• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Oct 23, 2015
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 140 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 28 out of 140
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  1. Nov 16, 2015
    THIS IS THE ALBUM OF THE MILLENNIUM!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Não preciso falar mais nada, esse com certeza é o melhor álbum que já ouvi no ano. Eles amadureceram tanto em tão pouco tempo, injustiça mesmo é essa nota final. NÃO ACEITO -80. (Piso no reflection, não que seja uma tarefa muito difícil)
  2. Oct 23, 2015
    Um dos melhores álbuns de 2015 e um dos melhores que eu já ouvi. É perceptível a evolução deles de um álbum para o outro, é como se nem fossem os mesmos. As músicas têm letras maravilhosas, instrumentais maravilhoso, vocais maravilhosos...TÁ TUDO TÃO MARAVILHO, O ÁLBUM TÁ PERFEITO!
  3. Oct 24, 2015
    A great album, you can clearly see how much they have developed and grown since their debut album. It is filled with catchy tunes and powerful lyrics. Congrats for not being afraid of talking about real issues that affect a lot of people, rather than just sing about the boy meets girl sappy love song.
  4. Oct 23, 2015
    Ótimas letras e melodias. Pecaram muito em algumas produções, mas no conjunto está muito bom e as compensam. Qualidade e amadurecimento. Grande álbum, grande banda.
  5. Oct 23, 2015
    muito bommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maravilhosooooooooooooooo muito cheirosooooooooooooo melhor albummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bebesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  6. Oct 23, 2015
  7. Oct 23, 2015
    Album perfeito! Sinto orgulho de ver que eles cresceram e evoluiram imenso. Não paro de ouvir, este é para mim o melhor album de 2015. 5sosfam forever.
  8. Oct 23, 2015
    Best album of 2015 so far and I'm sure it will stay that, at least for me. Lyrics hit home for every young person and maybe even everyone today, sound is amazing like we're used to by 5sos and Outer Space (Carry On) is everything we were hoping for and more (we've heard great things about it from the band members). All in all, this album is absolute pop-rock perfection!
  9. Oct 23, 2015
    O melhor trabalho da banda, o amadurecimento musical é notável, o álbum é maravilhoso, me identifiquei tanto, as letras são tão boas e com uma sonoridade muito gostosa.
  10. Oct 23, 2015
    this album is so good, deserve a good grade, i love all the songs especially outer space / carry on which is a song that brings me calm. just don't like fly away but i'll forget this trash
  11. Oct 23, 2015
    álbum maravilhoso, feita por pessoas maravilhosas, para pessoas maravilhosas, com músicas maravilhosas. um dos melhores de 2015, com certeza. 5sos merece o mundo
  12. Oct 23, 2015
    maravilhosooooo repleto de hinos só resta aceitar, já ouvi umas 303130 vezes e cada vez que escuto tenho mais orgulho dos garotos e percebo o quanto eles amadureceram em comparação ao primeiro álbum
  13. Oct 23, 2015
    It's a great album, even tough Money, She's Kinda Hot, and Hey Everybody are not as good as the rest of the album, but the songs are really good, they did an excelent job.
  14. Nov 6, 2015
    This is so far my favourite album of the year. It's essentially my music taste on one CD, catchy melodies, with a pop punk/ pop rock sound. In comparison to their other album the musical and lyrical content has matured and overall the boys have produced a wicked album.
  15. Nov 7, 2015
    MARAVILHOSO! Eles sempre foram bons, mas nesse álbum se superaram... Pelo amor de Deus, o que foi o HINO Broken Home? Incrível! Orgulho desses quatro australianos, eles merecem todo o sucesso do mundo! ((eu só observo as revistas pop dando nota baixa e as rock dando nota alta, rindo))
  16. Nov 13, 2015
    o que esperar de um álbum como esse? exatamente, muita coisa boa, com certeza o melhor álbum deles, o som e as letras estão muito boas, não esperava menos dos reis da fivesos
  17. Dec 6, 2015
    El disco posee varios sonidos sin salirse del pop/rock y sin salirse del estilo característico de estos chicos. Letras muy buenas y cada una cargada de sentimientos.
  18. May 31, 2016
    From summer hit She's Kinda Hot to emotional "I'm leaving," song Airplanes to 2000s inspired song Hey Everybody, this album is the type of album that make teenage girls adore pop-punk bands again and rising to the likes of One Direction and Justin Bieber making them celebrities.
  19. Feb 16, 2017
    Honestly, this is the love of my life, the album of my life. I am not lying when I say I love every single piece of it. It certainly shows how much 5SOS have matured and I can't even believe it. This album just has songs about real things and they are written in a good relatable way. This is too fangirly and can't be taken that seriously because I sure am overdoing this but this albumHonestly, this is the love of my life, the album of my life. I am not lying when I say I love every single piece of it. It certainly shows how much 5SOS have matured and I can't even believe it. This album just has songs about real things and they are written in a good relatable way. This is too fangirly and can't be taken that seriously because I sure am overdoing this but this album really means the world to me. I relate to this on a spiritual level, it motivates me and I am proud of them. Expand
  20. Jul 6, 2019
    I loved this album even more then their debut albums. They are still my one of my top 5 favorite bands and one of my favorite musical performers of all time. The album cover was great. I liked all of the songs but my favorites were Jet Black Heart, Broken Home, Invisible, She's Kinda Hot, Permanent Vacation, and Hey Everybody!.
  21. Jan 14, 2018
    The album actually sounds good! All of their songs shows feelings and emotion in the lyrics, and the instrumental part is also great, Irwin has shown a great talent playing the drums and Hemmings voice was a highlight of their work. However, 5SOS shouldn't have thrown away songs like "Over and Out" and "Story of Another Us".
  22. Jul 28, 2020
    O melhor álbum deles, e eu não estou falando apenas da musicalidade, mas também das letras que retratam problemas reais que tanto eles quanto os ouvintes já passaram ou estão passando, conectando-os assim com o público, coisa que dificilmente acontece numa indústria que preocupa-se apenas com números e vendas. Um álbum incrivelmente necessário que já ajudou e vem ajudando muitas pessoasO melhor álbum deles, e eu não estou falando apenas da musicalidade, mas também das letras que retratam problemas reais que tanto eles quanto os ouvintes já passaram ou estão passando, conectando-os assim com o público, coisa que dificilmente acontece numa indústria que preocupa-se apenas com números e vendas. Um álbum incrivelmente necessário que já ajudou e vem ajudando muitas pessoas que encontram um lugar seguro nessas músicas. A preocupação dos meninos em fazer "músicas de verdade para pessoas de verdade, como o próprio baterista já disse, é algo louvável. Expand
  23. Nov 6, 2020
    Sounds Good Feels Good has such a beautiful and powerful message. One of their best albums.
  24. Dec 26, 2020
    holy **** this album is so **** good i can't even stress it is amazing holy ****
  25. Oct 24, 2015
    I think this album is good , one of the best this year . My opinion is completely biased due to my attachment to the pop-punk era of early 00's , the album brings me so much nostalgia , especially "jet black heart" which is the best song of the album , it reminds me of a blink 182 song . Because they're the only mainstream punk band this days they have a special place in my heart . ButI think this album is good , one of the best this year . My opinion is completely biased due to my attachment to the pop-punk era of early 00's , the album brings me so much nostalgia , especially "jet black heart" which is the best song of the album , it reminds me of a blink 182 song . Because they're the only mainstream punk band this days they have a special place in my heart . But regardless of their genre and influences , this album proves how much they grew , they're no more a simple boy band for teenagers but a real band who defies the trend and revives a genre that is supposedly dead , no punk never dies ! The proof is 5SOS . Permanent vacation is so kick ass , it's like a song from the 90's green day . If you want a pop and catchy song , catch fire is definitely for you , it's like a better version of a one direction song . If you want a serious song , we have Broken Home , and the fact that they speak about such serious subject as divorce is the proof of they're maturity , and in such poignant song , one of my favs too. Fly away is so energetic and overwhelming it makes you move everywhere .Outer Space / Carry On is a masterpiece , the perfect love song , and the voice delivery is stuning , especially on the line "the darkest night never felt so bright with you by my side" , and the second half is so uplifting and is the perfect closer for "sounds good feels good" . Money is the perfect opener , so uptempo and catchy , as anthemic as "she's kinda hot' and vapor have a special vibe , a power ballad like no other these days.
    The only flaw of the album is the lack of originality , I think that they didn't add something special to the punk movement , just some other catchy songs .And ''Hey everybody" dont deserve to be a single but is energetic and pretty cool i guess, reminds me of their first album , no risks taking here.

    Best songs : She's kinda hot , Money , Catch fire , Outer Space / Carry On, Permanent Vacation ,Castaway, Broken Home, Fly Away, Vapor, Safety Pin .

    Absolute favorite : Jet Black Heart !!
  26. Oct 30, 2015
    Some people don't know the difference between the COPY and the INSPIRATION. Aside of that, the leader single is just one of the worst choices because it's not that good like the rest of the album. The album amazing, the maturation is clearly notable in most of the lyrics. Best songs: Permanent Vacation, Catch Fire, Castaway, Airplanes. Worst songs: Money and She's Kinda Hot.
  27. Feb 7, 2016
    5 Seconds of Summer's sophomore album does not disappoint. Live guitar, killer vocals, and relatable lyrics, they delivered everything that can be expected of such a young band. Despite the fact that their audience is primarily young girls, there are songs on this album that everyone can relate to. Whether it's "Broken Home" which is about having divorced parents, or "Jet Black Heart"5 Seconds of Summer's sophomore album does not disappoint. Live guitar, killer vocals, and relatable lyrics, they delivered everything that can be expected of such a young band. Despite the fact that their audience is primarily young girls, there are songs on this album that everyone can relate to. Whether it's "Broken Home" which is about having divorced parents, or "Jet Black Heart" which explains the feeling of finding someone who just gets you, there is a song for everyone. It is clear that the band put a lot of work into this album and didn't hold back. They wrote songs that they genuinely believed in, rather than their first album, where their main concern was getting on the radio. Expand
  28. Mar 12, 2016
    Un álbum diferente, pero en buen sentido, tiene letras para cada estado de animo, y ritmos que te hacen perderte por unos momentos, sin duda de los mejores del año 2015.
  29. Jan 11, 2016
    Sounds Good Feels Good é um ótimo álbum teen, mostrando o amadurecimento tanto vocal, instrumental e nas letras dos meninos da banda. Não é um álbum maravilhoso, mas é um destaque do ano de 2015.

    Pontos Altos: Catch Fire, Castaway, Jet Black Heart
    Pontos Baixos: Money, Safety Pin, Permanent Vacation

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Oct 30, 2015
    5SOS finds a balance in their sound here that feels right for them, and ultimately the accurately titled Sounds Good Feels Good suggests there isn’t actually all that big of a gap between the boy band and pop-punk milieus, and probably never was.
  2. Oct 26, 2015
    Rather than feeling like a mash-up of their favourite bands--which is no bad thing--album two finds the four-man phenomenon firming up their identity and becoming their own band.
  3. Oct 26, 2015
    They should step outside of their comfort zone more often.