
Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 33
  2. Negative: 2 out of 33
  1. This is a love-it-or-lump-it album, a polarizing effort that--depending on personal preference--is either irresistibly attractive or laughably, overzealously pretentious.
  2. Given that the record is so nominally personal and probing, it’s telling that there is not one moment of transcendence, or relief, or acceptance, or melody, or substance.
  3. Barnes and company's ninth studio album isn't as catchy or cohesive as the past few, hitting upon sublime moments--like when he quietly asks "Why I am so damaged?"--that are frustratingly few and far between.
  4. Skeletal Lamping is the brain dump of a troubled psyche, and you shouldn’t feel too bad if you ultimately don’t get it. I don’t think you’re supposed to.
  5. Barnes pushes their ninth album to sometimes unlistenable extremes and although it has its moments--'Touched Something's Hollow' is a beauty--the pleasures to be gained from this sexual experiment are few.
  6. Ultimately Skeletal Lamping registers as a misstep, but not without loads of silver lining.
  7. Following a dramatic statement of purpose like Hissing Fauna, it shouldn’t be too surprising that listening to Skeletal Lamping is a bit of a let-down, but, when removed of comparisons and expectations, it’s still a nonsensical dancefloor freakfest that only Kevin Barnes could pull off--and, really, what more could you ask of Kevin Barnes?
  8. Q Magazine
    "Lamping" is a hunting term for flooding a forest with light then opening fire on the panicking prey, and the ninth album by these Athens, Georgia oddballs is similarly scattershot. [Dec 2008, p.132]
  9. Picking through the skewed rhythms and electronic tics takes patience, but it is occasionally rewarded with poppy pleasures.
  10. Skeletal Lamping is by no means a bad album; rather, after such an organic and fully realized career milestone as Hissing Fauna, the difficulty of finding a new direction is a creatively arduous one, and of Montreal’s experimentation here is notable overall.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 61 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 61
  2. Negative: 5 out of 61
  1. Nov 30, 2010
    The best of Montreal album to date, which is saying a lot. Completely original and innovative album, unlike anything you've heard before.The best of Montreal album to date, which is saying a lot. Completely original and innovative album, unlike anything you've heard before. Kevin Barnes isn't just changing his own style, he's completely changing indie music as we know it. Full Review »
  2. Oct 11, 2014
    Though excessive in terms of lyrics themes (sex and drugs), the tremendous imagination, twistes, arrangements and originality of MontrealThough excessive in terms of lyrics themes (sex and drugs), the tremendous imagination, twistes, arrangements and originality of Montreal portrays from the first second to the last one, make Skeletal Lamping a delicious masterpiece that gets you hooked from the beginning... and forever. Full Review »
  3. Jan 13, 2013
    Good album. But nothing great in comparison. Kevin Barnes seems to be all over the place and isn't able to sit down and really build off ofGood album. But nothing great in comparison. Kevin Barnes seems to be all over the place and isn't able to sit down and really build off of any one sound. There are great pieces here and there, but the constant change wears it down. Full Review »