• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Oct 21, 2014
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 62 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 62
  2. Negative: 17 out of 62
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  1. May 16, 2015
    Kiesza made an album full of intelligent beats, full of catchy pop anthems, perfect, electronic assembly with pop, and with this powerful and penetrating voice it is impossible not to be impressed
  2. Aug 25, 2015
    This album is pretty good, what a beautiful voice, Kiesza. Her lyrics are so deep, and the beats are so catchy, best songs are the title track, Hideaway and Losin' My Mind.
  3. Nov 13, 2014
    Up këngë valle beat , qetësues baladat emocionale , dhe vocals bukur dhe intrumentals në " Soud e një gruaje " provon kiesza është një artist për të parë jashtë për të .


    e rekomanduar
  4. Oct 25, 2014
    "Sound of a Woman" has really deep lyrics and a production inspired on 90s years. Kiesza really surprised me with this one! This album goes since deep feelings until the happiness and it makes this one amazing to listen.

    The cover of "What Is Love", the title track, "Piano" and the buzz single "Hideaway" are the best songs of the album and has a production that really impress everyone.
  5. Nov 24, 2014
    "Sound of a Woman", the debut of the talented and athletic Kiesza can be seen as a true gift to pop music. Sadly, I feel immediately that she is overshadowed by current big names such as Ariane Grande and Katy Perry.

    Borrowing sounds from the late 80s and 90s (deep)house scene, Kiesza gives us earcandy not only with her impressive vocals, but also with the instrumentals. The most
    "Sound of a Woman", the debut of the talented and athletic Kiesza can be seen as a true gift to pop music. Sadly, I feel immediately that she is overshadowed by current big names such as Ariane Grande and Katy Perry.

    Borrowing sounds from the late 80s and 90s (deep)house scene, Kiesza gives us earcandy not only with her impressive vocals, but also with the instrumentals. The most remarkable thing about Kiesza's up-tempo songs such as "Hideaway" or "Giant in my Heart" or "No Enemiesz" is that there is no heavy depending on drops compared to recent mainstream EDM releases which depend on formulas. The album mixes it up with slower songs such as a cover from Haddaway's "What is Love". Kiesza's version turns the catchy song into an emotional ballad.

    I can conclude that this is a release which makes me dance and sing along. A solid foundation for Kiesza to further her musical career.
  6. Oct 8, 2017
    Kiesza's debut album is very good. It has a good selection of dance and electro sounds and it sounds very good and her voice is amazing. Only a few songs (Piano, Losin' My Mind) are not so excellent as the others but all the other songs are very cool! I love this album and I hope she will do other albums in the future! The best tracks are: Hideaway, Over Myself, Sound of a woman, NoKiesza's debut album is very good. It has a good selection of dance and electro sounds and it sounds very good and her voice is amazing. Only a few songs (Piano, Losin' My Mind) are not so excellent as the others but all the other songs are very cool! I love this album and I hope she will do other albums in the future! The best tracks are: Hideaway, Over Myself, Sound of a woman, No Enemiesz and The Love Expand
  7. Oct 25, 2014
    It's a good album to listen to. It really brings me the Dance songs of the 90s, which I love very much! It's magical, really. The title track "Sound of a Woman", "No Enemiesz" and "The Love" really proved powerful and appreciative at the same time addictive. Amazing.
  8. Oct 25, 2014
    É um bom álbum de se ouvir. Ele realmente me remete as músicas Dance dos anos 90, que eu amo muito! É magico, na verdade. A faixa título "Sound of a Woman", "No Enemiesz" e "The Love" realmente se mostraram poderosas e apreciativas, ao mesmo tempo viciantes. Incrível.
  9. Jun 8, 2016
    An EDM and House record which proves Kiesza to be a winner admist all the shameful musical efforts. Although, her songwriting feels unimpressive many times; it's Kiesza's singing and the production that makes the album a wonderful piece to listen. Moreover, Kiesza herself is the life of the album.
    The album opens with 2 of its best tracks "Hideaway" and "No Enemiesz" and unfolds to the
    An EDM and House record which proves Kiesza to be a winner admist all the shameful musical efforts. Although, her songwriting feels unimpressive many times; it's Kiesza's singing and the production that makes the album a wonderful piece to listen. Moreover, Kiesza herself is the life of the album.
    The album opens with 2 of its best tracks "Hideaway" and "No Enemiesz" and unfolds to the 3rd track "Losin' My Mind", which is quite impressive. But the album stumbles after the 3rd track. Kiesza goes for trial and error but doesn't succeed until the 9th track where the album return to its roots. Her cover version of "What Is Love" by Haddaway is the best thing on the album. She justified the song very well and sung it from the depth of her heart, making it the most soulful moment on the album.
    Favourite tracks - Hideaway, No Enemiesz, What Is Love, Over Myself, The Love
    Jewel of the album - Hideaway
  10. Jan 20, 2015
    Half of the album is really good, love the 90's throwback - however the other half hovers somewhere between bland and downright terrible. Which is unfortunate! Looking forward to more from her, though.

    Standout tracks include "Hideaway", "Giant In My Heart" & "Losin' My Mind"

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 8, 2014
    It's still on the dancefloor showstoppers--No Enemiesz, Giant In My Heart--that she really comes alive. [Jan 2015, p.127]
  2. 60
    Her smarter, odder lines (“Put your hand on my piano”) stand out amid the clubbing clichés, though her high, slightly strangled, often shouted vocals don’t.
  3. Dec 1, 2014
    It’ll definitely prove a little too keen on mid-1990s house beats for younger ears, but it’s a sure-footed statement of intent from a top newcomer amongst 2014’s pop crowd who, on this evidence, is going to contend for further number ones in the coming years.