
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Spinnerette also feels a bit overcooked at times, possibly because of the long time it took to make. At its best, however, Spinnerette shows what Dalle can do outside of the Distillers' context, and suggests that maturity and life after punk rock can actually be fun.
  2. Where her former act just made sneering grunty fight-punk, Spinnerette have proper tunes, proper lyrics and proper choruses. Marriage to two proven master songwriters has probably helped. But whatever, it's a positive move.
  3. Alternative Press
    This is crushing, calculated and catchy, light years beyond the three-chord snarling if Dalle's past. [Jul 2009, p.130]
  4. Dalle makes Spinnerette a showcase for her ability to trade styles with equal facility, from clipped, rocking new wave (the uber-catchy 'Geeking,' with its throwback double-tracked vocal) to the grungy closer ('A Prescription For Mankind.' which hosts an “experimental” secret track).
  5. Decent stab at Queens Of The Stone Age rawk from Mrs. Josh Homme.
  6. Q Magazine
    It sounds like the album Courtney Love might have made had she not spent periods of the past decade blitzed to the back teeth. Which is a (very) good thing, by the way. [Jul 2009, p.132]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. StefanV
    Jul 9, 2009
    I absolutely love this album! The songs are catchy and pleasant to listen to (nothing too heavy, not too soft either). You can definately I absolutely love this album! The songs are catchy and pleasant to listen to (nothing too heavy, not too soft either). You can definately feel the QOTSA influence but thats fine with me since Ive been a Queens fan for a long time. I cant wait to hear some more stuff from Spinnerette! Favorite songs: All Babes Are Wolves Baptized by Fire. Full Review »
  2. BethH.
    Jun 30, 2009
    I found this album to be a big disappointment. It just seems rather dull and uninspired. I understand that Brody Dalle wanted to expand I found this album to be a big disappointment. It just seems rather dull and uninspired. I understand that Brody Dalle wanted to expand herself musically, and I do enjoy hearing a more melodic vocal style from her, but it just seems to lack the lyrical depth and the passion of her earlier albums. Full Review »
  3. Travis
    Jun 28, 2009
    A solid album that grows on you the more you listen to it. The track Distorting A Code is haunting and lovely.