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Universal acclaim- based on 96 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 90 out of 96
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 96
  3. Negative: 6 out of 96
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  1. Aug 31, 2021
    Been a fan since the start and this is their best album since their first. Probably their best as far as each track holding its own weight and production quality.
  2. Aug 27, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. **** AWESOME!!! AMAZING album. Lauren and boys are PERFECT!!! Nightmares my fav song. Expand
  3. Sep 13, 2021
    one of the best albums I've ever heard in my life. very strong, deep and freeing. the lyrics with a horror movie sound gives us the feeling of being inside a movie.
  4. Aug 29, 2021
    Sound has become more unique and complex, “How not to drown” feels like the best song was ever recorded by Chvrches.
  5. Aug 27, 2021
    The best from Chvrches!! A cohesive, strong and very powerful album. a true masterpiece, brings us the best of the band. Certainly one of the best albums of the year (or the best)
  6. Dec 18, 2021
    Um dos melhores álbuns de 2021. Digo com tranquilidade! Melodia, letra, o conceito que se encaixa perfeitamente com o instrumental que nunca decepciona. Enfim, essa banda é perfeita
  7. Sep 1, 2021
    This is the best Album that I listen to in many years. There are no fillers - all songs are simply great.
    It also grows in you - the songs seem fine at first, but they keep getting better every time you listen.
    The collaboration with Robert Smith is the cherry on top of the cake.
  8. Sep 2, 2021
    el album es magnifico; las canciones se disfrutan y, como son solo 10 tracks, no se vuelven un poco tediosas a la hora de escuchar. CHVRCHES volvió a demostrar lo que son capaces de hacer.
  9. Aug 27, 2021
    I thought that The Bones Of What You Believe was the best album from CHVRCHES, but Screen Violence changed the whole conversation.
  10. Aug 27, 2021
    A very strong album with no weak tracks. The single releases promised much and Screen Violence delivers. Chvrches best album to date. Excellent and a contender for Album of the year for sure.
  11. Aug 31, 2021
    One of the best album I hear in a long time, the production and vocals are just amazing.
  12. Sep 11, 2021
    An excellent synthy pip record! No weal track — always a hit and never a miss! Atmosphere (or you can call it flavour) on this gives me some futuristic cyberpunky kinda vibes. Enjoyed it very-very-very much (actually, listening to it right now)!
  13. Oct 14, 2021
    "Screen Violence" delivers the premium of Chvrches masterful storytelling along with very memorable hooks and incredible composition all across the board, especially coming from the massive success from TBOWYB and LID. Overall, one of the best I've listened to, only good from Mayberry, Cook, and Doherty!
  14. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  15. Aug 28, 2021
    One of the best albums of 2021, the nuances are immaculate on every level of composition.
  16. Aug 30, 2021
    “Screen Violence” is a perfect return to form, but with that came a lot of more mature, new sounds. The release of their third single “Good Girls” made me so excited, and the album did not disappoint. While I may be the only person who holds the opinion that “How Not To Drown” suffered by having that collab, there was not a single filler song on this album. I haven’t heard an 80s inspired,“Screen Violence” is a perfect return to form, but with that came a lot of more mature, new sounds. The release of their third single “Good Girls” made me so excited, and the album did not disappoint. While I may be the only person who holds the opinion that “How Not To Drown” suffered by having that collab, there was not a single filler song on this album. I haven’t heard an 80s inspired, modern pop album this good in a long time, and I missed it. It feels like an unofficial sequel to “Every Open Eye”, and I am so excited to put this album on repeat and see what they get into next!

    I have been a fan of CHVRCHES since their debut, and absolutely fell in love with their sophomore “Every Open Eye”. A flawless album that solidified their name in the synth pop universe. It seems I was not the only one very unimpressed by “Love Is Dead”, but songs like “Graves” reminded me that they are going nowhere and CHVRCHES is not lost. Their most recent work proves that the best is yet to come.
  17. Sep 7, 2021
    As a vivid CHVRCHES fan before, upon listening to their latest endeavor with “Screen Violence” I was not entirely sure what to expect. I had thoroughly enjoyed the singles “He Said She Said” and “Good Girls” prior to release which left me very excited for the album itself. Upon first listen there was little that truly stood out as earworm synth-pop I was accustomed to, however, listenAs a vivid CHVRCHES fan before, upon listening to their latest endeavor with “Screen Violence” I was not entirely sure what to expect. I had thoroughly enjoyed the singles “He Said She Said” and “Good Girls” prior to release which left me very excited for the album itself. Upon first listen there was little that truly stood out as earworm synth-pop I was accustomed to, however, listen through after listen through there was a subtle perfection that began to emerge. Songs such as “Violent Delights”, “Nightmares”, and “Asking for a Friend” easily became standouts and created an atmosphere I had not experienced in years. Listening to this album and comparing it to their older projects and there’s no comparison… “Screen Violence” is a master class is synth-pop and a near perfection on the genre. Expand
  18. Sep 10, 2021
    their best work since The Bones of What You Believe. Their unmistakable style is enriched by a new energy, as if they were finally blooming to tell the whole truth about the way they see the world. The sound feels richer and deeper in many tracks. Must listen
  19. Sep 18, 2021
    Without trying to sound hyperbolic, Chvrches are in their element with an excellent mix of lyricism and rhythm.
  20. Aug 27, 2021
    After the underwhelming 'Love Is Dead,' 'Screen Violence" is a return to form from Chvrches. The singles are great, but you'll find other good songs in there. My favorite of those: "California."
  21. Oct 29, 2021
    Wish all the album was exactly like "He Said She Said". Such an amazing song. Not a bad whole album though.

Universal acclaim - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Sep 9, 2021
    Overall, her empowering message points at the daily toxic attitudes that female celebrities deal with. Screen Violence also projects confidence in a musical sense with its grand synth-pop and new wave, resisting and challenging the misogyny that unfortunately reaches far beyond our screens.
  2. Sep 2, 2021
    The group could have delivered 10 variations on “Clearest Blue” and made (relative) bank. Instead, they let their influences sprawl widely. ... Better yet, they finally build on the darker parts of 2013’s The Bones of What You Believe as they excavate their own career.
  3. Sep 2, 2021
    Screen Violence represents an enhanced version of Chvrches and although it might not be the most radical evolution, the album marks an intriguing step forward nonetheless.