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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 646 Ratings

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  1. Jul 10, 2018
    Not TERRIBLE but expected more considering Drake released some good as music in the past. Overall, a mediocre, boring album with 5 or so standout tracks, overloaded with filler to inflate sales.
  2. Jun 30, 2018

    OK, now that that's out of the way. Very underwhelming! This is why it has this user score. The insane amount of hype mixed with the cash grab attempt of 25 tracks and mediocre music leads to a very mediocre attempt from Drake. The sad thing about this album is that there are so many great moments here but the entire project is flooded

    OK, now that that's out of the way.

    Very underwhelming! This is why it has this user score. The insane amount of hype mixed with the cash grab attempt of 25 tracks and mediocre music leads to a very mediocre attempt from Drake. The sad thing about this album is that there are so many great moments here but the entire project is flooded with terrible moments. Side A can be tossed in the trash and this would make Side B a solid 8+ at the very least and a manageable 43 minute album. WHY IS THIS PROJECT SO LONG!! Oh right, I forgot about his obsession with numbers. After years and years of wondering if Drake will ever grow as an artist or if he will continue the same old familiar sound we're used to, I think we have our answer. Summer Games might be the furthest out of his lane we will ever see him go and it's mostly just because of the production on that track. It's sad because everyone would love to see him grow like an Andre 3000, Kanye West, Gambino, etc. but he's either too afraid, doesn't have the right team around him, or he's just not creative enough. I'm Upset might be one of the worst singles of his career and possibly one of the worst singles I've ever heard from such a major artist. Drake has been on a downward trend since Views (More Life was good) and it looks like that trend may continue. I don't understand how he can make More Life a "playlist" and call such an underwhelming project like Scorpion an "album." Drake is now just a sensation because of strategic marketing because his music is not up to par with his status. I'm just not excited for Drake music anymore and haven;t been since IYRTITL...
  3. Jun 29, 2018
    Better than Views but still not great. Drake's artistry is still lost in the woods
  4. Jun 30, 2018
    I'm so relieved about this release.
    When i saw the layout of the album, and how he divided it, i was very happy, because my big problem with Views and More life, that had basically the same amount of songs, was that all the songs just seemed to be in a random order, so those 2 releases felt messy and disorganized.
    Section A alone is probably on par with "If you're reading this is too
    I'm so relieved about this release.
    When i saw the layout of the album, and how he divided it, i was very happy, because my big problem with Views and More life, that had basically the same amount of songs, was that all the songs just seemed to be in a random order, so those 2 releases felt messy and disorganized.

    Section A alone is probably on par with "If you're reading this is too late". There's more to be desired in the production, but Drake gives us a great rhymes, with a sharp delivery. Some Rhymes are corny, it os Drake after all, but mostly there are clever and charismatic deliveries. There's just 1 song i would call unlistenable to and that's "I'm upset", but there rest just goes from good to great. 8/10

    Section B... this one was hard to listen. He was so monotone throughout this whole section. And his slow singing really brought out the repetitive and unimaginative beat selection. What he talks about is relatable, and is a positive, and a few lines are very good. Unlike the first section, where i could only pick 1 bad song, here i can only pick 2 songs i really liked, which were "Nice for what" "march 14", the rest of this section just goes from Bad to worse. 4/10

    Favorite Songs: Elevate, Emotionless, God's Plan, Can't take a joke, Sandra's Rose, Nice For What, March 14
    Least Favorite songs: I'm Upset, Jaded, Summer Games, Finesse, Final Fantasy
  5. Nov 5, 2019
    Much better than I expected. I dont like the album name though. Perhaps that is just me.
  6. Dec 6, 2018
    Plenty of bangers. As well as songs for most moods. Still contains some fillers / forgettable tracks and feels unfocused overall. Still an enjoyable album to listen to. Way too long though.

    Best Tracks: Noce For What, Summer Games, God’s Plan

    Worst Tracks: Ratchet’s Happy Birthday, Elevate
  7. Jul 2, 2018
    It feels like we are fast approaching the day when this will no longer work. By 'this' I mean Drake giving us the Drake-victory-lap-remember-rap tour: 1.5 hours of Drake being nothing but Drake and aspiring to be nothing more.

    I've always felt that solipsism and self-pity are only as appealing as their possibility for change suggests, not just in music but in life too. And with each
    It feels like we are fast approaching the day when this will no longer work. By 'this' I mean Drake giving us the Drake-victory-lap-remember-rap tour: 1.5 hours of Drake being nothing but Drake and aspiring to be nothing more.

    I've always felt that solipsism and self-pity are only as appealing as their possibility for change suggests, not just in music but in life too. And with each passing record, Drake is righteously quashing that hope and demonstrating that his solipsism is just solipsism, and verging on nihilism in the aggregate, or maybe that's just how I feel when I sit through 1.5 hours of it. I'm increasingly wondering what the point of Drake is, or to put it another way, youth is a good substitute for beauty--and Drake is already past 30. Self-pity and directionless self-criticism/self-aggrandizement isn't something I want to hear from a man in his thirties with all the achievements a man could ask for. That doesn't make me feel good about my life or hopeful at all, and makes me a bit resentful of Drake The Man, which makes it difficult to listen to his music. Not even the public revelations of his kid seem to have changed anything--on Emotionless he spins his hiding of his kid as legitimate protection from a sordid world, and on closer March 14 he bemoans the 'hard times' he faces as a single father.

    It occurs to me that this urge I have to see Drake change is part of his appeal. Drake's blithely confident takedowns of the women in his life juxtaposed with his caustic self-criticism smacks--and has smacked for the past decade--of a personality disorder where the ego must be constantly propped up to mask the artist's secret feelings of worthlessness. I think that this is emotionally resonant with everyone, and perhaps if Drake actually were to show some improvement--for example, singing about a healthy, secure, and loving relationship, or reflecting on a life full of blessings and love--he would lose his fanbase and his appeal. After all, the current sadboy trend in popular music can be traced back almost entirely to Drake, and with the style at its peak, it would be perhaps foolhardy to abandon it now. So perhaps this is a case of bad timing--what was revelatory 10 years ago is still relevant now, but sadly long in the tooth for the artist that invented it.

    As far as the music goes, it's more or less fine. And that is a consolation prize, and a pretty decent one at that (tracks like After Dark and and Emotionless are standouts). Drake is in fine form as always when it comes to hooks and flows, and production is handled competently by all parties involved. But like his lyrical content, the traditionally Drake sonic palette is wearing thin. 40 sounds like he is running/has run out of ideas--the lone counterexamples on the record being Peak, with it's weird, entrancing, center-of-the-mix synth stabs, and Summer Games, a capable and adventurous (for Drake) synthpop ballad.

    All in all, this album sounds like a typical Drake record, somewhere between Views and Take Care. and if that's what you're looking for, this album should satisfy you. But personally, I'm ready for something different. I think it's time for Drake to go experimental. Shed thine popstar mantle, Drake, and be free!
  8. Dec 21, 2018
    My critics are big and small on this album. I was expecting an amazing album, and I only saw it in just a few tracks and the rest I saw Drake as usual. The album is great, even though the album does not always take its quality! I look forward to Drake's evolution.
  9. Jul 6, 2018
    I think side A is the best, but still have like 4 song that I don't gonna revisited, and side B is very bad, except for like 3 songs that sounds like R/B and nice for what is also nice
  10. Jul 1, 2018
    This album was super hyped up by everyone and what we got was a very lackluster album. The best songs were the two singles, God's Plan and Nice For What. There are plenty of fillers on the album and a Great Value version of Look Alive named Nonstop. There are some good songs though such as Don't Matter To Me, Survival, Sandra's Rose, and That's How You Feel. I like roughly half the songsThis album was super hyped up by everyone and what we got was a very lackluster album. The best songs were the two singles, God's Plan and Nice For What. There are plenty of fillers on the album and a Great Value version of Look Alive named Nonstop. There are some good songs though such as Don't Matter To Me, Survival, Sandra's Rose, and That's How You Feel. I like roughly half the songs but the rest are pretty much fillers for the actual quality songs. Lyrics are what you would expect from Drake but not spectacular. The album is decent but nothing spectacular you would want to listen to constantly. Expand
  11. Jun 29, 2018
    Bloated album. Repetitive beats. I like a few songs, but that leaves ~20 songs that I have to skip.
  12. Jun 30, 2018
    Not the Toronto rappers best work but he excels at his own sub-genre in Hip Hop.
  13. Jul 3, 2018
    When compared to previous albums Scorpion touches more ground.But It had some issues with the production and Storytelling just like More Life.When talking about the songs there is nothing new for this Scorpion era.Just some songs for stream and radio.
  14. Jul 21, 2018
    Songs with great beats, as always, but the majority with dumb lyrics too. Lyricism is an essential part for a great work, but Drake doesn't mind having poor content as long as it sells.
  15. Aug 12, 2018
    Drake's scorpion gives me mix feelings. I feel like even that the album has 2 parts ( one hip-hop and one R&B) it feels like an R&B album to my opinion. This album does not stand out if you see his previous work, the album as a whole feels like I've listened to this already from you.
  16. May 28, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. His worst album. He relies a bit too much on the beats like on nonstop. Some songs I only listened to just once, the sad thing is that drake is my second favorite rapper. Expand
  17. Mar 2, 2023
    I seem to be in the minority. I enjoyed Nonstop, Don't Matter To Me and Blue Tint!
  18. Jun 29, 2018
    Boy band style of hip hop. Light and vapid fluff style music that is meant to appeal to the largest audience. It sounds generic and nothing about this is ground breaking or interesting. But as a typical Drake album it has a few good select songs such as Nice for What, Sandra's Rose, and Emotionless. Album as a whole is worth skipping.
  19. Jul 28, 2018
    While many songs are catchy, interesting, and meaningful, there are also plenty of duds. Overall, it's an overlong, though consistent album.
  20. Jun 30, 2018
    Trust me, More Life's better than this mediocre album. The only amazing song is Emotionless.
  21. Jul 28, 2019
    Scorpion is a continuation of Drake's decline as an artist - fundamentally boring, uninterested, bloated and dumbed down. The tracklist is an absolute slog. The first side is a decent collection of tracks, but the second side is just absolutely awful. The only reason this gets a 5 is because of the few terrific tracks that will be playable for a long time (ex: Nice For What, Sandra'sScorpion is a continuation of Drake's decline as an artist - fundamentally boring, uninterested, bloated and dumbed down. The tracklist is an absolute slog. The first side is a decent collection of tracks, but the second side is just absolutely awful. The only reason this gets a 5 is because of the few terrific tracks that will be playable for a long time (ex: Nice For What, Sandra's Rose).

    Side A: 6
    Side B: 3
  22. Jun 30, 2018
    Meh. Pretty average album. Personally I prefer side b as it has a little more variety than side a, but both pretty much stay the same throughout. There are no real standout songs except for nice for what, which is far and away the best song in the album. This album could have been better had drake just switched up his flow a few times, or cut out a lot of the filler.
  23. Jul 1, 2018
    The high points are too sporadic. Trimming might made it a stronger project. A long winded response to the points raised about his character on the Story of Addidon
  24. For
    Jul 11, 2018
    This album would have been a solid release by the Canadian rapper/singer, had it been half the length and twice as impactful. Its an incredibly bloated and over the top album that has no justification for its existence. It is nowhere near Drake's worst as an artist, but is also not anywhere his best efforts either. It sits at the middle to lower end of Drake's discography. The over theThis album would have been a solid release by the Canadian rapper/singer, had it been half the length and twice as impactful. Its an incredibly bloated and over the top album that has no justification for its existence. It is nowhere near Drake's worst as an artist, but is also not anywhere his best efforts either. It sits at the middle to lower end of Drake's discography. The over the top length was likely to accumulate more streams. Drake isn't going for quality impactful music here, and isn't attempting to alter his style or tap into news sounds at all on either side of the album. Overall a very underwelming and overhyped album from Drake that contains very few highlights that get lost in the swarm of all filler no killer mediocrity.

    Rating: 5/10

    Favorite Tracks:

    Side 1: God's Plan, Emotionless, Talk Up, Sandra's Rose

    Side 2: Nice For What, After Dark, In my feelings, March 14
  25. Jun 30, 2018
    omgggg this is album of the year holy **** thank you spotify for being a pain in the ass about this album ....seriously tho this album is ass like a few decent tracks but it's all bull**** cheap filler tracks with weak ass production and the best song on this album ''nice for what'' we've already heard a while ago so
  26. May 29, 2020
    Drake has decided to make a blockbuster out of formulaic hits and it results in a cluttered project. "Nice For What" remains the highpoint in this double album streaming bait disaster.
  27. Jul 3, 2018
    This album is so flat, so boring, so nothing. The only good song is Nice for What. Awkward bars, awkward switch-ups, and too long with an album about nothing. He really did not need to talk about his son when Pusha T dissed him so hard, it makes it sound so awkward and uncomfortable. Jay-Z had a pretty good bar in my opinion though.
  28. Jul 1, 2018
    One of the most forgetable albums ive listened to in a long time. You cant really say that any of the songs are bad, just boring. There are a few highlights like always but overall this album is way too long and id say about 17 of the songs could have just been left out. Highlights include: Sandra's Rose, March 14, Nice for What and Emotionless.
  29. Jul 5, 2018
    The issue of Scorpion can really be summed up to Drake spreading himself too thin. Let's begin with the length of the album: there is a concept in film and music called "the cutting room floor," clearly Drake is not familiar with it. An artist is supposed to keep the best of the best and discard anything else, regardless of it being just "good." Not only has Drake kept the "good" but he'sThe issue of Scorpion can really be summed up to Drake spreading himself too thin. Let's begin with the length of the album: there is a concept in film and music called "the cutting room floor," clearly Drake is not familiar with it. An artist is supposed to keep the best of the best and discard anything else, regardless of it being just "good." Not only has Drake kept the "good" but he's also invited the mediocre, the poor and the absolute terrible. There is an overall redundancy that becomes increasingly tedious as you continue listening to the record; whether it be the sonic pallet or the conceptualism. The production on the album is, for the most part, vapid and prosaic. One would expect some of the best sounds coming from the most popular artist in the world today, yet Drake doesn't only play it safe but goes as far as being boring. Furthermore, the samples used throughout the album are often arbitrary and jarring; Nicki's "Boss Ass **** and Michael's addition which are the worst examples. Lastly, many of the cuts on the second disc are overly sappy and cringe-worthy. Drake needs to revisit the drawing board and figure it the **** out because Scorpion is exactly what Kanye was addressing in his song "Crack Music" off "Late Registration";

    "Sometimes I feel the music is the only medicine
    So we cook it, cut it, measure it, bag it, sell it
    The fiends cop it
    Nowadays they can't tell if that's that good ****
    We ain't sure man
    Put the CD on your tongue yeah, that's pure man..."
  30. Jul 1, 2018
    I'll come back to a couple tracks. Overall I could care less for the mundane performance throughout the album.
  31. Jul 2, 2018
    Drake is an overrated singer who does it well, but his music is very generic and repetitive, I feel he has no control over his voice
  32. Feb 15, 2019
    This Album is one of the worst of drakes career. I totally missed the old drake. This album is not that bad though, there are like 12 out of 25 good songs on the album. everything else sucks. I really hope his next album is a big step up.
  33. Jun 30, 2018
    Just incredibly meh. There are some great songs on here, but most are the singles everyone had already heard. Sandra's Rose is a standout from Side A. Side B it is hard to pick any one or two out. Ratchet Happy Birthday is shockingly bad. In general, just no ambition whatsoever from Drake, a very safe album. Some of his fans will be happy to have more of the same, but this is essentiallyJust incredibly meh. There are some great songs on here, but most are the singles everyone had already heard. Sandra's Rose is a standout from Side A. Side B it is hard to pick any one or two out. Ratchet Happy Birthday is shockingly bad. In general, just no ambition whatsoever from Drake, a very safe album. Some of his fans will be happy to have more of the same, but this is essentially all filler no killer, and some very lazy bars. He is still rapping about IG models and being in the studio at 5am. Drake needs some progression or I fear his time at the top is set to be expire soon. Expand
  34. Jun 30, 2018
    This album is so meh its unreal. The songs on the A side all sound exactly the same. I thought I was listening to the same thing over and over again. Expected more from Drake.
  35. Jun 30, 2018
    Scorpion is a seemingly bottomless mixed bag of hits and misses, none of which really left a lasting impact. The album - admittedly a two-part affair - dragged on far too long for my liking, especially the "B" side. Drake at least beefed up the subject matter of this album a bit more than his last few, tackling deeper issues about his personal life, illegitimate child, and the omnipotentScorpion is a seemingly bottomless mixed bag of hits and misses, none of which really left a lasting impact. The album - admittedly a two-part affair - dragged on far too long for my liking, especially the "B" side. Drake at least beefed up the subject matter of this album a bit more than his last few, tackling deeper issues about his personal life, illegitimate child, and the omnipotent power of social media in this day and age.

    Even with more substance relative to his usual work, I still found the album to ring hollow. The beats were nice, and some clever wordplay and poignant bars perked me up on occasion, but finishing the album felt more like work than pleasure. I kept wanting to hear something different - something that wasn't just angst delivered in Drake's patented flow over deconstructed beats - but something different never came. It's the same Drake music, just with a deeper dive into the life of Aubrey Graham.

    "Emotionless" was, in my opinion, the best track to come out of this album. I also enjoyed "Mob Ties" and "March 14". The rest of the new music released with the album was underwhelming at best, and difficult to push through at worst.

    The die-hard fans of Drake will eat this up, and that's fine! I'd prefer to see some evolution from him as an artist, though, and aside from seemingly letting down his playboy facade by opening up about his "real" life, this album is stylistically stale and generally lyricall uninspired.
  36. Jun 29, 2018
    This is an empty shell of what could've been a legendary entry in hip hop history. Scorpion was to be the one to top DAMN, giving the Crown to Drake, fail.... This album feels bloated, repetitive, lazy and craaaaaazy monotonous. The Side B with R&B is decent at most, and for Drake, that ain't close to acceptable.
  37. Jun 29, 2018
    Drake has run into a dead end.

    Despite the success brought by God's Plan and Nice For What, Scorpion is nothing special. Drake's unwillingness to switch up his sound and remain in a Views/More Life type bubble has hurt his creativity. There were notable tracks that were refreshing (i.e. Mob Ties and Nice For What) and these serve as an example of what Drake IS capable of producing. Yet
    Drake has run into a dead end.

    Despite the success brought by God's Plan and Nice For What, Scorpion is nothing special. Drake's unwillingness to switch up his sound and remain in a Views/More Life type bubble has hurt his creativity. There were notable tracks that were refreshing (i.e. Mob Ties and Nice For What) and these serve as an example of what Drake IS capable of producing. Yet its 90 minute run time is not at all justified. Most of the tracks are uninspiring and boring. The production is missing variety and the low number of features show that Drake is not capable of carrying an album on his own unlike Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole. Yet it is unfair to compare Drake to Kendrick and Cole due to differing themes yet Kendrick and Cole can get away with using similar themes throughout many albums. Scorpion's theme does not deviate from the themes on Views and More Life. It is possible to get away with rapping/singing about the same thing if it is presented in a new format which Scorpion doesn't do. The only thing setting Scorpion apart from Views and More Life is the lack of dancehall based songs on Scorpion.

    It seems now that Drake is solely focused on selling records by presenting a "gimmick". In fact, every album since Views has presented a "gimmick". Views was "the album for Toronto", More Life was "a playlist for life", and Scorpion is "the double album". The use of these "gimmicks" are meant to be appealing to his fanbase - both casual and hardcore - as a way to build up hype for what is at the end of the day: a "cash grab". The high number of songs was designed to allow more plays as people streaming the album would contribute more listens than a 7 track album. Yet Scorpion does not any long term benefits. Most of these songs will meet a similar fate as those on More Life: forgotten after release date. For an album as uneventful and lackluster as Scorpion is, listening to 25 songs is a chore. And it is an even bigger chore to try to listen to it again. And again. And again. And again. A great movie has the ability to capture an audience for 3 hours and not leave a sense of wanting more. The same applies for albums and yet Scorpion made is extremely tempting to skip songs, especially in Side B. Yet Drake did NOT have to make a 25 song album about 80% of the songs being filler songs. Instead of focusing solely on curating a carefully consistent album with songs that bring new life to Drake's creative prowess, Drake gave everyone Views in a different package.

    Scorpion is not worthy of being a "classic". Simply because quality > quantity.
  38. jmo
    Jul 1, 2018
    Drake's Fifth studio album feels exactly like his forth bland generic and forgettable. Just like his previous album "Views" drake delivers an album with no lyrical depth or outstanding rap verses. Drake has conveniently made two sides to the 25 track monster of an album. Side A consists of "Old Drake" him spitting rap verses and Side B contains "New Drake" an R&B Pop fused Drake. The mainDrake's Fifth studio album feels exactly like his forth bland generic and forgettable. Just like his previous album "Views" drake delivers an album with no lyrical depth or outstanding rap verses. Drake has conveniently made two sides to the 25 track monster of an album. Side A consists of "Old Drake" him spitting rap verses and Side B contains "New Drake" an R&B Pop fused Drake. The main problem of this album seems to be the fact that it is twenty-five tracks and an hour and a half long, exactly what made Drake's frequent collaborators "Migos" recent album terrible. Drake seems just as lyrically shallow as Views and while maybe a few tracks on this album are good it doesn't make up for the Bad.

    Lyrics: 4/10
    Production 5/10
    Vocals: 5/10
    Features 6.5/10

    A Side: 5/10
    B Side 3/10

    Overall 4/10

    Favorite Tracks: I'm Upset, God's Plan, Survival, Elevate, Don't matter to me (feat. Micheal Jackson)

    Least Favourite: In my feelings, Blue Tint, Is There More, Emotionless
  39. Jul 6, 2018
    Un album con muchas expectativas pero al ver la tracklist sabia que no iba a ir bien esto. Un doble album con un total de 25 canciones, la cara A (a mi parecer) es mejor que la cara B donde vemos un Drake mas R&B y cantante. El problema con este album es que tiene mucho relleno, canciones donde te dormis por el Flow aburrido y repetitivo de Drake ya que siempre es el mismo (hablando de laUn album con muchas expectativas pero al ver la tracklist sabia que no iba a ir bien esto. Un doble album con un total de 25 canciones, la cara A (a mi parecer) es mejor que la cara B donde vemos un Drake mas R&B y cantante. El problema con este album es que tiene mucho relleno, canciones donde te dormis por el Flow aburrido y repetitivo de Drake ya que siempre es el mismo (hablando de la cara A, que es donde mas "rapea"). De este album puedo salvar 9-10 canciones, despues el resto meh. Decepcion Expand
  40. Oct 3, 2018
    Another basic album from Drake. Everything he has released after "if you are reading this it's too late" is been pretty bad. This what happens when you become the face of the radio.
  41. Feb 24, 2019
    This album feels like the producers grabbed every Drake demo between 2009-2017 and told Drake, "Hey, rap and sing over these vocals". Aside from that, it's a pretty generic listen. If you listened to one song each on the A and B Side, you'll know what the rest sound like.
  42. Aug 11, 2021
    I spent months trying to review this thing in vain. Now has come the time to do so. When I thought about reviewing it I had almost each and every track in mind, everything was clear but time made me forget them so yes, I had to re-listen to all this overly long double-album all again.

    What took me so long is that it is a rough test. There are notable songs I honstly enjoy on 'Scorpion'
    I spent months trying to review this thing in vain. Now has come the time to do so. When I thought about reviewing it I had almost each and every track in mind, everything was clear but time made me forget them so yes, I had to re-listen to all this overly long double-album all again.

    What took me so long is that it is a rough test. There are notable songs I honstly enjoy on 'Scorpion' even today (as 'Is There More', 'Emotionless', 'Sandra's Rose' or even 'Nice For What') and from time to time I did like the several vibes coming out of it. In some way. The first listens were even really agreeable and pleasant. But time did not make this grow on me... at all. Instrumentals of the first side made my head bang: they were cool in their minimalist and almost effortless style. Drake delivers some lyrics balancing between great and totally lame. Same for his rapping performances: between just okay to wow is he just simply talking right now?

    The second half is literally half-baked. Instrumentals become even more shallow, repetitive and uninspired (with few exceptions as I already said). The Michaël Jackson sample is worst than peeing on his grave. How much money did Drake and his team invest in here in order to harvest some disrespectful fame? Plus the sequence of songs in the second half is messy as hell: we have really moody and sad tracks just side to side with 'Nice For What' and 'In My Feelings'? Is this supposed to be an R&B side? Speaking about 'In My Feelings': everything was quite okay until JT and Yung Miami simply ruined it! Don't they get the concept of vibe, tone, flow and great delivery? Jeez'!

    In conclusion it appear really clear that this double-album collected such bad review because of all the beef with Pusha T (and his murderous track 'The Story of Adidon'), Drake's obvious defeat and impossibility to answer properly, all the story with his son no one knew about at that time AND, in addition to all this, the spreading idea of Drake being okay with ghostwriting while he already benefits from a huge team operating in his shadow. Here in 2021 we are expecting Drake's next album, recognizing 'Scorpion' was far from being great.
  43. Sep 29, 2019
    An album that in spite of having many good songs, has too many bad songs that overshadow the good when listening to the full album.
  44. Mar 19, 2021
    Singles were great but it's not a good full body of work. Not better than Views even. Hope he'll get back to Take Care era
  45. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album ruimzinho, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  46. Aug 19, 2023
    Its just an album that sounds like its designed to be used on Tiktok. Unnecessary lyrics that are just begging to be the next viral dance. Far, far from Drakes best.
    Best song on the album "Don't Matter To Me (with Michael Jackson)"

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
  1. Jul 13, 2018
    Scorpion doesn't even come close to being one of his best; instead, it's a one-trick record stretched out into 25 endless tracks by an artist who's so deep into the self-obsessed, self-pitying rut he created for himself that he can't see daylight anymore.
  2. Jul 13, 2018
    In the long run, a few duds in 90 minutes of material doesn't seem too high a sin, especially considering the same concession could easily be made for a release like the Beatles' White Album. Thus, with Scorpion, Drake makes a cohesive argument for broadening our attention spans and enjoying life's music, regardless of runtime.
  3. Jul 12, 2018
    Scorpion might not be Drake’s most innovative work, but it does help to cement 40’s status as one of the best, and most consistent, producers of our generation, and sees Drake breaking ground commercially if not creatively.