• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Jun 3, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 325 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 325
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  1. Jul 29, 2021
    It's...fine? Other than "goonies vs. E.T.," none of the tracks really stand out for me. Lyrically it's...honestly nothing really all that special when I think about it. Maybe I'm not familiar enough with RTJ, but it feels like a Twitter rant thread turned into an album. Just because they're saying something that's relevant now doesn't make the project special, it...just means they'reIt's...fine? Other than "goonies vs. E.T.," none of the tracks really stand out for me. Lyrically it's...honestly nothing really all that special when I think about it. Maybe I'm not familiar enough with RTJ, but it feels like a Twitter rant thread turned into an album. Just because they're saying something that's relevant now doesn't make the project special, it...just means they're saying something relevant now that gets everyone behind them. It also means that the project is going to age horribly in the future. And musically, it feels incomplete. It all feels rather rushed, it's all pretty bland. Especially the opening of "walking in the snow," the guitars and drums are off-beat.

    I'm sorry, but I just don't get the hype for this release, I really don't. And I already know people are going to tear me up for it and say it's because of my political beliefs. And honestly, whatever. If it upsets you that much, go read someone else's review you agree with, who says what you want to hear. Just like how I should find something else to listen to that I actually do like, that tells me what I want to hear. This is my opinion, and in my opinion this album is overrated. If the album did line up with my beliefs, would I give it a higher rating? Of course not, cause the instrumentals still don't work for me.

    I think I need a break from the internet.
  2. Aug 16, 2021
    ***Fave Songs***
    Ooh la la
    Out of Sight
    Walking in the snow
    never look back
    pulling the pin
    A few words for the firing squad

    ***Worst Songs***
    Yankee and the brave
    Goonies vs. E.T
    The ground below
  3. Jun 5, 2020
    As a long-time RTJ fan, there's something missing here that I just can't put my finger on. The social and political commentary is right on the nose as always from Mike and El, and the production is undeniably on-brand for the latter, but it's also... safe?

    Run the Jewels has always prided themselves on the raw energy and obnoxiously fun experimentation with their beats and wordplay.
    As a long-time RTJ fan, there's something missing here that I just can't put my finger on. The social and political commentary is right on the nose as always from Mike and El, and the production is undeniably on-brand for the latter, but it's also... safe?

    Run the Jewels has always prided themselves on the raw energy and obnoxiously fun experimentation with their beats and wordplay. Here, the duo seem more relaxed while also delivering some chilling takes on the current state of the world and our nation. There's less of that "My fist to your face is **** Folgers" type bravado and we never get a bar from El that's simultaneously gross, funny and instantly quotable.

    My opinion may be sullied somewhat by the 3 1/2 year wait, the messy sample-clearing debacle that delayed the release of RTJ 4 by a full month, or the promises from El-P that the album would be, cover to cover, un-apologetically in-your-face.

    That all to say: this feels like a project that takes several steps forward but twice as many back. Run the Jewels has always upped the ante with each release, but RTJ 4 feels like they folded halfway through the album.

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 26
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 26
  3. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. The Wire
    Jul 10, 2020
    It’s a strange brew, some distance from the monumental party music that has tended to characterise the duo’s three previous albums. [Jul 2020, p.50]
  2. Q Magazine
    Jun 30, 2020
    This is the sound of RTJ staking their claim as one of the all-time great hip-hop duos. [Aug 2020, p.112]
  3. Uncut
    Jun 19, 2020
    Crackles with a wisecracking energy. [Aug 2020, p.36]