• Record Label: Partisan
  • Release Date: Apr 22, 2022
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 44
  2. Negative: 4 out of 44
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  1. May 26, 2022
    Fontaines DC continue their meteoric rise with studio album #3 coming 3 years on from their debut. They've also released the excellent "Kilmainham Gaol" live album as well in that period. While "Dogrel" and "A Hero's Death" were 2 sides of the same coin, "Skinnty Fia" shows progression on several levels. It is still quintessentially a guitar album and is unmistakably a Fontaines record butFontaines DC continue their meteoric rise with studio album #3 coming 3 years on from their debut. They've also released the excellent "Kilmainham Gaol" live album as well in that period. While "Dogrel" and "A Hero's Death" were 2 sides of the same coin, "Skinnty Fia" shows progression on several levels. It is still quintessentially a guitar album and is unmistakably a Fontaines record but there are subtle changes both sonically and thematically that make this their finest hour to date. That said, it doesn't feel like the band have made their magnum opus quite yet. While certainly powerful and definitely a truly exciting and unique band, there is still a feeling that they are bubbling under. "Jackie Down the Line" and "I Love You" are the standout tracks. At 45 minutes, the album is excellently paced and seems to pass by quickly. Great stuff. Expand
  2. May 6, 2022
    Great 3rd album with 5/6 potential singles of of 10 tracks.
    Jackie down the Line sounds as the catchiest tune since Wonderwall, Roman Holiday is a wonderful picture of the 90's drawn by someone who wasn't even born at that time. Impressive.
    Very well done lads.
  3. Apr 27, 2022
    Masterclass in songwriting with inventive, brooding yet accessible melodies.
  4. Apr 22, 2022
    This band is evolving with every new album in the best way possible, Chatten’s lyrics have even more newfound depth, along with the instrumentals being much more punchy and deeper as well. As a whole its a very satisfying followup to their fantastic previous efforts.

Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Apr 28, 2022
    Skinty Fia is rich, diverse, and suggestive. It self-consciously roots itself in identity, culture, and style while simultaneously moving forward with the maturation of theme and sound.
  2. Apr 25, 2022
    Skinty Fia won't tell you much about whether that vein of insecurity that runs below the band's surface level of confidence can fuel good art indefinitely; in its best moments, though, it may make you want to hear the band crack open that ground and let their strangest selves out completely.
  3. Apr 22, 2022
    This is the darkest Fontaines DC album to date. But what drives it forward isn’t morbidity or anger, but a search for connection. It’s this that makes it not a dirge, but an oddly bright snapshot of life’s confusions from a band capable of capturing them brilliantly.