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Universal acclaim- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 39
  2. Negative: 3 out of 39
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  1. Aug 20, 2016
    Jason Isbell solo (or with the 400 Unit) is far superior to his overrated former band, Drive-By Truckers. This is superb Americana songcraft: heartfelt, resonant lyrics together with deft melodies. And not a duff track in the bunch.
  2. Aug 7, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jason delivered another master piece, the man is a genius no doubt, his vocals are on point same applies for his lyrics ''You thought God was an architect, now you know He’s something like a pipe bomb ready to blow'' Expand
  3. Jan 18, 2016
    Isbell is arguably the finest combination songwriter/performer currently mining the alt country vein. Each song is a short story, made grander by the performance style he chooses for each song. Any number of great moments on this record, which is a "grower", particularly given the genius of "Southeastern". My only minor criticism, which I'd offer for both this record as well asIsbell is arguably the finest combination songwriter/performer currently mining the alt country vein. Each song is a short story, made grander by the performance style he chooses for each song. Any number of great moments on this record, which is a "grower", particularly given the genius of "Southeastern". My only minor criticism, which I'd offer for both this record as well as Southeastern, is the general lack of up tempo stuff. Having seen Jason come up with DBT, and listening to his earlier solo records, it's obvious that he is a hell of an electric guitar player. I'd like to hear a bit more rawk added to the mix in the future. Expand
  4. Sep 9, 2015
    I feel like the critics are almost always an album behind, especially when it comes to emerging artists (Drenge is another good example). This album is solid, but it definitely lags behind its predecessor. The melodies are a little more tame and the lyrics a little less touching. And yet, somehow, this album is currently rated the same as Southeastern.
  5. Jul 25, 2015
    Simply put, this is a lovely, calm, and confident record. Isbell isn't singing about anything dramatic, but he finds beauty in the mundane effortlessly. "How to Forget" is, in particular, truly sublime.
  6. Jul 23, 2015
    I've been a Jason Isbell for many many moons, this album I feel is just wonderful, the lyrics are so wonderfully thought out and the chords he uses are just perfect. I'm giving this album a 8 out of 10. I don't feel it met or exceeded his previous work in Southeastern. I feel the songs will grow on me with time, but I just felt Southeastern was a more personal record and you could feelI've been a Jason Isbell for many many moons, this album I feel is just wonderful, the lyrics are so wonderfully thought out and the chords he uses are just perfect. I'm giving this album a 8 out of 10. I don't feel it met or exceeded his previous work in Southeastern. I feel the songs will grow on me with time, but I just felt Southeastern was a more personal record and you could feel those lyrics more than this one. I may be crazy I may be bias, It's a solid album and I'm glad he released it. Expand
  7. Jul 19, 2015
    JI comes through with another solid record. I've read Pitchfork's review and while I agree that there may have been an opportunity for Isbell to make some grand social statement, that's not what he does. He's a storyteller, and if you enjoy his previous tales of American life, you'll like this album. His voice sounds confident and the playing in top notch. My favorite track on this isJI comes through with another solid record. I've read Pitchfork's review and while I agree that there may have been an opportunity for Isbell to make some grand social statement, that's not what he does. He's a storyteller, and if you enjoy his previous tales of American life, you'll like this album. His voice sounds confident and the playing in top notch. My favorite track on this is "Speed Trap Town" although I wish it was longer. Hopefully they'll stretch out and jam a little when they play it live. This record is quiet and mellow. Isbell can write great rock and roll and I hope the next album rocks a little harder. Even so, this is my favorite release so far this year. Go buy it and support arguably the best songwriter out there at the moment.
    - Dave Tshudy
  8. Jul 18, 2015
    One of the best new Americana albums in recent memory. If you are a fan of roots music and classic song writing there will be plenty to love with this album.

Universal acclaim - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jan 14, 2016
    Happily, the words are wonderful and Something More Than Free is an album that grows and grows on you. Producer Dave Cobb is in fine action again and gets the best from the settings behind Isbell's effecting voice. Some of the songs are simply splendid.
  2. Sep 14, 2015
    Something More Than Free is like a novel set to music, each of its 11 songs a separate chapter that, when absorbed in full, leave you with the same kind of psychic shift a good book sets into motion.
  3. Aug 6, 2015
    Something More Than Free offers further proof of Jason Isbell's preeminent acuity.