
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
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  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jul 23, 2013
    The stumbling block is that too many songs here never develop pasta dino-stomp riff, and that the vocals can be a little shrill. [Summer 2013, p.89]
  2. Oct 8, 2013
    While the record is still enjoyable, particularly due to a strain of riot grrrl-infused audacity and vociferous demands for respect, the sonics fail to achieve much progress and rely far too often on tried-and-true riffs and structures.
  3. Jun 21, 2013
    Sistrionix could be a foundation for something much better or something infinitely worse, but for now Deap Vally don’t particularly deserve your hate or your love.
  4. Jun 21, 2013
    If they only had slightly better tunes, the temptation to highlight the supposedly novel elements of their act might prove easier to resist.
  5. Q Magazine
    Jul 10, 2013
    Sistrionix doesn't always keep up the consistency, but Deap Vally have enough swagger to fill in the gaps. [Aug 2013, p.96]
  6. Jun 21, 2013
    Half the songs on their debut album sound much better than they are.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. Jul 4, 2013
    “Hate, is a parasite”, and this album is also slightly parasitical, but not in a good way. Opener “End of the World” is powerful, it presents“Hate, is a parasite”, and this album is also slightly parasitical, but not in a good way. Opener “End of the World” is powerful, it presents us with Deap Vally’s Californian scuzzy garage blues, that just so happens to have well done production and is far from low-fi, even though the fuzziness of the guitars calls out for it.

    It’s from here, where the album goes downhill, and only occasionally takes a break to catch it’s breath. “Baby I Call Hell”, is too cheesy for me to bear, and I don’t even find it funny cheesy. And “Walk of Shame” sounds like a shameless rip-off of The White Stripes and The Black Belles. That’s what Deap Vally are though, they are an unsatisfying blend of music and bands you have heard before.

    “Gonna Make My Own Money” is good, it’s still the strong single it was when it was released, but can’t make up for it surrounding blandness that is “Creeplife” and “Your Love”, despite on the former vocalist Lindsey Troy channels some Karen O and the later beginning with a raw un-produced and untouched drum track.

    “Bad for my Body” has a fairly strong chorus, but a really weak verse, that shows the lost potential of this band in their debut album. “Woman of Intention” starts of really great, a fuzzier Blood Red Shoes but looses itself in bad blues. But again, the chorus is strong, and I just wish the girls change this on their next outing.

    “Six Feet Under” closes the album, and album that feels like a heavy shopping bag filled with primarily cheap food with the occasional expensive choice because you wanted a treat. Yet, “Six Feet Under” comes close to redeeming the drab. It’s long and tasty, the vocals actually work here, the backing vocals work, everything here is solid and I can’t believe it sits on the same album, this feels like where Deap Vally are headed, and they’re already there.

    Overall the album is weak, but it shines in various places, especially in “Six Feet Under”.
    Full Review »
  2. Jun 22, 2014
    Well, it is rough unadulterated Rock'n'Roll. So what's not to love.
    It is not complex, it is not symphonic songwriting, if you like that, you
    Well, it is rough unadulterated Rock'n'Roll. So what's not to love.
    It is not complex, it is not symphonic songwriting, if you like that, you find it elsewhere.
    But, if you love honest Rock'n'Roll that screams, sweats and oozes of sexiness: Don't look further, let the music take you there!
    Full Review »
  3. Oct 16, 2013
    They are an interesting concept band, but little else. The sound wears thin after six tracks and you kind of don't care after that where theyThey are an interesting concept band, but little else. The sound wears thin after six tracks and you kind of don't care after that where they go................................................................ Full Review »