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Universal acclaim- based on 135 Ratings

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  1. Nov 16, 2022
    Uma verdadeira melodia celestial dos nossos tempos contemporâneo, urbano, atual.
  2. Aug 21, 2022
    Kali Uchis' best album. Te mezcla el reggaeton ingles con el español. Me encanta nunca paro de e de escucharlo
  3. May 27, 2022
    I never heard something who’s get me stuck at point to follow and listen everything. My God! She’s so good… Sien Miedo completely is a sequence of Isolation. perfectly good.
  4. Mar 23, 2022
    A pop album that only can be made by Kali, a incredible travel between rhythms and sound textures
  5. Mar 24, 2021
    If you mix a sensual voice with electronic sounds, this album is the perfect definition. A totally irresistible listening, Kali manages to catch the listener throughout her sensuality, the “spanglish” lyrics happen in harmony and the production is, at least, a delicate and in-depth work which definitely will secure Uchis’ place in the pop hegemony.
  6. Dec 29, 2021
  7. Aug 12, 2021
    álbum do ano. kali entregou vídeos, vocais e sentimentos impecáveis pra cada música criando uma obra de arte.
  8. Jul 30, 2021
    Currently this album is my favorite. I really love 'fue mejor' and 'de nadie' because they're tracks that I've identified a lot in. For me it's the album of the year.
  9. Apr 23, 2021
    É raro encontrar artistas como Uchis que conseguem entregar um album que consegue manter uma sequencia de ideias e de transições entre músicas. Telepatía atingiu os charts e deu visibilidade a uma das melhores artistas latinas independentes atualmente, Outras músicas desse album também mereciam tal visibilidade.
  10. Apr 18, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Melhor álbum da vida, te amo kali Expand
  11. Apr 8, 2021
    Álbum perfeito, amo demais, a melodia dele é maravilhosa e suave, Também foi graças à ele que fui conhecer a Kali.
  12. Apr 3, 2021
  13. Mar 28, 2021
    ( 86/100 )

    Aunque algo lejos superior a "Isolation" del 2018, Kali Uchis pule la corona que su música está construyendo. Si "Isolation" fue el metal fuerte y lleno de relieves de esa corona, este álbum es un baño de pintura y textura espesa y reluciente. Aunque poco trascendental, el album perdura por lo divertido y entretenido que puede ser. Un Indie-Pop que es muy fácil de disfrutar y
    ( 86/100 )

    Aunque algo lejos superior a "Isolation" del 2018, Kali Uchis pule la corona que su música está construyendo. Si "Isolation" fue el metal fuerte y lleno de relieves de esa corona, este álbum es un baño de pintura y textura espesa y reluciente. Aunque poco trascendental, el album perdura por lo divertido y entretenido que puede ser. Un Indie-Pop que es muy fácil de disfrutar y eso, para la gente simple, es una refrescante adición a la música popular. Yo mismo lo disfruto frecuentemente y cada vez se siente más cómodo, lo cual es genial para cuando no quieres pensar demasiado en qué escuchar.
    Tainy reluce con las texturas de Regueton que cooperan con el lado Indie del proyecto y, por su parte, Josh Croker y Manuel Lara crean ese ambiente "lujoso" y "exclusivo" del álbum. Quieran o no, Uchis seducirá alguna emoción guardada en el público de tal forma que la coronará como una cantante de alto prestigio.
    Even if it is far from the superior "Isolation" of 2018, Kalii Uchis polishes the crown that her music is making. If "Isolation" was the strong metal full of reliefs of that crown, this album is a shower of thick and shiny texture and paint. Although not very transcendental, the album endures for how fun and entertaining it can be. It's a very easy to enjoy Indie Pop that, for simple people, will be a refreshing addition to popular music. I, myself, enjoy it frequently, and each time it feels more comfortable, which is great for moments when you don't want to think a lot about what to listen to.
    Tainy shows off with Reggaeton textures that cooperate with the Indie side of the project and, by their side, Josh Croker and Manuel Lara build the luxury and exclusive vibe of the album. Want it or not, Uchis will seduce one of your repressed emotions in such a way that will crown her as a singer of high prestige.
  14. Mar 20, 2021
    este álbum es increíble. su voz, como siempre, es maravillosa y la producción es nueva, pero también similar a sus obras anteriores. lo amo!
  15. Mar 18, 2021
    Once more, Kali shows her deep soul inside her music. Def. my 2020 AOTY. Muy amor para ti, mi amor!!! tengo muy orgullo de ser kuchi gang!
  16. Mar 17, 2021
    Fellow Latin artist Kali Uchis creates a masterpiece with this album. In Sin Miedo, she experiments perfectly with different Latin genres. Highly recommend!
  17. Mar 4, 2021
    Obsessed! It’s so good it always lifts me up
  18. Mar 1, 2021
    Álbum intimista e profundo. As melodias, as letras e a estética perfeitas. Divino! A crítica errou feio na avaliação, merecia no mínimo 85.
  19. Feb 24, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the best álbum of 2020 Expand
  20. Feb 16, 2021
    Esto es Arteeee, Kali uchis invento el español; de los mejores álbumes del 2020
  21. Feb 12, 2021
    A work of art, A kali knew how to reinvent herself on her new album bringing in her native language, showing how to make an album in Spanish with a lot of quality in all aspects !!!
  22. Jan 23, 2021
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  23. Jan 10, 2021
    Wow. One of the most cohesive and aesthetically pleasing album I’ve heard in a while. Kali captivates the listener attention since the first song. The collabs give this project its own touch as a universe that we could see as the gates of heaven. The production on every song is perfect. This literally takes me to another universe. Amazing.
  24. Jan 4, 2021
    Muito bom vey e quem tá dando zero tá forçando demais! Espero que aconteça tudo de bom na carreira dela pq ela merece veyr surtar!
  25. Dec 30, 2020
    Amazing album with such an incredible vibes and lyrics, the way she makes introduces to her world it's amazing
  26. Dec 18, 2020
    In my opinion this is an improvement over 2018's Isolation in many ways, and I consider that album to be very good. Extremely varied sound that varies and doesn't stay trapped in the boring Latin Trap that has been dominating recently, which has become boring with only some artist expanding the sound. Here you'll find Kali singing in Spanish and English with more focus on the singing,In my opinion this is an improvement over 2018's Isolation in many ways, and I consider that album to be very good. Extremely varied sound that varies and doesn't stay trapped in the boring Latin Trap that has been dominating recently, which has become boring with only some artist expanding the sound. Here you'll find Kali singing in Spanish and English with more focus on the singing, instead of rapping like on isolation. Overall i think this is a must for the year of 2020, and 2 year wait was absolutely worth it. Expand
  27. Dec 17, 2020
    This album is good, almost as good as Isolation was but not quite. my only real criticism is that it feels a little bit muddled. other than that it's a fantastic album!
  28. Dec 13, 2020
    Este Álbum de Kali Uchis es la definición de lo que la música latina tiene que ser, le falta el mariachi pero se lo perdono.
    Definitivamente uno de los mejores discos del año.
  29. Dec 11, 2020
    I didn't ask to be born latina, no más tuve suerte. O segundo álbum de estúdio de Kali Uchis consegue superar seu primeiro trabalho. Com músicas provocativas, sensuais mas ao mesmo tempo românticas, Kali entrega um álbum que resgata suas origens e tem forte influência da música latina dos anos 90. Indo de baladas a reggaetons old school, Sin Miedo (del Amor y Otros Demonios) ∞ é talvez oI didn't ask to be born latina, no más tuve suerte. O segundo álbum de estúdio de Kali Uchis consegue superar seu primeiro trabalho. Com músicas provocativas, sensuais mas ao mesmo tempo românticas, Kali entrega um álbum que resgata suas origens e tem forte influência da música latina dos anos 90. Indo de baladas a reggaetons old school, Sin Miedo (del Amor y Otros Demonios) ∞ é talvez o melhor álbum lançado nesse segundo semestre de 2020. Expand
  30. Dec 11, 2020
    never expected to go this direction and i love it, she is just so versatile.
  31. Dec 5, 2020
    seu segundo álbum já pode ser considerado uma obra prima da música latina. extremamente coeso e bem produzido, com ótimos vocais e representatividade. merece muito reconhecimento e, quem sabe um hit? com músicas mais chicletes do disco (como te "pongo mal(prendelo)", "la luz" e "¡aquí yo mando!") isso ainda pode ser possível.
  32. Dec 3, 2020
    MASTERPIECE! this album is so attractive sexy and has a magical vibe, Kali is a complete artist.
  33. Nov 29, 2020
    De principio a fin es un álbum que no deja de sorprender con tantos ritmos y letras tan especiales, Kali Uchis sigue demostrando su estilo y reinventandolo aún más, el idioma no es barrera para disfrutar la música
  34. Nov 29, 2020
    Apenas americanos sebosos não gostaram, um dos melhores álbuns do ano, kali lenda viva
  35. Nov 29, 2020
    hey queen, you did it again constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly id say im surprised but i know who you are, ive seen it up close and personal. girl you make me so proud and i love you.
  36. Nov 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. kali uchis really gave us THE album of the year, no skips, really good lyrics that only the latino community will understand, a queen, we love you, saludos desde colombia mor Expand
  37. Nov 28, 2020
    Um álbum com letras profundas e sentimentais acompanhado por um vocal lindo e marcante de Uchis. As colaborações foram perspicazes.
  38. Nov 27, 2020
  39. Nov 27, 2020
    Kali arrasou no novo álbum, os latinos tem uma ideia "melhor" do que ela quer dizer e apresenta no álbum. Parabéns Kali, te quiero
  40. Nov 26, 2020
    Kali Uchis entrega uno de los mejores discos del año, su segundo disco de estudio entrega calidad al extremo, supo hacer un disco en español mejor que muchos artistas latinos, felicidades Kali te mereces el mundo.
  41. Nov 25, 2020
    Her second album and it’s completely latin, well for being a latin/reggeaton album it is so good, the vocals are on point, Kali Uchis is improving la luz is a great example of her growth but when its compared with her previous record somehow it felt strange... is just not as cohesive as Isolation
  42. Nov 25, 2020
    Talentosa y grandiosa exponente de la música con raízes e influencias de mi país. Cada pista es simplemente bien acabado.
  43. Nov 25, 2020
    kali uchis lenda viva, esse album é perfeito vei, os vocals, os feats, os videos, tudo!!!! aoty moral
  44. Nov 25, 2020
    i love the fact that she is totally unapologetic about this album seeing that this was actually a challenge and a deep dive in her roots... if you can't understand spanish f***ing google it
    she served again with confidence and style

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Nov 25, 2020
    This album doesn’t feel much like Uchis’s artistic step-up, her Norman Fucking Rockwell or El Mal Querer, but more like a suck-it-and-see step on – a hastily released album that suggests her best is yet to come.
  2. Nov 25, 2020
    It isn’t as impactful as Isolation, but there are plenty of moments on this record where Kali shows great potential that she may yet make that truly fantastic Spanglish R&B album.
  3. 80
    Language barrier or not, it’s a divine second album.