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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 646 Ratings

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  1. Jul 1, 2018
    The album overall is worse than mediocre, sure there are some strong songs, but they don't help how repetitive the sound of the album overall
  2. Jul 3, 2018
    I get the hype that surrounded this album, given the beef with Pusha T, and the fairly 'meh' level of recent projects leading up to this one. There are some pretty good moments on this album, but overall it was a letdown unmatched by any of his previous works. One of the main issues with this project is the fact that it was a double album when it didn't need to be. There is so much fillerI get the hype that surrounded this album, given the beef with Pusha T, and the fairly 'meh' level of recent projects leading up to this one. There are some pretty good moments on this album, but overall it was a letdown unmatched by any of his previous works. One of the main issues with this project is the fact that it was a double album when it didn't need to be. There is so much filler on this project it's unreal. The reason people miss the old Drake is because his old albums didn't have filler, each track had a purpose and place on the record as a whole. With this new project there is a side A and side B, when it had no reason to be a double album. There are some decent songs on Scorpion, but they are all overshadowed by the rest of the album. Upon listening to the first song on the project I was somewhat hopeful that maybe it could be better than the lackluster "Views" from 2016. As soon as the second track started it immediately delved into this washed out, generic sound that permeates the entire first half of the album. The second half didn't make up for that either, as it basically just continues the same flat vibe that is established on the A side. It's sad to see an artist getting stuck in their comfort zone and subsequently continue to release what is essentially the same thing in different ways over and over again without changing the formula or trying to grow at all. This is a grossly commercial, somewhat brainless, and painstakingly long album that really doesn't have anything to offer that his older projects didn't do better. It's like Kanye's Ye, except instead of the album being too short and fairly unimpressive, it's waay too long, and fairly unimpressive. 3/10. Expand
  3. Mar 24, 2019
    For every good song on here, there's one that's not good and two that are just phoned in. This dude literally bragged about how he finished this album the day before its release. First it was Views, now its Scorpion*, if the next album is trash - there is no hope.

    (More Life doesn't count)
  4. Jun 30, 2018
    The top "good review" was given by someone named "SwaggyKid" that should speak for itself. As for my take on the album. Don't expect anything new from Drake, Its the same old content with less flare and less innovation. The only new sounds on this album are unmistakably from other, recently emerging artists. Add in the fact that the album is painfully long and you get a similar scenarioThe top "good review" was given by someone named "SwaggyKid" that should speak for itself. As for my take on the album. Don't expect anything new from Drake, Its the same old content with less flare and less innovation. The only new sounds on this album are unmistakably from other, recently emerging artists. Add in the fact that the album is painfully long and you get a similar scenario you got with Views.. Too much filler and no innovation. Expand
  5. Jul 4, 2018
    Only 4-5 songs are good on this album. Drake is average and takes countless L's.
  6. Jul 3, 2018
    Who would've thought that an album that is 25 tracks long would be so bloated? Gee, I'm shocked. Shocked!

    Every song starts to sound identical and lacks any uniqueness. Drake needs to start experimenting with new sounds in order to keep anything interesting because the same pop rap everytime is starting to get boring. FAV TRACKS: Emotionless, God's Plan, I'm Upset, Sandra's Rose,
    Who would've thought that an album that is 25 tracks long would be so bloated? Gee, I'm shocked. Shocked!

    Every song starts to sound identical and lacks any uniqueness. Drake needs to start experimenting with new sounds in order to keep anything interesting because the same pop rap everytime is starting to get boring.

    FAV TRACKS: Emotionless, God's Plan, I'm Upset, Sandra's Rose, Nice For What
    LEAST FAV TRACKS: Nonstop, Mob Ties, Peak, Summer Games, Jaded, Finesse, Ratchet Happy Birthday
  7. Jul 9, 2018
    My initial thoughts right after hearing this album were “Damn, we got another Drake album huh?”. This really did feel exactly the same as his last couple albums, in the sense that, its a jumbled mess of rapping and singing. I guess If you're a big Drake fan and have liked his last couple projects you'd be into that. For me, I see very little progression in his skills and it's more ofMy initial thoughts right after hearing this album were “Damn, we got another Drake album huh?”. This really did feel exactly the same as his last couple albums, in the sense that, its a jumbled mess of rapping and singing. I guess If you're a big Drake fan and have liked his last couple projects you'd be into that. For me, I see very little progression in his skills and it's more of Drake doing what works and I feel like he's been doing this “what works” thing for so long now that it's becoming worse and worse. The reason I think it's becoming worse and worse because Drake knows he doesn't have to try very hard or get very invested in these songs in order for people to like them at this point in his career; he's right and is going to get crazy number regardless of what he puts out.

    Now, do I think Drake has a good ear and all around good sound? Yeah for the most part. In saying that, there are some songs on here I like; not many! But there are some.
    The song 'Elevate' I thought sounded good with it's spacey and slightly eerie beat. Drake's singing and rapping were fine as well.
    'Can't Take A Joke' was another song I thought was good because Drake was actually rapping on this one and I personally like rapping Drake more than singing Drake.
    'In My Feelings' stood out to me for its beat alone, very bouncy, very radio friendly but I really liked it. 'Gods Plan' is the Fortnite anthem and I bump 'Nice For What' heavy.
    Other than those songs, nothing really stood out to me at all with the exception of the Michael Jackson feature (which, as a big MJ fan, wasn't a fan of because I really don't think Michael would like this. It might be not right for me to speak on the dead like that, but that's just what I think).

    If I was going to talk about each disc for a bit. I'd say I enjoyed the first disc much more than the second, simply because I felt the second disc was more, slow R&B throwaways from older works of his, or just the same rap/sing Drake we've heard for years. At least on the first disc, I felt he was talking more about recent stuff and that just made it more interesting to me, plus he was rapping more and like I said I like rapping Drake more than singing Drake.

    Overall do I think this is bad music? No, not really. Do I think its uninspired and very mediocre all the way through? Ugh... Yeah kinda. If I was going to give it a rating /100% I'd probably give it somewhere around a 34%.
  8. Oct 24, 2018
    This is a prime example of why numbers don't make you a top artist. Sucesss does not equate to quality, and it is Drake who disregards such an important principle.

    Aside from the singles, which were enjoyable but tiring after so long, there is little that stands out in this project. The intro track, Survival, sounds like a ripped off sample of Drake's own "9" from his previous studio
    This is a prime example of why numbers don't make you a top artist. Sucesss does not equate to quality, and it is Drake who disregards such an important principle.

    Aside from the singles, which were enjoyable but tiring after so long, there is little that stands out in this project. The intro track, Survival, sounds like a ripped off sample of Drake's own "9" from his previous studio album, Views. While 9 was a whimsical trip and a highlight of that mediocre project, Survival has no substance to work with whatsoever. Nonstop is probably one of the weakest Drake singles out there. Instead of passion, his tone is a bore, despite the attempt to establish hype through some arrogant bars. A missed opportunity over this beat. Elevate itself cannot be saved from a French Montana feature. Emotionless and 8 Out of 10, however, are the most exceptional tracks due to the effort by Drake and his refined flow that has been a treasure in rap. God's Plan, though overplayed since it came out early 2018, is still a relevant track to jam to. I'm Upset, much like Nonstop, has no substance.

    Drake's constant exclamation on his distrust is already tiring, which is why the second half is an unlistenable portion that attempts to establish a vibe with generic and formulated production. The only exceptions to this is the two singles included in Side B along with After Dark, which in my opinion was above average in delivery, even if it was another track illustrating his desire.

    The problem with Drake is that he does not fit two extremes in a spectrum of hip hop demographics. Those looking for a lyrical conscious album will turn away from it. Those in the urban population looking to bump up a track or two will hardly find anything but singles. His progression as a rapper at this point is vague because he's always maintaining his success and struggle with trust and relationships as the focal point for his albums. It is the lack of perspective that separates the second half of his discography from classics like Take Care and Nothing Was The Same. Expect formulated rap to ravage the music industry. As long as the incentive of stream numbers are up there, Drake will cut every corner he can to preserve his "reign" as the "king".
  9. Jul 1, 2018
    This album is straight boo boo. Side-A is full of generic beats and flows, Drake sounds asleep half the time while rapping. Side-B is a sub-par R&B album where we get typical Drake singing about relationships. Come on Drake, is this really the best you can come out with?

    Good Songs: Emotionless, Sandra's Rose, Nice for What, In My Feelings Decent Songs: Nonstop, God's Plan, Final
    This album is straight boo boo. Side-A is full of generic beats and flows, Drake sounds asleep half the time while rapping. Side-B is a sub-par R&B album where we get typical Drake singing about relationships. Come on Drake, is this really the best you can come out with?

    Good Songs: Emotionless, Sandra's Rose, Nice for What, In My Feelings
    Decent Songs: Nonstop, God's Plan, Final Fantasy, Don't Matter to Me
    Trash Songs: The other 17 songs
  10. Jul 21, 2018
    Drake comes out with his 5th and most disappointing studio album to date... In an attempt to cater to his massive audience, Drake throws out 25 tracks hoping a few of them will hit... Most of them didn't. With only about 5 tracks on this album being album-worthy of Drake's calibre, it feels like Drake threw out all the songs he had made throughout the production of the album, withoutDrake comes out with his 5th and most disappointing studio album to date... In an attempt to cater to his massive audience, Drake throws out 25 tracks hoping a few of them will hit... Most of them didn't. With only about 5 tracks on this album being album-worthy of Drake's calibre, it feels like Drake threw out all the songs he had made throughout the production of the album, without taking any of them through any sort of quality control before the release. Comparing this to the hyper-condensed style that Kanye has introduced, where tracks picked for the album are exceptional, Drake does the exact opposite, throwing out a load of low-quality songs hoping that they connect with his audience.
    Only thing remotely interesting about the album was the MJ feature. There was also a Jay-Z feature, which was honestly lacklustre compared to what he has shown us on 4:44.
  11. Jul 1, 2018
    Sonically the same as More Life, no growth. Have always liked Drake and dont really care if he is a dead beat dad but all the songs on each tape sound the same, wouldnt notice if this and more life were released together as one thing
  12. Jun 29, 2018
    This album is enormous. Having over an hour and a half of music its really hard to digest, but when you read through the lyrics it is evident that Drake has just one thing in mind: women. (Seriously this guy only talks about women and it gets boring fast). Coupled with really generic beats, this album is overall not good having just 3-4 songs which are decent and original enough toThis album is enormous. Having over an hour and a half of music its really hard to digest, but when you read through the lyrics it is evident that Drake has just one thing in mind: women. (Seriously this guy only talks about women and it gets boring fast). Coupled with really generic beats, this album is overall not good having just 3-4 songs which are decent and original enough to download.

    Sadly, it is impossible for Drake to deliver consistent and good music for more than 40 minutes having most of his potential and ability in singles.


    MARCH 14
  13. Jun 30, 2018
    There are some decent and good tracks on here, but there are so many fillers!! Overhyped album from Drake stans as always. This album is the worst he ever made as of now.
    It's even worse then Views.
  14. Jul 3, 2018
    Drake needs no introduction. Canadian rapper and singer, lots of money, last couple of albums were mediocre, you know the drill. The circumstances around this album are far more interesting. In May, Pusha T, fresh off of his excellent, Kanye-produced DAYTONA, dropped a diss track against Drake after our subject responded to a song on DAYTONA likely about his use of ghostwriters. Pusha, byDrake needs no introduction. Canadian rapper and singer, lots of money, last couple of albums were mediocre, you know the drill. The circumstances around this album are far more interesting. In May, Pusha T, fresh off of his excellent, Kanye-produced DAYTONA, dropped a diss track against Drake after our subject responded to a song on DAYTONA likely about his use of ghostwriters. Pusha, by all accounts, destroyed Drake, accusing him of hiding a child, using ghostwriters excessively, and other traits that made Drake look very weak in comparison.

    Knowing this, his stature is permanently diminished, most obviously on this record. He can’t easily pull off the tough guy sentiment anymore, nor pretend to be a family man. His two most “virtuous” traits, his bars would have you believe. But onto the music. The record is split into two sides. Side A (hip-hop) and Side B (R&B). Firstly, the length of this album is its major weakness - 89 minutes in total. Note that there will be no track-by-track reviews this time, there’s simply too many. Instead, I’ll list off some choice cuts.

    Choice Cuts:
    8 Out Of 10: 7
    Finesse: 8
    Nice For What: 8
    After Dark: 7

    Side A, the rap one, is best described as “boring.” Every flow sounds exactly the same, as do the choruses. The beats come off as uninspired and plain, just the same old melodies as usual. Aside from the cash-grab placement of singles, there’s nothing really worth listening to here.
    Side B, the R&B one, has a few songs that actually aren’t bad - but an equal amount of bland and mediocre ones. Again, it’s the length of the album. And there are some unequivocally bad songs on this side, notably “Ratchet Happy Birthday”, a contender for worst song I’ve heard this year. The following track and “Blue Tint” are equally dislikable. The last three songs actually have some meat on them - nothing I’d listen to on my own time, but not bad per se. But at that point it’s more of a treat for those who hadn’t left by the time they reached the end of this trash.
    This album was so amazingly piss-poor, it might be the beginning of the end for Drake. His reputation is gone, and soon so will his influence. Maybe that's a good thing.

  15. Jul 13, 2018
    I this album was 10 tracks, it could be a 10/10. What will they put in posthumous Drake box sets if he slaps all of the B-sides on a record for maximum streams? This is Culture II all over again.
  16. Mar 3, 2019
    Drake's Fifth Studio-Album Scorpion is at best, a mediocre collection of many repetitive tracks which lack distinction and meaning. Don't get me wrong, this album definitely has some ups, but overall it remains as a major letdown and disappointment. You can't really blame Drake, nor have your expectations unrealistically set, Drake makes pop-songs for the largest audience possible. ThereDrake's Fifth Studio-Album Scorpion is at best, a mediocre collection of many repetitive tracks which lack distinction and meaning. Don't get me wrong, this album definitely has some ups, but overall it remains as a major letdown and disappointment. You can't really blame Drake, nor have your expectations unrealistically set, Drake makes pop-songs for the largest audience possible. There are catchy tunes with aren't even that bad, but paired with simple verses which seem to lack a message, mainly speaking about unfound love, Scorpion remains as generic as possible. Expand
  17. Mar 19, 2019
    sério isso? totalmente comercial, e ainda tem essa produção que não se encaixa com a voz do drake
  18. Feb 24, 2021
    No good drake albums since 2015 :( 3/10
    No good drake albums since 2015 :( 3/10
    No good drake albums since 2015 :( 3/10
  19. May 24, 2021
    An extremely underwhelming album. A lot of the songs on the "A side" of the album are very pop/radio sounding, with not much effort or thought put into them. A lot of the lyrics are very questionable and low effort.

    B side is decent, with some decent r&b sounding instrumentals. However, most of these tracks on the B side are very slow/boring sounding and makes you want to fall asleep.
  20. Jul 23, 2023
    Just a boring, uninspired album with a very little amount of good quality tracks. By the second half I was so bored and disappointed I almost couldn't even finish the album.
  21. Jul 15, 2018
    During its 89 minute run, I found myself often zoning out before I realized that three songs went by. There are a few actually good songs that somewhat reignite my interest, but they come pretty sporadically and feel like diamonds in the rough amongst a sea of filler.

    It's also very hard to take anything Drake says seriously because of the drama surrounding him just before its release.
    During its 89 minute run, I found myself often zoning out before I realized that three songs went by. There are a few actually good songs that somewhat reignite my interest, but they come pretty sporadically and feel like diamonds in the rough amongst a sea of filler.

    It's also very hard to take anything Drake says seriously because of the drama surrounding him just before its release. His beef with Pusha T greatly overshadows any creative effort and diminishes any credibility he had as a rapper. Scorpion tries to restore faith in Drake's skills, but it falls short of being anything remotely compelling and becomes a testament of his lack there of.

    Aside from the radio singles, its forgettable and boring, and just too long to warrant a solid listen to.
  22. Jun 30, 2018
    The fifth studio album from Drake suffers from so many problems that it's hard to listen to it entirely without losing interest, rolling your eyes, or even dozing off a little bit. 'Scorpion' is in no way a step-up from his last effort 'Views', and it comes off as too long (90 minutes, that is), comprising two discs, one that is all Rap and another that is R&B (the former being much betterThe fifth studio album from Drake suffers from so many problems that it's hard to listen to it entirely without losing interest, rolling your eyes, or even dozing off a little bit. 'Scorpion' is in no way a step-up from his last effort 'Views', and it comes off as too long (90 minutes, that is), comprising two discs, one that is all Rap and another that is R&B (the former being much better than the latter) ; I however still don't understand the decision to make it this way and this long. Even though Drake opens up about his private life and raps about relatable matters ("Emotionless" has the best lyrics on the record), he is very repetitive over the course of the first 12 tracks, and sounds very monotonous and bored with his own spitting. And even though Drake has a lot of past beautiful R&B songs (even a whole record, "Nothing Was The Same"), none of the tracks on the second part even comes close to the greatness of "Hold On, We're Going Home" or any track on 'Take Care' (the closest thing to decent is the Nicki Minaj sample on "That's How You Feel").
    It's a shame that one of the most anticipated albums of the year turned out to be such a dull and uninteresting ride.
  23. Jul 8, 2018
    A horribly, boring mediocre album that should never have been made. I thought Views would be the lowest point in Drake's albums career but this one is even lower. It is an album that has NO point in being made. It was made just because Drake needed a new album, and arguably new money. No direction, no standouts, no inspiration, just mindless beats and soulless raps. A disgrace. 2/10
  24. Jan 11, 2019
    A very hit or miss album, where most of the tracks just miss the mark and enthusiasm for a good album.

    Best Song(s):
    Nice for What
    Don't Matter to Me

    Worst Song(s):
    I'm Upset
    In My Feelings
  25. Jul 2, 2018
    Normally I really like Drake but this album was not doing it for me at all. I gave it 2 stars because there were two good songs out of 25... yeeeeesh.
  26. Jul 24, 2018
    Really overrated album only enjoyed the pre-releases i dont see how it broke all these records
  27. Dec 8, 2018
    Easily Drake's worst album to date, and one of the worst albums of 2018. Drake continues to get away with a lack of rapping ability and meaningless lyrics that seem to go nowhere. He hides his inability to flow over a beat by inserting a catchy hook on some of his tracks that go viral to mask all the other poor tracks. He did a weird two part album, one side more pop, other side more rap,Easily Drake's worst album to date, and one of the worst albums of 2018. Drake continues to get away with a lack of rapping ability and meaningless lyrics that seem to go nowhere. He hides his inability to flow over a beat by inserting a catchy hook on some of his tracks that go viral to mask all the other poor tracks. He did a weird two part album, one side more pop, other side more rap, and it did not work at all for him. The album is far too long and filled with many worthless tracks. Drake tried to go hip-hop, but he should stay in his lane in the pop field. Expand
  28. Jul 6, 2018
    what is the fuss all about? **** beats and boring delivery. it's trash with one or two fine songs
    but 25 songs?! like what the **** with each track sounds pretty much the same
    it's near unbearable such a forgettable album
  29. Jul 24, 2018
    This album is an elongated, double length, stew of mediocrity. If Drake was still innovating with his music I would probably still be a fan, but at this point it's all warped and blended together because it all mostly sounds the same. It's either a retread, a derivative of other better music or a mix of the two. He is not talentless and this record is not terrible but there's not much moreThis album is an elongated, double length, stew of mediocrity. If Drake was still innovating with his music I would probably still be a fan, but at this point it's all warped and blended together because it all mostly sounds the same. It's either a retread, a derivative of other better music or a mix of the two. He is not talentless and this record is not terrible but there's not much more to be said than that. "Nice For What" is probably one of the only songs from this project that has a hint of the energy his music used to bring. At this point I have honestly lost hope that he'll ever release anything different or inventive again. I won't say it's not possible but with the track record of the last 3 years I have no reason to believe otherwise. Expand
  30. Dec 21, 2019
    Immature, stale, unimaginative and monotone project. Lacking in lyrics, beats and passion. Won't come back to this project any time soon.
  31. Dec 20, 2020
    Album is pretty trash. Typical sleepy drake. Only people that really think it’s good are the drake stans and in most of the positive reviews on here are people who say the album is rated low because of haters and not the artists lack of good song writing
  32. Jun 21, 2022
    These movie-length Drake albums are torture. Even with some great songs (Nonstop and Nice For What), there are so many terrible songs here.
  33. Jun 30, 2018
    boring uninspired same old same old. 25 songs long for absolutely no reason.
  34. Jun 29, 2018
    This album is the same recycled songs from the previous two albums Drake came out with from Views to More Life. Same beats and subject matter. This guy is all hype and no real sense of artistic value.
  35. Jul 1, 2018
    The album is not bad but it feels too long and a bit all over the place. The MJ sample could have been better, like Xtinas Liberation “Maria” now that’s how you sample MJ
  36. Jul 10, 2018
    Nothing special and just bland. It is physically hard for me to listen to this. That's all I have to say.
  37. Dec 5, 2018
    Drake sounds bare as usual here. This album feels like a massive pile of bones with some bugs crawling through it and i say that as either know there is a lot of tracks they are almost all lifeless despite the large quantity. Every song is uninspired, drab and made for his fans, instead of us people living in the real world.
  38. Aug 16, 2018
    This is very bad. I expected better from Drake. I came in with a clear mind and I was still disappointed. Just Wow.
  39. Aug 17, 2018
    Overall a plain and generic rap album, every song sounds the same and no track really stands out or is interesting. ”Emotionless” might be the only good song on the album.
  40. Sep 1, 2018
    Taking in fact the greatness of the Drake, this album has failed too much. More than 30 tracks? Why?
    If he had chosen only 15 would already be good, most of the tracks are shallow and you probably will not listen more than twice.
    FOR ME: King Michael was poorly used on this album, Drake used it in an unforgettable and nauseating track. The rest of the album sounds like an outdated
    Taking in fact the greatness of the Drake, this album has failed too much. More than 30 tracks? Why?
    If he had chosen only 15 would already be good, most of the tracks are shallow and you probably will not listen more than twice.

    FOR ME: King Michael was poorly used on this album, Drake used it in an unforgettable and nauseating track. The rest of the album sounds like an outdated Drake, as if he was trying to repeat everything that went right on his first two albums only in a wrong way. Just to note: In My Feelings sounds like a delayed version of One Dance.

    The good thing about this album was the leadsingle Gods Plan, for me it's a banger that worked. But only this one.
    In total: The album is tiring and cloying
  41. Dec 9, 2018
    A terrible album, with a terrible sound, I do not see anything beautiful in the lyrics, it is a failure of the century.
  42. Nov 25, 2019
    Drake continues to make the most boring music in hip hop right now the whole Tracklist here is just disappointing and bland from front to back it is WAY to long and everything is very repetitive
  43. Jun 6, 2020
    "Don't Matter To Me" is the only good song on this album. It's catchy. But this whole album is so bad and overrated. This album sounds the same like every hip hop and rap songs. No creativity, nothing new. Repetitive lyrics, such as in the tracks "Summer Games", "In My Feelings" and "God's Plan". Drake is one of the most overrated artists ever. Drake can't sing and he can barely rap good."Don't Matter To Me" is the only good song on this album. It's catchy. But this whole album is so bad and overrated. This album sounds the same like every hip hop and rap songs. No creativity, nothing new. Repetitive lyrics, such as in the tracks "Summer Games", "In My Feelings" and "God's Plan". Drake is one of the most overrated artists ever. Drake can't sing and he can barely rap good. I hate it when his fans keep trying to overhype him and think that he is the greatest of all time. He is NOT. This album is boring and messy. Expand
  44. Jul 4, 2018
    All filler, no killer album. Drake took an L thanks to Pusha T and this is the best he could do? Very sad to see.
  45. Jun 29, 2018
    Nah, this ain't it .... Have it;s decent moments (Jay verse decent) ... rap side definitely more enjoyable ,,, Rather it's for streaming purposes or contractual reasoning ,,, **** toooo long and repetitive
  46. Jul 9, 2018
    With all of the records this record has been setting, it really makes me wonder what would have happened if he had released a good album. This thing is filler nonsense through and through, I have no idea how people are worshiping it as much as they are.
  47. Jul 2, 2018
    It’s pure trash, I tried listening to it but nothing , another generic in therms of production and lyrics album, better buy Taylor Swift’s reputation to cure your ears
  48. Aug 13, 2018
    Drake is overhyped and can barely rap he barely got variation on flows because his tone and execution sounds the same in every damn song
  49. Jul 9, 2018
    horrible. it's a shame that albums like this are so popular when there are so many other artists with so much more talent and ability.
  50. Jun 30, 2018
    This album is garbage as trash. His music was kind of bland and his rap is very mixed over.
  51. Jun 30, 2018
    That was a very poor album, if you can even call that, with this many tracks 80% of the album was filler songs that i was just wondering why they had to be there in the first place, Drake's worst album for sure,
  52. Jun 29, 2018
  53. Jun 30, 2018
    Probably the biggest disappointment of the year. The album is overly long and too boring.
  54. Jul 4, 2018
    This is one of the worst albums of the year. The whole album is worth skipping. A big No-No.
  55. Jul 3, 2018
    Shame. Sounds mediocre since the first song... the worst part is that people are actually buying and listening to this like it's a masterpiece. Stop making trash people famous and rich!
  56. Jul 2, 2018
    This album feels like it was only made in mind for commercial success and the singles. By that, I mean songs going along with the current trends, and there being an endless amount of filler tracks, with the only nonfillers clearly being in mind to be singles. I wish Drake would actually try to make a good body of work that has memorability and longevity, instead of throw away albums thatThis album feels like it was only made in mind for commercial success and the singles. By that, I mean songs going along with the current trends, and there being an endless amount of filler tracks, with the only nonfillers clearly being in mind to be singles. I wish Drake would actually try to make a good body of work that has memorability and longevity, instead of throw away albums that you'll forget within a month like this. Expand
  57. Jul 7, 2018
    drake back giving us garbage album jeez i cant stand him anymore tf happend
    to him?
  58. Jun 29, 2018
    The question is who ever decided to allow Drake to make a double album? Its full of song after song that sound exactly the same and bounce around between mediocrity and down right boring. They tried packaging it with side 1 being focused on todays banal hip-hop and side two more R&B. A cheap trick that amounts to nothing. The fact that this is the equivalent of todays modern music says aThe question is who ever decided to allow Drake to make a double album? Its full of song after song that sound exactly the same and bounce around between mediocrity and down right boring. They tried packaging it with side 1 being focused on todays banal hip-hop and side two more R&B. A cheap trick that amounts to nothing. The fact that this is the equivalent of todays modern music says a lot about the state of todays music scene. Expand
  59. Jul 1, 2018
    i couldnt even finish
    the most overrated artist out there. The samples were disgustng all them over the place the worst was the mariah carey sample she is over and made the song worst.
  60. Jul 3, 2018
    Continues the trend of Views and More Life. Drake has presented that his best work was nearly a decade ago. Today he tries to keep the energy by abject theft of the ideas of other rappers, being carried by better lyricists, and presenting 3 generic mainstream mass produced piles of garbage.

    He has demonstrated that he cannot revolutionize. Instead he is simply doing what ABBA did and
    Continues the trend of Views and More Life. Drake has presented that his best work was nearly a decade ago. Today he tries to keep the energy by abject theft of the ideas of other rappers, being carried by better lyricists, and presenting 3 generic mainstream mass produced piles of garbage.

    He has demonstrated that he cannot revolutionize. Instead he is simply doing what ABBA did and producing poppy nonsense. We are looking at that same drake from 4 years ago. In no higher place. Only selling his soul to the top 100 billboard. No longer a rapper. Simply a pop sellout.
  61. Jul 4, 2018
    forgiving yet forgettable. redefines the word 'retread'

    I'm hoping these alliterative/homonymic puns get my point across
  62. Aug 11, 2018
    Biggest disappointment of 2018, sounds lots similar to his past works, sigh.
  63. Jun 16, 2019
    A very boring style. There are only 5 tracks OF 25!!! that i loved. He doesn't rap fast so i don't love because i love fast rapping and i know that he can.
  64. Aug 24, 2018
    El álbum es tan Drake, aburrido em toda a sua extensão. Não ofrece absolutamente nada. En sí es una mediocridad, lo que gusta a la gente de hoy dia.........................
  65. Jan 10, 2019
    I prefer the R&B side much more because it is a more true drake (even though it was still lackluster). For the rap side, there were a VERY small amount of tolerable songs but I still can't listen to them because he sounds so conceited. A very long album that I was not able to listen to all the way through in one sitting because it felt like primary filler with mass appealing "bangers"I prefer the R&B side much more because it is a more true drake (even though it was still lackluster). For the rap side, there were a VERY small amount of tolerable songs but I still can't listen to them because he sounds so conceited. A very long album that I was not able to listen to all the way through in one sitting because it felt like primary filler with mass appealing "bangers" strung out throughout. Expand
  66. Feb 1, 2020
    Uninspired and boring. What makes it worse is that its a double album so th snooze fest lasts twice as long. Zero stars.
  67. Jun 7, 2020
    Drake is the most overrated artist of all time
    he actually got nothing
    people say Eminem fans are delusional and you see drake fans are saying he's the greatest artist ever man how do you think of that he's not even an artist anymore making catchy songs for clubs and dancing don't make a big artist he won the best rap song award in Grammys for a pop song Hotline Bling and God's
    Drake is the most overrated artist of all time
    he actually got nothing
    people say Eminem fans are delusional
    and you see drake fans are saying he's the greatest artist ever
    man how do you think of that
    he's not even an artist anymore
    making catchy songs for clubs and dancing don't make a big artist
    he won the best rap song award in Grammys for a pop song
    Hotline Bling and God's plan
    god's plan is more rap than Hotline Bling but GTFO man
    so they want to make him big and people are effected like always
  68. Mar 20, 2021
    o álbum é um lixo e o drake é fracassado. ariana grande rainha do pop. drake lixoooo
  69. Sep 1, 2021
    it's just not good. It get so damn long and boring, and even the few catchy songs are not good. Nice For What is just a stupid song in which Drake make compliments about the listener.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
  1. Jul 13, 2018
    Scorpion doesn't even come close to being one of his best; instead, it's a one-trick record stretched out into 25 endless tracks by an artist who's so deep into the self-obsessed, self-pitying rut he created for himself that he can't see daylight anymore.
  2. Jul 13, 2018
    In the long run, a few duds in 90 minutes of material doesn't seem too high a sin, especially considering the same concession could easily be made for a release like the Beatles' White Album. Thus, with Scorpion, Drake makes a cohesive argument for broadening our attention spans and enjoying life's music, regardless of runtime.
  3. Jul 12, 2018
    Scorpion might not be Drake’s most innovative work, but it does help to cement 40’s status as one of the best, and most consistent, producers of our generation, and sees Drake breaking ground commercially if not creatively.