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Universal acclaim- based on 422 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 422
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  1. Dec 26, 2016
    Run the Jewels are back again, for the third year in a row with a killer album. Best of all? It's COMPLETELY free! You can get it from their website for free by inputting your email address. No need to verify even. Love these guys, pick this up NOW!
  2. Dec 26, 2016
    Easily my favorite RTJ album thus far, and quite possibly the best rap album for me this millennium. The first 2 RTJ albums had songs that I would skip over, but I am not finding a single mediocre song on this one. It's apparent Jaime worked his ass off producing this one, and Mike coming through with the butter smooth flows as always. Jaime and Mike will go down as a legendary duo. El,Easily my favorite RTJ album thus far, and quite possibly the best rap album for me this millennium. The first 2 RTJ albums had songs that I would skip over, but I am not finding a single mediocre song on this one. It's apparent Jaime worked his ass off producing this one, and Mike coming through with the butter smooth flows as always. Jaime and Mike will go down as a legendary duo. El, take me as your apprentice, I want to mix beats like you do. Expand
  3. Dec 27, 2016
    What else are we supposed to say? Is the only measure by which they can be set against is by one which they themselves established? Would the one knock against them be that they are too consistently ferocious?? Would you say that Radiohead since 'In Rainbows' has been too consistently melancholic? Would that make any difference as to how one determined the quality of the music? Is thisWhat else are we supposed to say? Is the only measure by which they can be set against is by one which they themselves established? Would the one knock against them be that they are too consistently ferocious?? Would you say that Radiohead since 'In Rainbows' has been too consistently melancholic? Would that make any difference as to how one determined the quality of the music? Is this review best written in nothing but questions? Can I answer that question with a question? Allow me to try: question? Okay, I'm not sure question as a single word is a question. No matter. RTJ done did it again...and since they dropped the album as a christmas f*cking miracle, I say that what they say is what I think they meant to say...which is to say this can be held up against 2016's best. As long as the music merits such. Which it doth.

    We return from the depths of the badland...
    ...Went to war with the Devil and Shaytan
    He wore a bad toupee and a spray tan...
    I move in a world of conspiracies
    Obey no rules, I'm doin' me..."
    -Killer Mike on the track 'Talk to Me'
  4. Dec 30, 2016
    Run The Jewels has delivered another amazing masterpiece from top to bottom yet again. Killer Mike and EL-P got another banger in their hands. it was a christmas miracle.
  5. Jan 5, 2017
    This album is smashing through everything in it's path. It's physical counterpart would be a tank. Sheer force and power, one shot one kill. A total riot and a must have for hip hop or even just music fans. This is their 3rd straight classic album. Incredible.
  6. Dec 27, 2016
    Best Run the jewels album to date. Best PRODUCED album to date. BEST RAP ALBUM TO DATE. BEST FUDGING ALBUM TO DATE PLAYA. This albums runs hard and slaps you in the face for thinking drake is good. Enough said...
  7. Dec 28, 2016
    RTJ just keeps getting better, and I do believe RTJ3 is their best one yet and one of my favourite rap records of the last decade. The flow and dynamics of killer mike and EL-P are a glory to behold, and so are the beats and instrumentals, which are, in my opinion, EL-P's best material. That's also helped by the features. So many great choices here, hell there's even Kamasi Washington! ButRTJ just keeps getting better, and I do believe RTJ3 is their best one yet and one of my favourite rap records of the last decade. The flow and dynamics of killer mike and EL-P are a glory to behold, and so are the beats and instrumentals, which are, in my opinion, EL-P's best material. That's also helped by the features. So many great choices here, hell there's even Kamasi Washington! But when De La Rocha showed up it was just chilling, I wasn't expecting that. **** there are so many bangers on this thing, and one after the other. I was just laughing at how ridiculously bad ass the songs were consistently. Songs like Talk to me, then Call Tickerton, then Hey Kids maintained great verses combined with hard hitting and creative production, and it just kept going. I was expecting it to be great but I was still blow away. There's nothing that I found wrong about this record, I was just kinda disappointed that Panther Like a Panther wasn't like on the Gears Of War 4 trailer, I thought it was worse than that, but after a few more listens I actually started to love the album version even more than the trailer one. I absolutely loved this record and it definitely deserves this score Expand
  8. Dec 26, 2016
    Like every RTJ album, this one bumps from start to finish, and KM is in his seemingly eternal prime. El-P is worlds beyond where he was a solo artist, as he speaks to on the final track. Their best record as a tandem and I loved both their previous. Merry Christmas to us. Fav Hip Hop album of the year....
  9. Dec 27, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ZAC DE LA ROCHA APPEARS ON THE FINAL TRACK
    That alone makes it a 10/10. El-P is a pure genius, and it shines throughout the album. The fact that the album came out after all the year-end lists is the ultimate trolling attempt on the music community. It gets better and better as it goes along. "Panther Like a Panther" is beat of the year.
    Did I mention it contains ZAC DE LA ROCHA?
  10. Dec 25, 2016
    One of the favorites with Tribe album,Blackstar,AMSP,Malibu.Great political hip-hop album.Favorite songs:Hey Kids,Down,Panther like a Panther,Thursday in a Danger Room.
  11. Dec 26, 2016
    They just had to do it. They had to go and **** up everyones year end list. From the beats to the way they're rapping over them to all the **** that they're talking. Holy **** This is the best RTJ album yet.
  12. Dec 26, 2016
    RTJ3 > RTJ2 > RTJ. This album is much more versatile then the previous two, and it also hits harder then the previous two. One of the best hip-hop albums of the last decade.
  13. Dec 26, 2016
    Run the **** Jewels now give you beats, bars and SONGS. This album is unbelievably catchy, and combines the normal El and KM formula with great songwriting (2100's middle section with boots and the beautiful hook on Down come to mind). I love this record, and even the tracks I'm less hot on (maybe Call the Ticketron...ish) still really add to the record and give you a chance to sit backRun the **** Jewels now give you beats, bars and SONGS. This album is unbelievably catchy, and combines the normal El and KM formula with great songwriting (2100's middle section with boots and the beautiful hook on Down come to mind). I love this record, and even the tracks I'm less hot on (maybe Call the Ticketron...ish) still really add to the record and give you a chance to sit back and think about the hot fireeee being shot at you. LOVE IT. Expand
  14. Dec 27, 2016
    What a gift! A new era of protest music is starting and these guys are leading the revolution. What a great soundtrack to the end of 2016, a year that will go down in infamy.
  15. Dec 28, 2016
    I searched ALL of 2016 for something like this! It finally came to me on 12/28/2016 - 72hrs before the end of the year. This album has SAVED the music of 2016 with three days to spare. It's unique - It's on point - It's deep and very well done. Congrats Run the Jewels, you have a WINNER on your hands. #Fantastic.
  16. Dec 29, 2016
    banger on banger on banger on banger on banger on banger on banger on banger on banger on banger on banger on banger on banger on banger on banger on banger
  17. Dec 30, 2016
    This record is insanely good. Every song flows into the next. El P drops picture perfect chaotic beats that surround Killer Mike's poetry.

    I didn't think they'd top RTJ2 but here we are. F*cking nailed it.
  18. Dec 30, 2016
    As you can tell from the cover, Killer Mike and EL-P don't even need people to run the jewels for them anymore, because they already became the jewels.
  19. Jan 6, 2017
    This is the best RTJ album. It is their most politically charged and emotionally powerful. In this album, the chemistry between El and Mike is unparalleled for any music duo - they feed off of each other so well. In RTJ1 they felt like accomplices, in RTJ2 they felt like friends, here they feel like brothers. Their friendship, their brotherhood, fuels hope and defiance in a world full ofThis is the best RTJ album. It is their most politically charged and emotionally powerful. In this album, the chemistry between El and Mike is unparalleled for any music duo - they feed off of each other so well. In RTJ1 they felt like accomplices, in RTJ2 they felt like friends, here they feel like brothers. Their friendship, their brotherhood, fuels hope and defiance in a world full of oppression and injustice in a way that is more real and powerful than in any other RTJ record. The production and songwriting is amazing, in each of their previous records I thought there were a few meh songs but in this record all songs are great and nothing feels out of place. The lyrics are genius - clever and witty, sharp and poignant, crude and defiant, challenging the big problems of our time with a message of hope and humanity. Expand
  20. Feb 15, 2017
    Run the Jewels typically comes out guns blazing, full of energy and captivating lyrical rhymes. This time round however they’re exuding a different spirit. Things are more serious now, and although they have history both as a group and as solo artists in rapping about serious subjects, RTJ3 takes on political commentary in a whole new form on this album. Rather than taking a passiveRun the Jewels typically comes out guns blazing, full of energy and captivating lyrical rhymes. This time round however they’re exuding a different spirit. Things are more serious now, and although they have history both as a group and as solo artists in rapping about serious subjects, RTJ3 takes on political commentary in a whole new form on this album. Rather than taking a passive complacent stance on the culture and political climate of today the visceral duo tells us to activate our voice and to take progressive steps forward shaping our government in our favor, even if it means uprooted established traditions and revolution (killing our masters).

    This isn’t to say there aren’t bars being spit here in lucrative amounts. Tracks like ‘Legends Have It’ and ‘Talk To Me’ showcase their fun flows and uncanny chemistry. This common consensus on flow typically is a treat to witness. Knowingly ‘dropping a classic today’ these two know exactly how good they are, receiving critical acclaim as consistent as any rap group (watch out Tribe and Kast).

    It’s important to check out as well that this album is the only cover that doesn’t display a robbery, but rather a standoff. These two are ignited like never before, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t feeling doubts and woes as well. El-P sounds as discouraged and sad as ever explaining the death of his friend on ‘Thursday in the danger room’. Mike as well gives us the serious repercussions of the drug life and death on family members through his verse on said track too.

    The vulnerability and sheer humanism that these two are giving us is something unique all its own. Rare is it seen that a hardcore rap group like themselves are growing as much in diverse production, content and time in career.
  21. Dec 27, 2016
    This is a flawless album. No weaker tracker. It's upbeat and fast tempo. The more chill songs are very strong. The features were not forced into the song but for very well. I love the album. A must listen.
  22. Dec 26, 2016
    Run the Jewels killed it with their surprise Christmas album that once again puts together some of the best put together bangers from two of the greatest rappers alive.
  23. Dec 25, 2016
    This is, quite literally, the epitome of a Christmas miracle. The bar for hip-hop/rap albums to be released in 2017 has been set, and man, is it high.
  24. Dec 27, 2016
    This is the first RTJ album I've listened to (but I'm very familiar with Killer Mike so a had a bit of an idea of what I was getting myself into), and this album is fantastic. Very intelligent rapping, beats that resonate in your mind for hours, and a cohesive album that is a delight to listen to. I had it on all day during work and listened to it at least 4 times through and still haveThis is the first RTJ album I've listened to (but I'm very familiar with Killer Mike so a had a bit of an idea of what I was getting myself into), and this album is fantastic. Very intelligent rapping, beats that resonate in your mind for hours, and a cohesive album that is a delight to listen to. I had it on all day during work and listened to it at least 4 times through and still have not gotten tired of it. Expand
  25. Dec 25, 2016
    This beast's currently tied with Danny Brown's Atrocity Exhibition for my favorite rap album of the year.

    Fav tracks: Down, Bumaye, Thieves, Everybody Stay Calm, Thursday In The Danger Room, Kill Your Masters
  26. Dec 26, 2016
    To quote a user on reddit, El-P couldn't make a bad beat if he tried. On top of El being continuously at the top of his game, the lyrics are once again timely, sharp, and a blast to listen to. One. Banger. After. Another.
  27. Jan 9, 2017
    Killer Mike and El-P provide impeccable rhythms, rhymes and hooks on this record, although their lyrics lean a little too heavily on cliche for the first half.
  28. May 23, 2017
    Great lyricism, production and delivery, El-P and Killer Mike have delivered once again. Honestly in my personal opinion this is their best album as a duo.

    Best songs: Legend Has It / 2100 / Hey Kids (Bumaye)
  29. Apr 17, 2018
    Outdid themselves, did not expect that they could top RTJ2. Incredible production from EL-p and improved rapping from both members. Favorite tracks are Legend Has It, Hey Kids, Thursday in the Danger Room and A Report to the Shareholders
  30. May 21, 2018
    "Third times the charm" is a fitting saying for this hip-hop gem 'RTJ3'. The beats are juicy, the lyrics are confrontational and progressive; it's the perfect Run the Jewels formula.
  31. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  32. Dec 27, 2016
    Run the Jewels continue their impressive track record with the surprise release of Run the Jewels 3. Although in comparison to RTJ 1 and 2 the production here may actually feel a little less dynamic, the hip-hop duo make up for it with some of the funnest lyricism and the flow you've come to expect and want from a Run the Jewels release.

    RTJ3 starts itself strong with brazen hip-hop
    Run the Jewels continue their impressive track record with the surprise release of Run the Jewels 3. Although in comparison to RTJ 1 and 2 the production here may actually feel a little less dynamic, the hip-hop duo make up for it with some of the funnest lyricism and the flow you've come to expect and want from a Run the Jewels release.

    RTJ3 starts itself strong with brazen hip-hop anthems in the way that only Killer Mike and El-P can deliver, and perhaps the worst thing that could possibly be said about this third outing is that it's exactly what you'd expect from the two. But when these two are consistently killing it, it's not much to complain about. RTJ3 may not necessarily offer any surprises, and the tracklist might start to waver a bit toward the middle of the album, with its stronger focus on hooks that aren't the most memorable I've heard, you can't keep RTJ down for long. The album picks itself back up to deliver two very strong outing tracks with the duo at some of their best.

    Although I personally think the production here isn't as hot or as far ahead as what I've come to expect from El-P, and that some tracks simply aren't as memorable as what I've come to expect, this is still Run the Jewels doing what Run the Jewels does. Their releases have been consistently great up to this point, and truly that doesn't stop here. If you're already a fan, I think it goes without saying that you're going to find a lot to love with RTJ3. If you're not a fan, don't expect this one to necessarily convert you.
  33. Jul 16, 2018
    Run the Jewels is Led Zeppelin of the rap, in sense of making good music but principally for naming their albums (LZ I, LZ II, LZ III such as RTJ I, RTJ 2, RTJ 3). These one is the best duo album, a result of their gradual improvement. It has the consistence and homogeneity of its older brothers, but even more aggressive, with more textures and variation. Memorable group. Just excellent albums.
  34. Jan 16, 2017
    this is a very good album. i think after repeat listens however, there is a problem. it starts off very strong and then somewhere it fades in the middle. still one of the best hip hop albums of recent memory.
  35. Jul 18, 2017
    great album.....................................................................................................................................................................
  36. Jun 17, 2018
    A great album for when you feel the need to hear pumped up lyrics and quick delivery with nice switch ups for two unique rappers that show conventional hip-hop can still be entertaining when you place nice hooks with well managed beats.
  37. Dec 29, 2016
    Varios beats buenos por aquí y por allí, y es ciertamente una escucha entretenida, pero veo poco esfuerzo por parte de El-P y Killer Mike por ofrecer algo nuevo o que sorprenda. Quizás ya sea tiempo de terminar con este proyecto de Run The Jewels antes de que comiencen a arruinar todo. "A Report to the Shareholders / Kill Your Masters" pondría fin a todo como una brillante y gustosa cerezaVarios beats buenos por aquí y por allí, y es ciertamente una escucha entretenida, pero veo poco esfuerzo por parte de El-P y Killer Mike por ofrecer algo nuevo o que sorprenda. Quizás ya sea tiempo de terminar con este proyecto de Run The Jewels antes de que comiencen a arruinar todo. "A Report to the Shareholders / Kill Your Masters" pondría fin a todo como una brillante y gustosa cereza en el helado. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 34
  2. Negative: 0 out of 34
  1. The Wire
    Jun 2, 2017
    Every track is a killer. [Mar 2017, p.54]
  2. Mojo
    Feb 21, 2017
    The unlikely MC tag team's incontestable third rages hard over bass-driven beats positively thrumming with vitality. [Apr 2017, p.95]
  3. Feb 7, 2017
    Impressive as all that guest work is though, the album's starring duo are never outshined.