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  1. May 21, 2023
    Sei que é um dos mais bem recebidos mas eu pessoalmente não gosto muito e algumas músicas precisam ser urgentemente regravadas e com uma outra produção também
  2. Sep 13, 2022
    Contains a few skips, but it's a classic Taylor album with a few gems, like "Better than Revenge", and "Speak Now".
  3. Jul 9, 2022
    Who would've known that Speak Now was going to become her weakest effort yet. Yes, she wrote every song alone, but that's one factor in making a solid, strong track that doesn't come out as mediocre country. Haunted is her best country rock song, but i'm glad she switched to pop music when she did, as i would not buy an album like this again.
  4. Jul 21, 2016
    Speak Now is a step up from Taylor's previous two albums. There's a bit more creativity and the lyrics are sometimes pretty good (albeit still sappy), and for the most part it flows nicely. I guess if you're into country music this would be a decent enough album. That being said, this still really isn't my style of music. It's just so basic, so inoffensive, so corny. It's certainly aSpeak Now is a step up from Taylor's previous two albums. There's a bit more creativity and the lyrics are sometimes pretty good (albeit still sappy), and for the most part it flows nicely. I guess if you're into country music this would be a decent enough album. That being said, this still really isn't my style of music. It's just so basic, so inoffensive, so corny. It's certainly a pleasant and fairly consistent album, but I have absolutely no desire to listen to it again. Expand
  5. Sep 30, 2015
    This is not a very great album at all. The critics who say that Taylor has made a masterpiece with Speak Now are gravely mistaken. The lyricism in this album is quite childish and immature, and Taylor never strays from her safe pop tendencies. Her country songs are not special or unique in any way either.

    Do not buy this album if you are not a country fan or a Taylor Swift fan. It is
    This is not a very great album at all. The critics who say that Taylor has made a masterpiece with Speak Now are gravely mistaken. The lyricism in this album is quite childish and immature, and Taylor never strays from her safe pop tendencies. Her country songs are not special or unique in any way either.

    Do not buy this album if you are not a country fan or a Taylor Swift fan. It is not worth the purchase, but maybe worth the torrent.
  6. Oct 28, 2010
    First thing you must know, Speak Now is teen-pop album,not a country album. As we can see, Speak Now hardly has anything different from her previous albums, still boys and girls, girls and boys. Though this is maybe a great topic for a young girl, we do believe a talent songwriter should have more concern for other things around. Maybe she only writes about teenage love because she neverFirst thing you must know, Speak Now is teen-pop album,not a country album. As we can see, Speak Now hardly has anything different from her previous albums, still boys and girls, girls and boys. Though this is maybe a great topic for a young girl, we do believe a talent songwriter should have more concern for other things around. Maybe she only writes about teenage love because she never grow up and probably she never will.
    Let alone genre and age, this time she does very great in some Rock songs like Haunted which remind me of Avril Lavigne. But most of the intended or pretended "Country songs" (Except BTD, that's a hit!) are boring zzzzzzzzz. It's funny to imagine her singing those rubbish "Country songs" with no one listening or singing those "Rock songs" when her FABULOUS vocal performances make you and your cat scratch.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Even in their overwork, however, they evince an effort that bears a remarkable resemblance to care‑-that is, to caring in the best, broadest, and most emotional sense.
  2. Jan 11, 2011
    While Taylor turns her wrath on a woman who steals her man on "Better Than Revenge," she turns that critical eye on herself in "Back to December," a thorough apology to a former lover she regrets having left behind. Other tunes, such as "Mean" and "Sparks Fly," suffer from generic and sometimes underdeveloped lyrics.
  3. 70
    Because of the buzz behind it, Speak Now was destined to be a commercial success no matter what. Thankfully, the album succeeds on an artistic level as well.