• Record Label: Prophecy
  • Release Date: Jan 21, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Jan 24, 2014
    With Shelter, Alcest have abandoned bracing storm bursts, leaving a too monotonous calm.
  2. 60
    It’s less dynamic, less technical, less energetic, less everything.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 37
  2. Negative: 2 out of 37
  1. Dec 26, 2014
    Alcest have been pretty big in the blackgaze scene for a while now. Out of nowhere, in 2014, Neige decides to give us a complete shoegazeAlcest have been pretty big in the blackgaze scene for a while now. Out of nowhere, in 2014, Neige decides to give us a complete shoegaze album. This shouldn't be a huge surprise, though, because Neige has been using some shoegaze aspects in his music for some time. This album is simply magic. It more than likely won't stick upon first listen but after 2 or 3, you'll be hooked. The songs are soaked in a gorgeous hazy atmosphere. Album is completely underrated because some people on here can't seem to move along from the fact that Neige wanted to do something different this time. For what it is, it's an incredible shoegaze album that shouldn't be overlooked. Check this out and let the magic take you over. Cheers! Full Review »
  2. Apr 23, 2014
    A full out shoe-gaze record finally from this group, finally. No more of the black metal influences anymore. Very light on the ears and veryA full out shoe-gaze record finally from this group, finally. No more of the black metal influences anymore. Very light on the ears and very ethereal, but it's absolutely boring as hell. It's like listening to a MBV or Slow Dive record, where they were forced only to use reverb to make songs. The melodies are almost non existent, or i just flat out forgot them. Hugely underwhelming vocals to boot. This record is basically what adult contemporary shoe-gaze would sound like. Not pretty or sweet, but entirely boring and not memorable. Full Review »
  3. Jan 22, 2014
    This album flat our rocks. It is the best shoegaze-ish album I have heard in a long time. There are two tracks that stand out (one of which isThis album flat our rocks. It is the best shoegaze-ish album I have heard in a long time. There are two tracks that stand out (one of which is the title track) but all of the tracks are a pretty good listen. Since its shoegaze, this is an album you will most likely want to listen when you need music to be going for half an hour or so. Full Review »