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  1. Sep 9, 2023
    One I remember enjoying quite a bit, for what it is. Definitely an underrated artist.
  2. Jul 31, 2022
    this debut album by rina is a spectacle it pleases me in everything, a very well worked album with rina's vocals that are spectacular remains a mega current album
  3. Mar 15, 2023
    An almost perfect album, so neat and dance. Rina approaches and exceeds Grimes-like productions for example, but I think Rina made a true cult album.
  4. Mar 4, 2023
    this is the best album i have heard. rina slayed with every song in this beautiful álbum i really like her and how she can create a amazing feeling in you just listening a song.
  5. Feb 10, 2023
    The BEST debut that I've ever heard! It's FANTASTIC! Sawayama's literally a refreshing pop album that the industry needed. With nuances, mixes, and different genres that only Rina Sawayama would could combine in an album. THE BEST! (and plus: the colored vinyl is FCKING BEAUTIFUL)
  6. Dec 11, 2022
    Absolutely amazing. She took inspiration from pop icons like Britney and Gaga but took her artistry to another level with this body of work. Easily one of the best albums of all time.
  7. Sep 19, 2022
    wow this album is sooo excellent, our talented Rina really leads us to a 2000s y2k tour
  8. Sep 18, 2022
    Dynasty,Xs,Bad Friend are the best singles in this album.The songs mixed with pop,rock,dance and alternative.Wonderful!
  9. Sep 16, 2022
    A mix of many genres, I never thought could ever be good together! I just love this album, a wonderful song for the opener too! One of the best albums of 2020, in my opinion.

    There are some skips in the album, but other than that, great album!
  10. Sep 15, 2022
    A thrilling adventure through genres and production styles that also explores personal stories of pain and loss while also keeping the catchiness of pop music. The only drawback in my mind is the lack of progression in some songs, making them stale to listen to more than a few times.
  11. Aug 25, 2022
    A wild debut album, she captured the 90s-00s vibes in different genres (bubble gum pop, pop punk, r&b) with your genealogical tree
  12. Aug 23, 2022
    Arte de combinar los sonidos en una secuencia temporal atendiendo a las leyes de la armonía, la melodía y el ritmo, o de producirlos con instrumentos musicales.
  13. Aug 22, 2022
    one of the most overrated album to date. it’s not even that good. she is an insane artist and she has done better after that and i couldn’t be happier
  14. Aug 22, 2022
    overrated by the el gee bee tee community. it’s not even that good. not a single track stood out for me.
  15. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Rina's debut album is better than some artists peaks- from the opener "Dynasty" a goosebump inducing song about generational trauma to the incredible production of the closer "Snakeskin", this album will be remembered as one of the greatest debuts of all time - it just needs (along with Rina) the recognition it deserves. Expand
  16. Jul 17, 2022
    9/10 - SAWAYAMA is almost a flawless album. There are so many strong songs that blend genres and defy the rules of music. Rina’s experimentation shows in this album and it absolutely worked in her favor. I will say even though the songs are so good, I just cannot listen to them multiple times in a row. That is my only complaint: that I cannot abuse the album. This may come to benefit me in9/10 - SAWAYAMA is almost a flawless album. There are so many strong songs that blend genres and defy the rules of music. Rina’s experimentation shows in this album and it absolutely worked in her favor. I will say even though the songs are so good, I just cannot listen to them multiple times in a row. That is my only complaint: that I cannot abuse the album. This may come to benefit me in the future because I can forever cherish it. Akasaka Sad, XS, We Out Here, STFU!, Bees & Honey, Dynasty, and Snakeskin are massive smash bops but I simply couldn’t put them on repeat. Still, the project is decade-defining. Expand
  17. Jul 16, 2022
    This album is such a masterpiece! I don't know why people hates this and hates Rina. I discovered her music a month ago and I don't regret it. FAV songs:
    (But I love all the songs)
  18. Jun 28, 2022
    Every song is uniquely different. There’s a bit of rock influences which is incredible. Yet the best parts of the albums are the softer songs like Bad Friend, Tokyo Love Hotel, and Chosen Family. Overall a impeccable album. 100% recommend
  19. Feb 6, 2022
    Without exaggeration, one of the greatest, most ingenious albums I think I’ve heard in years.
  20. Feb 2, 2022
    On "Chosen Family", Rina Sawayama ponders where she belongs. It's easy; in the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame. Not only is her debut studio album grandiose, but it's also brutally fresh. It sounds like nothing before, a blend of everything at once ever so deliciously cooked by Rina. Yes, it can be somewhat daunting at times and amateur-ish, it's simply because she's preparing the blueprint forOn "Chosen Family", Rina Sawayama ponders where she belongs. It's easy; in the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame. Not only is her debut studio album grandiose, but it's also brutally fresh. It sounds like nothing before, a blend of everything at once ever so deliciously cooked by Rina. Yes, it can be somewhat daunting at times and amateur-ish, it's simply because she's preparing the blueprint for the next level of music and it seems not everyone has caught up to it yet. Expand
  21. Jan 21, 2022
    Rina, me impressiona por seu estilo ser tão diverso em um só álbum, um dos mais promissores desse ano.
    Misturando Pop e Metal, ela renasce esse estilo, mas com sua própria identidade, tenho certeza que vamos ver muito sobre ela ainda.

    Faixas favoritas: XS, STFU!, Comme De Garçons (Like The Boys), Paradisin', Love Me 4 Me, Bad Friend, Tokyo Love Hotel e Chosen Family.
  22. Sep 1, 2021
    This is one of the best albums I have ever heard. The way Sawayama is so versatile in her sudden shifts in genre whilst keeping the album cohesive throughout is spectacular and I adore the lyricism of the album - highlighting several imperative societal issues in her anticapitalistic sentiment whilst perfectly illustrating how she straddles between both Japanese and British culture isThis is one of the best albums I have ever heard. The way Sawayama is so versatile in her sudden shifts in genre whilst keeping the album cohesive throughout is spectacular and I adore the lyricism of the album - highlighting several imperative societal issues in her anticapitalistic sentiment whilst perfectly illustrating how she straddles between both Japanese and British culture is astonishing - showcasing the originality of her music and the legitimacy of her art and talent. It's honestly a shame that this album did not become anywhere near as popular as it deserved to be. Expand
  23. Nov 25, 2021
    album is a complicated picture of Swayama’s past, present, and future. It is rare to see a debut album with such a fully realized voice and vision behind it. What’s more, she exorcises her personal demons amid some of the year’s best dancefloor-filling pop.
  24. Nov 24, 2021
    Salah satu album terbaik di tahun 2020.

    Ini pengalaman pertama saya mendengarkan karya Rina Sawayama, yang saat itu baru saja merilis albumnya di bulan April. Saya sama sekali tidak tahu mengenai Rina Sawayama sebelumnya, hingga akhirnya ada rekomendasi video di YouTube mengenai lagu XS. Saya langsung jatuh cinta. Saat mendengarkan album penuhnya, kepala saya benar-benar meledak!
    Salah satu album terbaik di tahun 2020.

    Ini pengalaman pertama saya mendengarkan karya Rina Sawayama, yang saat itu baru saja merilis albumnya di bulan April. Saya sama sekali tidak tahu mengenai Rina Sawayama sebelumnya, hingga akhirnya ada rekomendasi video di YouTube mengenai lagu XS. Saya langsung jatuh cinta.

    Saat mendengarkan album penuhnya, kepala saya benar-benar meledak! Wah! Ini benar-benar album yang memiliki aliran musik pop, dansa, dan rock. Dibuka dengan lagu Dynasty yang super-grand. Hingga saat ini, saya masih kurang suka dengan penutup di album ini, lagu Snakeskin. Meskipun ada sentuhan drama di piano (yang saya suka), tapi drop musik di lagu ini membuat saya benar-benar drop. Sayang, tapi secara keseluruhan album ini benar-benar epik!
  25. Oct 9, 2021
    Rina got me throw a magical, mistical, beautiful, fantasy extremly brilliant work of art
  26. Aug 29, 2020
    Art, art, simply art. This is one of the best debut albums I have ever heard.
  27. Aug 21, 2021
    Rina Sawayama’s debut album, ‘Sawayama’ showcases an infusion of genres that creates a unique listening experience. This is displayed most clearly in ‘STFU’ we’re there’s certainly metal elements at play. A contrast to this is the ballad based songs such as ‘chosen family’ and ‘Tokyo love hotel’. The album reflects a random cocktail of musical influences, but combines them into a coherentRina Sawayama’s debut album, ‘Sawayama’ showcases an infusion of genres that creates a unique listening experience. This is displayed most clearly in ‘STFU’ we’re there’s certainly metal elements at play. A contrast to this is the ballad based songs such as ‘chosen family’ and ‘Tokyo love hotel’. The album reflects a random cocktail of musical influences, but combines them into a coherent collective. Jumping into different genres highlights Sawayamas influence from Gaga, who has done this the most successful. However the album remains pop at heart. And maybe pushing the boundaries of polis what the genre needs . Expand
  28. Aug 3, 2021
    It's an 8.4 album, but had to round down.

    For an album branded as, "Pop," this one really has all the fixins and still manages to be substantial and satisfying beyond it's mainstream appeal. It has everything to do with the fact that Rina Sawayama paints her debut using all the genre conventions in music she likes most, not just, "what sounds like pop." The result is a post-modern pop
    It's an 8.4 album, but had to round down.

    For an album branded as, "Pop," this one really has all the fixins and still manages to be substantial and satisfying beyond it's mainstream appeal. It has everything to do with the fact that Rina Sawayama paints her debut using all the genre conventions in music she likes most, not just, "what sounds like pop." The result is a post-modern pop masterpiece that never leaves a dull beat. It's exciting, vibrant, colorful, and new from start to finish. It is sincere, smart, satirical at moments, but ultimately fun and heart-felt. I pray for much more genre experimentation in the future, because it would be so easy for Rina and her team to direct the sails towards what analytics say their audience wants vs. making the album they need to make and telling the stories they need to tell. Keep challenging your audience, Rina!!
  29. Aug 2, 2021
    Absolutely perfect, from the beginning to the end. It is personal and you can feel the power, heritage and politics Rina sings about, never being boring. Very experimentalist, mostly pop-ish, with hints of ballads and even rock, it travels between genres beautifully. Her lyrics are catchy and meaningful. Personally, a masterpiece.
  30. Jul 22, 2021
    Amazing album, in my opinion this is the best album of 2020. There is not even a single skip as all the songs are total bangers. Everything in the album is very good from start to finish, the production, the lyrics, everything there is. Rina Sawayama is a criminally underrated artist and I hope she gets more attention because this shows her ability to make fantastic music.

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. May 19, 2020
    On this stunning debut, Sawayama captures Dua Lipa's future nostalgia and Poppy's metal-meets-pop savvy, rightfully making it her own with more depth, bigger thrills, and a limitless palette.
  2. May 4, 2020
    SAWAYAMA appears poised to be one of the best pop albums of the year and sets Sawayama up as a pop force to be reckoned with.
  3. Apr 30, 2020
    The album is a complicated picture of Swayama’s past, present, and future. It is rare to see a debut album with such a fully realized voice and vision behind it. What’s more, she exorcises her personal demons amid some of the year’s best dancefloor-filling pop.