• Record Label: Elektra
  • Release Date: Mar 24, 2023
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 56 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 56
  2. Negative: 1 out of 56
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  1. Mar 25, 2023
    An absolutely stunning album, a return to form for the guys. Just a joy to listen to from start to finish. It's a mix of new and old sounds and for me personally the best for a decade since SRAR. The variety of sounds from rock opera, theatre and even soul punk this album has it all. A fantastic improvement from MANIA and it makes you feel more emotionally invested as you go through itsAn absolutely stunning album, a return to form for the guys. Just a joy to listen to from start to finish. It's a mix of new and old sounds and for me personally the best for a decade since SRAR. The variety of sounds from rock opera, theatre and even soul punk this album has it all. A fantastic improvement from MANIA and it makes you feel more emotionally invested as you go through its tracks. This will be everyone's soundtrack for 2023. Expand
  2. Apr 25, 2023
    I'm not kidding when I say this is Fall Out Boy's best album to that and one of the best rock/punk albums in the recent years. There's angst, there's fun, there's something new and different about it but still feels nostalgic. The emotional depth of the album is also to be highlighted. I feel like this body of work deserves a lot more attention and commercial success than it got.

    I have
    I'm not kidding when I say this is Fall Out Boy's best album to that and one of the best rock/punk albums in the recent years. There's angst, there's fun, there's something new and different about it but still feels nostalgic. The emotional depth of the album is also to be highlighted. I feel like this body of work deserves a lot more attention and commercial success than it got.

    I have to admit, the first listen did not catch nor grab my attention but the lyrics, the melodies and the feelings have been stuck in my head even while listening to other songs. I haven't been positively surprised by an album as by this one in a really long time. It's impossible to name a top song or even a top 3, they're all unique and amazing.

    Everything about this LP is just so perfect it almost makes you forget about the incredibly terrible 2006-teenage-photoshop-like album cover.
  3. Mar 27, 2023
    What an amazing experience this album is, like a roller coaster of emotions, you will never regret to hear this. As I read somewhere from a fan: This albums feels like the Starry Night.
  4. Mar 24, 2023
    I think calling So Much (For) Stardust a backpedal or a nostalgia bait is selling it way too short. It takes the 2000s Fall Out Boy formula, which was already working wonders, irons out all of the kinks, and does so much more than it ever did. The sometimes awkward lyrics are outdone completely, with every song on So Much (For) Stardust being amazing lyrically. The range of styles is alsoI think calling So Much (For) Stardust a backpedal or a nostalgia bait is selling it way too short. It takes the 2000s Fall Out Boy formula, which was already working wonders, irons out all of the kinks, and does so much more than it ever did. The sometimes awkward lyrics are outdone completely, with every song on So Much (For) Stardust being amazing lyrically. The range of styles is also way broader than it ever was, from the admittedly nostalgic Love from the Other Side, to the Soul Punk big-band-style What a Time to Be Alive, to the careless So Good Right Now that sounds like an early 90s one-hit wonder. The wavering qualities of a band as unstable as late 00s FOB is replaced by pure confidence on every track. And, of course, it's now ten times more emotional, and with ten times more orchestral backing tracks, which is always a huge improvement. It's not an imitation, it's not a derivation, it's FOB at their all-time best.

    Favourites: Flu Game, So Much (For) Stardust, Heaven Iowa
  5. Mar 25, 2023
    O melhor álbum, absolutamente impecável do início ao fim. Eu tinha altas expectativas e fui surpeendida
  6. Mar 31, 2023
    gotta be my favourite fob album of all time. i honestly love everything about it (except the cover art maybe but who cares). all in all this is perfection from start to finish - musically, lyrically and production-wise (shout out to Neal Avron, you are a legend!)
  7. Mar 28, 2023
    It was the one of best Fall Out Boy album. I think Track 1~6 are Fall Out Boy style-songs and Track 7~13 are P!ATD style-songs.
  8. Mar 24, 2023
    I would describe this album as stargazing on the beach at night, accompanied by the soft crashing of waves with someone you haven't seen in a long time but they just came back, you both are just lying down and gazing up, thinking about the ever expanding skies above you and how you wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world right now, everything just feels right and you want to savorI would describe this album as stargazing on the beach at night, accompanied by the soft crashing of waves with someone you haven't seen in a long time but they just came back, you both are just lying down and gazing up, thinking about the ever expanding skies above you and how you wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world right now, everything just feels right and you want to savor the moment. I wouldn't say it is a return to form, they have developed over the years and now create with all their past experiences, from their pop punk roots pre 2008 to experimental dance of 2018's Mania, So Much (for) Stardust is the culmination of their unique sound, lovingly wrapped for all to unfold, sprinkled with stardust from days ahead and sprayed with a timeless perfume you used to know. Expand
  9. Mar 25, 2023
    This Album is amazing from the punk filled LFTOS to the softer songs like the title track. This album has something for everyone and still captures the older sound with a modern feel. My top 3 tracks right now are Heaven, Iowa/LFTOS/Flu Game. Listen to this album you won’t be disappointed.
  10. Mar 27, 2023
    Incredible, impeccable. Fall Out Boy have returned to their roots but how they feel today, the album denotes an impressive maturity in relation to what has happened in their lives and in the world over the years. Pete Wentz has written some heartbreaking lyrics and Patrick Stump has scored the music like a movie score.
  11. Mar 28, 2023
    a more ambitious and passionate project from Fall Out Boy that hits on all cylinders
  12. Mar 30, 2023
    Fall Out Boy is back. Haven’t been this impressed with a record of theirs since my personal favourite, Folie à Deux. Save Rock and Roll and American Beauty/ American Psycho were serviceable albums, and after the disappointment of Mania, this is a welcome return to form. Highly recommended.
  13. Mar 26, 2023
    So Much For Stardust is like the friend you haven’t seen in 15 years, but as soon as you start talking, all the great memories of being younger start to fill the room. You’re both different, more mature, have stories to tell, but that friendship is strong as ever. FOB doesn’t create anything new with this album, and that’s a good thing! Some parts reminded me of Folie and Infinity, someSo Much For Stardust is like the friend you haven’t seen in 15 years, but as soon as you start talking, all the great memories of being younger start to fill the room. You’re both different, more mature, have stories to tell, but that friendship is strong as ever. FOB doesn’t create anything new with this album, and that’s a good thing! Some parts reminded me of Folie and Infinity, some parts remind me of Patrick’s solo album from like 2011 “Soul Punk.” Every member of the band gets a time to shine and that’s something that has been missing in some of the later FOB albums. Joe and Andy are in full effect on this one. Pete’s knack for creative lyrics and Patrick’s ability to convey those lyrics through master composition is here too. For a band that’s been in the game this long, it’s refreshing to see that their best days aren’t behind them, but that they still have life in those veins. Long live the car crash hearts! Expand
  14. Mar 24, 2023
    This album was really a return to form for the band. Fall Out Boy have always stood out as one of the more genuinely talented pop-punk bands of the early to mid 2000s and this album is a reminder of why they dominated the charts in the 00's. The ability to skip around from disco to pop-punk and then into a slow crooning closing track, while not coming across as disjointed, is a skill thatThis album was really a return to form for the band. Fall Out Boy have always stood out as one of the more genuinely talented pop-punk bands of the early to mid 2000s and this album is a reminder of why they dominated the charts in the 00's. The ability to skip around from disco to pop-punk and then into a slow crooning closing track, while not coming across as disjointed, is a skill that lead singer and composer Patrick Stump has showcased all over this album. This album almost feels like the quartet wanted to remind everyone of what they're capable of, especially after LP 7 "Mania" failed to receive the same praise as, well, anything else they've put out.

    In short: this is a wonderful album with a very eclectic track-list. This was a giant step in the right direction for the dad rockers.
  15. Mar 24, 2023
    I don't feel like this is a return to form for them at all. It felt more like them reinventing themselves yet again to produce a wonderful, emotional and cinematic record that was made with a lot of love. One of my new favs by them for sure!
  16. Mar 24, 2023
    If you, like me, thought that Folie A Deux was an underrated classic, this is the album you’ve been waiting for.
  17. Mar 24, 2023
    An interesting album that brings back Fall Out Boy to their origins, a great combination between experimentation and their classic sound
  18. May 8, 2023
    This was fun to hear. There is a lot of energy in the production and so much lost romance that it is hard to not dance a little to this good attempt to an epic and young feeling. There is a little of everything good that might make what Fall Out Boy truly is, even when it gets cheesy or a little cliché.
  19. Mar 24, 2023
    It's FOB's best album since 2008's Folie. The album gives off positive vibes and it's a joy to listen to from start to finish. FOB is finally back to creating awesome, real music.
  20. Mar 24, 2023
    Great return to the roots!
    The singles are essentially the most powerful tracks from the album.
    The closing track is especially good.
  21. Jul 30, 2023
    The way that Fall Out Boy are changing their musical styles is good, but at the same time that record fails at some point, not their best record yet, but comparing to the last ones that´s a good record
  22. Mar 27, 2023
    Decent album from one of my favorite bands.
    Nothing super special, but it's a nice comeback after the Mania era.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Apr 4, 2023
    Its best moments veer away into austere orchestral grandeur: the title track is fittingly climactic and Love From The Other Side resembles a civilisation tunefully collapsing. [May 2023, p.77]
  2. Mar 29, 2023
    [Love From The Other Side] kicks off a four-song punch of the band’s finest pop writing in ages. ... Some of the other reaches toward pop don’t work as effectively. ... As always, Fall Out Boy’s riskier feats are some of the strongest.
  3. Mar 27, 2023
    The raw energy and occasionally questionable anger of their early years has nicely matured into a confidence and consistency that they've never had before, a diverse set of songs which feels more than the sum of its parts thanks to the band's locked-in chemistry with their longtime producer.