
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Feb 25, 2020
    If you've given them a listen before and were turned off by the rough style or juvenile and weird sense of humor, the country turn probably won't win you over. If that is what you love about Black Lips though, Sing in a World That's Falling Apart delivers no shortage of crowd-pleasing, honkey-tonk fun.
  2. Feb 7, 2020
    Gone the mangled Nuggets riffs and LSD infected yelps, replaced instead by slide guitars and deranged yee-haws. It shouldn’t really work, but it does.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Feb 6, 2020
    A group that can shift from straight-ahead retro to effortless eclecticism in the time it takes to shift gears on a truck. [Mar 2020, p.86]
  4. Jan 31, 2020
    Black Lips have completely resuscitated something here. It's not new or old, intentional, or accidental, not from a place of contrive or a desire to fit in an already oddly shaped hole. These are artists making art, a bunch of fellas from the South and a bad-ass woman from LA who take comfort in obtuse lo-fi garage rock, pouring it out on a killer country record.
  5. Jan 27, 2020
    If you're a big fan of the band, or if you have been feeling nostalgic for the Reverend, check it out.
  6. Jan 24, 2020
    It's commendable that the Black Lips are trying to find new things to do after 20 years of balancing order and chaos, but Sing In A World That's Falling Apart isn't the exciting new aberration they need.
  7. Mojo
    Jan 23, 2020
    Some career-catchiest tunes and a lively self-production make Sing an absolute triumph in repositioning. [Mar 2020, p.91]
  8. Q Magazine
    Jan 23, 2020
    Surprisingly heartfelt. [Mar 2020, p.114]
  9. Uncut
    Jan 23, 2020
    The group's ninth album feels low-down and dirty. [Feb 2020, p.25]
  10. 80
    Despite the sense of chaos, there’s a level of sophistication and poise on show throughout. This record showcases Black Lips in a songwriting prime.
  11. 80
    The band have always been wonderfully, discordantly rowdy, and this genre of guitar-driven country-park encapsulates their chaos perfectly. The Georgia band fully embrace their roots on their ninth studio offering, a delightful sheen of old-school Americana coating the album.
  12. Jan 23, 2020
    This early run of songs is perfectly enjoyable and the lyrics play superbly with country clichés, but rarely does it reach towards the quality we know the band to be capable. That is until lead single Gentleman turns up and gives the album the kick it needs.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Mar 22, 2020
    ( 80/100 )

    Black Lips son un grupo de vaqueros medio góticos que después de tres años presentan un álbum plenamente entretenido. El álbum
    ( 80/100 )

    Black Lips son un grupo de vaqueros medio góticos que después de tres años presentan un álbum plenamente entretenido. El álbum abunda en velocidad, estilo y energía, y aunque no hay una propuesta innovadora, esta banda de Punk-Rock medio Garage sureño logra dar un momento de diversión y entretenimiento justo y puntual. Es muy probable que se la pasen bien escuchando "Sing In A World That's Falling Apart".
    Black Lips is a kind of gothic group of cowboys that after 3 years they present a totally entertaining album. This one is filled with velocity, style, and energy, and even if there is not an original proposal, this band of Punk Rock kind of Garage from the south achieves to give a moment of fun and entertainment fair and on point. You will very probably have a good time listening to "Sing In A World That's Falling Apart".
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