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  1. Nov 6, 2017
    This album is made with Love!
    It's a fascinating album that somehow translated all the magic of a book into an audio and I do not exactly say it's a soundtrack or something like that. On the contrary the album and taylor speak for themselves as if the songs are combined with the rhythm they tell a fascinating story for any person or situation. I acclaim it and if I could I would put it on
    This album is made with Love!
    It's a fascinating album that somehow translated all the magic of a book into an audio and I do not exactly say it's a soundtrack or something like that. On the contrary the album and taylor speak for themselves as if the songs are combined with the rhythm they tell a fascinating story for any person or situation. I acclaim it and if I could I would put it on a pedestal. And the most fascinating of all is that the songs are not fiction, many songs from other albums usually talk about unreal things until the same melody gives you a fictitious tone. However, this album moves you to your own reality. And look for you to find yourself and stop dreaming and staying quiet, to Speak Now.
  2. Jun 16, 2017
    Uno de los mejores álbumes de Taylor Swift. Hubo un momento de mi vida en que el segundo single del disco me describía completamente. La letra es realmente preciosa y se nota de lejos que está escrita para Taylor Lautner. Mi parte favorita de la canción es cuando dice "Si cierras tu puerta con cadenas, lo entenderé", esa parte simplemente, me encanta. El vídeo también me gusta, sobretodoUno de los mejores álbumes de Taylor Swift. Hubo un momento de mi vida en que el segundo single del disco me describía completamente. La letra es realmente preciosa y se nota de lejos que está escrita para Taylor Lautner. Mi parte favorita de la canción es cuando dice "Si cierras tu puerta con cadenas, lo entenderé", esa parte simplemente, me encanta. El vídeo también me gusta, sobretodo la parte en la que nieva dentro de la casa cuando está Taylor en ella. Expand
  3. Jun 16, 2017
    Uno de los mejores álbumes del 2010. Está suficientemente claro que esta es para John Mayer (ex de Taylor y más de diez años mayor que ella). La canción es muy bonita pero no deja muy bien al señor Mayer, que digamos. En mi opinión, no es una de las mejores del álbum, no me gusta mucho; y además dura nada más y nada menos que... ¡Casi siete minutazos!
  4. Jun 16, 2017
    Ours, aquí llega mi canción favorita del álbum y de Taylor. La letra es muy bonita al igual que el vídeo, del cual, me encanta la parte de Taylor y la impresora (si no has visto esa parte, estás tardando en verla). La canción está claramente dedicada a John Mayer por diferentes razones:
    ·En la canción se habla de que le gente critica al novio y al único al que la gente criticaba era a
    Ours, aquí llega mi canción favorita del álbum y de Taylor. La letra es muy bonita al igual que el vídeo, del cual, me encanta la parte de Taylor y la impresora (si no has visto esa parte, estás tardando en verla). La canción está claramente dedicada a John Mayer por diferentes razones:
    ·En la canción se habla de que le gente critica al novio y al único al que la gente criticaba era a John porque era mucho más grande que Taylor.
  5. Jun 16, 2017
    Otro asombroso álbum de la legendaria Taylor Swift! NGU, Esta canción es demasiado bonita. Habla sobre que alguien no quiere que un niño crezca, ya que cuando creces te rompen el corazón, te abandonan, tienen malos pensamientos sobre ti, etc... Más o menos de eso trata. El estribillo es mi parte favorita de la canción. Además la canción me recuerda a una madre arropando a su hijo mientrasOtro asombroso álbum de la legendaria Taylor Swift! NGU, Esta canción es demasiado bonita. Habla sobre que alguien no quiere que un niño crezca, ya que cuando creces te rompen el corazón, te abandonan, tienen malos pensamientos sobre ti, etc... Más o menos de eso trata. El estribillo es mi parte favorita de la canción. Además la canción me recuerda a una madre arropando a su hijo mientras le canta esta canción. Expand
  6. Jun 16, 2017
    “Speak Now”, terceiro álbum de Taylor Swift, foi lançado em 25 de outubro de 2010. O álbum foi anteriormente anunciado em 20 de julho através de um stream online. Todas as faixas foram compostas unicamente por Taylor e produzidas por ela e Nathan Chapman. Sobre o álbum, Taylor disse durante seu lançamento: “Cada canção é como um roteiro sobre o que essa relação representava, com pequenos“Speak Now”, terceiro álbum de Taylor Swift, foi lançado em 25 de outubro de 2010. O álbum foi anteriormente anunciado em 20 de julho através de um stream online. Todas as faixas foram compostas unicamente por Taylor e produzidas por ela e Nathan Chapman. Sobre o álbum, Taylor disse durante seu lançamento: “Cada canção é como um roteiro sobre o que essa relação representava, com pequenos marcadores que talvez nem todo mundo vai saber, mas há coisas que eram pequenos detalhes do relacionamento, pequenas dicas”. Em outro momento, Taylor explicou que o álbum se chamaria “Enchanted”, mas depois de uma conversa com o presidente de sua gravadora, Scott Borchetta, eles decidiram alterar o nome do disco porque não se tratava de um álbum de contos de fadas ou sobre seu ensino médio como os anteriores. Foi o primeiro álbum de Taylor a atingir a avassaladora marca de mais de um milhão de cópias vendidas durante a semana de lançamento. Expand
  7. Jun 16, 2017
    Speak Now..
    “You Always Regret What You Don’t Say”
    “Você sempre se arrepende do que não diz”
    “Loved You From The Very First Day”
    “Amei você desde o primeiro dia"
  8. Jun 16, 2017
    “For You”
    “Para vocês”
    “Forever And Always”
    “Forever & Always”
    “Still To This Day”
    “Ainda até hoje”
    “Life Is Full Of Little Interruptions”
    “A vida é cheia de pequenas interrupções”.
  9. Jun 19, 2017
    Speak now muestra los primeros cambios de Taylor Swift hacia una artista más adulta, y ha querido hacerlo notar por méritos propios, componiendo ella el 100% de los temas que llenan Speak now, con letras mayoritariamente amorosas que nos dejan conocer un poco más a la cantante.
  10. Oct 20, 2017
    This album is soooooo good. From the beginning to the very ending, every song makes me want to dance and sing along. It gives you fairytale-ish vibes and basically is a ton of fun to listen to. The lyrics are the best of hers. "You paint me a blue sky, and go back and turn it to rain" and "she took him faster than you could say sabotage" are just some lyrics to show how amazing these are.This album is soooooo good. From the beginning to the very ending, every song makes me want to dance and sing along. It gives you fairytale-ish vibes and basically is a ton of fun to listen to. The lyrics are the best of hers. "You paint me a blue sky, and go back and turn it to rain" and "she took him faster than you could say sabotage" are just some lyrics to show how amazing these are. Her best album for sure. Expand
  11. Nov 9, 2017
    I Love This album. I Love Taylor Swift. Mean, The story of us, Long live is so great. Mine is gorgeous. Dear John is so sad. Ours is lovely. All songs in Speak Now is great and I love all of them
  12. Jul 31, 2019
    I Think it Deserves Better than this!!

    This album is Blood,Sweat and Tears of Taylor Swift for it to write the all of the tracks in this album,l.
  13. Aug 19, 2019
    Taylor Swift delivered once more with her 3rd album Speak Now. An entirely self written album that is a testament to her power as a song writer. Once more we are taken into the diary of a growing woman. From the beginning Taylor ropes us in with the preppy love song Mine. Taylor then transitions into an apology for the wrong she did to one of her past loves in Back To December then movingTaylor Swift delivered once more with her 3rd album Speak Now. An entirely self written album that is a testament to her power as a song writer. Once more we are taken into the diary of a growing woman. From the beginning Taylor ropes us in with the preppy love song Mine. Taylor then transitions into an apology for the wrong she did to one of her past loves in Back To December then moving on to a deep cutting and highly revealing Dear John. Touching on the struggles of growing up and moving out to be on your own Taylor begs her younger self to hold onto her childhood memories and to Never Grow Up. Then we receive the effervescent love song Enchanted which transports us all back to a time where we found a connection one night, one that sent us home smiling and full of hope while simultaneously fearing that they may be in love with another. Many non "Swifties" will be surprised to that Innocent is a track about forgiving the infamous Kanye scandal at the VMAs. Singing to West that she understands that sometimes life is hard and that the mistakes of your past do not define who you really are before moving on to two heart wrenching songs. Haunted and Last Kiss are arguably in the top 5 songs off the album pulling at the heartstrings and once more showing Swift's impeccable understanding of heartbreak. Rounding out the album and the song Long Live that champions her success and thanking the fans for always being there and launching her to where she is. Speak Now deserves more credit and is a testament to the power of her song writing skills. Expand
  14. Aug 24, 2019
    This is a great album . This is why : It’s written by Taylor . Completely by Taylor. I fell all those feelings that she felt when she wrote those songs . My favorite album
  15. Aug 24, 2019
    Best self-written album of all time. Fight me. No one cant change my opinion. Even if Taylor.
  16. Dec 11, 2020
    This album just gave Taylor Swift the status of the best songwriter of this generation. The first clue we had that we should not doubt her power. She knows what she’s doing and does it marvelously
  17. Sep 1, 2019
    That is a really good album, especially under a lyrical point of view. Special mention for Long Live, dear John and Last Kiss.
  18. Dec 8, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse albúm é sem dúvida um dos melhores da DÉCADA! Taylor Swift aos 20 anos conseguiu escrever um albúm inteiro com 16 faixas incríveis, esse albúm merece o seu reconhecimento, eu sempre recomendei esse albúm para amigos e a maioria deles realmente amaram a recomendação, pra mim a maioria dessas músicas serviram de terapia, obrigado pelo trabalho incrível Taylor

    NOTA 10!
  19. Jul 24, 2020
    I am completely sure that it is the best album by taylor. she did something wonderful with this album, she took country to another level. This album is a clear example of what Taylor can write, she is the composer of the decade and this album confirms it for me.
  20. Apr 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. speak now is Taylor Swift's best album............
    #泰勒斯威夫特人美心善# [心]#泰勒斯威夫特相关谣言澄清# [心]#泰勒斯威夫特最好的专辑是有屁# [心]#泰勒斯威夫特壁纸# [心]#泰勒斯威夫特纪录片# [心]#泰勒斯威夫特呼吁捐款# [心]#泰勒斯威夫特连夜跟卡迪B缝制五星红旗#
  21. Mar 20, 2021
    Para ser un álbum que escribió ella misma; es muy grandioso, con letras muy profundas.
  22. Oct 28, 2010
    Throughout this album it feels like we have been going through the life of Taylor herself, going through every up and downs in her life and it is evidently felt in her album. The tracks are not arranged such as the fast songs and the slow songs, the good ones and the not so good ones, are apart. It is like a fast one then a slow one alternating in the album, which gives a sort ofThroughout this album it feels like we have been going through the life of Taylor herself, going through every up and downs in her life and it is evidently felt in her album. The tracks are not arranged such as the fast songs and the slow songs, the good ones and the not so good ones, are apart. It is like a fast one then a slow one alternating in the album, which gives a sort of roller-coaster ride to emphasise the uneven road that she experienced. Expand
  23. May 20, 2011
    The album shows the vocal abilities and how sophisticated is Taylor Swift as a songwriter. It is a good sequel of her previous work as it expands its themes and adds new aspects of love, breakup and affection. Its lyrics are memorable and it will not be odd to hear some songs on a wedding. It touches people to their heart and they are fascinated with her excellency at the details of aThe album shows the vocal abilities and how sophisticated is Taylor Swift as a songwriter. It is a good sequel of her previous work as it expands its themes and adds new aspects of love, breakup and affection. Its lyrics are memorable and it will not be odd to hear some songs on a wedding. It touches people to their heart and they are fascinated with her excellency at the details of a description. Ms Swift must be very good at writing essays. All in all, the album follows every moment when we are in love or the end of a relationship. Expand
  24. Nov 23, 2011
    AMAZING. I love her third album and she can SPEAK NOW all over the world....... All the songs are consistently strong across the board with some standouts and some veritable masterpieces
    Go Taylor you can do the best than any other singers.
  25. Jun 28, 2014
    So far the only word i can say about this album is "WOW" ! This one is fantastic, inspirational, and emotionally deep as some of them really touch my heart - I almost cry after listening to "Long Live". No doubt she is a remarkable talent.
  26. Jun 11, 2015
    this melody , the songs the way that each written word conveys the life of each one that yes is to be a true artist does not equal Katy perry which is a totally superficial artist and only think about marketing
  27. Mar 4, 2017
    Definitely Swift's best album. Excellent lyrics. Excellent production, this is so much better than her latest album - 1989. She should go back to this kind of music with meaningful lyrics, real instruments.
  28. Oct 2, 2017
    my baby girl is smart and talented and an awesome songwriter, she's pure talent, this album is a masterpiece and it's ALL BY HERSELF, tell em baby how good you are
  29. Aug 28, 2020
    It’s an album full of magic and feelings.
    The Best Songs: Mine, The Story Of Us, Enchanted, Never Grow Up, Innocent, Haunted, Last Kiss, Long Live, Ours, If This Was A Movie, Superma.
  30. Jul 24, 2020
    A self written masterpiece released by taylor swift which deserved aoty at the grammys
  31. Aug 31, 2019
    The first album I eagerly awaited as a fan of her previous work, Speak Now exceeded my expectations by far and remains one of my favorite albums to-date. Entirely self-written, Taylor Swift cements her presence as a songwriting powerhouse with her third album. I adore Speak Now. Possibly holding even more nostalgia and fond memories for me than Fearless, Speak Now was the first concert IThe first album I eagerly awaited as a fan of her previous work, Speak Now exceeded my expectations by far and remains one of my favorite albums to-date. Entirely self-written, Taylor Swift cements her presence as a songwriting powerhouse with her third album. I adore Speak Now. Possibly holding even more nostalgia and fond memories for me than Fearless, Speak Now was the first concert I ever went to and the first album I ever bought myself, when I was in middle school. There isn’t a song on Speak Now I don’t love wholeheartedly, but some of my absolute favorites include: Sparks Fly, Dear John, Never Grow Up, Enchanted, Haunted, Last Kiss, and Long Live.
    A beautiful gathering of songs that make for a truly magical album.
  32. Jan 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. i love her songs and her voice. speak now is the best album ever n forever . Expand
  33. Oct 30, 2020
    Self written masterpiece. Lyrics are incredible.
    Surprisingly also shows off Taylor's vocal abilities with a few quite long, impressive notes in every track.
  34. Oct 31, 2020
    I still can't believe that Taylor Swift wrote the entire album ON HER OWN, in response to those who criticized her songwriting skills. "Speak Now" is my favorite album OF ALL TIME, and I absolutely love listening to "Back to December" and "Long Live".
  35. Oct 27, 2010
    Amazing! this is the word that describes this album! It's WAY better than her two previous albums by a landslide. This albums shows Swift's maturity as an artist and dwells deep into her personal life shown in tracks like "Dear John". My favorite songs on the record are "Enchanted", "Speak Now", "Better than Revenge", and "Haunted". I recommend everyone to pick up a copy of this album, youAmazing! this is the word that describes this album! It's WAY better than her two previous albums by a landslide. This albums shows Swift's maturity as an artist and dwells deep into her personal life shown in tracks like "Dear John". My favorite songs on the record are "Enchanted", "Speak Now", "Better than Revenge", and "Haunted". I recommend everyone to pick up a copy of this album, you won"t be disappointed! Expand
  36. Oct 27, 2010
    Great album. It shows a lot of lyrical growth and her vocals have improved to. The songs are all really good and meaningful. The best songs are beck to december, better than revenge and mean. The only reason this is getting bad reviews is because saddos (like the ones she sings about in mean) are jelous and write bad reviews because they don't have jobs or lives. Best album of 2010 by far
  37. Oct 27, 2010
    Notice that not one of those zero reviews make mention of one song on the album. I call **** **** This is a great pop record with some of the catchiest tracks I've heard this year; at the same time, "Dear John" and "Haunted" show talent beyond the basic stage she's at now.
  38. Oct 27, 2010
    Hard to believe but Taylor Swift has outdone herself again.

    All the songs are consistently strong across the board with some standouts and some veritable masterpieces.It goes to show how having a singular artistic vision always trumps songwriting-by-committee. Too many "artists" in the music industry over-rely on third-party songwriters to churn out soulless garbage that neither touches
    Hard to believe but Taylor Swift has outdone herself again.

    All the songs are consistently strong across the board with some standouts and some veritable masterpieces.It goes to show how having a singular artistic vision always trumps songwriting-by-committee.

    Too many "artists" in the music industry over-rely on third-party songwriters to churn out soulless garbage that neither touches the heart or engages the mind.Thank goodness Miss Swift isn't one of them!
  39. Jun 14, 2011
    Easily her best album. Despite the silly user reviews that clearly haven't listened to the album, the lyrics show real maturity and the song isn't just about boys. Everything on this album is an improvement over Fearless--the singing, songwriting, and the music, which is more varied and less repetitive than Fearless. Songs like "Dear John" and "Last Kiss" show her strongest songwriting andEasily her best album. Despite the silly user reviews that clearly haven't listened to the album, the lyrics show real maturity and the song isn't just about boys. Everything on this album is an improvement over Fearless--the singing, songwriting, and the music, which is more varied and less repetitive than Fearless. Songs like "Dear John" and "Last Kiss" show her strongest songwriting and pack an emotional punch without being cliche or overly sentimental. A real masterpiece. Expand
  40. May 29, 2011
    Taylor Swift has yet again released an album that reaches out to those whom love her and respect her for who she is and what she writes about ( usually break ups). Her songs are catchy and easy to listen to and for those who are true fans, still enjoy her music even though she is slightly more country now
  41. Sep 5, 2011
    Taylor does it again. With another Pop-Country masterpiece, Swift once again ups her game, improving upon Speak Now's wonderful predecessor Fearless, which in turn, improved upon her self-titled debut album. Tracks like "Dear John", "Speak Now", "Long Live", and the album's best, "Enchanted", mold together to make an amazing third studio album from Miss Swift, her best yet.
  42. Jan 23, 2012
    The third album from country/pop artist, Taylor Swift, is a combination of up-tempo country-pop songs, to slow, heart- wrenching love ballads. The album features 14 tracks on the U.S released edition, and is produced by Nathan Chapman, Swiftâ
  43. Feb 14, 2020
    Speak now review- Speak now is Taylor Swift’s Best record time date. Lots of great song and like 1 least favorite song. The album is Self-Written and well-written. My favorite are Haunted, Mine, Better Than revenge, If this were a movie, The story of us, and Enchanted. My one least favorite is Long Live because it’s way to long. Overall I give Speak Now a 9/10
  44. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Most beautiful lyrics and all self written!! Dear john is possible the saddest song Taylor has ever written but so so beautiful and also empowering. The whole album takes you through a rollercoaster of emotions, love, sadness, anger, nostalgia, brokenness, captivating, bravery. Wonderful! Expand
  45. Jul 8, 2022
    Coming from a BIG BIG Taylor fan, this is her worst album by far, the song's topics are basic. The whole album sounded like 14 different versions of the same song. Production is lacking with 0 versatility. Don't understand those high reviews.
    The 0/10 is just to balance out those FAKE 10/10 reviews by "Fan boys" Who can't take it that their artist had a bad project, as I said I would give
    Coming from a BIG BIG Taylor fan, this is her worst album by far, the song's topics are basic. The whole album sounded like 14 different versions of the same song. Production is lacking with 0 versatility. Don't understand those high reviews.
    The 0/10 is just to balance out those FAKE 10/10 reviews by "Fan boys" Who can't take it that their artist had a bad project, as I said I would give Evermore, Fearless 10/10 But this one? NOPE.
  46. Nov 2, 2010
    This album is a bit of a disappointment. It has echoes of Fearless and for a sophomore album, that isn't good. It gives the impression that these tracks are all the ones that weren't good enough to be on the first album. While there are some tracks which are outstanding, you almost feel cheated after listening to the whole album. The whole "i-love-you-but-daddy-thinks-you-ain't-good" lyricThis album is a bit of a disappointment. It has echoes of Fearless and for a sophomore album, that isn't good. It gives the impression that these tracks are all the ones that weren't good enough to be on the first album. While there are some tracks which are outstanding, you almost feel cheated after listening to the whole album. The whole "i-love-you-but-daddy-thinks-you-ain't-good" lyric is getting old. The entire album truly feels like it was made up from a teenagers diary. Expand
  47. Nov 12, 2010
    Without doubt Swift's most confident and varied album to date, Speak Now manages to just beat the also pretty amazing Fearless in terms of song quality. Swift's vocals and writing are top-notch this time round, and not one song is a throwaway. The choruses are typical Swift fare, which is no doubt a good thing and the line-up doesn't suffer from the mild repetition her last outing did,Without doubt Swift's most confident and varied album to date, Speak Now manages to just beat the also pretty amazing Fearless in terms of song quality. Swift's vocals and writing are top-notch this time round, and not one song is a throwaway. The choruses are typical Swift fare, which is no doubt a good thing and the line-up doesn't suffer from the mild repetition her last outing did, which is impressive considering the hefty 22 song line-up in the Special Edition. Swift must also be commended for her song-writing ability, which is out in full force this time. All of this means that while Speak Now is on par with Fearless song-wise, the variety pushes it past the 9/10 of the previous album, and into 10/10 territory. Expand
  48. Jan 3, 2011
    Speaking as a Taylor Swift fan since 2006: Taylor didn't bring her A game this time but how could she when Fearless was unmatched in every aspect (not to mention Album of the Year). Nevertheless, Taylor Swift is one of the few great song writers of her generation. If going Platinum in just one week isn't persuasive enough. I personally recommend listening to "Enchanted", "Sparks Fly" andSpeaking as a Taylor Swift fan since 2006: Taylor didn't bring her A game this time but how could she when Fearless was unmatched in every aspect (not to mention Album of the Year). Nevertheless, Taylor Swift is one of the few great song writers of her generation. If going Platinum in just one week isn't persuasive enough. I personally recommend listening to "Enchanted", "Sparks Fly" and my top play "Speak Now". Many of the songs on the album are over 5 minutes long but the more the merrier. I did find myself asking "When is this song going to end?" at one point but that's the only negative I found in an otherwise outspoken album. I recommend this album to all Taylor fans but if you're new and on the fence then I highly recommend Fearless. Expand
  49. Nov 25, 2010
    awesome album. a must buy. Has great songs including the famous hit "Mine" and "Speak Now", with some other great songs like "Better Than Revenge", and "Haunted". Go and buy a copy this second, heck buy 2. that is an order soldier.
  50. Oct 26, 2010
    Just awesome - awesome - I wish that "Dear John" was a verse shorter but other then that it was perfect! Wish I could vote 9.5 but have to vote a 10 as Just because one song is just a little long does not mean that it is almost perfect!
  51. Oct 26, 2010
    Speak Now is merely the diary of a 20 year olds personal problems with boys. The Kiss and Tell approach holds no interest to me. Releasing material that you believe is giving you the last word and attempting to publicly humiliate others is offensive to me. Vocally, Taylor has been studio perfected to the best that can be done with her weak limited vocal range,her live performancesSpeak Now is merely the diary of a 20 year olds personal problems with boys. The Kiss and Tell approach holds no interest to me. Releasing material that you believe is giving you the last word and attempting to publicly humiliate others is offensive to me. Vocally, Taylor has been studio perfected to the best that can be done with her weak limited vocal range,her live performances are....well for me painful to witness. Expand
  52. Oct 26, 2010
    Taylor Swift may be growing up, but once again, I'm THROWING UP! Speak Now is pretty much the same as her previous two albums; Hack songwriting and terrible singing. The only difference with Speak Now, is that Taylor has become more lame and self-indulgent than ever...She is sure to continue her run of success with Speak Now, but that only proves one thing; P.T. Barnum WAS RIGHT! ThereTaylor Swift may be growing up, but once again, I'm THROWING UP! Speak Now is pretty much the same as her previous two albums; Hack songwriting and terrible singing. The only difference with Speak Now, is that Taylor has become more lame and self-indulgent than ever...She is sure to continue her run of success with Speak Now, but that only proves one thing; P.T. Barnum WAS RIGHT! There really is a sucker born every minute...I take comfort in knowing that no matter how many albums she sells right now, she will spend the vast majority of her life residing in the 'where are they now bin?' Expand
  53. Oct 27, 2010
    First and foremost I am a Country Music fan. Speak Now is not in my opinion an album that should be labeled Country. It is very much a Pop release, in fact every "Critic" review has also called the album Pop, the one exception is the track Mean, which is heavy on Country instruments.
    To me the lyrics and messages delivered are spiteful and "woe is me" in context. Taylor is rather self
    First and foremost I am a Country Music fan. Speak Now is not in my opinion an album that should be labeled Country. It is very much a Pop release, in fact every "Critic" review has also called the album Pop, the one exception is the track Mean, which is heavy on Country instruments.
    To me the lyrics and messages delivered are spiteful and "woe is me" in context. Taylor is rather self indulgent in her approach to share her past 2 years of life. The length of these songs is also a huge cry to listen, listen,listen to me, me, me, and mine, mine, mine. I'm extremely sad that Country Radio is willing to play this Bubble Gum Pop day after day. Country Music Fans do not want our format to be ruled by Pop artist!!
  54. Oct 27, 2010
    Speak Now has a kiss and tell approach but heck, the songwriting is just good. I expected a downfall after a damn strong record named Fearless but she just topped that. The last three songs are great and I expect "Dear John" to appear in some best of year;s list.
    Wow. Giving a grade of Zero is really unjust. I thought that this is her best album so far.
  55. Oct 28, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. First of all, everyone who rated this album 0, I'm betting you didn't listen to more than 2 or 3 songs off of it, if that at all. Don't judge just based on past albums, or whether you think she has talent or not. Honestly. Now on to the review part...

    I think this is Taylor's best album yet. Me, being a huge Taylor fan, had high expectations for this album. And I was ecstatic that those expectations were met. I love how she is so down-to-earth and real, and not going and sleeping with every guy out there. Listening to her songs is like reading her diary, and fans, such as myself, like that. She has clearly matured in both her writing and her vocals. Not that I didn't enjoy all the prince charming fairytale endings-- because believe me, I did-- but I really like the way her writing has changed. She's still sticking to some love songs, because Taylor wouldn't be Taylor if her songs weren't about love. But her love songs are maturing as well. She shows a weaker, more vulnerable side of herself, like in "Back To December" and "Last Kiss". She's also clearly getting a lot deeper in her songs. One of my personal favorite songs, "Never Grow Up", is such a sweet, down-to-earth, and real song. It's completely relatable to anyone who wishes they were a little kid again. In "Innocent", the song written for Kanye West and the VMA incident in 2009, she is forgiving him, despite what he did to her. And in "Back To December", she is asking for forgiveness and saying sorry herself. It takes a person with a great character to admit that they're wrong and that they hurt you, and say "I'm sorry." Especially for a celebrity. She's showing that even celebrities aren't perfect. They're still humans, and they screw up. Taylor is an amazing girl in so many ways-- she's beautiful, both inside and out, she has an amazing personality, as well as great musical and vocal talent. She's young, and she still has the rest of her life in front of her. My only "complaint" is that Dear John is a bit long. It's still a fantastic song, but it's a bit long. But I do like it. Overall, this album is amazing. I love Taylor and Speak Now! (:
  56. Oct 28, 2010
    First thing you must know, Speak Now is teen-pop album,not a country album. As we can see, Speak Now hardly has anything different from her previous albums, still boys and girls, girls and boys. Though this is maybe a great topic for a young girl, we do believe a talent songwriter should have more concern for other things around. Maybe she only writes about teenage love because she neverFirst thing you must know, Speak Now is teen-pop album,not a country album. As we can see, Speak Now hardly has anything different from her previous albums, still boys and girls, girls and boys. Though this is maybe a great topic for a young girl, we do believe a talent songwriter should have more concern for other things around. Maybe she only writes about teenage love because she never grow up and probably she never will.
    Let alone genre and age, this time she does very great in some Rock songs like Haunted which remind me of Avril Lavigne. But most of the intended or pretended "Country songs" (Except BTD, that's a hit!) are boring zzzzzzzzz. It's funny to imagine her singing those rubbish "Country songs" with no one listening or singing those "Rock songs" when her FABULOUS vocal performances make you and your cat scratch.
  57. Oct 29, 2010
    "Speak Now" is one more stunning creation in what is becoming a truly unique discography of a truly special artist. (Someday, instead of a greatest hits album, they'll just issue Taylor Swift's entire collection and call it "The Story of Taylor Swift: A Woman's Real Life In Song" .) It's really amusing to see the jealous critics of this remarkable young artist saying "the same old"Speak Now" is one more stunning creation in what is becoming a truly unique discography of a truly special artist. (Someday, instead of a greatest hits album, they'll just issue Taylor Swift's entire collection and call it "The Story of Taylor Swift: A Woman's Real Life In Song" .) It's really amusing to see the jealous critics of this remarkable young artist saying "the same old things". Her singing on "Speak Now" -- so moving in the tender and vulnerable moments, so powerful in its climaxes, so adaptable to all the musical styles used -- just gets stronger and stronger. Personally, I would love to hear any of those so-called "technically superior" songstresses try to match Swift's depths of feeling on lines like "I don't know how to be something you miss" or "Run as fast as you can". And "Speak Now" incorporates so many diverse musical styles -- sultry,explosive rock ("Sparks Fly"), punk pop ("Better Than Revenge"), big production pop ("Haunted"), Roots Country ("Mean"), Folk ("Never Grow Up"), triumphant arena anthems ("Long Live"), heartbreaking confessionals ("Last Kiss" and "Back to December"), and the blues exorcism of "Dear John" -- yet Swift, effortlessly, sounds at home in any of those genres. Anybody who claims Taylor can't sing anymore, bring on your pretender -- let her have a go at "Dr John" (a song which may become Taylor's version of the Beatles' "Hey Jude" -- too long to be a single, but too mesmerizing to ignore, influencing music for years to come). Expand
  58. Oct 29, 2010
    Taylor in my opinion has created a Pop Album with Speak Now. I remember fondly how enjoyable Tim McGraw and Our Song were. Her vocals seemed far better back then. Now Taylor has straddled genres and it is clear to me that she desires to be a Pop artist.
    I just finished viewing youtube performances of Taylor Live in New York and I am personally shocked how truly bad those live
    Taylor in my opinion has created a Pop Album with Speak Now. I remember fondly how enjoyable Tim McGraw and Our Song were. Her vocals seemed far better back then. Now Taylor has straddled genres and it is clear to me that she desires to be a Pop artist.
    I just finished viewing youtube performances of Taylor Live in New York and I am personally shocked how truly bad those live performances are. I fully realize that she is incredibly popular and that every media format seems to believe she is the saviour of the music industry, it still boggles my mine. I expect my doctors to provide excellent health care, my financial planner to provide sound investment proposals and yes singers to be able to sing on pitch and in tune. Silly me. lol
  59. Oct 29, 2010
    I've never before heard an album that has experimented with so many different styles of music and succeeded at it. Her country story-telling style is still evident throughout the album in each and every song, but there is rock, pop and country all right there in one album. Speak Now is absolutely fantastic and shows the world that Swift is in this business for the long haul. She's notI've never before heard an album that has experimented with so many different styles of music and succeeded at it. Her country story-telling style is still evident throughout the album in each and every song, but there is rock, pop and country all right there in one album. Speak Now is absolutely fantastic and shows the world that Swift is in this business for the long haul. She's not going to be a teen star who fades into oblivion (much to haters disappointment I bet). Expand
  60. Nov 2, 2010
    Taylor Swift's latest release, 'Speak Now', finds her charting familiar territory in terms of song subject matter, and is filled with desperate attempts to appear mature. Swift, who is sometimes criticized for her youthful lyrics, seems to be trying to escape these criticisms by adding a little spice to her sugary sweet image. "Better Than Revenge", an example of Swift's desire to growTaylor Swift's latest release, 'Speak Now', finds her charting familiar territory in terms of song subject matter, and is filled with desperate attempts to appear mature. Swift, who is sometimes criticized for her youthful lyrics, seems to be trying to escape these criticisms by adding a little spice to her sugary sweet image. "Better Than Revenge", an example of Swift's desire to grow up a little, is a song drenched in Paramore-style production and ultimately comes off as juvenile and a little tasteless. "Mean" is another child-like track that resorts to name-calling; it even attacks those who criticize her singing ability. Ironically, her singing ability (or lack thereof) is the main problem with this album. 'Speak Now' is plagued with Swift's weak, breathy vocals, which are being modified by an abundance of pitch correctors throughout the album. Lyrically, there are few problems with Taylor Swift's songs; in fact, many of the songs on 'Speak Now' (such as "Innocent" and "Dear John") are well-written. The fact is that these songs are just wasted when they are being sung by someone with such a lackluster voice. However, it is refreshing to see that, among tons of pop songs with stupid lyrics, that there is one prominent pop singer-songwriter that can write somewhat intelligent songs. Still, this does not excuse Swift's obvious lack of vocal talent.

    Another problem this album faces is that it is hardly a country album at all; the fact that this album is marketed as a country album is laughable. Most songs from 'Speak Now' would sound out of place on country radio; the aforementioned "Mean" is the only exception, and this makes it seem like a misfit on the album. Swift has been walking a fine line between country and pop to this point, and it seems she has chosen her side. The biggest potential problem with this album is the burnout this album may cause for Swift's career. Everybody has heard Swift's confessional, tell-all love songs, but how many songs about the same subject will be released before people tire of it? Only time will tell.
  61. Nov 6, 2010
    This album was certainlly worth the 2 year wait. The first time I listened to it I was completely wonderstruck and had to listen a couple more times before I could even come up with complete thoughts about each of the songs. There is not a single song that is not worth listening to. Every song on the entire album is relateable and sung emotionally. The fact that it sold over a millionThis album was certainlly worth the 2 year wait. The first time I listened to it I was completely wonderstruck and had to listen a couple more times before I could even come up with complete thoughts about each of the songs. There is not a single song that is not worth listening to. Every song on the entire album is relateable and sung emotionally. The fact that it sold over a million copies on one week should be a sign for all of those who haven't bought it yet to go out and buy it, it's definately money well spent. Expand
  62. Apr 16, 2011
    This album is her best yet! She puts her heart into everything that she writes and does. Her songs are catchy and heartfelt. I can't wait for her next album!!
  63. Oct 13, 2011
    Great improvement from Fearless. Most of the songs are beautifully written with touching lyrics and rhythm. Yet again so-easy-to-feel-related Taylor Swift's style. Some are just meh. But none I would call bad. Speak Now, Enchanted, Back To December, and Last Kiss are definite stars.
  64. Dec 3, 2011
    I can not get over how wonderful this album is. To this day, every song is full of slightly autobiographical and very heartfelt songs. Despite a couple slow ones, I still love her divine, soothing voice. Good one Taylor!
  65. Sep 9, 2013
    Amazing album, hands down the best Taylor Swift album in my opinion. Could listen to it on repeat for hours and hours. It has incorporates rock/pop sounds and also some country. This album is full of quite long songs and songs like Last Kiss and Dear John you can really feel her pain through the lyrics she sings. She is such a genius song writer.
  66. Oct 24, 2016
    One of the best self-written albums no only in country but in the music industry itself. The songwriting skills are present in every single song. The different topic of each song are unique, simple, heartbreaking but amazing all together. The whole album is melodies to the ears and is one of the few albums released this decade that have a deep meaning and is just amazing how the artistOne of the best self-written albums no only in country but in the music industry itself. The songwriting skills are present in every single song. The different topic of each song are unique, simple, heartbreaking but amazing all together. The whole album is melodies to the ears and is one of the few albums released this decade that have a deep meaning and is just amazing how the artist transmits what she felt when writting the song. My congratulations to Miss Swift Expand
  67. Dec 11, 2020
    Speak Now is not her best album, but is one of the best. All the songs in this album are masterpieces
  68. Jun 11, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Its a perfect album literally the sound of Haven. All the songs are amazing and she wrote It by herself only making everthing gets better. Expand
  69. Aug 31, 2021
    first time i listen to "sparks fly" i feel fall in love so fast with that song, and then i listen to another songs and getting know. THIS ALBUM IS A MASTERPIECE. I MEAN REALLY GOOD. SO **** GOOD. OMG TAYLOR SWIFT WHY YOU SO GENIUS.
  70. Mar 13, 2022
    Speak Now, is Taylor Swift’s best album. Speak now is far by better than Debut (Taylor Swift) and Fearless (Stolen Version) combined. I will say the best tracks on this album are Last Kiss, Back to December, Dear John, and Long Live. Last Kiss is about her ex, Joe Jonas. “Your name, forever the name on my, lips.” I believe is great songwriting. And even better, she wrote this album all bySpeak Now, is Taylor Swift’s best album. Speak now is far by better than Debut (Taylor Swift) and Fearless (Stolen Version) combined. I will say the best tracks on this album are Last Kiss, Back to December, Dear John, and Long Live. Last Kiss is about her ex, Joe Jonas. “Your name, forever the name on my, lips.” I believe is great songwriting. And even better, she wrote this album all by herself! An 19 year old, writing masterpieces of songs, all by herself. Back to December, is about her ex, Taylor Lautner. (Jacob from Twilight) The two met when they were portraying an high school couple on the movie “Valentine’s Day” “Back to December” is Taylor Swift’s apology song to him, for dumping him, wishing she didn’t. I don’t really feel like sharing the rest of the songs, but this album is a masterpiece, indeed. This album was so underrated from the public, and didn’t get the credit it deserved. Expand
  71. Apr 27, 2022
    Um álbum encantado, aqui vemos Taylor continuando com a inocência em seus relacionamentos, mas de uma forma mais madura
  72. Jul 4, 2023
    Speak Now, Taylor Swift's third studio album, is a masterpiece that deserves all the praise it receives. Released in 2010, this album showcases Taylor's growth as an artist, both in terms of her songwriting prowess and her ability to craft intricate and emotionally resonant compositions.

    One of the most remarkable aspects of Speak Now is Taylor's role as the sole songwriter for all 14
    Speak Now, Taylor Swift's third studio album, is a masterpiece that deserves all the praise it receives. Released in 2010, this album showcases Taylor's growth as an artist, both in terms of her songwriting prowess and her ability to craft intricate and emotionally resonant compositions.

    One of the most remarkable aspects of Speak Now is Taylor's role as the sole songwriter for all 14 tracks. This level of creative control allowed her to delve deep into her personal experiences, delivering heartfelt and relatable lyrics that have become a trademark of her music. The album explores themes of love, heartbreak, self-reflection, and empowerment, capturing a range of emotions that listeners can easily connect with.

    The production on Speak Now is nothing short of exceptional. Taylor worked with longtime collaborator Nathan Chapman, as well as renowned producers such as Dann Huff and Butch Walker, to create a sound that is rich, diverse, and sonically captivating. Each song is meticulously arranged, with an array of instruments and layered harmonies that add depth and texture to the music. From the soaring choruses of "Mine" and "Sparks Fly" to the stripped-down vulnerability of tracks like "Back to December" and "Haunted," the production perfectly complements the lyrics and enhances the overall listening experience.

    One standout aspect of Speak Now is Taylor's ability to tell stories through her songs. Whether it's the cinematic narrative of "Love Story" or the introspective introspection of "Dear John," she weaves compelling tales that captivate the listener from start to finish. Each song feels like a chapter in a larger story, creating a cohesive and immersive listening experience.

    And let's not forget the iconic red cover of the Deluxe package of Speak Now. The bold and vibrant red perfectly captures the album's essence. It symbolizes passion, intensity, and the fiery emotions that fuel the songs within. It's a visual representation of Taylor's artistic evolution and her ability to command attention with her music.

    In conclusion, Speak Now is a triumph on every level. Taylor Swift's songwriting prowess shines through in every lyric, while the exceptional production elevates the songs to new heights. The album's storytelling, emotional depth, and overall cohesiveness make it a standout in Taylor's discography. And the red cover of the Deluxe package adds a touch of visual brilliance. Speak Now is a testament to Taylor Swift's artistry and remains a beloved and influential album in the pop music landscape.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Even in their overwork, however, they evince an effort that bears a remarkable resemblance to care‑-that is, to caring in the best, broadest, and most emotional sense.
  2. Jan 11, 2011
    While Taylor turns her wrath on a woman who steals her man on "Better Than Revenge," she turns that critical eye on herself in "Back to December," a thorough apology to a former lover she regrets having left behind. Other tunes, such as "Mean" and "Sparks Fly," suffer from generic and sometimes underdeveloped lyrics.
  3. 70
    Because of the buzz behind it, Speak Now was destined to be a commercial success no matter what. Thankfully, the album succeeds on an artistic level as well.