• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Jun 7, 2019
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 25
  2. Negative: 5 out of 25
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  1. Apr 24, 2022
    In my opinion as a dedicated Future fan this is 100% his best work to date XanaX Damage, Government Official, St.Lucia and Love Thy Enemies con vay something in his music usually doesn't have he is vulnerable he is willing to give you a glimpse of his suffering and it puts into context why he makes alot of the music he makes about being toxic and masculine and drugs without this EP I didIn my opinion as a dedicated Future fan this is 100% his best work to date XanaX Damage, Government Official, St.Lucia and Love Thy Enemies con vay something in his music usually doesn't have he is vulnerable he is willing to give you a glimpse of his suffering and it puts into context why he makes alot of the music he makes about being toxic and masculine and drugs without this EP I did not understand him I couldn't relate with the boasting and flexing and why he flexes so much especially about women but this made me put it together because of XanaX Damage and Love Thy Enemies his hatred of being left and the animosity towards people he built towards people that hurt him growing up and into his adulthood. I understands the reasons to not like the EP its incoherent it doesn't follow one sound but I enjoy it because Love Thy Enemies and XanaX Damage really put the rest of the music on this album and his discography as a whole in context. I really think this a top 3 Future Project there are two flaws on this project first I wish this was a whole album or this was the sound direction for the at the time most recent studio album The WIZRD which has some good pieces and has its highs but if it had Love Thy Enemies, Government Official, Extra, XanaX Damage and St.Lucia it would have been a-lot higher for me. Secondly Shotgun was trash this should have been either worked on more or left of the EP entirely Expand
  2. Oct 1, 2020
    A short EP for Future who delivers us some of his most emotional lyrics. Barely all tracks are about his pain and/or struggle with addiction. Beats finally become original when you take the whole musical career of the artist (except for 'Government Official'). Vocals are varied even if it very often remains in the field of autotune. Surely not his best but still an interesting piece of work.
  3. Mar 25, 2020
    Future's dark sound is pretty much prevalent in every song of this album, except for Government Official. Honestly, this project doesn't feel amazing, but it's good. Just the cohesion between Hendrix's voice and the dark theme of the album just makes a beautiful atmosphere. You can defenitely feel the pain while he's singing, the emotions come to the surface. The execution might be theFuture's dark sound is pretty much prevalent in every song of this album, except for Government Official. Honestly, this project doesn't feel amazing, but it's good. Just the cohesion between Hendrix's voice and the dark theme of the album just makes a beautiful atmosphere. You can defenitely feel the pain while he's singing, the emotions come to the surface. The execution might be the worst thing about this EP, though, as Future sound was never centred about his feelings (apart from few songs) and his performance leaves something to be desired.
    It might not be as good as every other Pluto project, but Save Me shows the emotional and sensible side of the Atl rapper, who proves not to be just a generic trapper, but also has a sentimental side.
  4. Sep 29, 2019
    In Future's most emotional project to date, he fully opens up about the problems he's facing on beautiful tracks such as "XanaX Damage" and "Love Thy Enemies." Despite his ever-evolving style Future continues to put out top quality music.
  5. Jul 31, 2019
    This hurt to listen to. There's only 2 good songs on this thing, Please Tell Me and Government Official, with the rest being straight garbage
  6. Jul 28, 2019
    A flash of true brilliance on the opener and some intriguing vocal harmonies are high points of this EP. It's a solid addition to Future's catalogue.
  7. Jul 15, 2019
    Future has not made one bad project. While this one isn't as good as his mixtapes or albums, it still shows his greatest and his ability to battle his demons. 8/10 = B
  8. Jun 21, 2019
    XanaX Damage 5/10 the beat is amazing but future deep voice singing doesn't fit the track at all, not completely ruins it but making it a lot less good the it could've been
    St. Lucia 4/10 the beat is good but future autotune delivery doesn't fit it and the high chipmunk vocals in the background are really bad and cringey.
    Please Tell Me 6/10 the beat is good and here future delivery
    XanaX Damage 5/10 the beat is amazing but future deep voice singing doesn't fit the track at all, not completely ruins it but making it a lot less good the it could've been
    St. Lucia 4/10 the beat is good but future autotune delivery doesn't fit it and the high chipmunk vocals in the background are really bad and cringey.
    Please Tell Me 6/10 the beat is good and here future delivery finally works here and his flows are good here.
    Shotgun 6/10 the beat here is amazing and future delivery works here and his flows are fine.
    Government Official 7.5/10 the beat here fits perfectly with future delivery and future flows here are really good.
    Extra 6.5/10 the beat here is really good and future delivery here is good but with not a lot of good flows.
    Love Thy Enemies 6/10 the beat is good and future delivery fits here good.
    overall 5.9 better then what i was expecting but still not really good

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jul 29, 2019
    The best thing about “Save Me” may be that it’s a very small bite to digest, clocking in at just barely over 20 minutes after the conclusion of “Love Thy Enemies.”
  2. Jul 10, 2019
    SAVE ME, opposed to previous collaborative EPs such as 2016’s Purple Reign with Metro Boomin, feels incomplete for it’s lacking the divine energy felt from previous Future projects.
  3. Jun 18, 2019
    [“XanaX Damage” is] a flash of greatness bogged down by poor execution, which could stand as a theme for the EP as a whole.