that to be truthful sounds awful..What I?m i listening to techno Expand
  8. JuandeR
    Dec 10, 2003
    Maybe it's the album of the year.
  9. Sid
    Nov 3, 2003
    Bought album, listened to it... dissappointed (except for 3 tracks)... listened 3/4 times more loved it... Is quite different from first on closer inspection.
  10. AdamX
    Oct 20, 2003
    awful, really... they simply haven't gone anywhere with their sound! the songs sound like poor rehashes, and theres very little in the way of actual tunes (barring the quite good "Whatever Happened?"). Overall i'm sorely disappointed, but not overly surprised...
  11. JamesM
    Oct 27, 2003
    Solid album. They've proved they can do it twice, albeit at the expense of progression/diversity as an outfit. Side Note: Reptilia is insane.
  12. katyw
    Oct 28, 2003
  13. staceyt
    Jul 5, 2004
    I like this cd alot i got it 3 days ago and im already hooked, maybe it is slightly inferior to the first but its still worth a listen definately. The stand out songs for me are 'What ever happened', 'Under Control', 'The end has no end' and ofcourse 'Reptilia'. You should buy this cd!!
  14. ScottH
    Apr 7, 2005
    The lead singer can't sing and the band plays the same song over and over again.
  15. AnnaW
    Mar 13, 2006
    The Strokes are immensely enjoyable. And I am sick of hearing people complain about their parents having money. Would they be listened to more if their parents were poor? This Album was amazing. I loved Reptilia. Listen to the entire album before saying it is a copy of the first. ugh.
  16. thirdman
    Jan 3, 2009
    For the band whose appeal almost entirely depended upon its catchy song-writing skills, it was nigh impossible to repeat its intensity of the 1st album, especially because all the songs were coming out of one guy's brain. Some song-writers are smarter about it, and don't show all their tricks in one album and depend more on the variety of their musical craftsmanship (like Dylan, For the band whose appeal almost entirely depended upon its catchy song-writing skills, it was nigh impossible to repeat its intensity of the 1st album, especially because all the songs were coming out of one guy's brain. Some song-writers are smarter about it, and don't show all their tricks in one album and depend more on the variety of their musical craftsmanship (like Dylan, Bowie, etc) and become known for their musical longevity, but clearly Casablancas wasn't going about his creative process that way, and it shows in this 2nd album. Namely, he seems to have run out of his melodic ideas, and the majority of the songs in this album sound like the songs in the 1st album (or weaker variations of them). That is not just due to the fact that everybody in the band plays exactly the same way as in the 1st album (as many pointed out), or that it was produced in the identical manner as in the 1st, but it certainly doesn't help in terms of painfully highlighting the obvious lack of variety in its song-writings. That said, it's a decent album, and it would've been rated higher if everybody on this planet hasn't already listened to their 1st album millions of times. Expand
  17. Dr.Gonzo
    Oct 14, 2003
    It's not as good as Is This It, but it's still the one of the best albums released so far this year.
  18. ConorC
    Oct 15, 2003
    Excellent! I would have give it a 10 but i wouldn't even give anything 10 so 9 will have to do. anyway its an excellent album. it grew on me dead quick and i can't stop listen to "whatever happened". i don't think its as good as 1st album but its still great. best album out at the moment by far!!
  19. BrendenR
    Dec 16, 2003
    This album kicks it man. better than the first. all the way.
  20. PAMAN
    Oct 24, 2003
    If perfect really exisited in music form , this would be it! It's funny to read some of the reviews which have crucified the album-they loved "Is This It?", but hate "Room On Fire". I think that's a serious case of backlashing for the sake of it. The new album has all the energy, melody, lazy vocals, and sinicism of the first with upgrades, and yet they knock it. Alright, you If perfect really exisited in music form , this would be it! It's funny to read some of the reviews which have crucified the album-they loved "Is This It?", but hate "Room On Fire". I think that's a serious case of backlashing for the sake of it. The new album has all the energy, melody, lazy vocals, and sinicism of the first with upgrades, and yet they knock it. Alright, you listen with your critic's mind and the rest of us will listen with our souls. I think it's a work of effortless genius. Expand
  21. stk
    Oct 25, 2003
    even if it ends like an "oasis thing...!",we can proudly say that finally the 00s have their own beatles...hard times 4 music with all these chart-s***s, but that makes it more precious...the room is on fire n i m hapilly burning...
  22. BenJ
    Oct 27, 2003
    I was actually pretty unimpressed on the first few spins - the vocals were too low and the mix muddy, but eventually those melodies and hooks poked through! It's a great album - not immediate, but time pays off!
  23. Elliott
    Oct 28, 2003
    Completely brilliant in the simplest, most unpretentious of ways. Like its predecessor.
  24. RyanG
    Oct 3, 2003
    They weren't supposed to make an album better than "Is This It." Just listen though, it floored me, they did! Sure, it sounds like the Strokes still...with skittering drums, jangly guitars, quick riffs, ace three note solos, and melodies upon melodies. The sound is much more full somehow and it's the first thing you'll notice. Song writing has improved, so has Julian's They weren't supposed to make an album better than "Is This It." Just listen though, it floored me, they did! Sure, it sounds like the Strokes still...with skittering drums, jangly guitars, quick riffs, ace three note solos, and melodies upon melodies. The sound is much more full somehow and it's the first thing you'll notice. Song writing has improved, so has Julian's vocals. There is more guitar interplay from Nick and Albert, and Fab is a human drum machine. They decided to open up a few doors for this one, allowing elbow room to sketch plans for their future. This is another classic, and it's scary! They WERE NOT supposed to make another album this good. Yet, they did. Expand
  25. XFrOmChaosX
    Jan 13, 2004
    This Album is amazing........i got it two weeks ago and i still havent taken it out of my cd player..
  26. JeremyG
    Jan 4, 2004
    Several songs on this album are flat out strong all around. The others seem to rely too heavily on short melodic segments to buoy otherwise weak songs. They got a bit complacent here, and this album at times lacks the fire and cockiness of their debut. But on talent alone, they get away with it more often than not.
  27. SaraA.
    Jul 9, 2004
    This is my best Cd I can Hear it all day
  28. JonH
    Apr 7, 2005
    It's a okay listen, not nearly as good as their first album, like all the bad reviews say, it's just a repeat, and not nearly as memorable
  29. bryanl
    Apr 6, 2006
    this is definitely my favourite album.. my absolute favourite band
  30. ElliotM
    Jun 1, 2006
    The nigh on perfect indie-rock sound of Is This It returns, only now with a little more feeling. Tracks such as 12:51 and Under Control touch nerves that their debut, for all its brilliance, never could have. Lyrically it's still not as good as it could be, but musically it remains as tight and tuneful as ever. Quite brilliant stuff.
  31. Oligami
    May 20, 2007
    This is pop. And pop doesn't get much better than this without being totally embarrassing. It's less potent than the debut, and in order to compensate that it dips slightly into reggae and soul (which turns out to be great!).
  32. Jaimy
    Jan 22, 2008
    JUST GREAT!!!! I listened this album in side out!
  33. ThomasB.
    Nov 11, 2003
    This is a great album, and worthy of its high praise. Every good album ever made has one commonality: great songs. This one is no exception. They're just quality songs by a band with a lead singer who's got a great voice. Better than the first album, I think.
  34. [Anonymous]
    Oct 11, 2003
    The sounds hasn't changed....only flaw is that mostly every song on the album is similar..they could have changed it up a bit
  35. It'sme.
    Nov 13, 2003
    Pretty good album that takes at least 5 good listens before you "get" it. Don't hate them because critics praise them. If you're gonna hate them, hate them because you don't like their music. Not many bands make a sophomore album as good as this.
  36. alw
    Oct 12, 2003
    Best song are : What Ever Happened?, Automatic Stop, 12:51, Under Control, The End Has No End. The other songs are alright but now as good the first 5 mentioned
  37. RaoulD
    Oct 1, 2003
    This is an excellent album. Their sound is fully realized. Is This It? only hinted at their potential. I wish that people would stop slamming them and saying that they are rip-offs when clearly, they are probably the best band in the world right now.
  38. nickW
    Nov 3, 2003
    Its a grower-first few listens, hated it-then like all 'good' albums just clicked.
  39. ShawnH
    Oct 13, 2003
    can't... stop... listening... I don't think I've heard a song better than Reptilia in a while - that guitar break - it gives me goose bumps and makes me want to become an air-guitar meathead at the same time...
  40. joshg
    Oct 15, 2003
    Word up clih
  41. AndrewS
    Oct 21, 2003
    I think this album is awsome, but i hate how the critics are saying that is sounds the same as the first. Well for their information THATS WHAT WE WANT more of the i dont care music. Good work Strokes and fuck you critics
  42. alexs
    Oct 20, 2003
    you'd have to be knob not the appreciate crafty and instantly gratifying songwriting
  43. ShintoI
    Dec 19, 2003
    This record is incredibly valuable. Its a cd containing a party. I listen to it incredibly loud in my car alone and driving and have a party in my car. I believe thats why the band made this record, and I can't think of ANY rock record in history that can do it better. "Is This It" was a great rock record, but this is an incredible party record and shows me that the band is becoming This record is incredibly valuable. Its a cd containing a party. I listen to it incredibly loud in my car alone and driving and have a party in my car. I believe thats why the band made this record, and I can't think of ANY rock record in history that can do it better. "Is This It" was a great rock record, but this is an incredible party record and shows me that the band is becoming more innovative and exciting as artists. "Reptilia" gets Television on the guitar sequences and "12:51", "Automatic Stop", and "The End Has No End" sound futuristic with the keyboard spaceship sounds. And, of course, "Meet Me in the Bathroom" and "B/Love/Hate" is pure rock shimmy that is undeniable. A must have rock record and party pill for those static times. Expand
  44. JanisG
    Oct 22, 2003
    Love it! The strokes kick ass!
  45. StevieW
    Oct 24, 2003
    I have to echo most of the other opinions on this album. I couldn't see how they could possibly usurp 'Is this it', but somehow they have, this record has even more energy, sonic power and pure joy emanating from it than their debut! Some of the negative reviews i've read about this astound me, attention-seeking backlash that's all. The strokes make joyous music I have to echo most of the other opinions on this album. I couldn't see how they could possibly usurp 'Is this it', but somehow they have, this record has even more energy, sonic power and pure joy emanating from it than their debut! Some of the negative reviews i've read about this astound me, attention-seeking backlash that's all. The strokes make joyous music for our generation, and that includes just about anyone reading this, and they manage to remain cool as... in the process. Absolute sonic nectar. Expand
  46. JosephS
    Oct 26, 2003
    it's terrific, as good as is this it? these pro reviewers can't make up their mind but the one dude rating it a 20 is on crack. no doubt it's one of the best rock cds of the year.
  47. MichaelK
    Oct 28, 2003
    Pathetic rehash, much prefer White Stripes and (especially) Interpol to this torrid garbage. When will the singer learn singing through a megaphone IS A GODDAMN ANNOYING EFFECT???!!! If you're considering getting this garbage and you haven't heard Interpol yet, by all means buy theirs instead, Turn On the Bright Lights. Imaginative and vastly superior, and it actually mines a Pathetic rehash, much prefer White Stripes and (especially) Interpol to this torrid garbage. When will the singer learn singing through a megaphone IS A GODDAMN ANNOYING EFFECT???!!! If you're considering getting this garbage and you haven't heard Interpol yet, by all means buy theirs instead, Turn On the Bright Lights. Imaginative and vastly superior, and it actually mines a retro vein no one's touched yet. Expand
  48. Elliott
    Oct 28, 2003
    Completely brilliant in the simplest, most unpretentious of ways. Like its predecessor.
  49. KiranH
    Oct 3, 2003
    I don't give 10s lightly, but Is This It remains one of my favourite CDs of all time, and, believe it or not, this one is better. Spectacular. I can't stop listening to "Automatic Stop", "What Ever Happened?" and "Under Control" specifically, but the whole thing is a masterpiece. If only it were longer...
  50. WillieS
    Oct 5, 2003
    They made a great second album. If they keep this up, who knows how great they will become, or how they will affect the music world. A stone cold classic, through and through.
  51. JasonD
    Mar 30, 2004
    One half of a good album. If only the album was more consistant but there are definitely songs which become a chore to listen to. It's also frustrating that this is all the material the band can come up with since Is This It. Not to mention that the recorded versions of the songs played during the Is This It tour are very disappointing.
  52. JonathanH
    Apr 13, 2004
    It's not the great album some people say it is, it's not as good as their first, but it's still a solid rock album that knows when to quit before it gets tedious
  53. iNTRAbUDDY
    Jun 27, 2004
    This is an incredible album! I mean yeah, People have their own decisions about the album but I personally think that it's one of the best albums out this year! They did a good job with the lyrics because it's not taking you through all the crap people don't want to hear about, instead it gets right to the point and has a lot of effect and meaning on people. Hey they got This is an incredible album! I mean yeah, People have their own decisions about the album but I personally think that it's one of the best albums out this year! They did a good job with the lyrics because it's not taking you through all the crap people don't want to hear about, instead it gets right to the point and has a lot of effect and meaning on people. Hey they got you to listen to the album or at least some of the songs and thats basically all they want. Is for you guys to hear the music. Expand
  54. dave
    Jul 22, 2004
    These guys are doing a great job. Another hit with Room on Fire is making sure they aren't a one hit wonder. Ofcourse there is always more to come with a cd coming out this spring. I see it as an improvement (musically, style and all) however I still prefer "Is this it" in my CD player on a road trip. Meet me in the Bathroom and The End has No End are definately the highlights of These guys are doing a great job. Another hit with Room on Fire is making sure they aren't a one hit wonder. Ofcourse there is always more to come with a cd coming out this spring. I see it as an improvement (musically, style and all) however I still prefer "Is this it" in my CD player on a road trip. Meet me in the Bathroom and The End has No End are definately the highlights of this solid rock album. Hey, there are plenty of detractors out there, all I can say is that come the third album..if it stands up the way the first two did, these guys officially join the White Stripes as the best rock bands in the world. They might not be the saviors of rock n' roll like some claim...but they are keeping it alive and well. Expand
  55. Tyler
    Jul 4, 2004
    People expect so much from each new album of an artist/group. I guess that is granted given modern economics. However, even though costs and spending may have changed I don't think the creative process has changed much. I don't often like to mention the Beatles much in reviews, as they are on a different plain - but their body of work will best illustrate my point. The first People expect so much from each new album of an artist/group. I guess that is granted given modern economics. However, even though costs and spending may have changed I don't think the creative process has changed much. I don't often like to mention the Beatles much in reviews, as they are on a different plain - but their body of work will best illustrate my point. The first four Beatles records were seemingly carbon-copies of each other (and much of the songs were covers). Give the Strokes some time to evolve and incorporate other influences into sound and perhaps we will be blessed with a modern day "Rubber Soul", "Sgt. Pepper", or "Abbey Road" (whatever your preference). Although that seems unlikey, I'm not sure what other paths the VU/Television sound has left to take: punk, noise pop, shoegaze - hopefully there's something left. Collapse
  56. SuseB
    Jul 6, 2004
    where have the strokes been all these years!!??? thats what i want to know! I dont know how i have been able to live without their music. The have the best sound- not to mention looks ( girls have gotta love Fab) the music is quick and catchy! i love them lovers of the strokes- tell your friends stop them from listening to bloody britney spears and put a good tune in their head! thats all where have the strokes been all these years!!??? thats what i want to know! I dont know how i have been able to live without their music. The have the best sound- not to mention looks ( girls have gotta love Fab) the music is quick and catchy! i love them lovers of the strokes- tell your friends stop them from listening to bloody britney spears and put a good tune in their head! thats all i ask of you! Expand
  57. VladIV
    Aug 22, 2004
    Oh please, most of you are way overthinking whats going on in the album. Who cares what the fuck you think about the band. Does the album sound good or not. The music fits perfectly with the lyrics and it sounds right. I personally was not dissapointed with one song on the album and am anticpating their next.
  58. JayB
    Nov 8, 2005
    damn good.
  59. ignaciog
    Oct 26, 2005
  60. ChrisD
    Feb 24, 2005
    I don't really like the Strokes, but I still feel they'd have some good potential if they made the songs sound more energetic, rather than flattening the drums until they sound like a machine, and always ALWAYS running the vocals through a meagre light distortion. Once everything stops sounding so muffled maybe some better songs will protrude.
  61. KetitaQ
    Feb 24, 2005
    This is an amazing album! The sound of The Strokes is so unique and its like you play the cd and you cant stop listening to it, at least for me. Its addicting... cant get enough of it!
  62. ZEROMEgster
    Feb 8, 2005
    amazing album
  63. TawneeW
    May 10, 2005
    I love the strokes and I really love both their Albums and I cant wait til the next one!!!!!
  64. RichardC
    Jun 26, 2005
    So what if it's not as good as their first album, I still jam to it.
  65. JerichoC
    Sep 30, 2005
    honestly, you guys seem to think too hard. The strokes' kind of music isn't the arpeggiated sort that unearth, childrne of bodom and celtic frost have. they're a different sort of music so open your friggin' eyes to that! furthermore, their songs may become trite but to some people, it hasn't happened yet. Their albums are as much works of art as the cover of Room honestly, you guys seem to think too hard. The strokes' kind of music isn't the arpeggiated sort that unearth, childrne of bodom and celtic frost have. they're a different sort of music so open your friggin' eyes to that! furthermore, their songs may become trite but to some people, it hasn't happened yet. Their albums are as much works of art as the cover of Room on Fire. Julian Casablancas' singing is what truly separates them amongst the current post-punk crowd...have you heard U2 or Bloc Party sing through a megaphone? no that's because they have something [The Strokes] call "originality." Expand
  66. samF
    May 4, 2006
    I don't understand people that say that this album is the same as Is This It? Songs like 12:51, Under Control, and The end has no end (all of which are possibly my favorite strokes songs) would have sounded terribly out of place on Is This It? But although this cd has most of my favorite strokes songs, it is not as solid throughout as Is This It? was...But falling a little short of I don't understand people that say that this album is the same as Is This It? Songs like 12:51, Under Control, and The end has no end (all of which are possibly my favorite strokes songs) would have sounded terribly out of place on Is This It? But although this cd has most of my favorite strokes songs, it is not as solid throughout as Is This It? was...But falling a little short of Is This It? is by no means a failure. Expand
  67. GiacomoP
    Feb 15, 2007
    another great album.Amazing!
  68. BenF.
    Feb 14, 2009
    A splendid album. Like Is This It?, it shows what good rock should be like.
  69. FedericoA
    Oct 11, 2003
    it just makes me feel like...dancing???...i can't stop my feet but still feel all of the sadness. This album is like the pathetic wasted up guy dancin' in the disco floor when everybody has already left but he still looks charmy and irresistible.
  70. f
    Oct 11, 2003
    Hard as it is to believe, there is not a bad track at all on the record. Somehow, this album is better than the first. This is (deep breath) the best album of the year.
  71. AndrewE
    Nov 16, 2003
    I'm a huge fan of the original, and at first found myself disappointed. I went back to it, and found 11 tracks of pure, fantastic strokes music, with more originality than i noticed at first listen. Highly recommended.
  72. ZeeshaanB
    Nov 17, 2003
    This album is excellent. The Strokes really know how to create good indie rock. It is catchy and fun.
  73. BigJohnny
    Nov 22, 2003
  74. Greg
    Nov 28, 2003
    All in all a great album. The first half is nearly flawless, and, sadly, the album loses some steam after those tracks. On a whole, I'd say the album is great, and we'll probably all be enjoying it for a long time.
  75. BunifaJ
    Nov 3, 2003
    What is dis crap? I can't baleve I wasted ma bling bling on dis shite right herre. Damn grrl, this CD sucks like ma mamma on a first date! snap snap. Oh yes I did!
  76. HockeyT
    Oct 13, 2003
    An outstanding listen throughout. You gotta love the meshed guitars and Hammond's mean yet beautiful solos. My only beef is the amount of time it took to get this new material produced considering that lyrically, conceptually, and sound wise there really isn't anything different between this and the first album. If they are going to be a single faceted band fine, but at least An outstanding listen throughout. You gotta love the meshed guitars and Hammond's mean yet beautiful solos. My only beef is the amount of time it took to get this new material produced considering that lyrically, conceptually, and sound wise there really isn't anything different between this and the first album. If they are going to be a single faceted band fine, but at least come out with more than 11 songs every three years. Im not sure if they lack the creativity of many great bands of the past, or just dont feel the need to come up with new stuff. Regardless, the music kicks more ass than anything getting publicity this side of MTV. Expand
  77. RobbyD
    Oct 14, 2003
    First of all, let me just say that I have Room On Fire in my stereo right now. The real deal. I don't write reviews of downloads and, I certainly never rate an album until its in my hands. The point is that this is not hype. If you enjoyed the first Strokes record, you will most certainly like Room On Fire. "What Ever Happend" and "Reptilia" are my personal favorites this time First of all, let me just say that I have Room On Fire in my stereo right now. The real deal. I don't write reviews of downloads and, I certainly never rate an album until its in my hands. The point is that this is not hype. If you enjoyed the first Strokes record, you will most certainly like Room On Fire. "What Ever Happend" and "Reptilia" are my personal favorites this time around. Once again, every song is fantastic. I've never had to press the skip button with The Strokes playing. There is one problem though. Probably the best criticism a band can get... Room On Fire is too short! Put their two LPs together and you've got a 10. But it's hard for me to say that Room On Fire is worth it's full price tag because it's over before you know it and leaves you wanting so much more... Expand
  78. WillO
    Nov 7, 2003
    Catchy, but Casablancas' voice sounds a little dull sometimes. Also, the guitar can get repetitive sometimes. I think the highlights of the album are "Reptilia" and "Meet Me in the Bathroom," but i think they need to have better solos and varying guitar rhythms. (Michael K, Interpol rocks. Probably in my top five favorite bands.)
  79. aaronm
    Dec 1, 2003
    great album
  80. J.Dockx
    Dec 21, 2003
    Brilliant, one of the best CD's in my collection
  81. Adam
    Oct 22, 2003
    If i ever meet Julian again, i'll let him know how he helped both create and destroy musical revolutio the period of three years.
  82. anthonyg
    Oct 24, 2003
    I actually went to school (phoenix NYC ) with julian and never knew he was so talented. like the last album this album is amazingly chill. the most down to earth music i have heard in a long time. you can hang out or dance to this music ... reptilia is by far the best song on this c.d....very catchy tune. not saying that its the only one, just my personal favorite... this c.d. deserves a I actually went to school (phoenix NYC ) with julian and never knew he was so talented. like the last album this album is amazingly chill. the most down to earth music i have heard in a long time. you can hang out or dance to this music ... reptilia is by far the best song on this c.d....very catchy tune. not saying that its the only one, just my personal favorite... this c.d. deserves a 10 compared to all these new artists out there who suck... like a disease of bad pop and even hip-hop is going around. get your strokes "room on fire" vaccination on the 28th. if i would have talked to him in school, i wouldn't have to wait till then :) Expand
  83. JeffreyL
    Oct 24, 2003
    This sophmore effort can be the same and different at the same time from the first release. It has the same ingredients, but it is flanked by different, denser combinations of these ingredients. Only 3 songs are retreads, the rest are a significant progression in their sound. I listen to it over and over and over.....
  84. jd
    Oct 25, 2003
    Any hyped-up flash in the pan.
  85. J.Day
    Oct 25, 2003
    DO NOT JUDGE THIS DISC AFTER ONE LISTEN! Since your probably already a fan alot will sound familiar. But the by the third time you clearly see the differences between the Is This It and Room on Fire. This is every bit as good as Is This It. They bring more musical ideas to the table without messing with their style. This disc is amazing. Dont fool yourselves! Just buy it!
  86. BryanB
    Dec 5, 2003
    Overall, a good album....typical Strokes. Nothing new, but consistent with the quality of their last album. Why change a winning formula??
  87. JonathanW
    Dec 5, 2003
    The first time I listened to the CD, I thought the same thing~ where is the originality? Unfortunately, people who give things only one chance in this society will miss out on the wonders of this album. The Strokes have definitely expanded on their natural talent, making this Room On Fire a new hit CD and winning the hearts of the next generation of youth. Well done Strokes, well done.
  88. mikem
    Oct 29, 2003
    Since I rated Is This It a 10 I wish I could make this one a 11 but 10 will have to do. Unlike 99% of CD's I can actually listen to this one w/out skipping a track. FLAWLESS. The only question now is how do they follow this one up.
  89. RabA
    Oct 29, 2003
    Oh yeah this is it!
  90. PaulF
    Dec 21, 2004
    I can't believe how so many reviewers and people like the strokes. What is it about them? It's like no one has ever heard a decent rock band before! After reading Q's review i went and bought it. What a mistake thet was. Every damn song sounds the same & the lead singers voice never changes tone throughout and sounds completely dull making the album an absolute chore to I can't believe how so many reviewers and people like the strokes. What is it about them? It's like no one has ever heard a decent rock band before! After reading Q's review i went and bought it. What a mistake thet was. Every damn song sounds the same & the lead singers voice never changes tone throughout and sounds completely dull making the album an absolute chore to listen to. It's only 30mins long & i still can't bring myself to listen to it all. Absolute awful - avoid. Expand
  91. Matt
    Sep 27, 2004
    The vastly over-rated "Is This It" is followed by by this vastly over-rated effort. Yet again, background music, nothing grabbing, expect to hear the likes of 12:51 or Reptilia in lifts and fast food restaurants for the next couple of years - it really is perfect for this, but not much else.
  92. ignaciog
    Jan 13, 2005
  93. andreav
    Jan 26, 2005
    i just love it!
  94. KstarQ
    Feb 24, 2005
    It is so amusing for me to see how people who claim to hate The Strokes get so passionate in sharing their thoughts about them. Here's my thought: No one cares, so save it! I mean really, does it matter if you think they'r repetitive? if your sick of them using a "megaphone" to sing? Let me remind you that each band has their own style, and this is what they chose, a pretty damn It is so amusing for me to see how people who claim to hate The Strokes get so passionate in sharing their thoughts about them. Here's my thought: No one cares, so save it! I mean really, does it matter if you think they'r repetitive? if your sick of them using a "megaphone" to sing? Let me remind you that each band has their own style, and this is what they chose, a pretty damn good one, since it is working for them, right? if they were to change that "annoying effect" as somone said, they would no longer be The Strokes. And for those who like to give tips or comments on what would make the band better, SAVE IT! They are the strokes for a reason. Get over it and go make your own damn band if you cant find "good music" I mean what is good music? its different for everybody, its just too bad you cant appreciate these guys (the stroeks) I cant believe anyone would ask the members of a band to go take lessons!!! LOL!!! that was hilarious! Another thing.. who the hell buys a CD based on Q's review without having heard it first. You gotta know your music before you buy it; so I'm guessing for those who bought the cd before knowing what it was all about dont know what the heck they are talking about either. O yeah and about the singer, aka: Julian Casablancas, its the damn "megaphone" he uses that makes them original. I read something about someone going to see the band live and thinking it sucked bad. Question: why the hell go to their concert in the first place? cuz I'm sure this person was aware that bands sound way different when they are live (yes... there are really good live musicians out there) but not everyone is perfect and half the rock stars in the world dont have the best voices. No one has ever claimed The Strokes are the best band in the world, so why worry about little things like that? As long as I can pop their CD in my stereo/car/ computer, whatever, and still get a kick out of them I'm cool! And what is all this nonsense about "I used to love The Strokes but I came to a realization???" People complain about both albums sounding exactly the same, so what the hell makes a person change their mind about bad ass music like The Stroke's??? Now THAT I dont understand!! "They are knobs making music for knobs" I can only laugh at that comment and say "HEY... THAT WOULD MAKE ME A KNOB THEN, RIGHT?" Well the truth is that when it comes to rock bands they are either loved or hated. But please keep you lame hater comments short, rating music a good thing but come on! your comments arent gonna change a band's style, if thats what some hoped for. Just as The Stroke's music is "repetitive", as many say and I strongly disagree with, so are you negative comments. I cant wait to hear a good reason why someone hates the stroeks and also, one that is original. Stop getting you idea about music based on everyone else's comments. To the Strokes: ROCK ON!!!! your awesome And for the haters: I wanna see you make music sound as kick ass as The Stroke's with the only "C5, D5, and F5 chords they play" as you say. And sorry but Fabrizio Moretti is the only good looking one in the band. So NO, it doesnt only take good looks to be a good band. O yeah and... I cant believe somone said they wasted "BLING BLING" on a cd they obviously didnt know too much about. Whats worse is I cant believe anyone uses the word "bling bling and listens to, or atleast tried to listen to THE FABULOUS STROKES! at the same time. Well thats all for now! Sorry about the freakn' essay I wrote but hey, you werent forced to read it. Expand
  95. RobbieD.
    Mar 24, 2005
    This album is amazing. if you like the strokes than you will love this album. something you can roll to all day and have a blast getting messed up and listing to it. a little better then is this it?
  96. MusicFan
    Mar 21, 2006
    one of my favorite albums flawless and and a joy to listen to I love it
  97. EddieEinarM.
    Dec 9, 2007
    A great second outing from the Strokes. Opening up with "What Ever Happened?" in which Jules sings "I Wanna be forgotten/And I Don't wanna reminded" is not the likeliest way of starting of your second album. The band has developed since their stunning debut, and although some of the songs feels like Is This It-songs, there are some stunning achievements that proves that the Strokes A great second outing from the Strokes. Opening up with "What Ever Happened?" in which Jules sings "I Wanna be forgotten/And I Don't wanna reminded" is not the likeliest way of starting of your second album. The band has developed since their stunning debut, and although some of the songs feels like Is This It-songs, there are some stunning achievements that proves that the Strokes is a band on the move; swiftly developing. I even secretly maybe prefer this before Is This It - hey, what can I poor boy do? He can lose great songs as 12:51, You Talk Way Too Much and Under Control, tjhat's what he can do. Expand
  98. JeremiahT.
    Jan 17, 2008
    The Strokes are back! This time with a good record, not a great one. It's still really good; believe me I love The Strokes. But, it falls, compared to "Is This It".
  99. JohnA
    Nov 15, 2003
    Very dissapointing. Too me, it sounds like a bunch of songs that weren't good enough for the first record. This is definitely not it.
  100. nical
    Nov 18, 2003
    amazing cd. Such a HOT band. Julian is sexy

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 31
  2. Negative: 1 out of 31
  1. Jun 6, 2013
    [Casablancas] builds atmosphere out of evocative lyrics and emotional scenery, and he does it without leaning on linear narrative or songs with singular interpretations.
  2. In the face of hysterical expectation, the Strokes have resisted the temptation to hit the brakes, grow up and screw around with a sound that doesn't need fixing -- yet.
  3. The album is arguably better than the group's much-heralded debut, if by "better" we just mean more sonically impressive overall.